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lyer'sCathartic Pills Tor all the Purposes of i Family Phjii, cmnaa JT llllvw. Jam,,,,,, JB ".pepsia, Iu.Ugetiw tEl ' ¦"', Koul Sloni I n ¦ ftCh a"'i Breath' Hm Uvaifll "o''e' E'JPelM, Pil WniJSiïS RheuinatlKm.Eruptioi JümmL. "¦" ski" '-iÍmÍC Hjt4 Zjjg0tÊÊ ""ih-kk, Llver i „m =["""" ' plaiot, D- ti tw, iiniiiis and Sait Rheum, Worm, Gout, Jj ' ligia, as a dinner pill, and purlfylng the Mom re the most congenial purgatlve yet pcrficj' hcir effect ahundtnlly ihow how moet tbej au] II other Pilla. They are safe and pleasaot totak ut powerfnl to core. They porge oot the foulhj' lort) of the blood; they stiimilate the sLugKlah iHorderi'd organs l&to actlon, and they impanktakw nd tone to the wbole being. They cure not on] j the very day complalnt of evet y body, bot formiml( nd dugeRttu dlieaies. Moet ekillfiii poyuictan, ost eminent clcrgymen, and our bent citlzens, ertlflcates ol curen performed, and of ({reat bonegu iTivwl from thexe l'illa. They are the atfeit tm Bt phynlc for children, becaose mild a well u ffectaal. Bring sugar-coated. they are easy lo take nd iKlng pnrely vegeuble, they are ntirelj lan,' PRBPARED BY [)r. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Practical and Analytical Chemlits. Sold lj all DruggiU and Dealers in Medicine. 74-101(-eCw Wamer's Safe Kidney and Uver Cure. (fbrmerly Dr. Crato't Kidnty Cure.} A vegetable prepararon and the oalr ar rrmfdr in Xhfi worl.l fnr Brlsbt's - Illmbrl n4 AI.I. kldnrj, Llirr, aad VrlailT PbcMW. BM Testimoniáis of the hlgheit order in proor of these staMmebu. r?or the euro nf mbtr, cali for War. ¦ur'i Safe Dlabflr. Cara. "For the cure of Brtfht'a and the ntbtr diseues, cali tur Waraer'l To IUdn and LlrrrCarr. WARNER'S 8AFE BITTERS. It li the beat Blood Pnrtflm-. and stlmuiam every functlon to more healthful aclluu, ana is thus a benefit in all dlseasea. 1 1 cures Mrrofuloiu and other Skin Bram. Mona and Diseases, Includlng Caneen, (]. cera and other Horf. Dyapepela. Wrakaea orth atoaauh. nl ípsilon. Ululara, General Dkl. 1(7, etc., are cured by the Safe Bitten. It li uneciualed aa an appetlserand regular tonlc. Bottlea of two aiies ; pnces, GOc. and $1.M. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Qnlclclr fcives Beat and Sleep to the suffeilni, cures Headacbe and Nenralaia. prevenu EaUeptle nía, and relieve IftrTooa Pra tratlon brougbt on by excesaive drink, oti work, mental shoclcs, and other causea. Powerful as it Is to stop pain and aootbe di. turbed Nérvea, it never Injurea the ayatm, whetber takea in small or largo doses. Bottlea of two alies ; pnces, Me. and (l.ot. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an immedtate and active stimulus for a Torpld Llvr, and cure CoitlTau, DrtMpiU, BU. SBBSBSBBBBfBBaa] loíH.M llloo. Dlu I LvrHUiH ÍTili aV rb. Malaria, Fiw ¦ rTTTTifcftrTa ¦¦¦¦ 4 ¦ and shoula I ;ÉMKUaalaa I ¦ be used whenever tht I aHIwSiiHrLI buv"ls "" opera! ¦ ¦'!?¦' 3TJ ¦ WfM frply and rügularlr. IIPfflFríffla ¦ ¦11 'r "fiw ¦ f iH'llUlífl H .„I IHnlícUlk.,. mw4fnmrffíK% F" '¦¦ -'¦ .-ji, Lflkluua Iná sola bv DtmcIiu DUa ==ZÍlH. H.WarnerlCo., I fiTffnFV'sjni R00UE8TER, H. T. ¦A3áuUlnCalw CT- '" """klil 965-1018 AMERICAN BALL BLUE THIS IS THE BEST BLUEIS& IIsT TJSE! IT IS NOT POISONOUS! I1ELPS BLEACHINÜ and GIVES A BEAUTIFUL TINT! ÍFor Sale by all Grocers._gl American Ultramarine Works, 55 Malden l.ane. Xew Vork. 982-lyr W. TREMAIN llllí Api! OFFICE AT A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE Nortli BrlIUli Initurancc Comp'I (of Ixndon and Kdinburgh,) CíaplUl $1S,0(X),OUÜ, Gold. Detroit Firc and Marine !¦¦. C. Cash Asaets fiMi.OOU. Sprlngfluld lnv oinp'j . r TIn.. Ciwh Asscte $1,800,000. llouaril I ii. EO., of New Vork, Cash Aeeets ll.OOU.OOO. Agricultural Comp') WATKKTOWN, - NEW YORK. Caeh Assetê $1,200,000. Losses libcrally adjusted and proniptly paid TT PJOAL! CO AL! O. W. SHIPMAN, MlntT and wholewile dealer of the celebrahd BRIAR RIDGE CÓAL. AL8O- Doller In Hard Coal and Plg Iron. Order promptU Ulied. Offlce, W Griiwold Btreet, Detroit, room S. 963-1004 Healtlf Is Wealth. Dh K. Q Wkst Niiukan BraiiiTriat''' a speclflc Tor Hïiteri, l)i.zluea,Convul(iüi), ir on lleadache. Mental Deprerrlon. LoB (",'"n.or'' Spcrmatorrhii-a, Impotoooy, l' Oíd M'. caused by otar ei.Ttion, nU-abua, or over-inauit ence. whlcta U-ads to misery, decav and detiD. y box will cur.. am Bch bol contatn o month'B in atm.'iu. One dollar a hol, or u d " for Uve dolía. k Snt by mail prepali on rvci-ipi .¦ price. We ix Xmxeo lo cure "ï ""; With oach order NCrh d by ui ter faibWN, ?.'.¦_ pauiüd with flve dollar, we il! -nd the Purc"i;, oor writu-D Kuariinii'e to return the money ¦ treatmcnl not eftect a cure. Hiwranteij. 1 1 ' by Brown & Co.ole Anthoiied Agenw lor Arbor, Mlch. .1OIIN C. WKS I' Jt CO. Solo P ropr' ton. Chlcsvo IH. Krlzellr .„ï ,,'Jg Agenta. Detroit. Mlch. U9S-HM Joll.r. ia .ii.l.wk. Katkiw HM " k" " hkb 3 cïtï: ss s. mr '- -íHts.' hüuldwrite uuuoaw. All nuUhd fre-. ""jj? Augurk, Hkiiif. All ia4 ar BÜk-Htata ¦ ' The :orlor ufflee on nliort Uee.


Ann Arbor Courier
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