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The October Gale

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WHAT THE DEM0S3ATS ABE GAZING AT Cnrry tlic News to Hancock- Congratulal ons to llnlisli. TIIKY WIU IIKT1HK TO ItKHT. HOW THKY CONSOLE THEMSELVES. Too Kig a Pitcher for Bill Knglluli - Me t'ouldn't Carry U ana So Let It miiü-Ii. Ohio 20,000 to 25,000 Majority- 15 Out of 20 Congressmen, Indiana 5,000 to 8,000 Majority- A Com píete Stato Ticket- The Legislature and S Out of 13 Congressmen. The clections whtch occurred in Ohio and Iadiana last Tuesday have, in their re sults, surprised the democratie party, an made glad the hearts of all republicans Ohio has been carried by from 20,000 to 25,000 majority upon the state ticket, an( upon the congrossional ticket fifteen out o twonty congressuien are republicans. The sweep in the state sounds like one of the old time victories, and provea conclusively what the people think of the principies o Lee and Jackson, the bull-dozing, tissue ballots, and counting out procesa of the democratie party of' the south. Ohio ha spoken ia unmistakaWe torms, and he favorito son may well feel proud ot th decisión. Id Indiana the victory is none the loss great. But onoe in a period of 16 year have the republicans had a majority in that stato. To day thcy elect the governo by abont 7,000 majority, carry the whole state ticket, elect eight out of thirteen congre88men - and that, too, after tho dia trict.s had boen gürrymandered by a demo cratic legislature- and have a majority in the legislature, which secures an IJnitet States senator in place of MacDonald This will give the republicans control of the next United States senate without the least doubt. The Huckeyes and the Hoosiers have done nobly. Thcy havo given the democratie prospects the death blow, and the people of the other state will follow it up by digging the grave in November. The people never mako a mistake, bu the demoerats of'ten do. The 90,000 ma jority in Alabama, the 65,000 in Arkansas anl the 90,000 in Georgia, were all mis takes, and the peoplo of the north were quick in noting them. The nomination ol English was a mistake, and the people o Indiana have so proclaimed it to the world The nomination of LanderB was a mistake which the name poople have stornly re bukcd. The raising of the rebel flag by an Arkansa editor was a bad mistake. The bold, defiant, rebellioua words of Wade Hampton, when he asked Virginians to " remember how Lee and Jackson woulc have done," and the assertion that the same prinoiplei were at stako now for whieh thcy contended, wa a mistakc. And all these mitakes have been rcbuked by the people of üliio and Indiana. The democratie party ban been a party of miaukon since a portion of it rofused to follow he lead of Senator Douglas, and rebolled tbc union. They have foubt espcrately every idea of progress whirh ïo republicana have put forward, and every inic they have lost, as they should have one. Their latest mistakes have been atal to theui. 'l'he people as we have bejre remarkid, soldom err in iheir judginit, and wbenaparty err.i they are quiek o rebuke and point out such errorn. The irinciples of Lincoln and Seward will gorrn thia country for the neït four yeara. 'he aouthern states will not oome into power. They will havo to learn a lesson n wisdom, in humiliation, in love for the union and the old flag, befbre the people will intrust to their hand the governiug of his great nation. Tbat thia is a nation, he people huve dceided. State rights, as he deinocrats radically view them, isamong he things whioh have fallen with the October election. And now let the people ejoioe, for by the mistakes of the demoratic party, Gen. Garfield will can y every nortliern state in November. Should a decisión in the University case not be reachod until sonie time next suminer (after the spring elections) which we understand is to be the programme, as oretold by certain prophets of Belial, or )ouglas, who havo been very successful in eading the future, so fár as this case goes, rom the time lluntington officiated to the presont. Should this be true, as well as he further prediotion, that while refusing ome of the monstrous things aaked of hem by Dougks through his attorney, hey would nevertheless endorse Huntingon in the main - at least two of them, with perhaps the thiid slightly dissenting. Should it all come to pass it shows no suernatural wisdom or acumen in them. Any one inight hazzard the samo uess with half their opportunities.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News