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Found, a bonnet and vnil on Wiliiain street Cali at Courier office. $2,000 worth of School Books, ncw and second hand, selling off cheap at Andrew's, 13 Huron street. The Russian Court nvited Dr. Aynr and his family to the Archduke's wedding in tho lloyal Palace. This distinction was awarded him not only because he was an American, but also because his name a a Physician had beconie favorably known in Russia in its passage arjund tho world. - Pueblo (Col.)People. Agents and Canvassers Make from $25 to $50 per week selling good?" for E. C. Rideout & Co., 10 Barclay strect, New York. Send for thcir catalogue and terms. 1000-1052. Bogiix Certllteates. ft is no vile drugged stuff, preteading to he made of wondorful foreign roots, b;uks, etc, and puffed up by long bogus certificatea of pretended miraculous cures, but a simple, pure, effective medicine, made of well kuown valuable remedies, that fuinish its owu cerlificates by its cures. We refer to Hup Bitters, the pureat and best of medicines. See another column.- Republinan. A roiigh, Cold or Sore Throat should be stopped. Neglect frequently resulta in an Incurable Lung Distase or Consumption. Brown's Bronchial Troches are certain to give relief in Aslhma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Gatarrh, Consumptive and Throat Discases. Forthirty years the Troches have boen recommended by physicians and always give perfect satisfaction. They are not new or untried but having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well merited rank aoiong the few staple remedies of the age. Public SpeaJcers and Singers use them to clear and strengthen the Yoicc. Sold at twenty-five cents a box everywhere. 1007-68 "TANTED. To hiro a teacher or business man of snap and energy, 80 yeare of age or upwarde, to tako orders for a properly illuetrated educationtil work having a larpe Bale. Address, gtating ago and business expcrlcnce In full, W. B. STICKNEY, Publtsher, 1010. Ann Arbor, Mich. jyONEY TO LOAN. . At ecven per cent, Security must be on flrst-claes farms in thia county, or city proporty in. Aun Arbor, in central and degirable localititv. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Attorncy. Office : 8. W. Cor. Main & Hurou Sts., np-statre "OOR SALE. A Farm of twenty-onc aerea, wit h a good dwclllng hoiue on it, onc milo from city city limita . Bnquire 'JflBtl At THB COÜKIER OFPICB. "pOtt SALE. I have a good FLOUKLSG MILI, of tour run of stone, that I will scll or exchauge ror proporty in Washteoaw Connty. 9Wtf RICR A. l'.KAI.. "UUR EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 aerce in the wubtarn part of the Stutc, valued at iu,000, which I will uxchaugu for Ann Arbor City proporty. KICK A. HA 1.. A LL KINDS OF BLANKE PR1MTID OM SHORT MOTICB AT THE COURIER JOB ROOMS. Estáte oí Martlia E. Wood. Ci TATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ee. At a seebion of Hie Probate Court lor the Conntj ol Wubtenaw. holden at the Irot)at Office in the City of Ann Arbor, oji HrMay, the flrt day of October, in the ycar one thoueand eiiiht huudrud and t'irhty. I'ieHcnt, William D. Harrlman, Jude of Pcobftte. In tbo matter of the eetate of Martha E. Wood, deceaecd. WiUiam I. Wood, ux ecu tor of the lavt will and testament of eald deceased. comes iiito court and reprcfietiU that he ie uuw proparod to render hlH flnal account as uurti executor, Thereupou it in ordered that Hatnrday, the twenty thlrd day of October uext, at ten o Vloek iu the iorenoon, b aosigned for examining and tÜOwlng such account, and that the awlaeet, leñatees and hi'im at law of eatd deccased.and all othcr persons interested in eaid estáte, art' ruqaircd to appear at a ftuBlon ol eaid cottrt, ften to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in sald county, and show can f o, ir any there bu, why the said account should uot be Allowod. And it ie further ordered, that &aid ciccutor pive notice to the persons tnterentcd in raid estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the heariug tbereof, by causin a copy of this ordor to bo publishcd in the Aun Arbor Courier a newspnpor prlnted and clrculatiu in said county, two buccchhívc weeks previous to fnid day of bcarmg. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D.11ARRI1IAN. Judo of Probate. WM. G. DOTV, Probate Register. 1007-9 Estáte of Anthony Freeman. 0 l'ATE OF MICUIQAN.Oountyof Wabhtcnaw, ss. At a Bession of the Probate Court for the County o( Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofllce, in-the city of Ann Arbor,on Weiliiesday.thc twenty-ninth day ol Baplmbttr in the year one thounand eight hunarel umi eighty. Pnjtunt, Wil hum D llarriuiaii, Jude of I'rubatu. In the matter of the estáte of Anthony Freeraan, dccea&ed. Ou readinf; and flllng the petltion, duly veriflüd, of Miranda Frecninn, piayln that a certaïn Instrument uow on file in thia court, purportinL to bc the lunt will and tectauMnt ol nÜ dKOtsad, may be Kïrnittftl to probatf, tuid that Jerome A. Frtieman mihI Jolin West muy be ftppoiuted executors tburef. riiercupon it ts ordered, that Mouday, the firat day of November next, at ten o'clock in the f. : ikmii, bc aanijitHil for tho heuriiif? of sald petitton, and that tb: aeTtsMtlAgateeand heirm at law of f tiiil ducea4odraud all other pt-rtoiie iuterented in saitl t:ite,are requt red to appear at a husbíou of aid court, then to l)e holden at the Probato Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and thow canse, If any Ihere be, why the prayer of the petltioner should not be L'nuited. And It is further ordered, that sald p'titiouer k'ivc nutlcv to the uoreou interestcd in said estaM, 01 the peudeucy of said petition, and the heftffag thereof, by causiiiK a copy of this order to be publisbod in Th Ann Aroor Vouriêry a newepaper prlnted and circulatiiiK in said couuty. thn-e succenBive weeks previous to uaitl day ol heurliiK. (A true copy.) WILUAM 1). IIAKHIMAN, Judiie ol' 1'rolinte. WM. ï. lHrv. Probate KeciMer. Hxrr iu


Ann Arbor Courier
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