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Representative Convention

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The republican representative convention for the second district of Washtenaw couoty, oonvened at the court house last Tuesday, at 11 o'clock, and was called to order by John F. Lawrence, chairman of committee. N. W. Cheever was called tothechair, and E. K. Frueauff appointed secretary. The following were appointed a committee on credentials: Dr. W. B. Smith, E. Mann, S. W. Shurtleff. Convention then took a recesa until two o'clock. Upon re-assembling, tho following naiued gentlemen wcre reportcd as entitled to 8cats in the convention: Ann Arbor city, let ward- Dr. W. B. Smitb, F. Sorg, Wm. A. Clark, N. W. Cheever. 2d ward- P. Bach, John Wagncr, E. K. Frueauff, E. Mann. 3d ward.- A. A. Gregory, D. Hiscock, C. E. Hiaoock, L. Gruner. 4th ward.- John F. Lawrence, Thos. J. Keech, Cyrus A. Lewis, M. H. Goodrich. 5th ward.- N. H. Piercc, Eli. S. Manly, L. B. Kellogg. 6th ward.- C. K. Adams, J. Ed. Sumner, J. W. Hamilton. Ann Arbor town- S. W. Shurtleff, J. C. Mead, Richard Glazier, L. F. Wade. Northfield - Wm. Groves, Chas. Smith, H. Coy, J. Salyer. Salem- W. B. Thompson, Wm. Stanbro, S. C. Sober, H. C. Packard. Superior - J. A. Wilbur, Geo. McDougall, E. Stabler, E. C. Peck, R. E. Townsend. Webster- Isaao Terry, Wooster Blodgett, R. C. Reoves, A. Buckalcw. After the report of the committee on credentials was made, Messrs. F. Sorg and L. F. Wade were appointed tellers, and, on motion, the convention procecded to the first informal ballot for representativo. The result of which was : E. D. k mu. ¦ a W. B. Smith 4 Oeo. S. Wheelcr 1 F. P. Oalpln 18 Total 41 A formal ballot was then taken with the following result : E. D. Klnne __ 'M V. P. Galpin 15 Goo.S. Wlioeior 1 Blank 1 Total 41 On motion of John F. Lawrence, Mr. E. D. Kinnc's noinination was made unanimotts. Messrs. John F. Lawrence and P. Bach wero appointed a committee to wait upon the Dominee and him to come before the convention. On motion the chair appointed the district committcc fbr tbc ensuing two years : Geo. 8. Whceler, of Salem, chairman ; J. White Hamilton, Aon Arbor; lt. C. Rocvos, Webster. The eommittee returniüg with Mr. Kinnc, he was introduced to the convention and said, in substance : It was noihing ncw fbr him to be sunimoned to that room to listen to a verdict, but the ono to-day was ncw and novel to him as it was a verdict of apolitical convention, while ho had been familiar only with thosc of liis profession, the law. He was there to respond to the sumnions of the people, and tendered his thanks for the distinguished honor they had that day conferred upon him. He was convinced that in placinghis name beforc the people for the office of representative in the legisla - ture of the state, the general sentiments of the repubücan party of the district had been expressed; did he not so think, the position would be unplcasant and burdensoine, and he certainly should not accept the nomination. In accepting it, he did so as a republican, and as such should labor carncstly, zcalously, and with all his uiight for the best interests of the republican party, according to his judgment and ability. Therc might some questions arise upon which tho party would honestly differ in opinión, and should such be the case, he pledged himself tohoncstly,coDScientiously, fairly and impartially do that which should seem to bo for the very best interests of the republican party, rcgardless of other considcrations. It was a matter of no littlc signiBcance to represent this district. Could he have been given a choicc of locality, there was none other that he should conaider as great an honor to represent as this in which our great university is located, tho welfare of which institution should be an especial object of considcration if the people should elect him in November. He again tbankcd the convention for the honor conferred, and trusted the party would renieruber that thcir duty was not all done in making the nomination. Ilis remarks wero well reccived, and the convention adjourned seeming plcased with tho work it had done.


Ann Arbor Courier
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