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Senator Ferry At The Opera House

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Last Wednesday evening the opera house was filled with a good feeling, joyous lot of republicana to listen to Hon. Thomas W. Ferry, one of' Michigan's United States senators. He was introduccd by E. D. Kinne, Ksq., in a few appropriate and eulogistic word.s. We givo a brief Bynopie of bis speech : After thanking the people for tbeireenerousgreeting, lie had mui telegram froiii Senator Baldwin announeing the groat victories in Oliio and Indiana. As the reports were read, he said a tlirill of joy ran through the nation's heart over tlieir contents, which wan not confined to the republicana alone, for he believed that there were many loyal democrats quictly rejoicing over he event, who were not as vet prepared for southern domination. ïho resul! assured the nlnotinn of Gen. Garfield ncxl November, and we owe the Burkeyes and Hooslers a debt of' gratitude for their glorious work. He feit nroud of' the fact that Michigan bordered on Ohio and Indiana. The ligaments which bind thom together are strong for the patriotinm and loyalty of the nation. lic spoke of the unexpected nominal ion of Garfield, and assorted that it was marie that thu republican party niightbe united, and wa directeer by Providence. But in our exultation we inust not relax our work ; we must renu m ber Maine and keep at it. He thoupht Maino was now sure for Garfiold in November, but that it wa.s important that wo should nnt relax our eflFort, that the triumph in üctober may bo verified in November. How galling this del'eat was to the deniocrats can be bet ter appreeiated when we see how confident they had grown, and how bold in their utterances and actions. They had displayed the rebel flag in Virginia, Arkansas and other states, and thought they would be upheld in it. Qée' tionalism had been forced upon us by the south ; it was not the choice of' the north ; if settled now would be settled forever, and that southern scntiin. would be burieil so deep in November that all the powers of the rosurrection would not reach theni. The republican party made a niMake in Ictting the south back into the Union as soon as it did. They should have been held in territorial grasp until they had been cducaied to loyalty. The fact that this is a nation had been settled upon tho battle-field. This issue of state rights comes from the south ; there would be no issue on this subject if left to northern domoerats, but if they would be led by the confedeiates they must abide by tho consequenocs, and so hc daimed that the issue of to-day was more vital than in 1800, as it eontained all the fruits of the war. Our policy was f'ramed in the eabiri ofttnj Mayflower, by the peoplo who were ftMblK from the oppression of Earopo, and it is this only, that the people shall rule. He was glad to see that both partios united in Indiana in agreeing that they should llave a peaceful eloction; there were many good deniocrats in the country, and he had no fault to find with them a.s uien and citizens, but he did find fault with tlu-ir surrendering to the dictation of the south. The south hiid always been treacherou.s ; in 1860, had they not proved so to Benttor Douglas he would have been president in place of Lincoln. He then recited Buehan an's treaehery to the nation after Lioooln'a eleotion, and how the credit of' tbc natioo had been degraded so thnt ïnoncy nmld not lx; raised at 12 per cent. The v cord of both psrtics was minutely rciced and compnred; the nlcrnal rev enne, tariff, free soil, free fpeech, prowonon nf the laborcr, had boen repuWfcim polwy frotn the rouimuncemciit, and been lutterly opposcd hy the democratn ; we have over boen an the forward track, while our opponents have been on the bnokward. l he coerción of static was oppoaed. the eonatitutional uuends were oppnsed, universal gufferaffe was opposed, and the old togy larty who opposcd theiu is not the one to The financinl policy of the country wrh reviewed froin the eurly adininistiations down to the present day, and the noblo rconrd of the rarty sh.wn up; how ovir debt luid been redneed ; the flow ot (old Bde to oomfl into the country instoad ot going out; how our bondn had b(en mado ictter than gold ; and the debt per capita reducod from $4.00 to tl. 40. He recited the action of the uouthern members in con gress; lellingof their oppowtion to everything deiuanded by the peoplo. He repeated ra inpident of the war, stating thatdurin - ihe battlo of the Wildcrness, Hanctx:k toTtl Ciant he was Itcaten and liad botter retreat ; tirant replied that as lon as he had 20.00Q men he should fight it out on Una ; and he did fight itout and won. The reuiiiinder of the spoech was brnn full of peiati upon the statistics of the country in atriculture, manufactures, gen eral business, in fact everything vital to us as a nation. In the coaiparison whicu he gave of the two sections, there was such a vast differenoe that the blindest partisan could but admit the lack of progrexs and advancoment of the south. Kopecially was the differenoe manifest in rospeot to educati n. In Virginia the per cent. of inhabitants who could not read and write was 32 ; South Carolina, 37 ; Mississippi, 38 ; in Miohlgta 'J Kithsofl per cent., and the average in the whole United States 20 per We regret not being ablo to give a fuller report of this most oonvincing and excellent speeoh, but our space forbids.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News