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HANGSTEMER'S OYSTEB AND ICE CREAM PAJRJL.ORS, 30 AND 32 MAIN 81. CATERING FOR PARTIES AND BANQUETS A STKCIALTY. w ¦,.,!,! .1... rjafcoa, [es ('rcam. Manu-nou aml C'rcam IOm PjnunMi MADK TO OKDKlt ON HHnKT NOTK'K. Whitmnn's Frenen Cnndii-H, Fresh Fi(,'ii Malii; Ornpea, Klortda Oraogo, c, c, KEPT CONflTANTLT ON HAMD AT HANGSTERFERS O AM) :I2 MAÏS STREET. BOATS TO RENT A.ND POR 8ALK. DINSKY & SKABOLTS BAKERY,GROCERY ANO - FLOUR AND FEED STORE. W( kenp coHtnt!y on hand, BRKP, ORACKKRS, CAKES, ETC., FOR WnOLESALJt AND RBTAIL TRADB. Wc shall algo keep a supply of MWIFT OKUBEL'8 BBST WHITE WI1KA1 FLOÜK. UBLHI FLOUR, KYK FLOl'K, Hl CKWHKAT FLOUR, CORN MBA1., FEE, c.,c. A4 wbolo8ae and retail. a eneraj tock ol GROCF.ItlES A!Y PROVISIÓN! constantly on hand, whlch wil] be old on au rcaüoi ahletermB a atany other houee in the city. (,'asn pnid forBnttor, Ritk, and Country Prodnr trnnnrRllv. tGoodf deti wet to nny part of the city wi U otra charpe. yr KINSKY A SBAHOLT. FERDON LÜMBER YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufactarer and Dealer In SACINAW 6AN6-8AWRD LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Wc indio al! to Rive us a cali, and examine oui stock hulorr pnrchatiing elsewhere. ALSO A(iKNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SKLLS FIRK BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. HKK H. Supt. feb.lï.'TO ANTON EISELE, DKALER IN MffiüUTEMOira The pnWtr Is Invited to cali and examine specimens uf the celebrated KNOXVILLE,TENN.,MARBLE Of whtch we have a snpply of new dealen. It Is superior to any marble In beanty nnd darabllity, and tafcee the place of Scutch Granlte. I'UKES LOWLR Til A EVER. WORK ALL WAHRANTBD. Shop- Cor. of Detroit and Catherine Sts. ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. 915U TO AGRICULTURISTS The undorsigneU are now mnnnfacturlng a a salt for fertllizing purposes that is pecullarly aduptert to the nse for whlch lt Is deslgned. It is entlrely free from dirt, or hard lumps, and Is made by a procesa whlch leaves lncorporated In the salt all the valuable plant food, as well as lngredlents calculated to free and render ¦afable the Ammonla already contalned In the il. juopose to place the price so low that none símil be deterred from givlng lt a fair trial. The use of salt for fertillztnK purposes Is uo longer an experiment, but bas been fully proven, Qpf only sclentlflcally and theoretloajly, hut praetieally, by scores of our most Wfc lierewlth present the experience and oplnlou oi apma of Mie leadlng Farmers and Nch'Mtlst f thls and othcr countries, hnplog ihat the penisal of the same may be mutually beneficia!. We sliall continue lo gather such statUtics u we can on Iliis subject, and hope eaoh and ivcry on,, wlll aid ba in thls by glving da the ban&t of hl experlence. ri and Communications may be r1drëaaed lo ciiher of the underslgned, who wlll fnrnisli ui! necesary Information ivs to prlces, tr:iiispnrtatk)!i, ote. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, EastSaglnaw, Mlch. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT CO., (Limited) Syracime, N. Y. THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT CO., ("Inoinnatl. Ohlo. Mr. '-,.i!„rt, par 8. . Hrown, has thleslt for sale at the Fordon Lnnibcr Yard in tWs city . iS8.yr FilÉ' S The Standard of the World. ECLIPSE WINDMÍLLS The Strongest Mili Made. SAFEST TO BUY, nnrnni Wrrnntwl tlir. nt. Wat Wurramee Is ¦UMIaotlal. Uooulal all luipruvemeau. Prlcn Lownt- Qdftllty noiiHldHTOd. send for cLlou diwrlhiui; atdeM WKiilml. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., in and 113 Lake-s Ch cago. 1IKH 1010 SöOÖltEWARD ! B wl'l py jihovr rcwsrd for any cne of Llver CnmplaJot, Dytpepsla, Sick lleadirhe, lndlK"'4''!!. Cnnr-Mpiii ton or CoKtlTeaesi we canuot cure vviih Wcit'i .-i: I'llln, when the dlrec in. re ntrlcilj compjled wlth. Tliey nru imrdy VeicotthM, 111. 1! ii-v1.rlHllt..L'ivemillKf1irllon. Suifar 'imt. .1.; ii'.vi-i. contniplng M Plu,. -r, C(.nt. nr ill drni-kist. K.wnre of c.iunt.rf.nHiiil Iihi'uiIdmx. The yenntaa m.iiiiifnctured onlv by .IMII v ,¦ tst 4 ((... 1MII MakcrK '" 11 & lH't W. MiiiHkoii St.. Chicleo. Kr.-e lrll packai:,. ki'mi by muil pr.'iKii.l mi receljil of ¦ '; .-.¦nl Ktaiui. MS IIIIH '


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News