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ahd'c asada. L&.'V FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlglnator of Dr. Chase' Family Medicine Is the author of Br. liane" Recipes; or, Information for 1 : v.-ry l.n.l j . and othcr Recipe Books hearing hls name, and were bronght about tbrough the Inqutriesof many of the purenasers or lils Books for somethlng to meet tlielr lingering and complleated diseased condltions, whlch they dld not nnd descrlbed in hls Books. The proprletorshlp of the Medicine, and the business management of the same, havlng passed lnto the hands of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY WITH HEADQjLJARTERS AT DBl OHASE'S STEI FIT1 HOUSE AMX ARBOR, M M II., We would say to the public, that they can rest assurcd that Dr. Chase's Family Medicinen wlll give them a greater satisfactlon than any others, for the Dlseaseg for whlch thelr ñames Indícate them to have been prepared-equal to that of hls Books over all other books of a similar character, as shown by tlidr nales, whlch have exceeded the sales of any other, reaching over one mlllion coplea. Glvo them a trial, Iherefore, and know for yourselves. Is all we ask. DR. CHASE'S GoughandWoundBalsam Has been foimd the quickeat and most certaln cure of Coughs of any preparntlon In use; also qukkly rellevlng IToarseness, Soreness of the Throat or Lnngs, Pain orTlgbtness across the Cliest, Bronchitis, Clergyraan's 8ore Throat, and fonsiiiiijitiiiii In all lts i-arller stages, Whooplng Cough, Croup, etc. I'ricc il per Bottlc, or Bottles for 5 DR. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevenía and cnres the Pain and Distress of the Dyspeptlc after meals, and for Porifylug and Renewlng the Blood, quickly toning up the Stomach, and invlgorating tbe whole System. Prioe 1 per Bottle, or 6 Hot f les for $5. DR. CHASE'S Liver 1 Anti-Bilious Pilis For curlng the Dlseases of the Llver, and correcting Blllous conditions of the System, as well as for all Cathartlc purposes. Sugarcoated ; selllng for 25 rent per Box, or 5 Boxea, poHtpald, tor SI. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN LINIMENT AND PAIN ERADICATOR ís a double-strength Linlment, eradlcating lnternal or external Pain qalcker and more permaneutly than any other Ín nse. Two slzes,- SO cent and 81. - or 6 larga Boules (or 5. DR. CHASE'S MEDICATED PLASTEÑ Is put up In Roll or Stick Form, which wlll spread a dozen Piasters, givlng a strengthenlng and heallng Piaster for two cents not equaled by those for whleli you pay two shllllngs; selllng for 5 cents per roll; flve rolls, pottpaid, !. Dr. CHASE'S clïiffl SNUFF ís tor the quiok cure of " Cold lu the He&d." and lolng all for oíd Chronlc Catarrh that medicine cuu do. belling for 50 cts. per bottle. IX ORD1 Kl. Any ol tliese Medicines, (lf your Druegist has not got them,) or for any further Informatiou ín relntion to them. address the Dr. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COSLPAXY, Aun Arbor, tli.-li. 66tf W. TRZMAIN iisiuite ln OFMCK AT A.A.TERRY'SHATSTORE North Brltlsli Insurance Comp'y (of London and Edinburgh,) Capital f 18,000,000, Gold. Detroit Flre and Marine Ins. Co. Cash Asaeta f600,000. prlngflcld Im. omp'j . oiiiii..., Cuh Aeeetg 1.800,000. Howard Ins. Co,, of New York, Caafa AbmU 11,000,000. igrlcultural Insurance Comp'y WATBRTOWN, - NEW YORK, Casb Asset 1,200,000. xsses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. j ___ II I fclTrn ACENTS TO SELL TEA, VAN I U I I ". J nk,nPi.,1fttofili.i 1 1 Mil I II PKUF1TS HK.ST KiTE. (lulll Ir... - 972-1013


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