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TIRANTEO. To hlro a teacher or business man of snnp am enery, 80 ycars o( bkc or upwtrdx, to take order for a uropiTly illiistniled cducatlunal work havlng a larite sale. Addrei-s, tating age and business ex perlence Ín full, W. B. 8TICKNKY, Publlshcr, 1D10. Ann Arbor, Mlch TyrONEY TO LOAN. At scvoii per cent, Securlty must be on flrst-clas farm in thí county, or clly property in Ann Arbor In central and deslranlelocalltlc. J. Q. A. 8ICSSION8, Attorney. Oftlcc : 8. W. Cor. Main & Hurón SW.. op-stalrs "POR SALE. A Farm of twcnty-one acre, wlth a good dwcllloK house on it, onc mllo from city city limit. Enqulr 95tr At THB COURIKR OFFICK. T?OR SALE. I have a good FLOURING MILL of four run o stone, tlwt I wlll gell or exchance for proporty Ín ' Waahtenaw County. 964tf . RICE A. BEAL. TOR EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 acres In the western part of th State, valued at $,000, whlch I will exchange for Ann Arbor City property. RICE A. BEAL. A Greínback Representitoe CoDrention For the Second Representativo District, consIstinR of Ann Arhor city and town, Northfleld, Webster Salem and Superior will meet at the law ofllrc of J R. Williams in Ann Arbor, Saturday, October 16, "80 at 2 o'clock p. m., to rominate a candidato for thi State Leeislature. Each ward nd townshtp entltlcd ,o alnumher of delégate.. Byrof I can furnlsh Flrst-clasa cütiieht mmm Km For transplanting in the fall, frora my groumls warranted pure, at $3.00 PER 100; $25.00 PER 1,000 998-1010 BENJ. DAY. KEFOKT OF THK COPÍDITION OK THE First National Bank of Aun Arbor At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at th close of business October lst, 1880. BE8OURCEH. Loans and dlscounts 8 251,539 i Overdrnfta 100 Ü. 8. Bouds to secare clrculatlon 100,(100 l U.S. Bondson hand 10,000 ( Otlier stocks, bouds and raortgages... IÍ.100 t Due from approvcd reserve agents ... 211,551 4 Due from Stute banks and bankers... 1J, 178 ti Heftl estáte, furnlture and üxtures... 17,000 C Current expenses and taxes paid 1,211 & Cliecks and other cash Ítems 1,822 1 Uills of other National Banks 12,257 00 Kractlonal curreney (includlng nlckels) 50 99 Specie 9.029 1 LrfJKivl tender notes 18,490 00 Uedempllon fund with U. 8. Treasury (5 per cent, of circulation) 4,500 00 1.IABII.1TIK8. Cnpital Htockpald Ín i 100,000 00 Surplus fund.... - 40.000 00 Other undlvlded pronta 9,H99 ; Natloual bank notes outstandlug 89,300 t Dlvldends unpald 84 t Individual deposits subject to check I 218,863 05 Demund certifleates oí depo8lt 11,678 95 Certitíéd check 1,000 00-23U57 00 Total 470,920 Ha State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw, ss I, J. W. Kntght, cashier of the above-name bank, do solomnly swear that the abov statement is true to the best of my kuowl edgeandbell.f KNlolcXashler Subscrlbed and sworn to, before me, thls TM day of October, 1889. Correct-Attest : L. D. TAYLOR, Notary Public. PHILIP BACH, ) E. WELLS, VDlrectors. J. M. WHEELER, ) BUSINESS BUSINESS. Wc are rcady to show you the (most En irüsli, Scotch, Frcnch aiul American SÜITINGS AND TROWSERINGS ALSO A FULIj LINE OP I5IJÜADCLOTH8, DIAGONALS, TRICOTS, GRANITE CLOTHS, DOESKIKS AND WORSTEDS, CUT AND MADE IN ALL TUE LATfiST STYLES. SATISFACTION U AK.VM Kil). There kas been ¦ compliiiiit made by persons wishing these styles of poods that they could not be fonnd in this city, and tliey have been obliged to go to Detroit to lïnd thein. This complaint is now remelied, as I am able and will keep a lirstclass stock on hand of all these goods. I have a CUTTER wlio will givc you 1 Perfect Fit. OXTTl íleady - Mado Department I b lillod up with tlie clioiccst designs mude in the latest styles. Our GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT is twice as large as ever before. Our Perfect-Fitting Wliite and Coloree! Shirts have no equal. Cali for improved Sultan imd Rattler Collars, yon will buy no other after wearing these once. LITTLE IYIACK, THE KING CLOTHIKR, 10. 9 MAIN STREET, A.NN ABBOR. N. B.- All cloths bought of rae will be ".ut free of charge. Uepairing done reasÓMbly. 998-1049 FAoont Wantod nr the el.r.e Plrtorlal edltlnn of A OOL'S ERRAND, SS THE INVISIBLE EMPIRE. TVo Or t nwl. In Ono Tol. ; Hrllll.„tly inuitritod 7' "It .111 ,lo „r, to rom. ,„" In.TríiíltS Tho BoomlnKBookforthCiirr.pnn. P.D.niCKJtIiSüXCa,wltenkniwk.Ietrou Mlch 1007-8 A LL KINDS OF BLANKS PniMTBU OM SHÜBT HUT1CI AT 'HIK COUK1ER JOB KOOMS.


Ann Arbor Courier
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