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tINBEÏ & SKAMOLTH BAKERY.GROCKRY AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Wc koop coiiffanlly on in ml. BRKÁD, OBACKERS, CAKhK, KTC, MS WUOLBSALK AND KKTAII, TKADB. Wf rhhU aleo koei upply I SWII'T DBUBEL'S BEST WHITE VTHBAI FLOtTK, DBI.tlI PLOUR, RYB FLOUH, BUCKWHBAT FLOrK, CORN MBAL, FEBD, c, c. At wholewile and rctatl. 4 general stock 01 GROCERIES ! I'KOV ISIO. constantly on Tiand, whlch wlll be soM on reaaou ahlu lormp as :it anj other honra in tho city. Can pald for Botter, Bkk, and Country Prodad Kenurally. tSUoodn deltvered to any part of the city with ont extra chance. yr RIN8BT SKAltol. . pMdWlümbêryard JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufacturar and Dealer in 8ACINAW GM6-8AWBD LÜNBBR, LATH AND SHINGLES. We '.i.tti' nl! to pive uk a cali, nd o.tamiiir om stock before puichiir'iiii; ilbewluT". . tiíÁO AOKNT POK JACKSON StWER PIPE CO., AND nkiiB PIHB IlIili'K. JAMES TOLKEHI', l'roj). T. .1. HKKVII. Nnl.l. fi'b.l ' ANTON EISELE, DBALER IN I The public 1 Invited to cali and examine ipMtaDBfll of the celcbrutod KNOXVILLE, TENN., MARBLE Of which we hnve a cnpply of ncw di;sifine. It it superior to any marblc in beauty and durabliity, and buet the place of Scitch Oranlte. IKI i;s I.OWKRTIIAV ETER. WORK AI.L WAUBANTKI). Shop- Cor. of Detroit aud Catherine Sts. ANN ARBOK, MICHIGAN. 915tf TO AGRICULTURISTS The unders!gned are now mamifacturlng a asaltfor fertlllzing pnrposes that is peculiarly adapted to the use for whlch lt Is designed. I i is aotlrely free from dlrt, or hard luinps. and is made by a process whlch leaves incorporutod In tlie salt all the valuable plant food, as well as ingredients calculatcd to free and render soluble the Ammoiiia already coutained in tinsoil. We propose to place the price so low that none shall be deterred from givlug lt a fair trial. The use of salt for fertllizlng purposes is uo louger an experiment, but has been liilly proven, not only sclentlftcally and theoretically, but practlcally, by scores of our tkott successful Uk'rirull urisis. We herewith present the experience and oplnions of some of the leodlng Farmers and Sci, ntlste of thi and otlier countrles. linpin that the perusal of the sume may be inutually beneficial. We sball continue to gather such statistics as we can on this subject, and hope eacli and every one will aid us in thts by glving us the benefit of hi experience. Orders and Communications may be mlitr.ssed u elther of the underalgned, who will fui'iiish all necessary information as to prlces, t runsportatlon, etc. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, Kast Saiimw, Mich. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT CO., (Limited) Syracuse, N. Y. THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT CO., Clnclnnatl, Ohlo. Mr. .Turnes Tolbcrt, per K. O. Brown, has thie ealt for sale at the Perdon Lnraber Yard in this city. H8-yr HALLS BALSAM Cnres Colds, Pneumonía, Bronchitis, Astlima, Croup, Whooping Congh, and all diseases of the Breathing Organs. Itsoothes and hcals the Membrane of the Liings, iuflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prerents the ntehtsweats and tlghtness across the ehest whlch accompany it. CONSUMPTION U not an incurable malady. It is only nccessary to ha?e the right romcdy, and HALLS BALSAM is thatremedy DOVT DESPAIR OP RELIEF, for tlns benigu speciflc will cnre yon. even thongh professional ald fails. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE the Most Towerfvl ITealing Agent ever Discovered. llenry's Carbolie Salve euret w irr ""ór"l','nZZrb"lU' S"lrt atl"y Pain ""uo" Carbolie Sal tures all erup. ??ZSiJi83F Sal" w" w ""' 1 ¦¦!( for Hcnry's, and Tako No Other. i:l:VAUE OF COUNTERFK1T8. _gl fOK -AIJÍ r.Y ALL DRÜOOI3IB. JOHN I'. IIKSKY, ('IIRKAN & CO., . ., ,, _.8"LK 1-HoruiitToRa, ' 4 Collego Place, New York. 981-1012 eow. SetiiJ ror dlrocfloni for Beff-Meainrément. 75 Woodward Ave., and 1 Opera House Block, lKTltHT, MK.'II. 9M H'ls rë-openedT We v]) io annouiioe that the old rclia!']' Alhombra lul]ar .store, has boen reipendti m tiié aid hsÉnwt, K WooSiwrd Vvc, Detroit. A oorénj invitation s ¦xtfiul'J td 11 to look througli and exanv no our ncw and slegánt stock. New hivoliios Nooired daily. 1004 90 i w. Ouilll wol l.i il whQ ,h io ennidc In the nioi il' ii.. Caplul di requlnd, W ül furuirt ïoummï! L Ihing. lli i, J.J ,r,J iij1frtl II oilr wllboi . l'l t3l" wjr from humt ovsr Dlht. Nri.l i, I ltl ¦"y i" m rk.'i, wáated hi .n,,o Uwbj ar mftkloc ' W 1""v boj ml f Irit aka frw p. N „. „i,, - WilllBI U. work fulla lo ruk BOrt - : if (hou onu U i.uln 111 .-.-k ut .111 ,„,! ,,,, ,, ,.,!,„,., lg, i lllMI .,. ...d, M.hi.. ](lo; „ A LL KINDS OK K1.ANK8 rilINTKl) ON fUmtT N1ITIC AI IIIK COUBIKR JOB KOOMS.


Ann Arbor Courier
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