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A se fíeacon. "Ooaeon Wilder, I want you to teil me liow you kept yourself and fauiiiy well tbe paxt sea-wi when all the rest of us have ok so muoh, and have had the doctors visiting usso often." "Bro. Taylor, the answer is very easy. I used Hop Bitters in time ; kept my family well and savod the doctor bilis. Three dolían wonh of it kept us well and able to wurk all the time. 111 warrant it lias cost you and the neighbors one to two hnndred dollars apiece to keep sick the same time." "Deaoon, I'll use your medicine hereafter." Man's Noblst Work. ïhis is an age of great works and wonderful inventions. Steain, electricity, water, air, all are made to serve man, but umjuestionably the greatest inventions are those which preserve nuan's health and prolong his life. and among the greatest of thei-e is Du. Kino's New Discovkry for Consumí 'tion. lts effectj are truly wonderful and Uundreds are happy to-day, who once looked furward to an early grave. For Coughs, Oolds, Bronchitis Asthma, loss of voice, Hay Fever, Hoarsness, Croup, or any affi etion whatever of the ïliroat, Chest or Lungs, De. Kinq's New Disco very will positie li cure. We can cheerfully recommend it to all, and can unhesitatingly Ïav it i-j the only sure cure for Throat and jung affections. Trial boules tcp cents; regular size, $1. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1002-1034 A ('oiigrli, Cold or Sore Throat should be stopped. Neglect frequently re-ults in an Incurable Lung Visease or Consumption. Bbown's Biionchial, Troches nv' ccrtiiin to give relief in Aslhma, Bronchitis, CoUgKs, Catarrh, Consumptii-riin! ï'hroai LHêèamt. For thirty years tlie Troches have been recorumended by physiuians and always give perfect satisfaction. They are not new or untried but having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well merited rank among the few siaple remedies of the age. fvbUc Speakers and Hingen use them to clear and strengthen the Voice. Sold at twenty-five cents a box everywhere. 1007-58 The Russian Court invited Dr. Ayer and his f'imily to the Archduke's wedding in the llojal Palace. This distinction was awarded him not only because he was an American, but also because his name as a l'hjsician had benoniB fu-ll Known InKn.-sia ín lts passage arjund the world. - Pueblo i Col.) Peoplc. Mothors! Mothersü Molhersü! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your lest by a sick child suffering and crying with the exeruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SÜOTHING SVTKUP. It will relieve the poor Httle sullurer immediately - depend upon it; theie ia no mistüke about. There is not a mother on earth who has ever use3 it, who will uot teil you at once that it will regúlate tho bowels, and give rest to the motber, aul relief and healih to the child, operatiug like magie. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is tlic preseription of one of the oldest and best f'enj'ile physicians and uurses in the Uuited States. Sold everywhere. 6 eeQta r Imttlo. 1007-58 Balata of Charle (ilrnu. QtTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wa6htcuw. s At n sesilon of the Probate Court for the County o' WathtenaW, holden ut the Prontite Office, iu the city of Aun Arbor, on Thureulay, the twontyflrnt day of OctolMr, n the year ono thoumind elL'htlhundred umi r i l' h ¦ y . Prc-mit, Wllllam D. HarrimuD, Judge i)l Prol In the inntter of the estáte of Charles Olenn, de' 'ii irire M. Glenn, executor of the last will mul teMamenr of fa1d deceased, comes lnto conrt ïiinl raprfltentl that he lu now prepared to rendcr hl tlnal uicount as euch executor. TbereApon it is ordtired, that Saturday, thr thirtcciiih of Nnvcmher next, at ten o'cfock in the toranoon, be HHgigned for exatntning and allowin euch account, and t li:it the devleeee, legateea and helrs at law of c:iid deceuscd, and all other peraone intereeted In i-aid estáte, ure required to appear at a sesslon of uaiil conrtjtheD to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, In ald county, and show raiKc ir'nny Hiere be. wby the sald account should tr't ïi' allowtl. And it is further orüered, that aaid esecutor ive noticc to the persons interested in lie, of the pcndt'iicy of iaid account, and the 1 m ¦ : i r i t i l' khereof, by causinga copy of this ordor to bc pubUsned Lp the Ann Arbor Courier, a newtpaner primad nn'l rirculated insaid connty, three pnccen(lve woek? previous tosaid day of hearing. (A trae copy.) W1LUAM D. UAKKI.M AN, Jadge of Probate. WM. O. DOTY. Probate Register. 1009-12 gatarrh gure. Ia Recommended by Physiclans. HALL'S Patarrh Pure. U" ¦"¦¦ ¦¦U- ts Indorged by Clergymen. BV3BBBKHHiHiiliHili[HflilBlil OBI 'Will Curo Any Cuse. OflUuot A l'.atawart JtCu. Chicano.IH, June 4, 1SS0. Messrs. F. J. Chrnry t Co , Toledo, O. Ontlmen - I tk pleasure in Informlng you tlmt I li. iv,: used Ilatl's Catarrh Cure. It has cured : (ras very i:nl- am) don't hasitatetosay that It will curr any caite fCtitarrh if taken properly. Yourttruly.J.B. WEATHERÏOHÜ. Wortlt #1O A Hottl. I-. MntHAY, Jaeknnn, Mich. writcs: Have had CaUrrh fur 2n rear. Hall'a Catarrb Cure cured n Ccinsider it urth S1U.UO a bottle. llilln Cktarrh Curéis gold byill Drugglsts at 7ÍC.IHI bot l Ie. Mannfactured and oíd by F. J. i CO. Sule I'ropricton, TOI.K1KJ, OUIO MaVMÉ


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