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0. H. Ward has sold out tbo l'ewamo l'lrxindcaler to Mrs. S. M. Robcrtson, and A. W. Hurst wil] bc the editor hcreafter. A miglity hugo rooster for such a wcc httlc-bit of a victory, s the one displayed by the Hillsdalc Business over the Mainc election. E. R. Powell &Son, of the StantonHerald, have starled a daily, a four column tolio. The new daily is not to dabble in politics, but to be kept entirely aloof from the same. kfrhjgff " editor's finger has been pany, which has recentÍy'"paíd"W". "S. Georgo, of the Lansing Republican, thé sum of $250 for one of bis accidenUlly taken off. That staid, atalwart, sound, and progressive republican journal, the Marshall Statesmao, recently completed its 41st cycle. The advancing years have the same effect upon this paper as t is reputed to have upon wine. The St. Joseph Republican has this Httle item, wbich may dispel the generally prevalent idea that the ancient Indiana ncver buried theirdead, but hung them up to dry : " A number of IddUn skelctons have been do up by gradcre on the narrow gauge railroad between Buchanan and Berncn hpnngs, where the line passes throuh an ancient Indian bniying ground." Speaking of the change necessary, the Albion Republican says : '; ; YVhen a democrat attcmpts to discuss politics with an opponent, his final argument is that a ' change ' isdemanded, in rcwilSZ ï chrconr the query-' Change! What for ? In whnt way is a change hkely obeneht either of us?' No man who ï 'Hing to earn a living by any other means tlian Feeding at the public crib sees any particular neeessity for a chango." The Grand Traverse Herald man was greatly mystified respecting the exulting of people over the result in Maine. It is hard to teil who is who, or which is which : Mainf democrat: G!orious victory in 1 2d ,Í!?tt-T"i " glorious victory. A httle further down the streetMa?nCgre;nbacker: Glorious victory in M grcenbacker:-Yes,a-glorious victoThe VermoDtvillo Hawk hasn't a very good opinión of Mons. Hancock's "good Lord and good devil " campaign : '-As Gen. Hancock congratulated Plaisted of Manie when he was supposcd to be olcctcd, and as Plaistcd was known to bc an out-aiul-ont f?recnbacker of republican antecedente, then there is but two conclusionstobe drawii: Elther Gen. Hancock is au innatiomst or else he no principies at all and uonld accept an afliance uitli the devil, jf, by so doing, hc con ld TheSaginaw Hcrald has this goodonc: "It is vcry funny. The democratie presa a weck ago unitcd in declaring that the electionm Mainc would decide notliin" 1 he sudden revival of their liopes upon Se receiptof thefirst news threw them oft guard, and tliey shouted themselvcs Loarse and declared tlie wliole question settled Now, agaln, under later advices they beo-in to hedge. They are a -ood deal iike the woman who borrowed the kettlc. In the nrst place f lic ' never borrowed the kettle ' in the second place it was cracked whei'i -..v.nuii; auu, in uie tmrd place it was not craekcd when she returned it.'" ïhe Lansing Republiean reviews tbc chances of' the democratie congressional noruince in this district, and íbrrus a very poor opinión of the samo : "W. II. Waldby, democratie nominee lor eongress in the second district has always been a consistent hard-inoney man, ad lic stands along with Hancock on a hard-money platform. But he jubilates over tbe result of the Maine election In a speech at Ann Arbor. and considers t 'the forerunuer of another victory in Indiana, and ol a glonous victory for the democratie party in November.' Here is Mr. Waldby Mklng the rapport of the people as a con¦Stentand patriutic man, indorsing an ultra greenliaekiT, wlio lias nota grain of democraiy about him, In Maine, and intiorsinir another extreme soft-money man in Indiana, also a bitter copperhead. Verily, the denths to which a wealthy democratwlll (lesrond in hopes of ofBce are almoet inconceivable. If the question were purely one of finance, Mr. Waldby might bc regardedas insane: but, mixed as it is with copperheadism, prospectivc triumph for the south, and the iiaymcnt of millions ol robe] claims, hisposition smacksof ugogisui. ao true republican, no friend "1 a sound currency, can consistcntly vote for Mr. W.-ddby." A liquor caso is cited by the Allegan .Journal, the decisión of which wil] be of interest to the public : "Mrs. E. I,. I,cc li:is brougutsult agalnst II. ). UcDuffee aml Tliomus E. Streeter separatelyi tor 5,000 dumages eacli, for Bclllng liquor to lier lmsband, wlio, in consequenoe of hta Intsgdoatloa lost a goodsitnalioii and lias Ik nic unfit for any resixmilble position. Mis. Lee certiiinly sentitled to wlnit shc usks and wc hope she will be able to sustain lier action. 'l'hese men had been notlfled aooordlns to lawnot to sell Leeany more liauor. l'l'thry had conscienc's or ngard fcr common decency this Mroald not have !¦( n invrssary; and, lacking tboao, they lacked alao respect for the law. Thbcuea wil] be very important, one of them, II raoMMfo], involvingthe liabilily "t boadanen of liquor dealers. It is liiirh time tlicy and their principáis were -ivni ie. undergtand thal ilicir bondi mean sotnethln. These just and proper restrictionsand ponalUea of Uw prawnt üquor law s are h lial (lio action of the state Uquor as8octatloii is practicalhr dlrected against, and li help thcni in offectlng tlieir object the ftisicmists have iioiuinalt'il. rcrtainly, one man to the legislatura from this couuty, and probably two others as wcll. The pcople of the two dlstrictl and of the couni.v as a whole are not yet ready to unite viili the ranueller anlnst the innocent wife and childrcn. victims of his rapacity une] preed."


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