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"Doii'1 know half llicir Valué." "They oured me of Aue, BtHousnesn and Kiilncv CompUünt, as reoonimended. 1 lia-l i huif bottle lelt which I DKCÍ for my two little girls, wlio the dootort and nciglibors Kii I could UOt ba curod. l would have lost both ot' the onc night il' I had not given tlicm Hop Bitters. They did thcm so much good I oootinaed tlieir use uutil they wero cund. 'J'lmt ia why 1 hay you do not know half the value of Hop Bitters, and do not rucomiucnd theiu hih enouirh."- IÍ., Kochester, N. Y. Hie Other column. - Aiuericin Rural Home. A Frnrant Krealli and rcarl.v Tcclli Are casily obtained hy ulcansing your tcoth dailv with that justly popular dentifricc, SOZODONT. Doiupoaed of rareautiüeptid herbs, n imparta tbitcnesá to thetecth, a delicious aroma to tlic bresth, and preM-rvr.s intact, from youth to old &gc, the taeth. Acidity of the Ntoniach will deslroy the strongest teath unles it effeotu re coiinti-iarit (i with SUZODONT, aud tbin liuré keoth-wasli protcois the dental .-urfaces by reruovinj.' every mpurity that adbercB in llii'in Ask your druegist fnr 8OZ0DONT. A Binall artiiK; of gtmA éffioienoy g Amkrican A favorite in tvory laundry. Dwurpwaed for purity and brilliant effect. All grocers have it. l'liy-icians irliiim Bops and Malt. Bitters are tlie li ¦ Hiickleii's Aniicii Sulr. The Hcst Salvo in the wprld for Cuts, HruiM's, 8orcs, CJImti, Saltllhcum, Fever Soj-es, Tetter, Chappcd Hands, (Jhilblains, ('unís and all kinds of' Skin JOruptions. This Salve is warranted to give perfect satsFaotion in every case or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbaofa k Son, Ann Arbor. 1002-1034 X WoiKierfiiI Discovery. Fur tlie ipeedy cure oLConauniption and all di.-eases t.liaf. li ad to it, sueh as stubbirn (iouïhs, neglected Colds. Broophitis, Hay Fevof, Aihnia, pain in the side and ehesl, 'Irv nackÍDg courIi, (ickliiiR in the ihroat, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, and all ('hronie or linetítag dicases of the throat and lungs, Da. Kinu's New Discovery has no equal and lias establislied for itelf a world-wide reputation. Many feadint; physicians recouimend and use it in tlieir practico. The formula ('rom which it is prepared is highly reeonimended by all medical journak Tlie clergy and the presa have oomplimsntsd it in the most lowing terms. (Jo to your druggist and get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a regular size for $1. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Micli. IiHlií-34 'ew 1'iiMIieat ons. UftD ÍF TWENTY-OE M MBERS f Uil pÖOFSCRIBNERfi MONTHLY The magntfleently illtntrated November nuinlicr of BGBIBKBB'a MoNTIU.Y, the Deccnnlal Issue, appears in Qew góverrand contains the first chapters of Peter the fcfreat as Riiler and Keforiner, by Engene Srhuvler. the beginniiig oí' a capital serial novel anieles 011 Klailstone (with fUllpág portrait), Kliliu VeddtAr, Millet, Artemus Ward and Walt Whltnun, with many other papers of inusnal iuterest, among them the lirst publishcU exnlanation of HELLER'S FABIOUS SECOND-SIGHT TRICK. lilis Xiivember number begins the twenty fiist volume. The iucreasing popuhirity of the mag&zlne is strongly eviilein-ed by recent sales. A year afo the monthly ciiiulation was aboot UO.OOÜ copies; dnnng the past nine montba it has arerased 115,000, whlle the lirst edition of the November issue is 125,000. Price 35 cents; $4.00 a year. The fbllowing special ofFers are made witli neu subseriptions (numbers and volumes supplied, post puitl. by the publisheis and all dealers): (1.) Twenty-one Numbers of Scrlbner's for $5.00. For ?.'.00, a year's subscription, beginning witli Nov-, and nine recent númbers, FtibV to Oct., 18S0, including Part I. of Peter the fcíreat, Mis. Burnett's Loulsiana, etc. (Regular price, $7.00.) (2.) Two Bound Vols. and a Subscription for $7.50. For $7.50, a year's subscription and two richly bound volumes, XIX. and XX., eontaining the abovo numbers. and all of Cabel'a brilUant novel, The (Jrandisslines. (Uegular price, $10.00.) SCR1BTÍER & CO. 743 Broadway, N. Y. ifllii ANOTHEli 8ÜPPLY OF FIXK WOOLENS ESPECIALLY FOR SI IIS ' ATSTD _m 4 ] ( ] Tle Best Gier IN THE CITY. OTTIR, READYMADE DEPARTMENT IS NO W FÜLL AND COMPLETE IJÏÏLI HUI TUK KIXO CLOTH1BR, ws lOtt I


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