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TUTTS sYMpsnnr TORPBD LIVER. Ijonn of Appotit", Ntmaca, bowclscostivo. loudvitli iidullMiiisadon in tac baükpartTaí undor tho "l'oulduroxortïonöf body orrñimT.Trrl tability of tompi'r, IjOw spirits, j-oxa ui mëmoiywïtSneëlTngolhnvinKni'nlouted t'-iii-"lii':.'i -T.M, l)r:.',!rS lutlcrm-TtiTvtrirt, Di b . i ID" i-w yÏÏTöS , Hcitdncho, Reatlos;rmS35t SigntiigEJycoISrccnOnnêT" IF THESE WAKNINGS AEE DNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPEB TUTT'S PILIS nro rspi-rinlly mliit 1 n ftlH'll 'I1H4'H, OllOtloHI 'fI('lNHIllll II rllll lle of fcclillK HH lo nnioiiiwli Htt' Milli-rcr. A Noted Divine says. Dr. TUTT:- DoarSir: Fortonyenra Ilmv( ¦!! a nmrtyrto PyKpcpHia,CVinstipatifin íu! HprinKyourrillBwcrarfLoninntnded; I used tï lam nowa wnllnwm.hav.! rooü nvix'tit, difrrsf hui norfciít, ruKuliir htonlR, pilos pone, und hnviiiriimt'ii lortj' ioundn floshPhi-y in . i w iri h f h-ir w-iirhf 1 n ootd lii.v. Ü ilMPSON,. Hviilu.Ky. Thcy Inrrenxo tbc Apix-lite, untl cnuf h' body to Tnko on FIcmIi, Üiiih the pystcm is nourinliedf uil by thcir Touir Artinn ou tho DiKfMiivc OrííntiH, Rebullir Sioohnv prt duc I'riro'5 cenls. 30iIiirruy Si., N Y. TUTT'S HAIRDYE. GnAY Haiii on Wiiibki , (l Ci.osby Black by a8iulojnplii;fitiuii ui tblsDTE. H lmgrts a Nulurul Oolr. ni-ts Im-tantunrously. Bold rni(tv:its. or Bi-nt by exprtHs on rcript oí íf 1 ffice, 35 Murray St., New York. Í93J-1005 M. S. sni i ii & co., corner or Wooduiiril mul .IcflVrsou A ¦., Detroit, invite the attent Ion of Imjerslo ilicir larf;c iiimI iinc eolIcelion of Sterling Rilver Ware, i'roiuii cio'ks, Palenee Hare, Bronzei, l'ari-ian Noreltle, IiamoiiflN, .lowolry, Walohos and Sllver Plated Wart-, emtiraelAS ariiclc most approprlate Tor Wedding Aiinivcrsary aini Iloliday il.. Orlcr.s or iiiqnii-U-N ij mail will reeetve oor nrojnpl and ar-l'nl adonlioii. Jíe.welera and Imiiorlers, corner ol' Wootlward and .leflerson Avenue, Detroit. !i;; L029 -OFHops & Malt BITTERS. Rich in the matcrials that Nourish, Invlgoruto, l'urif'y nii.l Strtnirthcu. Thcysupply llruin, Musriilur and Aorro Forcc, Vigor to tho Knfpplilrd, Tono and fitrength to the fcxhausted, Mourlslimcilt to the youug and Nor Lifo to the agcd. InsiBt on trrinu them. All Drugglata can ottala both : freo uod regular izo byulc. 1005-1057 Ayer's Sarsaparills FOR PURIFYISG THE B LOOI). _A. 1 1 I Thl conipoundof thc O)jSScJ Vegetable Alterativos, yCHÍ ycWMW Snrsiiinrilln,Dock,StillX?vÍWA- !Ly$y nDd Mndrtke, %'i (IÉk wlth the Iodides of Pot I aM Wr mO"' eflcct"al cim' "f ' - r' f N. 'M x'iiosofcomphiintsthöt --jsSiE-M are vcry llr"vaknt and 4BB allliciiiifí. It iturifli1; the blood.purKes ont the lurking humara in the ystem, that undermlnc oalth and settle into tronblesome disorders. Eruptions of tbc skin nre ihe appenriince on the surface of humorfl thnt shonld be expellcd froin thc blood. Tnteriial derangementa nre the dctermination of these sime humors to sonie infernal organ, or organs, whoee action they deranfie, and whoee snbstance they dipcase and destroy. Ayer's Sarsaparilln expels tbese humors froni the blood. When they are gone the disorders they produce disappcar, such as Ulcerationn of thc I.tver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lungí. Eraptlons md Eruptlve Diseases of the Skin.St. Anthony 's Flre, Kcsc:or Erysipclas, Pimples, Pnjtulcs, Blotches, Jioils, Tomón, Tetter and Salt Kheum, Scald II. nd, Kingworm, Ulcera and Sores, Kheumatlsm, Neuralgia, Pain in the Boues, Sido and Ilead, Female WMkneu, stviility, Ixnrorihii'a arisinf; (rom internal nlccratlon and nterlne dlsense?, Dropsy, Djvpapila, Kmiciatlon and General DeMUtjr. With thelr di-parture, hcnlth returns. PHEPARED BY Dr. .1. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., Pfutleal :ul Aualytk-al Dhemlrt. 8o!d by All Dtngglítí :ml Dcalem n Medicines. li:a-lU10eOw Send lor dirvcl ior.f rot Self-Meii-nreineiit. 75 Woodward Ave, and 1 Opera House Block, HKTItoIT, MICH. 998J018 tu i: -i:m ii:. GAFF, FLEISCHMANN & CO'S COMPRESSED YEAST. Highest Award Centennial Eshibition, 1876, First Promium Cincinnati, 1872 acd 1S73 ; R. Lc-is, Mo., asd Bolillo, N. Y., 1873 ; and First Promian Vionta, Amstcrdin and Priguo. The maritB of Senolo Ooapnind feact ure nndenlable, u pmir of it we refer to thr botl ol Immitations which have been off rnl o Ihe pnbliCi UoplDg tha name of Comprem i easl it::i ¦; itoujod to ss alono liy letters pateo I af Ü.S., ilutwl !)ccember I9th, 1878?nnry leth, ISn.Mnrcfi Bib, 1877.) would deccive the public and sell thelr goodi. Otif. FleUchmun .t Co niaiiiifactarcd from Puro Extract of Qraia, wliich in u natura] Leaven for a counterleit articli-, or a obemical cmnpnund both or wliicli are to be avoldtd if Kuod hunlih is Ihe liret coüBideration of the COOBümer. $;00 üoward to any penon Bafllng any Injorloot IngredtentilD Ibemasalacivreof onr ¦ DclivercdDilly'tonlinrBtcln? Urocersand B GArr, Fi.EiniMANN & Co. Original MnnuracturiTs aad Iirnt intruducciB in America f CotnnrosBC'd Yus!. JOH ti. HOI I SI S„l. ün( for Aiiii Arlior. 1003-1008 DANDELION Dr. Whito's Dnndellon Altcratlvc, the Qrtsl Biood l'uriiiiT ml Senovator. A tpoctflc fir LtrerComliiint, BllloneneBS, Chilla and PeTer, l'yHjicpia, Eidne; Dleeaee, Khemxntliiii and Oomttpation of he B(wc1h. Removei pimplee and nnllowntin trom ke iktn, prodnclDg a clear complexión. It is purcly regetable. perfectly harmlCBs and pleuaot t lake Pint bottleo only tl, and every bottle warrantod. PULMONARIA, -V.!?". - it Ooagha, Oo1di Asthma, Bronebulet Uronp, Vhoopine Coui;h nud liiciplcnt CoDSninptioIi. Filty enti per bottle. Larve bottlot -=1 , and erery hottln varrauted. For ealo in Alm Arbor by Kbcr1 Son, and drnt'KistB cvcrywhcrc. 98B-1010 III 1 IITm ACENTS TO SELL TEA, II Uil I II l-UIIH-ls HKM IHTK. Oullil frrc. T2-1013


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