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Dcm't shoot the quails. lt is agaiust the aw. A Monroo hunter shot a white coon a few lays since. Hor cholera takes off droves of hogs in 3ranch county. The (Jatholics at Alpena are erecting a new church ediflce. Wages in the lumber woods now average etween $22 and $26 a nioiith. W. H. liarse & Son, hardware merhants at Vastar, failed Oct. 8th. The Flint & Pere Marquette R. R. conemplate building a branch to Manistee. A drive of 40,800,000 feetof logs started own the Muskegon river a few liays ago. J. Ii. Day, one of Grand Rápida' proinnent men, dropped dead last Saturday, ged 65. The central Michigan fair at Lansing ïad 858 more entries tlmn the state fair at )etruit. Gov. Crosswell and wifo have returned r.jin tlieir somewhat extended trip to the 'ucific cosst. Wm. S. Hobert, the boy murderer of Jasa county, has been sentenced to Jackson tate priaon for life. Win. D. Smith, of Rives, Jackson Co., :ut down a bee tree reoontly, from whicli ie got 158 pounds of honey. The Adrián Times man has had the pleasure of lookiDg at a Lenawee Co., quince 13 nches in circumfercnce. Whew I A new bridge over the river and a new }aptit church are both building at Corunna. No connection betweeo the two. Lyuian E. Stowe, of' Detroit, has been nominated by the greenbaokors for nnngnias n the first district. More " empty honrs." The Heek Bros., mili, at Tecumseh, was topped by an eel 2$ feet long becoming enangled in the water wheel, one day last week. Cutler & Savidge, of Spring Lake, have mrchased 4,000 acres of pine land in Montalm county for $250,000. They paid $100,000 down. Politics is raising a row in the Hillsdale chool board. " Polly ' ' ought to know beter tlian to get in such places. She has no msiness there. The Monroe and Wayne Co. 's farmers mutual insurauee company has received $28,167.38, and paid out $27,690.85, the ast fiscal year. Miss Mamie Wright, of Port Huron, is a iew teacher at the doaf and dumb school at Hint, and not of the blind as the state paers are stating. Thos. Varalerzalm, a prominent lumberman of Grand Haven, was killed by the cars, October 8. A wife widowed and five ittle children fatherless. Rev. W. F. Day, and wife, of East Saginaw, were recently presented with a $90 teaset. It was a pleasaut surprise upon their 5th marriage anuiversary. y the tast gathering mista of declining 'ame. Why is sho silent ? Warren Fuller, of Au Sable, got so drunk the other day that he feil upou tüe loor face down, and being too helpless to turn his body, strangled in that position. Work on the two buildings for tha reform school for girls, at Adrián, is progressing rapidly. The foundations are oompletea und work bas been commenoed on the walls. Martin Adriannes, while shifting a belt at the Wolyerine Farniture Co's works, in Grand Rapids, last Tuesday, had his right leg caught in the belt and pulled off his body. At the reunión of the 20th Michigan infantry at Jackson, a vote was taken on the presidential queation with the following result : Garfield 109, Hancock 3, Weaver 2, Dowl. David Thomas, a pioneer of Hillsdale county, died while sitting in his chair last Sunday, and Mrs. Jas. Andrews, of Adrián, dropped dead one day last week while mopping the floor. The M. E. conference gave tho society at West ISranch, Ogemaw Co., $500 toward a new church edifice, and the Herald wants the people to douate as much more, and havo an edifice worthy of the place. Adrián Times: Dr. Rynd had a cali yeaterday aftcrnooii, in which it was somewhat pardonable he should feel more than a passing professional interest. A bouncing 11 pound boy is now enthronod in the doctor's household. A shower of aocidents to train men have happened on the Chicago & Grand Trunk rccontly. The last being to conductor A. S. Parker, at Stillwell, who had a leg and arm taken off, and injuries which will probably prove fatal. A shocking stabbing affray occurred at Harrisville recently, in which Chris. Duggan was suriously, f not fatally stabbud, and his brother, Tom Duggan, received a wound in the head. A man namcd Shannoc, from Alpena, doing the deed. Rev. J. W. Hendrie, of Saranac, who wanted to preach for the Protestant Methodists, received his commission the day after being arrested on a charge of passing a forged note, and other unlawful acts. II e will doubtles8 be allowed to do missionary work at Ionia. A two-year-old ohild of Frank Swann, living ncar Bcllevue, was made entirely deaf by the recent terrible storm in that vicinity. The little one was blown some dústance and feil among the timbera of a talling barn, but was uninjured otherwisc th:iu in tlie loss of iU hearing. Doremus Aikcn, who killed a policemar at Adrián last spring, got a sentence ol eight years in statea prison ; while Henry llustun, a tramp, who fired at the village marshal, at Hudson, and didn't hit hiiu, guts 1U years in the same place. If the latter had been a better marksman he woulc have got two years leas. Our jail is now full to running over, anc not the best feature ia that the priaoners are, all but one, merely boys. 'Tis sad te ee our youths crowding the corridors anc cells aa crimináis, and on inquiring to fine that ten cent novel literature and whisky are the agents that are leading thein in the way to ruin. - Nowaygo Tribune. The total indebtedness of this state is now $905,149 97, and the money is in the state treusury to pay the wholo atuount, if' the owners of the bonds would accept paymeni before maturity. But they will not short of 'JO per cent. premium, which would be $18Ü,(HJ) more. The total amount in the treasury Üetobcr lst was $1,578,643.01. In view of tho approaching early comple tion of tho Tolodo it Ann Arbor road to l'ontiiic, and the already completed air line cast from that place, the business men have woke up and propose tho creotion of man ut'aotiiriiiK Mtablukmrat. A wagon fac tory, making Dot less than 2,000 wagons per your is the first proposition. Sensible l'ontiac. One "Dr." Biown has been scooping the western part of the state "bad." He ar rivus in town with hts painted wagon am proceeds to give a lecturc upon veterinary aurgery, and then asks for soholars to a tohobl at $lo apïeoe. He took Decatur ii for $70 Dowagiac for $80, Pokagon for $100, Niles $90 and St. Joscph for about $100. Ho went a round twicp, got the aforesaid amount from cauli place and has not been hcard of since. A conference of railroad magnates, who are intercsted in the construction of an east3rn outlet of the Northern Pacific, through 3ault Ste. Marie, was held in Ne York ast week. RepresentaMves froni the various lines of roads intercited, as well as thofe ibrming a part of the proposed coinbination, were present, but owing to the absence of the representativos of the Northern Paciflc, nothing defioite was arratiged. Anotlicr Beeting was callod to meet in a few weeks n Boston. - Chippewa Co. News. Theworkis actively progressmg at the school for the blind. A sidewalk is being aid from the west eud of Franklin street up to the door. J. V. Post is putting down in iron tube or drive well, and nas gone over .00 feet. Those persons admitted between 0 and 21 years of age come as pupila, and those admitted near theirmajority have the )rivilege of stayiug af 'ter their majority for a sufficsent time to complete their course of studies. Only 43 pupila have been received thus far, all froui Flint. The corps of iostructors is not yet tull. J. 1'. McKlroy is superintendent ; Misses Kiuuia F. Knight nd Clara Young, literary teachers ; Miss Tennie Van Wormer, teacher of instrumental niusic; Miss Ella Mixer, teacher of vocal music; and Miss Krnuja Moffat, teacher of


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