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"VTOTICE. I hereby givc notlcc that 1 Bhall not piy any debts made on my account by my wifc, Mary. JACOB LAUBËNOAYBR, Ja. Lodi,Octobor20, 1880. 1010-12 ANTED. To hire a teacher or busincsi man of sn:ip and BMgli 30 yeare of age or upwarde, to take order for a profusely illustraied edneational work haviiif a liireo nale. Address, stating age and business expertence In fa 11, W. B. STICKNKY, Publlsber, 1010. Ann Arbor, Mlch. ATONEY TO LOAN. At seven per cent, Socurity raust be on firrit-claps farms in tbis county, or city propurty iu Ann Arbor, ín central and deairable localfties. J. li. A. 8ESSIONS, Attorncy. Office : S. W. Cor. Main & Hurón SU., up-Btaire JPOR SALB. A Farm of twenty-one acres, with a good dwclling house on it, one mile from city city limito. Enquire 965tf At THE COURIER OFPICK. "OOR SALE. I bave a good KI.OI KINH Ml 1,1, of four run of stone, that I wil! sell or excitante for property In Washtenaw County. 964tf RICE A. BEAL. "POR EXCHANOE. I have a farm of 100 aeree in the western part of the State, valned at $6,000, which I wil] exchange for Ann Arbor City property. RICE A. BEAL. CHAMPION SHEET WAX HOLKStu: and RETAIL, Mannfactured by MRS. E. A. BURLEY, Dealer In all kinds of 57 Michigan Avonso, oppoiite Antisisl Eouso, DITBOIT. NOTICE T0 ELECTORS. To the electora of Washtenaw county : You are hereby notifled that the following amemljiu-nt to the constltutlon of the state wlll be voted uj .11 at the conilug electiou ou Tuesday, the second day of November next : Resolved, by the Senate and Hoase of Representatives of the state of Michigan, that the following ainendment to ttie constitution of this state be, and the same is hereby provided to stand as sectlon lift een ol artlele fourteen: Sec. IS. The leglslature ghall have power, upon such terms and coudltlons, and In snch manner as lt shall deern proper, to authorlze thesclty of Detroit to aid in the construction and maintenance of a rallroad bridge or tunnel across the Detroit rlver at or near sald olty, to an amount not exceeding oue peroentum of the nssessud value of the taxable property In said city. EVEKETT B. CLAHK, Clerk for the County of Washtenaw. RAILROADS. lyi ICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROA D Time Tablc. June ao, 1SHO. GOIMS WX8T. A.M. A.M. P.K. P.M. r. M. P. M. DotoH..Lv 7 00 0 35 S-55 4.0S 8.3(1 9.50 G. T. Jane... 7.15 9.65 .10 4.20 8.45 10.10 WayBoJanc 7.58 10. 6.42 4.46 9.17 10.40 Ypeilanti 8.30 10.48 7.05 5.U6 9 42 11.02 Ann Arbor... 8.40 11 00 7.35 5.32 10.00 11.17 Dextor. 9.04 7.56 5.88 10.21 Uhelsea. 9. 8.11 5.62 10.85 UraesLake.. 9.50 8.85 6.13 10.54 p. m. a. a. Jackson..Ar. 10.10 9 00 JttCkaon..Lv. 10.20 12.15 6.55 11.20 13.40 Albion 11.04 12.50 ri 7.42 11.59 1.16 Marshall 11.50 1.80 _ 5 8.18 12.21 1.37 p. m. 3 8 BattleCreek. 12.19 1.55 Y 8.41 13.45 3.00 A. M. Galeebnrg.... 13.53 a. m. 9.16 Kalamazoo... 1.18 3.86 4.50 'J.35 1.30 3.02 Lawton 1.52 5.25 2.05 Decatur 2.07 B.42 2.21 Dowaglac... 2.2(1 6.07 3.44 Mies 2.55 4.04 6.50 3.10 4.15 Bnchanan.... 8.08 7,02 3.28 ThreeOaks.. 8.38 7.27 NewBnffalO. 3.53 4.52 7.40 4 U5 Mich.City.... 4.23 5.1K 8.08 i.S3 5.28 Lake 5.08 6.02 8 54 5.17 6.31 Kenaington. 6.00 6.50 9.45 fi.05 7.15 Chlcagol.Ar. .50 7.40 10.85 6.55 8.05 OOINÖ SAST. A.M. A.M. r. M P.M. F.M. Chicago..Lv. 7.00 9.00 4.00 S.15 9.10 Keneiut'ton. 7.50 9.50 4.50 6.05 10.00 Lake 8.35 10.30 5.40 6.50 10.48 Mich.City... 9.25 11.13 6.83 7.(8 11.30 New Buflalo 9.50 11.33 6.58 11.52 ThreeOaks.. 10.03 7.13 A.M. Buchanan.... 10.30 p. M. 7.40 Nilee 10.46 12.18 8.10 M 12.46 BowaKiac... 11.18 8.88 1.10 Dccatnr 11.39 9.05 1.33 Lawton 11.57 9.22 A. M 1.48 Kalamazoo.12.33 1.38 10.00 60 10.35 2.35 Ualehnrr. líí-53 F ' UftttleCrek 1.Ï8 2.15 J0 7.40 11.10 8.18 r. m. o J Marshall 3. S00 J 8.09 11.35 3.46 AIM.m 2.53 3.21 _?_?_ 8.36 11.59 4.12 .. A.. JarkKrm.Ar. tM ,Inck.n,.Lv. .46 4.05 7 16 9.80 12.45 S.O0 Orues Lake.. 4.10 7.38 9.50 5.26 Chetoet 4.40 8.02 10.07 ü.50 Dexlor 5.00 H.1B 10.19 ii.H5 Ann Arbor... 5.23 5.07 8.40 UW S.1W 6.25 Ypxiliinti 5.38 5.33 S..55 10.48 3.30 8.41 Wavn.Junt 6.(12 6.46 9.16 11.08 2.44 7.06 U. T.Junc... 6.;tó 6.15 9.45 ll.:5 3.20 7.46 Detroit-Ar. 6.60 fi.80 18.00 11. Wl :i.:tt 8.M s umlay excepted. (Saturday A Bunday excepted. H)aily. liKNKY C. WlNTWOBTH, H. B. LlSTARD, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Gtn'l Sup't., Delroi', rpOLKDO & ANN ARBOR R. R. Tlm Card of June üï, 1880. UOINII NUKTII. SÓIDO BOrTB. STATIONS. A.M. r. M A.M. f. M. t 7.55 t6. 10 l,v Toli'dn Ar. I Wi t7 M 7.68 (i.l.„ Norlh Toleilo '9.37 7.47 8.W1 fi 25 Detroit .lunctton i.lSi 7.85 is 'ii n Hauthiirn 9.os 7.27 .i7 i. 11 Sanjarlu 9.01, . Is I Seola K.4D 6.55 Lulu n.50 7 06 8.4S 7.10 Monroi Jnnctlon.... 8.4r 7.00 S.56 7.10 Dundee .3 6.50 '.100 7.15 Macon 8. SI R 45 9 05 7.20 Aidlla 8 36 6 40 l 9.18 7.341 MII.1U 8.12 37 85 7.40l Nora 8. OH 21 9 8Ü "7.47 Urania '8.00 6.15 D H 7 ,Ï7 i'itUüeld 7.50 8.06 t 'i 06 lOAr AnnArlior Lv. t7.5 + 5.50 tDally, except Suudiys. Tltijr 8trtonst The LocjïI r rclht. iuy uoriii, teuven Toledo at 12.06 P. ., arrivlnK at Ann Arbor ut .1.45 p. m. Thu Local Freijfht, foine mmth, leaves Ann Arbor ut 11.40 i'. m., rtrrlvlüL' ;tt TSjïedO al 8.(15 p, M, Trtinawlll te run byColumbua linie, nu ihown by ilir i'livk in Hu1 Snperlntendent'i offioe at Toted. Wm. F. l'AKKKH, SuiM'ilut.'iid.iit.


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