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Druiii Conimlssloner's Notice. Public notice i hereny gWen that whereaí, herctofore. to-wit: On the 13th day uf September, A. "¦ 1880, appllcatlon In wrlting was made to me, tne underslKned townshlp drum comuiiioioner, 11 1 nu for the townxhip oí PilUfield, In the counly of Waab1 trnaw, to clean out, deepen, widen and exleod certatn eiabli?hod dltch or water conree known J draln No. S, beitliinim: on the nortn lin oí T. 3. ¦ B.rourtecn (U)chaitwand links wentol tkU Una on sectiou four (4). thence south 3 chalní and m Uuka, theuce emit and nouth-eaít croís sectloní Tour (i) and nine (8) to the conflnence with lUlleit Ctlm k, dltch No. 1, on the n. w. "4, ection ten (10) ; alao to conotrnct and lócate a new d tch beRlnninR on the nnrtri } of the n. w. V of ec. , near the culvort on the line of the Toledo and Ann Aroor K. H., thece ast long or ncr the op'n water couree to tu junctlon wlth the sald draln No. S, on the n. e. V of ectton 9, and the ald peraon haflng ilven Kood and nafflclent ecurity In writinc to pay til cou and expenee of whati ver kind pertaln to the aclion of me. the aid townshlp draln eommleloner. about uch ppllcatlon, In case such applicttlon dhonld oot be granted. I, the nnderflsned draln commlsoloner, as afciresald, dld immediately thereftr, to-wtt: oo the 'üd day of September, A. D 1880 proceed to examine peronally the line vt the proponed ditch or draln, and havlug made sucn eiamlnntlou, I, the nald town draln coinmls-lont-r dld determine It to be my opinión that It It proper and necewary, and tor the (jood of the public bealtï, that the pld appltcatlou hoold be tranted ; and belns; nnable to obUIn a conveyance nd relewc from every person, throagh wbiwe land sncD aucn Is to pass, and It beinu made to apiwar that tornt perconn Intereoted In snch ditch or drain are miii"" and others reside nut of the taid townxhln, pobw notice Is nereby giv n that I have appointed Ihe w day of October, A. D. 18KÜ, at the hoor of 2 o'clo p. m. of sald day aa a time and the refidence or iHutzel 8 the place for the cxamlnation of thu aia Kpi.llcation; and I, the ald draln comml8lon-, have directcd this notice to be publlahed In me Anm Aiibiik Coobib, a uewspaper of tíneral circolallon in the county In whlch said townahip Hee. In wltnís wheroof I have hereuuto ee my hann thla 28th day of September, A. D. lt-0. t"-: the townnhlp of I'ittufleld, in the coonty of Wahienaw. O. B. PU'KnTr, Towushlu draln commUt toner in and for the township ol PltUfiold In the connty of Waahteuaw. 1006-S pOFFIN8 AND CASES l FULL STO ÜK A T MAR TIN ' 8. AU orrtra proBBlljr altaad to.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News