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Drain Commlssioner's Notice. Public notice is hereby given that wherens, heretcfon-, to-wit : On the 13th day of September, A. D. 18HÜ, application in writing was made to me, the undersljncd tovvnhl[ drain commipeioner, in and for the townshiof l'ittsflcld, in the connty of Wash tenaw, to clean uut, deepen, wideu and extend certain estaulished ditch ur water course known ag drain No. 8. bedanlng oa Ihe nnrth line of T. 8, 8. K. t K.fourtcru (14) i'liuins and K! links west of the i, line on section four (4). thcncesoutli 34 chalns and (M links, thence cast and south-cast across section four (4) and nlne () to the conHuence with MalleltV C'reek, ditch No. 1, on tbe n. w. V. sectlou ton (10) ; aleo to construct and lócate a new ditch bezinning on the north U of Ike u. w. ! of sec 9, Bear thü culvert on the line of the Toledo and Ann Arbor K. H.. thence t alune or noar the op:n water couree to lts junctioa with the said drain No. 3, on the n. e. W of section '., and the said persons having glven ood and suñioient securlty in writin to pay all costs and expenses of whattver kind pertains to the action of me. the said townshlp drain commlssloner, uhouk such applicatioo, in case snch applicatlon should not be granted. I, the underelgned drain commUsioner, as aloresald, did immediateljr thercafter, to-wit : on the 2id day of September, A. D. 1880, proceed to examine puríonally the line of the proposed ditch or drain, and having made such examlnntion, I, the said town drain comralsi-ioner dld determine it to be niy opinión that it is propr and neceseary, and for the goud of the public health, that the aid a;plicatlon should be ranted; asa belng uuablcto obtaln a cunveyance and release from cvery person, throunh whose land such dilca Is to pass, and it bvlng Mil tu appuar that soms persons interested in such ditcb. or drain are miuors and others reside out of the said townshfp, public notice is hereby giv'u that I have appuintt'd the 23d day of October, A. JX 188, at the hour of ïo'clock p. m. of said day 9 a tiuie and the residence of T. Hutzel as the place lor the cvamluation of the said spplicatlon; and I, the said drain commlssloner, tiave tlirectcd this notice to be publiBhed in the Ann Akuiiu Ccikhier, a newspaper of general clrculation in the couuty in whlch Baid township lies. In wltn!M whereof 1 have hereunto set my liaiid this 28th aay of September, A. D. 18S0, tu-wlt: tl the township of l'ittstleld, in the county of Washtenaw. C. E. PICKüTl', Townshlp drftin commissiouer in and for the townshlp oi rittsüeld in the connty or Waahtcnaw. 1006-3 nOFFINS AND CASES i FÜLL 8T0UK AT MARTIN'. All onlwi pronptly attendadtn.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News