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That man lives twioe who lives Dm firsl lif'e well. - Hurrick. Rasbly, nor ofttimes truly, dotli man pass judgcuent on his brother. He is a wise man who nlways knows what to do next.- Proverb. A man's colleetivedispositions constituir hts charaoter. - Atwater. A man can bear A world'i conterapt wlii'U bfl Mas tlrnt WÍUéId Whu'h saya he Is worthy. He must be a strong man who can conceal his inclination - Emerson. He that stands upon n slipin-ry place Maken nlce of no vilu hold to stuy Mm op. - Shakspeaiv. The more we study human nature the less we think of' men- the more ot' man. - Mil ton. Dextrom men Change bul thelr volees and are vtrtuoa. - Alexuudor smitli. No man ever became great or good, except through many and great mistakes. - Gladstone. Wben a man has no design but to speak plain truth, he isn't apt to be talkative. - Geo. D. Prentice. O, Heaven ! were man But constant, "e werf perfect ; tlint one error Pilis Mini witli fHi.lts - Sliiikspcari'. Men are usually tempted by the devil, but au idlc man positivciy teuipts the devil. Spanish Proverb. The hlRhts ïy great moD re&ohed iind kept, Were nolattalnel by suddrn iliulu ; lint they, whlle thelr compiiuions slept, Were toihim upwanl in the nlght. - Lougfellow. A great deal depend upon a man's courage wben hc is slandcred and traduccd. Wcak men are crushed by detraction, but the brave hold on and succeed. - Stevens. Man! I hls fulp on whom Uie public gaze Is flxeil forever to detract or pral8e; UopoKe denles lier rt'iiiem lo his name. And folly lum (h nwnynlom of hvme. - liyron. A silent man is casily roputea wise. A man who sutfers none to .seo hini in the oomtuon jostle and undress of lite easily Kathors round hitn a mysterious veil of unIciiown panctity, and meo honor hini tor a saint.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News