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Motliors ! Mothers J ! Mothors ! ! ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and eryïng with tho excruciating pain of cuttiiiK toeth? If so. go at once and jset a bottle of MRS. WÍNSL0WS SOOTH IN! SniUI'. It will relieve the pnor littlo sufforer immediately- depend upon it; there is no mist'ke about. There U not a mother on oarth who has ever used it, who will not teil you at once that it will regúlate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operatine like uiagic. It ia perfectly safe (o use in all cases, and pleasant to the tasto, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best femile physicians and nues in tlie United States, bold everywhere. 25 cents ;t bottle. 1'jQlJL- _ REPORT OF THK !ONIITION OF THE First National Bant of Aun Arbor At Aun Arbor, In the State of Michigan, at the closo of business Ootober lat, 1880. KESOUKCK. I,oaus and disoounts Í 251.538 45 OVtTtll'HltS - - i'i1' ' 9 s. Honda to secure circulatlon lOO.uuo 00 , ,111 siwks' Conds und monga.... J, 100 00 Dvic ivdim ipproved reserve agenta ... 2t.,5M lo Dm frotn Htale haiiks and bankera... 12. 178 Kt Real estáte, furnlture and flxture... 17,000 (Kt Ourrent expenses and taxes paid 1,211 51 heckl aud otlier ciish Items l.i2 1M Bills of other National Banks 12,25i 00 Fnutioual currency (lncludlnu nlckfila 50 ïW Sjecle .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ".!.'.'.""'.'..'.'. ).Oi9) 1& i.cKiü tender notes ls.490 oo ÜeSñnpUon fund wlth U. STreasury (5 icr cent. of clrculatiou) 4,500 Wl lotal 470,920 H LIABI1.1T1BS. Capital stock pald In 100,(;)0 00 Hurplus rund 40 ) 00 Otlier undlvided pronta 9 jf National bank noles outstanding m,.vi no DlTldends unpalil 84 00 Individual deposite subject to check $ 218,883 B5 Deraand certlncates of deposlt U.B73 95 Uertlüed checks 1,000 00- $ 231,537 00 Total t 470.940 (ö State of MichtKan, County of Washtenaw, ss., I J. W Knight, cashier of the above-named bank, do tolemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the bet of my kuowledge aud belief. J. W. KN1UHT. Cashier. Subsorlbod and swcrn to, before me, tuis 7th daj of iii'tnlier, 18S0. Correct-Attest : L. D. TA LOR, Notary l'ubllc. riULIPBACH, I E. WKU.s, J-Directors. J. M. WHKELKR. I BUSINESS BUSINESS. Wc nvc. rcaily to sliow you the finest Enrlish, Scoteli, Frenen and American SUITINGS AND TROWSERINGS ALSO A PILI, LINE OP üüoaim l.ol'IIS, D1AGONAT-S, TRICOTS, GRAN1TE CLOTHS, DOESKINS AND WORSTEDS, CUT AND MADE IN ALL THE LATEST SÏYLES. SATISFACTION 6UARANTEE1). Tlict-c bas boen a com[)luiiit made by persons wisliing these styles of jrols that tli cv eould not bc found in this city, and tlicy liave teen obliged to go to Detroit to flnd tliem. Thig complaint is now reme(lk'd, is I am eibte iiiid will keep a ñrstotakH stock on hand of all these goods. I have a (TTTKJ! who will ;ive you :i l'crfcct Fit. OTTIR Rsady - UadG Department! Is tillcil up with the clioicest designs ïniulc in the MM slvles. Our OIÍNTS' FIHMSlll.Ni; DEPARTMENT is twice as large ius ever before. Our Perfect-Fitting: White and Colorcil Shirts have no eqnal. ('all lor Improvad Saltea wad Itattlnr ('ollais, you 11 Muy no otlier after wearing tliese once. LITTLE MACK, THE KINO ('LOTIIIKH, NO. í) MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOB. N. 15.- All clotlis boui;ht of me will bc ut ir i cbkrge. Rupairing done reus onably, 908-1049


Ann Arbor Courier
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