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NOTICE TO ELECTORS, To tbe electora of Washtenaw county : Yon are hereby notlfled thnt the followlng ameudmi'iit to the constltution of the state wtll be voii-il upon at the coming electlon on Tuesday, the second day of November next : Rtaolved, by the Sonate and House of RepreaentatlvcH ui the state of Michigan, that the following araendraent to the constltution of tbls state be, and the same is hereby provided to stand as sccllon lift een ol artlcle fourteen: Sec. 15. The legislatura shall havo power, upon such terms and condltions, and in such mauner ns it shall deein proper, to authortze the city of Detroit to ald in the construction and malntenanceof a railroad bridge or tunnel acrOHS the Detroit rlver at or near sald oity, to an amount not excecdlng one per ceutum of the nsscssed value of the taxablo property In ald city. EVERETT B. CLARK, Clerk for tho County of Washtenaw. in-iii Conimissloucr's Noticc Public noticc i hereby (jlven that whcreas, hercioforc, to-wit : On the 13th day of September, A. D. 1880, appllcation in wrlting was made to me, the underefgncd townshlp drain commissioner, in and for the townshlp of l'iltsfield, in the county of Waantenaw, tu clean out, decpen, widen and extend a certain establiebed uitch or water course known as draln No. 3, beKinninp on the north line of T. .-J, rt. R. 6 E. fourtecn (14) chainx and 63 links west of the á line on tectton four (4), tbencesoiUh 32 chalne and ;tl links, thencc eaet and south-cast across sectioue four (1) and nlne (9) to the confluence with MallettV Crcek, ditch No. 1, on the n. w. !,section ton (10); aleo to construct and lócate a nuw ditch beginnlnK on the north U of the n. w. of sec. H, ucar tho culvert on the line of the Toledo and Ann Arbor R. K., thence cast alone or noar the opon water course to iU Junction with the sald dratn No. 8, on the n. e. of section 0, and the aaid persons havInR ïlven nood and naillcieut seciirlty in writiug to pay all conta and expenBes of whatavar kind piTtaiu to the action of mo, the said townxhip drain commlssloncr, aliout uch application, In caec snch applicatlon nhould not be (ranted. 1, tho underlKnud drain commissioncr, ae albregald, did immcdiatcty tlicrrafter, to-wit: on tht) 22d day of September, A. D. 1S8Ü, procecd to examine personally tho lino of Ilic ptopóaed ditch or drain, and having made Kuch exaruination, I, the naid town drain comuilsioner dld determine it to bc my opinión that It íb proper and necespary, and for the oud of the public hcalth, that the vaid avplicatlon shuuld be granted; anii bclníí unablo tó obtain a conveyauce and relcaeo froni evcry iicrson, throiigh whoee land such ditch Is to pa, and it bcing made to aiipear that some persons interceted in such ditch or drain are minors aud uthers reside out of the said townsbip, public notice is hereby givm that 1 have appoiDtcd tho 2-1d day of October, A. D. 1880, at thi' lumr nl '2 o'clock Ê. in. ol sald day u a time and the rrldcnce of T. atzol as tbc placo lor the cxamination of tho sald spplication; and I, the said drain commissiooer, hxve directed thi noticc to bc publiithcd in the Ann Auiiou Codrikr, a newspapor of general clrcutation i ij tbe couuty in which said township lies. In wltuetMj whcruof 1 havo hcreunto set my hand thia 2stn day of üeptember, A. D. 1880, to-wit: at the towuobip of I'itutlcld, In the county of Washtenaw. C. E. PICKSTr Townshlp drain commissloncr in und for the townshlp ol Pituneld in the connt j of Wuhtonaw. 100M


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News