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Dr. Ucrorg lost a fine horse last Mouday. Renieinber the registration day. Tuesday, Oot. 26th. November Sth is the date the jurymeu are suuiiuoned for. The Ann Arbor oity band boys are improving iu their playint;. Ohio students to the nuuiber of 51 went home to vote last Tuesday. The steamer has been put in charge of W. S. Baufield, temporarily. The Lodi reform club oelebratcd its third anniversary last Sunday. ¦ ¦ ¦ Thii .-.upoivisors took their annual tour to the county house yesterday. Mayor Kapp has gone to the north woods on a hunting expedition. Have you heard from Indiana? Kh? S'cat up louder. Don't be bashful. Iuiprnvonients are in progress at tho old John W. Maynard etore, on Mainstreet. On the docket of the next court calendar will bo some fifteen criminal oases to bedisposcd of. A flock of 700 sheep were shipped from here to Kansas last Saturday, by Frank Ide. ____ A pile of wood seven feet long and threo feet high, is the new mcasureuient for a cord. Ex Mayor W. B. Smith attended the boys iu blue rc-union at Indianapolis last week. _______ The Courieu returns thanks to Hon. Edwin Willits for valuable public documente. Capt. Allen had a good meeting in Chelsea last Friday cvening and made a telling speech. Many deniocrats in this city are out of pocket on the Indiana electiou. Well, they shouldn't bet. C. H. Greathouse, class of '80, has reccivtd an appointment a8 a-'sistant teacher in the high school. The store on M:iin streef, formcrly owned by John W. Maynard, bas been purchasod by Ueo. Clarken. A culvert is being built by the city, of brick and stone, on High streot, between Spring and Fountain streets. If you aro a republican, see that your republican neighbor does not forget to register, on Tuesday, Oct. 26. How terribly savage some men are if you ask them the simple question : Have you heard froin the October states ? The board of supervisors have ordered 500 copies of their proceedings printed, the lowest bidder to take the contract. The greenbnckers in this representative district are to hold a nominating convention to-tnorrow, at the court honse. A concert is announoed, to be givcn by the Ann Arbor ïnscnnerchor, in their hall, on Tuesday evening, October 26th. Peter M. Burlingame, a resident of the first ward in thia city for the past 12 yeara, died last Weduesday, aged 74 years. Those who have not received their "bird's eye view of Ann Arbor," willfind them in the hands of Martin Clark. The sum of $25 has been allowed the clerk ol the board of supervisors for re porting proceedings. Cheap enough. The bulletin boardu were crowded all day Wednesday, and a shout of joy generally followed the rcading of each telegram. The Ladies' Homoeopathic Hospital Aid Association will uieet at tbc hospital building Ttiursday, Oct. 12, at 3 o'olock p. in. They aro quietly putting out of existence fellows who take votea on trains. Several of tbese liars have boen massacred roocntly. The new Presbyterian divine, Rev. Dr. Stocle, will be given a reception attheparlors of the Presbyterian church this evcning. Don't you hatc to meet aderaocrat now? Their faeos are so long, and tbey look sonr CDough to spoil ncw milk jast by gaziog t it. I '¦'' Sumí iv a cuttinK box aduionished Ert. Taylor (oolored) that it wan not to be t'oüled with, as he loBt two fingere by so ioing. Some of the Michigan census enumorators are receiving thcir vouchers, and hope to get their pay before the next census is takon. Mr. H. Holmes, literary class ot '74, was 'uarriod on the 9th inst., to Miss Jessie ''"Kon, of Iliglilund, at the home of her parents. The telephone exchange doesn't move off Iiitc as quiekly as a ball shot from a gun wuld. I„ fa,. itisreported as slow in uioveiuent. The reform club tont has been folded nd put away for the next ycar'scaiupaign. Tle dancing flor lias been sold for $40. 'toost $57. The new pfctfr-glMi front in Wm. Motreery's store on Main street, occupied by Bliss & Sou and Winans & Berry. will " grand mprovement. The niasonic association of the univer sity are to elcot officors this evening, at 7:30 o'clock, to which all the inasons in the university are nvitcd to attend. Wheat throuiihout the county is looking reraarkably woll. Karly sowcd pieces espeoially, have obtained a fine growth, and cvcrythÍDg looks encouraging. Many of the residente of the third ward are signing a petition asking for the reuioval of the coal shods of the T., A. A. & N. R. H., which are located near Miller avenue. LastTuesday complete J this tweuty fifih year in which A. W. Ames, our popular expresa agent at this place, had been in the employ of the American expresa company. S. B. McCracken, a fonuer resident of this city, has beun nominaied by the greenbackers of Detroit, í'or the legislature. There isn't any great danger of hi.t election. At a meeting of the county temperance committee last Monday, 11. 11. Marsh, of Saline, resigned the chairmanship, and Prof. T. P. Wilsou was elucted in his stead. Seven wood yards in this city, and more io prospect. At the rato some of them sell their wood, and the size of their cords, their owuers all ought to get rich by spring. ______ Evening services begin in the Unitarian church next Suuday oveuing. The Student's Bible class will also eomnience next Sunday. Time of sessiou liom 12 to 1 o'clook. Mrs. Dr. Hartley, who lives on Thompson st., aroec a few uights sinoo to auswer a culi, aud by uiatake upuuod the cellar door, Lid falling dowu the stairs, was considerably bruised. The Kvening News state items man talks about " gleaning wheat n'elds " in the middle of Ootuber. He botter jump ou his steel btecd aud take a tour tbrough the rural " deestriets." A niis-placed swuoh was the cause of an ongiue aud four freight cars being oli the track at the M. C. R. K. depot Saturday moroiug last. All trams were delayed ibr a few houw thereby. A nice, large trame dwelliug house is being erectod upou tho east sido of Maynard street, near William. Ithas ''sw'ell " euds instead of a "swell " front, aud will be an additiou to that locality. The postmaster at Y psilanti has offered a rewardof$5U, forthe apprehinsiou of the thief or ihievcs who bioke in and utole Uncle Sam's treasures in the post office of that city, on tlie 2d iust. The Ilon. Austin Iilair is to address the people at the cowtt house to-uight. All wauting to hear an honest, oarnest, eloquont prer-entation of the issues of the day, should be preseut. We would cali the atteation of our readers to tlie poem upou the first page of this issue, entitled "Campaign of 18S0," written by Regent Geo. Duffield, of Lan8Íng. It is well worth fierusing. Last Saturday night, Oot. 9th, a bay horse, five years old, with star in the forehead, was stolen froin the Wa.shtenaw hotel barn, and Klmer Ollins offers a rcward of $25 for the return of the same. The deuioerats never ackuowledge the "corn" when the people set down on thera, but try to crawl out of it on the ground of "fraud," "colonization of voters," etc. But the cry has no effect. A youth, just launchlng out in triulo, Unto a wunliliy merchuut Bald : " Pray teil me sir, what you prolVss To cali the secret of your auoress f " The nabob'B eyes wit li pleasure ttliouo As he replied in eamest tone: ¦ The secret slmply Is- I thiuk You'll flud lt, sir, m printers luk.' "The election of the republicao ticket in Indiana next Tuesday, will give the November elections to the republicans, beyond all doubt." Just so. The republicans carried the state, ilurrah tbr Garfield ! ____ Kepublioans in Ypsilanti will bear in mind that an entire new registration is raquired in that city under the charter. Do not forget it, and just nudge the elbow of your republican neighbor and reniind him of the fact. The freshmen and sophoaiores again met in foot-ball contest last Saturday afternoon, and again a tie resulted. Those witnessing the game said it was one of the fairest and bost contested ever played upon the gTOunds. The Fenton Independent has this item : " Rev. D. H. Taylor has removed with his family to Ann Arbor on account of the cducation of hischiidren, but will continuo to tupply the Presbyteriau pulpit in Fenton unti! January Ist." Anderson & Donovan have added tho portrait of Gen. Arthur to that of Gen. GarGeld in our office, and any ono dosiring to see portraits of the next president and vice president of the United States, can bc accommodated by calling. "Jeff" the janitor, wishes us to state that not any gas, such as is made from coal, was consumed by the meeting of colored men spoken of last week. They burned oil in the band boys' lamps, said oil being purchased with Jeff 's own money. At a meeting of the township board of Ann Arbor town on Saturday, Supsrvisor Koster was autnorized to raise by tax the gum of $1,561.00 for highwaysand bridges, that being the amount expen led by the highway commissioner the preseut year. A niahogany case oontaining 100 remedies has been presented the homeopathie hospital of the univorsity by Foster's pharmacy, of Detroit, and iïalsey & Co., of Chicago have presented the hospital with drugs said to be sufficient for a year's work. The county pioneer society is soliciting funda, through its vicc presidonts in each township, for the purpose of fitting up a room in the court house to be used for tho society's relies and archives. Help tho good cause by a little pecuniary assistauco. It is stated that in mak ing the excavations at Pompeii the other day, the remains of a little boy was found, beside which was a slipper. Tb same old story, isn't itboys? Methods of chastisement have not been improved upon, it seeras, in all these hundrude of years. "Walk ui, tuuiblc up, any way to get op," as a stranjícr said the other inorninfr, an lic attempted to walk up froai the M. C. dext oathe Detroit street uidewalk. There are portions of this walk, as has been previously remarked in this paper, that ara extreinely daogerous. Upon last Sabbath ihe Evangelical Lutlieran syood of Michigan, conveoed at the Luthcran chureh, in Scio. There was a geueral attendance, and tho u.sual business of the synod was gono throuïh with. A new organ in the churoh, made in this city by Mr. Alluiendingor, was dedioftted upon the ooeasioD. Hundrcds of bushels of excellent applos are lying upon the ground under the trees n the orcharda in this vicinity, the greater )ortion of which will decay and bo entiroly ost. It seenis alinnst wicked that suoh should be the case whon there are so many who would be glad of theiu. W. W. Bliss & Co. have a great curiosity in thcir window in the shape of the Detroit Freo Press poultry display of Oct. 1876. It has a lean and hungry look, at irosont, and tho peculiar srnile which passes over the face of the people who go to gaze upon it, La quite auiusiog. The Cincinnati Times-Star says: " Congross should do soinethingfor the protection of'our astronomers. l'rof. Ilarrington, of Ann Arbor, di.-covered a comet last week, but neglected to clap his trade mark on it u once, and now a lot of foreign sky-guzers are scooping in the same comet." Hon. Sumner Iloward, of Flint, will wake up the republicansat Saline on Monday evening, Oct. 18; at Manohester, on Puesday evening, Oct. 19 ; and at Chelsea, Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 20. Mr. Howard can make an excellent speech, and the jeople will uever regret going to hoar him. ïïven democrats will be interested. At the ladies' society of the M. E. church, held laat Wednesday evening, over 200 people were present, and a general good time was had. This meeting was unler the management of Mrs. Noble, Mrs. tiailey, Mrs. Seabolt, and Miss Breakey, and they have the honor of having had the argest attendance of'any meeting since the organizatiou of the society. l'rof. Donald Maclean, Pruf'. ofsurgeryin the medical department, arrived home from lis trip to Europe last Friday evening, and the students of the medical department gave him a serenado, hiring the city band 'or the occasion. An address of welcome was delivered by Mr. F. D. Shepard, of the senior class, which was feelingly responded ;o by the Doctor. At tho recen general Unitarian conference of the U. 8., held at Saratoga, Rev. J. T. Sunderland, of ihis city, was made one of the national council of management Mrs. Sunderland was elected one of the vice presidenta of the national wonian's auxiliary conference, and Mrs. Prof. Langley, of this city, one ot the directors of the latter body. The Adrián Times says that work on the new reform school for girls at that place Is beginningto show. There has, however, been no 1 beginning to show" why the bid for erectlng Lhai building tnade by M. Johnson & Co., of Detroit, was thrown out and the Job glven to Adrián nu n for more than JoIiubou's responslble Dld. - Detroit News. Let's Isn't Flon. Wm. H. Waldby one of the building committee ? If be in, erhaps that might account for it in a nicas ure. He is running for office, you know. The Evening News says : " The temperauce men have decided to fight the liquor dealers with ammunitiun ttulen from the dealers' cartridge boxes. They will have 250,000 copies of the " secret circular to dealers" issued by the liquor men, printed and oirculated throughout tho state. They scem to tliink the liquor men were not wise in allowing the circular to become public property." Tho Presbytery of Detroit will meet at the Prestyterian church in this city next Tuesday cvuning, October 19th, to install the llev. 11. II. Steele, D. D. , as pastor. Kev. MiiU Gfolston of Ponliac, will preside, Rev. Dr. Baker of Detroit, will preach tlie sermon, Rev. Dr. Sprual, of Detroit, will give the charge to the pastor, and Rev. Mr. Richmund.of Ypsilauti, wiil give the charge to the people. The niaidim now goeth into the woods for aatumn lea ves with which to decórate the wa!ls and other parts of the parental home. All maidons don't engage in this paatime, soiuo are so deuced iazy that they dou't give a continental whether the parental roof is adorued with these beauties of the furest or not. Boys should " look a leedle oud " for the sprightly ones, who try t make their home pleasant. Thomas Holmes, of Chelsea, writes us that "the historical committee of the Washtenaw pioneer society has completod arrangements with C. C. Chapman & Co. , of Chicago, for the immediate compilation and publication of the history of this county. The firm of C. C. Chapman & Co., have had large experience in this kind of work, and will give us a superior history for a reasonable price. On Monday evening next, at 8 o'clock, at the residonce ot Prof. Adams, Prof. Pettee will read a paper upon the "Adtiquity of Man," for the benefit of the Ladies' library. The ladies have thonght It advisable to ask an admittance fee, during the coming season, of 15, insteat of 10 cents, in order that they may raise as much money as possible for the payment of their recently purohased lot. Al are cordially invited. At the fire laat Friday, the new steamer was out and had a stream of water playing on the building within four minutes from the souuding of the alarm. That is the record as given us by one of the aldermen who takes great interest in our fire depart ment. The fire which was in the residence occupied by Rev. Wyllys Hall, the Episco palian clergyman on Ann street, was speedily extinguished, and the steamer provet its usefulness very quickly. The common oounoil met Thursday even ing of last week to take into consideration the hiring of an engineor to take charge o the new steamer. There was a diversity o opinión as to who that man should be, an no conclusión was reached. One thing i absolutely certain, and that is, the best inter ests of the city demands the hiring af a competent man. It is far better economy to pay a good man good wages, than a poo man poor wages, in tuis instanoe. Tho Jeniocrat who is sent about the country to paint 329 over doors and fences has reached tbia city. In some unaccountablu mannner thero has been an addition to his figuros as they appear on the walks, and they are made to roud : Indiana qO 329 628 ühio BUtnpuj whcrcver found. Such gratuitous advertising by the opponite party is a little unUttual. The nutuber of ujatriculants at tho univeiwity ia not only the largest in any year at a corresponding date, but the largost immher ever in attendance. Every departnient save the law, is in exoess of foriner ycars, and thatwill undoubtedly be noon up to its past record in point of numburs, now thaa the October eleetions have passed. The nuuiber registered at the steward's office up to Thursday noon is as follows literary department, 491 ; law, 337 ; med ioal, 371; pharmacy, 89; dental, 80; homeopathie, 79; total, 1,447. The nutu bor attending tho various departmenta wi! certainly excoed 1,500 and may reach 1,600 ( f' tlii.s nuniber there aro inany more young ladies than usual, thero being over 70 i the freshmu el of tho literary departiiiinl alone. A local writerwho couldn't keop the pubic posted upon improvemonts that aroneossary, would ccrtainly be a blind one. 'he proposition which has been once or wice brought up in the council, to have he stone walk upon the south side of the Jhandlor houso, leading to the postoffice, vidi-ned to 14 fect, is a capital oDe, and if t could be done would add to the good Mauro of hundreds of our citizens both peruanent and teniporary. It would be a grand iniprovement. Can it be "did." The following from an cxohange oan be ead with profit by the people of many school districts in the country : " As the og wheel of time is perfect in ita coustruc ion and movement, there is no slipping iack, do going over twioe, oonsequently, he opportunity which parents have now to school their children, once past, is past forver; therefore it behooves parents and school officers to work harmoniously together, and employ none hut good teachers, nd whcn once cmploycd, sustain thetn in II they do, by appreciating their good eeds, and not magnifyinj: thoir occaeional mistakes and inperfections." On 'l'liursday of last week, the republican oonvention for the tbird representative disrict of this county, convened at Chelsea. C. Waldbridge, of Manohester, was made hairtnan, and O. S. Rawson, of Bridgewater, secretary. The first ballot resulted in 6 votes beins; cast for James McLaren, of iima ; seven for Edward E. Appleton, of Scio ; and four for George S. Rawson, of iridgewater. Messrs. Appleton and Rawon withdrawiug their ñames, Mr. McLaren was unaniinously nominated. A district ommittee was appointed, consisting of fas. T. Honey, Scio ; George S. Rawson, iridgewater ; and J. L. Gilbert, Sylvan. The construction of the Detroit, Butler 'l St. Louis railroad which passes through onc córner of this county, taking in some considerable of Augusta, and a tiny corner of York, is progressing rapidly. The graling is completed from Detroit to Adrián, and the bridge over the Rouge will be ootnlcted same time next week. The aruiy of men on the work have commenced layng track at Butler, and at the crossing of he Flint & Pere Marquette road, and in a èw days rails will be spiked down at the rate of four or five miles per day. The crossing of the line with the Michigan Ju ut ral will be laid this weck. It is ex iected that the road will be open for business by January lst. A very reclierclie affair carne off last Fri day night at the residence of J. C. Watts, on Liberty street, on the occasion of the ady freshroan's annual spread, wliioh is inanaged entirely by the lady studente of the three upper classes of the literary deartment. Onehundred and twelveyoung adics were present, and as no gentlemen were invited, the evening passed off very ïappily indeed. (Jhoioe refreshments were served, and music and dancing indulged in )y the gay crowd. This custoin was started iy the ladies of the upper classes, so that a social and fritndly spirit miht be cultivated with the freehman ladtes on their firut arrival at the uuiversity. Could a more sensible idea have been suggested ? The following notioe of a foriuer Dexter boy appeared in the Detroit Post and Tribune of a recent date : " By au act and appropriatlon of the legislatura of New York a system of nlght medical Bervlce has gone luto operatlon In New York city. The cnlef executlve ulncer of that service Is Dr. W. A. Ewlng, forraerly of Dexter, Mlch , a gradúate of both the Uterary and medical departments of the unlverslty of Michigan and well kuown aivl highly esteemeU lu this state. He has been for several years sanltary Inspector of the city of New York and hls etliclency there saggestad hlslappolntment to the responslble duties of chief executlve offleer of the nlght medical stalt. Undtir the law physlclans who are willing to serve In the nlgnt corps register their nam, and are subject to cali, and each one Is pledgud to respond at any boor of the nlght to cali from the polier In hls preclnct to altend any patiënt In the precluct. The fee of $3 for uch ii vlslt will be collected by the pólice authorltli's from the patiënt, if the patiënt is able to ptiy lt. If the patieut is not able the fee will be pald on the authorlty of the pólice captain out of a fund approprlaU'd for that purpose. By these means prompt and competent iiimllcal nttondancü at nlght will be placed wlthln the reach of evorybody, whlle the dlsturöed and much enduring doctor will be nssured of hls pay." A new dictionary is in use by our little Wednesday contemporary, known as "Myrick's unabridged." Glancing over two or three items only, we fiod appeal spelled "a-p-p-a-1;" Independent, "In-d e-p-e-nd-ui e n-t;" she, "s e-h;" Bishop, "B-i-ph-o-p;" an i in the place of y in gillyflower; c in place of e in Burleigh, etc. These are only a few of the numerous instanoes. Should we have extended our search over the entire paper, or a column even, il would be doubtful if ono lead pencil would last to note them all. The peouliarity ol this new work is the quality of ambiguity it possesses, for there is no certainty that the same word occurring twice ia the same lino will in both inxtances be spelled alike. A new treatise upon "punctuation and the capitalization of words," is also in contemplation. We shouldn't speak of this but for said author's continua! critioism of others. _______