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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church. Kzr. S. Euuu, Pastor, tb --rvice, 10% a, m. and 1% r. x. Sumi i Sohool after morninR service. l'riyiT mee'lnï Thursday evenlng at 7% o'clock. Cathollc Chureh. ftiv. Fathbr Piklk, Pastor. Ui Vau 8 a. IMh Mas, 1U a. m. Vespers r. m. Sun '.-y School, i% r. x. Cuivgregatloual ('liurrli. Rkv. V. U. Rtdkb, Pietor. Ico, I'i'-i . ie. and 7(4 p. x. Snii'l iv chool attat mornim; cervice. Prftycr ¦ ' iul; ii'irsday evenlng al 7 n'clock. Episcopal Chnreh. Hkv. Wtuh Hall, Keotor. tttbb i'h i irrtbei. lH a. x. aud 7v p. h. Mundiiv s hooli iVi p. m. -viceu, Thursda evenini; al 7 n'clock Ufrinan Methodist Chnrch. Rkv. C. Hklwis, Pastor. finhtiatli services, 10% A. M. and 1% p. x. siiiuUy S'.-'.iool, at trine o'clock a. x. Prayer laoi'tini; o& Wedncedaj, Lutheran Chnrch. Kar. Jurk Nkcmann, Pastor. Vabbfttii srvicuti, 10% a. m. and 1% v. x. Sun 1 iv Scho I aftjr iaornin; service. i'mycr mi-ettmt, Tharsday eveninKat 7% o'clock. Xethoilist Church. Uiv. Jou Alabastkr, Pastor. ces. 10-4 a. . and 7i4 p. x, ¦i.indiy i' iuoI after morBtng atrrice. ait, Thurilay evening at T% o'clock. Y,,,,., i'.Mple'n Meotiiiij, Satnrdajr 7 p. x. PresUyterian Church. tiv. I'küd T. Baan, D. D., Pastor, iibtulb T-ic 'i, 1014 . x. and TJ( r. . ictiO'iland H.)lclaiiBaftcriiirnin)?serv1cc Prayei naetinz, riinr-ilayeveDingat Sp'clock. . 1 ,; t ;¦' .-' rtu-tiuif, Silnday evunine %. (Tnltariaa Church. Kkv. J, T. Si'NiBitL.Nn, Pastor. ith aarrlcaalOM a. m. and 7H r. ¦ Sn 1 iiy School it 12 x. .1111 :.-nt' Blbl O1(M at 9:ir a. x. ion Iiiithoran Church. Kkv. Fl. F. Bblsir, Pastor. h SerTlcos at 10V4 a. x. and 7 P. x, g 111 Uj 9cb oi Immedlatelj ïftor mnrniiiK service [{ illloua Mi'Vlcaf A'uduonday ivenlug at 7 o'clock BUSINESS CARD8. lailics! l.iulii's! mis$es'hayleys I.AUIKS' STORE, Ho. 8 s. Main St., for Corsuts, lecy, Powellng, Tahle Unen, 11 I..1011 auilSilklIandkercnieis, ,o.'kii.", Garnetand Jet Set, and Lidies' ''ans in great Tanty. No. . S. Main St. No. 3S. MalnSt.X 'JHyr l 0. C. JENKIS, OFFICE : . 32 East Washington Street. Kormerly occupied by Dr. l-"ro( liinImm. ƒ 'isotf HENUV K. HILL, attorne.yatlaw Rfal Eslate Broker, AND INSURANCE AOENT. ornci : n. 1 Opera House Blork Ank Akbok, Mich. 795tl WILLIAM HERZ, ilOUSE, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL FREdUO PAINTER. fi'wtirine. Glazmir, Gilding and Calci- mlntDK, and work of everydecriptlon done in the beet style, and warranted ƒ to nive Biitlfactioo. Shop No. 4 West w ashington Street. Ann Arbor, Mlcn. f 688tf W. H. JACKSON, dentist OtBeeover Bacli éc Abel'. fïntrance by First National Bank.X 7Htf F. SOBQ, IJoUKt, SlON AND ÜltHAMENTAL I E Painteb. Papcrlnit. Glazlng, ƒ ƒ Ollding, and work of every des ƒ cription done tn the beet style. ƒ I falnts, Oils, and Varnishes on ƒ I íaid and for sale. Shop, No. 81 ƒ I ïaet Washington 8treet, Ann ƒ I Arbor, Mlch. 6O8tf WILLIAMW.iNI0HOLS, DEWTISTI BSJöS BuccesBorto (i. W. North. Office, 1 South Main Sirei-t, National Bunk. Resldcncc, 37 Llh orty Street. Nltrous oxide gas administered whe rwjannted. jggj .KALAMAZOO BUSINESS COLLEGE offers superior adrantages to YOUNC MEN AND WOMEN lio wlih to qnaluy for business. UveriilMH) 01 oni uurteiiis ure now filünj; roiponsible posltious in all partí of tho country. Send for üolleee Journng partlcalara. W. F. PARSONS. Premdknt, ¦W-ln Kalamazoo, Mlch. THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, II ih tun, ïïAKSASIS SENSUAL BANSIN5 BUSINESS. CAPITAL, $50,000. Orj-an7.ed under the General Banking Law of lhi ¦ ie, the tockholdere are liidlvldually Hable for n "OlUonal amount equal to the stock held by them, iSwíir.ií'B.'pi-"":.? Fund for the $100 000.00. áaw!?tlr,p''r terest 1 allowed on all lJi ï. l!"m of onu dullBr and "PwardB, accordi"m . r", "" "Ub0 Bnk'ind interest comounded tZ 'Jt 'n,"a"yH Money to loan on unlncïmbered nl úntate and otber ood securlty. ;i'or-ChriBtian Mack, W. W. Wlnes, R A Beal WUMam Ueubel, Willtam D. Harriman Daniel Hiscock, and Wtllard B. Smith omrers: l'1"1" ". l're. W. W. Wmra, Vice-Proe. Chab. K. Hhcock, C'ashler 15-966 QÖTÖ WINANS & BERRY KOK MERCIIAATT TAIL0RJN6 K.r the followiiiK reanonn: i"1' '.''"¦ '"¦"¦ '" "H nrët-claas. tai. ,.,. rï '9 tho "n]y cutter in "¦ s'te who avl'„„ '' '"¦ ü' h"t aortmet in the State, úly "'""'''""'íie (i anti Wor,teU. n. w dm pona bal r.l-clui trlmmln(is. "" Wi' m ful] 40 per cent, below Detroit price. WINANS 4 BEKKY, "5-li)O7 Nu. ii soutli Main Street, Ann Arbor


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