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A Bronson printing office ha? ticen removed to Coldwater. A spring harrow manufactory has been established ut Albion. The Romeo Observer tells nbout apples 15 inehes in circumference. A gang of' safe burglars have been operating in Kent and [onia eounties. The scène of Stanton's recent big fire in lo be built up ajruiíi, this time with briek. The last state fair is said to have netted its managers $1,000 on the wrong side of the ledger. The 27th annual sossion, of the grand lodge of I. O. Gr. T. was held in Allegan last week. A new M. E. church at Caro City, Tuneóla county, was dedicated on the 24th. 1 1 cost $2,41") Maysvilic, Tascóla Co,, a erecting a hanrlsorjic, twostory, brick school house, eo.-iing $1,500. Win. Deyoe feil from a horizontal bar, in gymnasium at Kalamazoo, the otherday, and broke both arms. In lonia county the dover seed erop is reported as almost an entire failure on ac eount of the bad weather. Mis. Fanny Billings, of Albion, one of the pioneers of Methodism in Miehifan, died last Saturday, aged 72. O'ivet college hasan attendancc of 2'J6 in all departments. ïhe freshuian claw has 24 ladie.i among iis 40 memben. The last of the series of state teachers' instituten f'or 1880, have been heM ai N ¦ waygo and Manistee thi week. The M on roe Commercial says that Miss Frank Austiu has been appointed matron of the deaf and dumb institution at Flint. The üakland county sheriff gets on the soft side of the supervisors by giving them a grand .-upper the last niijht of their session. .John S. Kimball, forwbom the towmhip of Kiuiball, 8t. ('lair cuunty, was nauied, died on the 24th inst. He was over 70 years of age. The Hon. Hugh McCurdy, of Corunna, declines to allow his name to be used fbr the office of state senator by the democrats of his district. Spajth, Hottinger and Kusterer, the three Grand Kapids men lost on the Alpena, were meinbers of the liquor dealers' association of Detroit. Win. A. Kalb, a resident of North División street, Battle Creek, l)as in his garden strawberries wbich are now in blossom For the third time this year. Edwin C. Nichols, of Battle Creek, has been appointed by the governor as trustee of the Kalamazoo asylum, in place of Edwarr) 8. Laopy, of Charlotte. istee route, robbcd the mails and fxpress company last week, hasadmitted his uuilt, and delivered up the stolen property. Judge Gaskill, of the Lapcer and Oakand circuit, who holds his position by appcintment of the governor, has been nominated for the position by the republicans. The corner stone of the Macomb eounty court house, was laid last week Thursday under the management of the masonic fraternity. There was a large attendance of people. The people of ths western side of the state have not been so wrought up over any event in years as over the loss of the Alpena. It fairly eclipses the politica! excitement even. Day & Colyer's mili IS miles from Menominee, burned on the 2Ist. Loss $3,500, no insurance. The same firm lost the schooncr Annio Lyons in the late storm. Troubles come in floods. The epizootic has been raging to a fearui extent among tho cquines of Detroit, and at one time t was difficult to obtain enough sound horses to transact the necessary carrying of the city. Dr. Nathan C. Hall, of Bay City, who "ormerly lived at Davisburg, Oakland Co., )00 bonds, on the cnarge of hastening the demise of his late wife. He courts the fullest investigation. Go. Cummings, a blacksmith of Marihall, went to bed inapparently good health ast Friday night, and as the Irishman would say, woke up and found himselfa corpse Saturday morning. Cause : heart disease, supposed. At. Eaton Rapids two little girl.", nnnied Drake, aged two and four years, were torri)ly scalded byone of the handjes coming off Torn a boiler filled with boiling hot water, which their father was attempting to remove from a stove. Wyandotte Herald : Signs of prosperity and better times are abundant on every li.iml. Old buildings are being rcpaired and refittcd for new tcnunts, new bnsinest enterprises springing up or being talked of', and business of all kinds isinereasine. A farmer namod Anity, living near Mid land, was killed in a singular manner, one day last week. He was driving a team in a field, haviog the reina over hls shoulder, and in some inannor tbe horses started, jerking him over and breaking his neck. The Battle Creek Journal says tliat a citizen of that city has just discoyered tliat soiue onfl unknown to him deposited in one of the city banks, the sum of $1,700 to hifi credit, some tnree years ago. Said citizen hasn't the ftintest idea who, when, wherc, or why the deed was " did." Lucky citizen. The superintendent of the Traver-se City whools, publiahea ip the paper of that city, at the end of ench month, a list of all citizens who have visited the schools during the month. This is a good idea, a.s it giveH n opportunity to know who are DO( interested in the prosperity of the obools. E. Wkwood Mills, of Mirehall, who had tated for Topeka, RaMM, to le niarried, was on board tho ill-fated Alpena, it il sn osed, as he lelt home to take tliat boat, mi bas not since been heard oL Also olin 1. ('irr, l'ir eight yoars a canv;isor or BL L. Polk .t Co., of Detroit, WW sup wsed to have been i pa-isenger. A few days since a prominent democrat in he southcra part of the state procured a umon and had it duly charged to give a botted salutc in honor of the resultof the ndiana elcetion. it was nol fired. And )ii the morning of Oi-tnlicr I2tbwba lic ooked on his cannon he fuund that it bore bis suqgestive Moríption: "A charge to :éeii I uKte. Qrfend Rápida "Post Alpena is evidently not a teinperanoe own. A lumhcrman Iiid two bottles of eer in ¦ saw -du.-t pilo last weck and forot wherc it was. Since that timo every iw-dust hoap in Alpena Du bMq Jut lirough a sievo in a vain seareh for the 'bcah!" Which assertion, by an exliange, we believe to boa falsehood, oircuated to injure our fair nortliern sister. A short time since, some workmen while milding h dam in the vieinityof Troutljakc, 'uuiiil a stone pipe, buried two feet onder cedar tree. The workumnsliip on it was aid to be fine. Tlie top of the bowl has a im of bras.s, and the bowl had been cut nto near the entranoe of tne pipe stem, and pfcoe of brass fitted into it and from it to stem and riveted with brass rivrts.


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