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IIANGSTERFER'S OYSTER A.M) ICE CREAM PAELOES, 30 AND U MAIN gT. CATERINC FOR PARTIES AND BANQUETS A srKCIAI.TV. ¦ ¦ CitkCK, (', Hfli irooni ii ml t'reani ADE TO OHDK11 ON SHORT NOTICK. WbiUnáa'l Krciich fnmlii", Kri -h tig. Mulada (írapce. Florida ür;uief, AcH Ac., KEIT CDNSTANTI.V ON HAMD AT HANGSTERFEfi'S 3O AM) :i MAIN STKKKT. BOATS TO RENT AND FOR 8ALK. 953-1010 JINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY.GKOCERY ASD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep condantly on band, BREAD, OlíACKEIlS, CAIUÍS, ETC., FOP. WUOLESALS AND RETAIL TUADK. We ehftU also keep a eupply of 8WIFT & UECBKIS BEST WHITE WHEAÏ PLOUR, DELHI FI.OUK. RTÏ Fl.OIIt, ¦ 'KWHEAT PLOUR, OORN MEAI,, KBKD, Jtc.,c. At wholcgfile and retal], a penernl atock oí GIlOtERIES AM PKOVISIONS coDHtADlly on band, whích wíll be sold un a reaaon ableterms au atany othcr house In the city. Casn pa!d for Butler, Egge, and Country Pnxino Kencrally. CSGoodsdellvere.1 to any part of the city win out extra cbarge. Jt ÜIN8KY A .SKABOLT. FBRDON LÜMBBR YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Mtobhctaret ud Dealer in SACINAW GANG-SAWFÍÜ LUHBBR, LATH AND SHINGLES. We al! i;ivc' na a all, aad examine ooi stock )icr.)r.' pnrcnamne; eieewhcr. ALSO AUKNT gf)H JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SKLLS FIIÏE BRICK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KKKCH, Hupt.,'T9 ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN lUULEt GPiNITE M WE1TS i 1 é 1 n ï The public Is invitod to cali and examine specimens , of the celebrated ! KNOXVILLE,TENN.,MARBLE 1 Of whlch wc have a snpply or now designs. It 8 ¦ eupenor to any marble In beauty uid dnrability and I tunea the place of Senten Uranite. I'KICES LOWER THA EVER. WORK ALL WARRANTED. Shop- Cor. of Detroit and Cathcrine Sts. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. 9151Í TO AGRICULTURISTS Tlio onderalgMl nre now mannfacturlng a I salt for fertlllzinj; pnrpoaes that is pecuüaiiy adnptcd to the use for whlch il is designad. It is entlrely freo fioni üirt, or hard IumpK, and is nade liy n process wliicli leaves lnoorporated in the salt all the valuftble plant food, as w,n as Ingrediente eatonlated to free and render Soluble Ihe Aiiuuonia alivady oontaiued in the SOÜ. sv proppse to place the prlee so low tluit none shnll be deterred from rívíiik It a fair trial. The M salt for fertilizlnc purposes la Dfi longer aa ezpsrlBLanti but lias beeu fully proven, not only scientidcally and theoretlbnt prac'tlcally, by scores or uur most ncoental agrien lturisis. We linvttiti, pr.siiit lii,. agpvOmm and opinión of ioma oí the leadlng Farmers and Sclentlits of tht and ether opantrles, hhplng ii),n thé perañil of tne fcame ray be matusll; benefiolali W ihall continuo lo gaUjer suoli staiisiics aa vre can on this subject, and hopeeachutd everj one wiïi aïd Qs rnthlsby givlng uuthe SI ¦! lus i ,,., i, .,,(,.. ürdej . and eommnnloattoni may be ad. I lo ellhero the nnderslned, who wlU furnish all neocssary Inforfnntloii as i prlces, tramportation, ¦!(-. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, Kasi Haglnaw, Mlcn. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT CO., (Limited) Syiacuse, N. Y. THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT CO., Cinehinuti. bhü. Mr. Jnmei Tolbert, per K. c Browa, bM tin fait for sale at tho Ferdon Lamber ard in thi city M - Filis' Mes The Standard of the World. ECLIPSE WINDMÏLLS The Strongest Mili Made. SAFEST TO BUY, fiecause Warranteil iho Iloal, and Warrantce Is BubHLantlal. Contulna all liuprovemenls. l'rlcea Ijowest - Quallty considerad. .Stínd íor cautugue dcMcriblüK' artlcle wauLcd. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., ui and H3 Lake-s ¦ Chicago. 10031010 $500 REWAR1) f WH will pay the tbora reward for nny case of 1 Llrer Complafnt, Dyspcrpin. Kick BeadaBie, Indigettloo, CooBtlpation or OostlTn u w eannotcare lth wi ble I.ivcr Pllli, wheD the dlrectioiiH BN BtrtCtlJ coni[)licd wlth. 'l liev jtre purcly VoioUble, md ncverfall toglvcBali?fnc(ion. 8nnr Ooated. Lnr;u Imxe.-. ciinr.iiiiiiii; 311 l'ills, 2ó cents. Por ule by uil drn rgltU. Beware f connterfelts iiiid imlttiiion. The ftMiuiin nüinnfactured only l.y .HlllN O. WEST A CO., "The l'lll M.ikerH," 181 i I I , u MadlsoD 8t, Chleuro. Fpit irial puckaee ¦ent by mail ptepaid on recelpt of :i " cent tamD. IfXi


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