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The ladies society of the Baptist ohuroh have fifty yards of nico rag carpet for sale. It can be seen at 22 Fourth street, south. Will Mm. N. E. De Berry oall at No. 23 E. University avenue. CLARE THIRESE. Cali and aee that elegant line of Stationery, Albums and Picture Frames at Andrews', the live, spot cash Bookseller. Cheapest place in the county. Lost. - On Friday last in Ann Arbor, a ladies' gold bar pin. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the Courier office. Aoy person having lost a pocket book containing a siim of money, may secure a return of the same by calling at No. 37 south Main street. ' Public Speakers and Singera will find Fellows' Syrup of (lypophosphites of inestimable valué, as it speedily and effeotually allays all irritalion and huskiness. and gives power to the vocal chords, rendering tne voice clear aod ponorous. Western Mwlical Institute, Cleveland, O. Mr. James I. Fkllows, Deur 8ir-: We were induced to prescribe your Syrup of Hypophosphites by Dr. McMaster ; aod its use has been attented with such satisfactory resulta as to warrant our employing it largely from that time forward. A. SLEE, M. D. onNuuiptiuii- Urourliitin AHthuiu. WBRK Fkllows' Compoi'nd u'elcap tn other iliwnses. the beuiflt whick It undouhtcdly yleldB iu cuumimiit ion and otber diaeaaeB of itae Kexplratorj Orane wcialil vindícate ita claim to the attention of evory medical practitioDcr. From the Htatietica or En.' I.hhí anl America it Ik a fair eatlmato that one-tentb of the cntire ilt-athn cauneA by cqnBumution alono, lf thuSyrup in utel ;orcver iiiKly it aubduvs the tundency to Coueumption, and in many ronflrmcd riact, ac, In that of tho Inventor, it ha eiTected a care. liHlik'cKiion and habitual cmivenena almoat alwaya arifes frora vcaksuB of tbo irtvc aud mincl of thu Ktomach and nowulr. In uoh oaniK fY lowt' Compmil Cyrep cf Hypophoiphlt haa proved ltlf of the grcatiwt icrvlcc. The uvacuailonn aoun b. come coploua and healtbj. Thi Syrup will euro Pui.momahy CoNansiPTios in the tlrst Ktage, and will cive gre at relief anil prolong Hfc in the econd and thlrd. It will enre AktiiMl, UlCONflIITIH, l.lItTNillTIK and ('(M'IIHH. It will euro all diaeasea ori;inatlDK 'rom want of muscular action and nervona force. Fubllo MK-aktrM and Will flud thla Syrup of Inertimable valué. A doe Bhcmld e tWin before apeakini; or ainglne. Aphonla, or the Loas of Volee, t niittly rured b a few dones. We have known caeu wherc a duele dose haf been effectual. ü. Jacob, M 1)., St. John, N. V., wrttea : I bad occarlon to une yonr Syrup Iu a caati oí Apbonla which would'not yfeld to recular Ireatmenf It proved to be all that you clailnd Tor it, buvini; acted wlth eipedltlon and eutlre lallsfactioii." Do not be decelved by remedie bearlne a similar name ; no other preparatlon i a mibtltute lor lilla, uuder any clrcumataucea. IDli 1)


Ann Arbor Courier
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