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ltraiu Coinuiissloner'.s Notice. Eublic notice s herehy Wen thnt whereas, hcretoforc, to-wit: On thu 13ih duy of September. A. í. 1880, niiplloatloii in wrltlng wae made to me, tni nndeisi ïntl townahip ürain comiulssioner, incn" for ihe t.iwuj-hiiiof l'iitsfield, in tueeountjFOf Waaitei iw, to clean ont, deepcn, wlden and eitend certaineBiablished dltcn or water oovne known u drain No. S. huttiiiniiu; uu the nnrih line ol 1 ¦ . ¦ U.BE.rourteeu (11) chain and (linkH westul tneh liu on sectiou fuur (4). thenceaonth S chalii and w link, tbeooi -ne-t and loath-easl acroe aeetloM '¦ (4) and nine (9) to the eonflnence with ¦' "-. Om k, dllch Nu. 1, cm ttif n. . .CtlOli ten (1U). siso to construct and lócate a nw il tch bei'iuuim, on thenortl. H of hc D. w, of ec. , near tbe culvert on the line of the Toledo and Aun Artwr K. K., tlienci' ensi alone or ner the opas wat" courte to itx Jnnction willi the snld drain Ho. s, od the II. c. of ection 9, and llie raid per nona hainí ttlven Eood and sofBcient security in writing to py all coste and expensea ui wh-it. v-r kind pertalus w the action of me. the tnid townehlp drain cororoinioiier, abont euch appliratlon, in caae inch applictlon ihould not be gnnted. I, the undereifjiieú drain commlssioner, as aforesald, did immedwitij tbereartar, to-wit: on the ttddij ol 8eptemBr,j D. 188U, proci-ed to examine ;. rsontlly the lim ol the prouosed dltch or drain, and navinc madeucn exauiInHtion, I, the Daid town ilralu commlai-loBCT dlil determine ii to be niy opinión that jtip'P-r and nccesi-ary. and for the Rood of the pnlilic heaiui, that the Kaid iivpücallou ihould ba uranted; ano belnK nnanlc to obtain a cmveynnee and relea bom vari faraón, ttrongb h.e hind kiicd ditcoi is to pass, aml it heinc nmdi' 10 appt tliat sume perrons Intereated in such dltch or armin n mloon and ottaara r aide out ol the said township, unnnc nOtiC ii riere V all u thnl I h Hl""t';(V .li.ïfc dny of Oetobcr, A. li 1880, it 11 e hoor ol ïocjo p. m. nl aid day aa the residence or ir. Untael as the pace, lor ihe . samloaUon ol iip! lication : and 1. the -ild drain commiisien. rected Ihla notice to be published in tm. Ann Akbok Cotma, a ewapaper ol i;enerlcircii iHtmn in the couniy In rhlch Uid towunhip -. Iu wttnsaa wheroof 1 have batmulo at my nano thls 28lli day of September, A D. l0, '""„"j.," the townühlp ol Pltt.fleld, in 1 aeoant) ol wainTownfhlp drain commtaiioner m :uui for tkj tJJJ hip ol HtUÜcld iu tba cuniy if Wanhunaw. püFFINö AND CASES. FULL 8T0UK AT MAK7IN'all ordeiK promptly attenda"1.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News