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II' yiin ilo pol 0V8 to havo thetm-ini ss ol ili.' oountry broken np, vote the repablioui lioket. In a speech in Chicago in 1864, Thomas A Hondrieks callod President Lincoln "a sniut'y oíd tyrant." Tha past record of llio domooratic paity, 10 w hich il pointed with pridc, didn'tsecin to t ike wcll down in Indiana and Ohio. It' Landers' dcf'eat iü Indiana in duo to his unpopularity, will the still groater uupnpularity ot' English retrievo the loss in November? If you are anxious to have another adniinisiration as pure, and free from all oorruption as is the present one, vote for Garti.M and Arthur. We don't hear as much as we formerly (lid about Haneook's cabioet. What's the matter? Have you givcn up all hope of carrying the "huperb" to viotory. Give us ctniugh opposition to malte the eampaign interesting, brother demoormta. Don't be so easily discouraged. You know you have 138 electoral votes to start wth. The Marshall Statesman published three columns of name? of former democrats who have broken away from that party and united with thedeuiocracy in its last is.-ue. And si ill they come. Every day adds to the Iwt. The N. Y. Sun praolically throws up tho sponge, and says " the demooratic 8WDpaign has been a series of blunders from the beginning." Just what we have told the party all Uu; time, tmt thcy wouldn't belicve us. Adversity soeins not to conquer E. It. Powell & Sou, of tlie Montcalm Uerald, for although completely burned out a few days siuce at the big fire at Stanton, tin y are oq deck once more, and tlie Uerald is again given to its readers. Iinmediately alter the Maiuo eloulion United States liouds dropped nearly three per cent., and as soon as the result of the elections in Ohio and Indiana was announced they advanced again nearly two per cent. The reader may draw his own concluMOns as to the probable cause. Congre.-snian Fiye says; According to the votes now in, l'laisted has a pluraliiy of thirty. The mistakes in the spelling of Plaistcd name will not be taken advantage of by the republicans in case they are ghowo to be nierely clerical orrors. W e will not iniitate the trieta of Ghuroelon.." The Southern States, a Hancock paper, says: "The day is not far distant when the Lincoln cause will be the lost cause when monumento to Booth will be built in every southern city, and when a painting representing Booth in llio aut of assassinating Lincoln will graee the capital at Washington." It is possible, with the present bouyant feeling pervading the ranks of tho repub licans, and the dark cloud of gloom surrounding the democrats, to carry Washtenaw county. We have faith to believe that there will be still greater Mirprises in store for the democrats on the 2d of November, and one of them may be the clectionof the republican ticket in Washtenaw county. There is a regular stampede down in Ohio, to the republican ranka. Richard J. Fanning, the recent candidate upon. the democratie ticket in Oliio, for clerk of the supreme court, has runounced his allegiance to the democratie party and declarod for Garfield. Wlmt puzzles thedemocraey about this business is that he is an Irish man and a Cathoüe. Fanning says of his late party: " They are a set of d - d ras cals." The vpnprablfi ftnil oriftpH antlnroaa Lyiliii Maria Child, ditd at her home in Wayland, Mms., Wednesday Oot. 20ih, aged 78 years. Her maiden name was Francia, and she was bom at Medford, Haas., Feb. 11, 1802. In 1828 she married David L. Cliild. Slie was one of the earliest writers igaioat slavery, and i.s tlie author of many works which are prized by iterary people. A vote for ihe republican ticket, 8 a vuU' for tba proeperity of the nation ; a vote for continuing a sound finaneinl policy; a vote for u tree ballot and the counting of that ba'lot ; a vote for the perpetuation of the legislation which grew out of the war; a vote for the right ; a vote for jood men and a puic and honest administration of the affairs of this na'ion. Will you not so cast your vote? The demócrata miffat as well recngnize the situatiou and submit gracefully. Their cause is as dead as when Horace Greeley led them to defeat. They have no possible chance for victory, and it is a pretty big question if the November wave doesn't couiplutcly sweep them out of even their former famous strongholds. Washtenaw county can be carricd by the republicans by proper work and management. Willard Stearns, of Adrián, the democratio candidate for secretary of state, attciupted to interrupt the Hon. Omar D. Conger, while he was making a political speech in that city, a few nights since. The result was that Stoarns got nicely "combed down" for hio impudence, in calling Mr. Conger a liar. Conger told him that " he had fallen froui the dignity of a gentleman to the degree of a blackgnard." Demócrata h:we always bowled vocifer ously over the 8 to 7 fraud, which was a gamo of their owti concocting, and have grown terribly indignant over the mannor in which Mr. Hayes secured the presidential chair. Not one of them, however, can deny but that liis adrninistration has been pure, houest, and in every way so shaped as to secure the best interests of the entire people. Many of them confess that it has been the purest administration for many years. Latest adviccs from New York si ates that business men without regard to party, are pouring out wealth by the bushei, al most, in aid of the republican cause, and that those who have been demócrata all their lives are giving astonishing amounts rather than suffer a chanjje to be made in the policy of tlie goverument. New ïork politioians confidently prodict that Garficld will have 40,000 uiajority in New York alone, and that Hancock will oot carry a northern state. Whoop'er up. A gentleman living in Garrard county, Kentucky, adds. to a business letter the following: "Hancock sent a congratulatory dispatch to Plaisted, the greenbacker, of Maine. What kind of a dispatch did he fend the greenback orator, Kandall, who was driven from Alabama by the violence and force of democrats? Did he congratúlale Kimberly, of Misnsbippi, whose life was threatencd by the Twceds and Booth's of that despotiam callcd a state? If Hancock congratulates one national he ouisht tj congratúlate another. " If the exodus of democrats, disgusted with their party forits instability, venality, and lack of principies, continúes without interruption up to the 2d day of November, the managers of that party will have to get out an atEdavit to prove that they had a ticket in the field. The ranks of the republican party is daily being swelled by the botter class of democrats who have become tired and disgpted with the vacillating policy, blundering leadership, and entíre lack uf principies which for the past few yuars has characterizod tbuonoe glorious orgaoizatiiM).


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