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The epizootic mildly rages at Jackson. A spoke factory is spoken of at Owoeso. Adrián is to have a teicphone exchange. "Helio" therc. Street loalbr atHict Marshall' streets. Otüer citics, ditto. The people of Chase are having a Dew school house erected. A Presbyterian shepherd is wanted lor the Mt. Clemens flock. Rev. R. N. A very is the new Episcopalian clcrgyman of Big Rapids. Hay brings $20 a ton at Manistee, and hutter 2ü cents per pound. The winter fishing has coiumenced at Ludinjtton, and favorably, too. Theie was a balance in the state treasury last Saturday of $1,545,880.38. The turn verein society of Kalamazoo, has jut dedicated a uice new lull. The daily papers are to be introduced into the schools at Hudson. Good. Minister Christiancy is now busy in fixing up :i [ace between Chili, Kolivia, and I'uru. The lathor of Dr. Charles Ryud, of Adrián, diod suddcnly Ootobcr 26, aged 81 years. Tho supervisors of Tusoola county have concluded not to have a court stenographer any longer. lt is asserted that a Jackson religión society has just cleared about $400 by a lottery schciue. The folksuf Romeo, Rochester, and I'ontiac are having lots of fun riding on their new railroad. AtSaugatuek, the night of Oetober25, the safe of A. B. 'l'aylor was blown open and $l,C00 taken. Galesburg, Kalamazoo county, has four good churchos, and neither of the societies is in debt a penny. Isaac Tower was buried alive by the eaving in of a wellat Oakfield township, Kent Co., last Saturday. They cali one of the girls at Tecumseh "earthquake," because she has "shaken " so many of the boys. B. C. Sauuders, proprietor of the Sherman house, Grand Rapds, died last Sunday. He leaves a family. The bank at Marcellus has a time look on i is safe, aud it took the inventor thereof seven days to get into the safe. Chicken and clothes line thieves are busy in Allegan. It is said that both men and vromen are engaged in the work. The Adrián Baptist3 recently held a and tbanksgiving servioe because thcy had oanceled a debt of $1,500. The Bucbanan Record says that they want more housen in that city, " and want them bad." Wouldn'tit be botter tohave them good ? The wife of Geo. Partridge, of Bay City, killed herself with aconite recently, because of the loss of a child a few weeka sinue. Crazy, supposed. The telegraphcompaniesat Mt. Clemens have been cutting rates to such an extent that lovers send their postal cards by telegraph up there now. The Lake shore railroad has been award - ed $250 by comwissioners, by reason of the Detroit & Butler railroad crossing the same at Adrián and Chases. A telegram from Sioux Falls, Dakota, states that Dr. Isaac Momfort and the young lady he eloped with from Ithaca, were captured at that place Monday. Menomince Indians say that the water in Trout lake, many years ago rose as high as the tree tops, and drowned all the Indian inhabitants thereabouts, so they cali it "Devillake." N. J. Seelcy, a prominent pioneer and farmer dicd very suddenly at Eaton Rapids, last Suuday. Mrs. Horace Jones, of Dowagiac, another pioneer, also died very suddcnly on Monday. The people in the northern part of the state are killing off the dogs of hunters [aster than the hunters kill the deer. So, if you ío un there hunünc. leave vour valuable canine at home, if you have one. In the matter of The State of Michigan vs. The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R. , in the Wayne circuit court last Monday, the jury awarded the state $83,484.85 back taxe-i, whicb the compauy bad refused to pay. The wedding boom, which starled so auspiciously with the first chilling winds of autuinn, seems to have subsided. Wbat is the troublo 'f Are the afflicted all marrie.d, or have tbey become acelimated. - Mason News. The Decatur Republican scolds because all the beautilul, thrifty maples surrounding the depot grounds in that place, have been cut down, according to orders. Good. You have a right to scold. lt is almost wicked to cut down a fine sbade tree in any of our cities or villages. Sergeant Cliilders, said to have been the best diilled man in the U. S., and a foriner resident of Eaton Rapids, was accidentally killed at Lake Koshkonong, Wis., Ootober l'.ith, while duck shooting, his companion's iiin going off prcmaturely and shooting biua through the top of his head. The Marlctte Index says : "Our railroad is now nearly all gradcd, and with fair wcather, this week will about end the work on the road-bed. We have been informed that the Black river bridge will te oompleted by the 5th of November. If this report be true, there is but littlc doubt about the cars reaching hcre by December Ist." Thcprosecution - or persecution, as many earnestly belicve it to be - of Dr. N. C. Hall, of Davisburg, Oakland Co., on the charge of killing his wife by poison, is attracting considerable attention. The Holly Advertiser recounts the whole circumstances, and affirms that die and goasiping tongues have been at the bot torn of the wholc proccodings, and that the doctor i au innocent man. l'lie gtomach bas been malyzed by Dr. Lyons, of Detroit, and no loison found. Certain it is that gossipers ind slandcrcrs make many trivial thing ook dark, and often cause a great commotion wherc there is littlc cause ; and this cae may prove to be one of that kind.


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