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The Adrián Baptist church is out ol dobf. Blissfield ha nine doctors and but one undcrtaker ! $18 to $20 is now boing paid in the !umber woods fbr lÉboreri, An Albion firra has poTobwed U lll)11 barrels uf apples thi.s fall. The now high school building at V. i,-t naw ha buen coiupleted. lvit Saturday and Sun4ay a general snow storm provailed througliout Michigan. A portion of Stanton's burnt district is under contract toberebuilt by January lst. In the Ohristiancy divorce case alimony has boen reduced froui $100 to $100 per uionth. The current nuinber of Bradstreet's places the value of Michigan railroads at $136,000,000. An Kast Sarán man is said to have bet liis huiise mil lot on the losing i-idc ai ihc reoent eleotioq. The (rand Rapios schools have introduced a ncw gystém of dra ving, known as the Waltcr Smitu. A (irand EUpida man in fbr stealÍnk an uoibrella ! GreatScott!! What's this world couiing to ? It is cstimatod that 200,000,000 feot of luruber will bu beid over on the Kast Siinaw docks this winter. The fumiy liitlc Sanaal Cix will ttill bc ealipaad in the hous" of rBpreaottivat hy Mr. Uorr, of thi.s state. Uy the ovartDcniog of a lamp, 8heldon Hronson, near Niles, lost his birn au 1 contents recently, valued at $1,300. Samuel F. Nichart was arrnsted at Grand Rapids last Saturday, obarged witli embezzling $1,100 froui a Milwaukce house. The Port Iluron Guards report the first death in their ranks, that of corporal Délos Bartlett. They have b :en organized seven years. The republican paper.s in this state have 't -cveral days looked like handbills advertisiofoookfigbtc and turkoyshooling ruatchea BTOQÍDg Nüwií. A good first-class hotel is what Holly wants, says the Advertiser, and from what we know of the situation, can coincide with that view of the case. Geo. W. Axtell, of llowell, the f bunder of the Brighton Citizen, and a forruer printer, bas been elected sheriff of Livingston county by the republicans. A Ibur-years-old cliild feil frooj the up per story of Luce's block on Ottawa street, Wednosday, into a cistern and escaped unhurt.- (Jraud BapidsPoet. The Watson district school hous; three miles north of Kvart, was destroyed by lire on the 3d inst. Insured fbr $330. Steps have already been taken to rebuild. The diphtheria is raging with fatal results at Caro, aüd at othcr points throughout the state. In some iostanoea two or three children of one family are buried in the same grave. The deputy superintendent of public in struction of this state, Prof. W. L. Siuith, is the author of a book for public and private schools, entitlc'l, " Practical Music Reader." The boys in the lst ward of that part which lies north of the river, will not let the boys of other wards come over there courting, and lie in waitfor thom ujion such occasions. Uur exchanges from the western poition of the state are cornplaining about the way young cattle are being sold ofF to western drovers. A beef famine is predictod f'or next spring. Not a place in the state, large or small, but has held a grand jubilee over the elections. In sonie of them the processions and meetings exceedodanything of thekiod ever before held. Wexford County Pioneer : An aüricultural society has beeu organized at the county line, which will be a live one, or else it bolies the former reputation ofita founilrrs and supporters. J Ue CUIÜUIUI Ico ui'Kalaiuuiiuv .1 wow ïyt--u t il ui that the fear of ghouls are entirely overeóme, and a lot in one of them is preferred by the average Kalamazooan, to a whole ward- n the asylutu. The Coldwater cigar makers were on a strike a few days since, The bosses had agreed not to hire a man kioked out ofanother slioj) without consent of the kicker. Against which the boys kicked. The president of the state agricultura! society, has sppointed Mr. J. C. Sterling, sou of Mr. J. M, Sterling, of Monroe, seeretary pro tem. to fill the place left vacant by the deatli of Mr. R. F. Johnstone. The sheriff of Oakland county offers a reward forinformation that will lead to the detection of the person or persons who robbed tho grave of the wife of' Dr. N. C. Hall, who is on trial for the poisoning of said wife. Death has claiined for bid owu the Hou. Ferley Bills, of Tecuuiseh, one of the mnst estcemed eitizens of Lenawee county. He was 70 years of age, and had Iived45 years in that place, lïe was a member of the tiim of Bills, Lilly k Co., bankers. A Quincy boy sat beside his girl for just one hour the other night, and during that time kjssed her 96 times out of a poMfibU 100. The qther four times she got in a hurry and klsséd liim. If there is a couple in the state who can beat the score (rot 'eru oul. The board of' commissioners of the boulevard - which Detroit hopes to have nonio - time in the future, providing the Belle Isle park project can be killed- have chosen by a vote of 6 to 1 the Holden road or miildle route, and have ordered the name surv' and plattcd. State visitors lo public institutimis ; To Jattlü Crcek college, l'rof. (J. V. R. Bel0W8, of YilMlanti; Hon. W. H. llarford, if'Muskegon ; and l'rof. Z. C. Spencer, of lattle Creek. To (ertnan Lutheran academy, of' Detroit : Prof. Kniest. Eggcrs of raad Uapids. It is statod that two Swis giriij Miding n Detroit have jowels valued at $I;,000, 'et they labor in a confectionery factory for a meagre pittance to gain a livelihood because iliey ..n-iicntious soruplcs gainst paiting with tlie gems which camc o them by heiitage. Sims' hotel, at Orion was burned ou the .1 inst. Lnss. $5,000, insured f'or $2,000. 'his g the buililing which figured in the iltcry schoiii;' of WM spring, the drawing on whicli bus not takiti pitee. It is assrrt:d that it will bc rebuilt, and good faith Lept with ticket holders. An ioterfstíng feature of the elcetion in lnior was the votini; of two oid meo, ïhestcr Darbee, a'ed 93, a republiean, umi larlow (Jraw, aged S7, ademocrat. Three heers wore given tho venerable gentlemen, II partics joining. We rifiht here wish to dd our " hurrah ! " - Caro Advertiser. Miss Anna L Sliaw who bas built up a' ii'i'iitation as a prttoher, aml ia-" also built up a church society which ivoB her a salary of $1,000 per year, in iMHOhllMtta, mi fonuerly a resident of Jig Rapids and a student at Albion college. the is poken of as a woman of pluck and bility. Tlie Calumet and 1 léela eopper mining company ot' Michigan, has since its organizaíion paid $17,800,000 in dividendo- a suuj equal to onc seventh of' all tlie dividcnds paid byall (he silver and gold mining stsck oomranios oí" California, Utah, Arizona, Idaho, Dakota, and Colorado fur (he same period ot' tiiue, or in f'act biace December, J 864. Herman Ziem, brother oí' Charles Ziem, arrived in this city Monday f'rom Dallas, Texas.traveling f'rom that place to this city, over 2,000 miles, with a team and wagon, passing over tuountain ranges, etc., the entire journey lasting ninu weeks and one day. Up to within three weeks ago liis wiiè and family roughed it through with hiui, but when tbey had reached Quiiicy, III., he sent them on by rail. - Saginaw Courier. The 15th annual sesaionof the Michigan bee keepers' association will be held at Lan-ing, Deoember 3d, when the following questions will be discussed : 1. Evidences of superiority in different races ol bees; u'. Host niethol of wintering bees; 3. Best methods of obtitining surplus himey ; t. Practical valuo and cost of foundation ; 5. l'oisonous honey, ancient and modern ; 6. Prevention, dangcr and cure of ibul brood. The following named aniounts for the present year ara to be raised by state laxation: Universityaid, l-20mill tax,$31,500; university museum, $20,000 ; university general and olher expenses, $12, "JO; normal mIhid!, current oxpi'iises, $17,800; slalf public Rchool, $-4.'!, 950; state reform H'hool, $35,500 ; deaf, duiub, and blind avlum$40,KX); agricultura! college, building, $12.040 ; reform school forgirls, build ine, $10,000 ; school for the blind, building, $10,000. At the recent session of' the grand lodge of good templara, held at Allegan, officers wereelected as follows: G. W. Chief Templar, Charles P. Russell ; counselor, Thos. H. Bottomley ; vice-templar, Mrs. Mary L.Doe; secretary. John Evans; treásurer, Edward C. Newell ; chaplain, llev. A. B. Allen; auditing secretary, P. D.Woodruff; marshal, Henry E. Russell ; deputy marshal, Miss Myra l'ond ; inside guard, Mrs. Sophia Moore ; outside guard, A. W. ScotüIo muiiangw. Willis ilydo; superin tendent of juvenile templaré, Mm. M. o. Pomoroy.


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