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Annual Meeting Of The Michigan Horticultural Society

Annual Meeting Of The Michigan Horticultural Society image
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The tcnth annual meeting of the Miclii igan state horticultural society will be heli ia Aon Arbor, on Monday, Tuesday am Wednosday, December 6, 7, 8, in aoceptance of an invitation frum the Washtenawcoun ty potnological society. Ampie arrange ments will be made by the local society fo the reception and entertainment of the incnibcrs of the state society and delegatcs from branch socicties. Others will fin( good hotel accommodations at rcducec rates. The Michigan Central railroad will sel rouml-trip tickets from stations on all its roads iu tlio state at two cents a mile to those holding certificates, which can bo obtained by applying to Chas. VV. Gar6eld Grand Rapids, Michigan. A cordial invitation is extended to al interested in horticulture to be present a the sessions and join in the discustions upon the various topics prescnted in tlie following l'KOGBAMME. MONDAY EVENINO, DKCEMBKB 6-7:30 O'CLOCK Address of welcome and response. Paper, "The Oaks of Michigan and the World," by Prof. W. J. Keal, Lanslug. Discussion of same, led by A. C. Town Barry county Paper, "Mlgratlon of Michigan Birds," by Prof. J. B. Steere, Ann Arbor. TUKSDAY FOBKXOON- 9 O'CLOCK. Paper, " Shall Tree Agent be Enconraged t ' by E. M. Potter, Kalarnazoo. Disousslon on saine, led by H. W. Dounley JackNon. Paper, " Culture, Valué and Uses of the Less Commou Vegetables," by R. T. McNaugutou Jackson. Dlscussiou on same, led by J. N. Stearns Kalamazoo. Discussion," How to Utlllze Our Fruit ('np lo make It Most Kemuneratlve," Messrs. Waiklns, Conklin, Uarr, HM and others. TUKSDAY AFTEKXOOX- 1:30 O'CLOCK. Kssay, ' Reclproctty," by Ha. N. H. Plerce of Ann Arbor. Essay, " Orlgin and Advautages of Association," by James Satterlee, Greenvllle. Paper, "The Wlnds, Kspeclally those of the Northwest,1' by Prof. Harrington, Ann ArlKir IMMUKKion. ¦ Memoiial Trees," by Messrs Gilder, Kaldwin and others. TUESDAY EVKVINU- 7 O'CLOCK. Paper, "Dlfflculty of MalntalnlnK Pure and GikmI Heeds," by W. W. Tracy, Detroit. Paper, " The School Garden," by Prof. Danle Putnam, Ypsllantl. Discussion ou the same. Paper, "Climatology of Michigan," by Dr Alexauder Wlnchell, Anu Arbor. WEDNKSDAY FORENOOM- 9 O'CLOCK. Paper. " Danger of Overdolng Fruit Culture in Michigan," by S. W. Dorr, Manchester. Dlscusslou on same by Judge Lawion, Wm A . Bro wu , and others. Report of offleers. Miscellaneous business. Electlon of offleers for 18S1. WEDNKSDAY Al l'KKNimv Tliis 8cssion will be glven to coinnitttoe work, vlslting obJecU of interest in the city etc., etc. WBDNE8DAY EVEHINO- 7 O'CLOCK. Commlttee reports. Paper, "New Insect Enemies - and new Metliod of flghting Noxious lusects," by Prof A. J. i 'nok, Lansing. Memorial exercise In memory of Secretary J. P. Thompson, led by 8. L. Kuiler of Grand Rapids. ¦ Kesolutlons. Adjournment. The exercises of each session will begin promiitly at the hour designated, unless otherwise ordered by the society. Everybody intending to go over the Michigan Central railroad should apply early for a certifícate. It is very desirable that we have a beau tiful exhibit of the best winter apples, and the executive board offer the following prizes to members of the society : Best five varieties winter apples for mar ket, $5. Best five varieties winter apples to eat, $5. Best five varieties winter apples to cook, $3. There must be exactly five specimens oi each varity, and the awarding committee will consider not onlythe value of the varieties for each particular purpose, but the character, beauty, freedom from defects and general perfection of the specimens. Entries must be made by mail or at Ann Arbor the afternoon of December 6. We desire a large exhibit of fruit, in variety ; and, aside from the special exhibits named above, it is hoped that fruit-growers will bring in from their abundmee, especially of varieties regarding the names of which there may be some doubt. Let us have a large attendance and fine exhibit. President. Secretary.


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