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Muskeeon is to have a street railwny. Progression. Grass Lake hasraised $1,000 to complete her town hall. The Muir Presbiteriana have an 800 tt., $262 bell, (o retnind them of the service hour. The Calhoun eounty officials have floated their jail bonds, amounting to $17,000, at 41 per cent. The uew Monroe count.y court house was thrown open to the public with public services, on the l"th. TKo oir papers report wild game, such as bears, deer, etc., as being plentiful in the woods thereabout9. In Howell this year 13 brick stores, one elmrch, and a large nuniber of residences have been erected. Growiug rapidly. The ürst church in Rives township was dedicated last week. It is at the Junction, 18 ut' the Baptist denomination, and free from debf. The Central Michigan poultry and pet stock association wil] have an exhibition at Charlotte, Dec. 28-31, andgood premiums are offered. Fennville, Allegan County, peoplo have given $1,000 and they are to be rewarded with a $15,000 flouring mili having three run of stone. Eddy Kloechner, aged 12, feil down an oldshaft600 feetdeep, at the Quine; mine, Hancock, L. 8., last week Thursday, and was instantly killed. At the sale of forfeited lands at Lansing ast week there was a lively couipetition, snees rangingfrotn $1.25 lo$6.50 per aere. 3,000 acres were sold. Miss Fannie Chaffee, daughter of the Colorado ex senator, and the bride of Ulys ses Grant, Jr., was bom iu, and for a long Hfi reiiWt of A,lriap Ihe (Jongregational chnrch ot ftast aagnaw has caused to vanish a $15,000 mort;age, and has sensibly abolished Sunday gging as a chronic thing. Louis Sawdry, of Grand Haven, bas boen ¦ntouued to 3ü years in the penitentiary or attewpting to rape a little sevc.i j,. old ghl. Seived him right. The Albion Republican says there are more uew students at the Albion college .bis year than ever before - nearly as many iew ones as of all the others. Six arrests throughout the entire state 'or illegal voting at ihe late election. We ïaven't the faintest doubt, however, that here were more illegal votes eist. Roscosnnion county beats the world. ;Iaving by the census 1,417 inhabitants, she managed to poll 1,020 votes, and sighed that there was uo more to poll. J. B. Hart, who was one of the original ür traders of Michigan territory, and who settled at Lapeer nearly 50 years ago, died a few days since at his home in Lapeer. It is staled that an intelligent (?) demoorat nf Rerrien county cast a $100, ton jer cent, note instead of his ballot. He should attend a uight school and Icarn to read. The Benton Ilarbor Palladium has turn ;d its politica! dagger info a railroad ever and is trying to raie $2,000 more to secure the entrance of the iron horse into bat place. John Tyre, of Caledooitt, Kent Co., feil lown while oarrying a gharp axe on his houlder, and had a deep wound cut in his ïeck and cheek, reoently, nearly losing his ife thereby. The tub of hot water as a means of de,ath 'or children is contesting with the open cis,ern for victims. The last instance is frooi Grand Rapids, a cliild of Wm. VVateruian i be victiui. The present treasurer of Yankee SprLngs ownship, Barry county, Wm. Watson, bas , ïeld the position 16 years. Flint city had , ne treasurer for many years, but lost money ' n tho venture. i Wayne county gave the Garfield elector a plurality over the Hancock eleotorn of 1,091, and a majority over all of o4J. Pretty well done for a county heretofore John Landon, of Isabella, went out hunting a íew days ago aod killed a deer Witb horns that were a natural curiosity, being crossed and recrossed, while in tho center is a direct stag prong. Whatfunny thingscupiddoessometimes. A blushing young damsel of 60, up in 8anilac county, has just married a sédate gentleman of 20. ltcouldn't be termed beauty and the beast in this nstaoce, could it? A sleek-lookiug, suiooth-tongued fellow, stole two teams and beat the sheriff, and horse-thieve detectives of Cass and Kalamazoo counties out of $40 in cash recently. He proved too sharp for the rogue catchers. The Howell Republicap thinks that the Uon. Wm. Ball, of Livingston county, would make an excellent speaker of the state house of representatives. He was a metuber of the house during the sessions of lS65and 1867. The Tekousha M . E. church has had a $400 debt paid, the building repaired inside and out, and saiary for the year pledged, all by a"supply." A debt of $1,400 on the Lyon Lake M. E. church will be paid Dec. 26th. If the whiskyites havo dono their best at this election (and wc presume they have) after their blowing what they could accomplish with tlieir orjranization and $tjO,ti" to back it, the prohibitionists need not bc alarmed. - Hart Journal. W heuler Suiith, a young man of Northville, recently had $15,000 left hiin ly an aunt in New York, and a check of $450 sent to defray his expenses in going after it. Gracious! Wish we had an aged, rich aunt who was fond of us. The Uceana Co. Journal talks about pioking ripe strawberrics in November ! That isotherinal current whicb Nasby cred ited to Alaska must run thrDUgh that county. Strawberries on one side of it, polar bears and icebergs on tho other. The 5th congrest-ional district demoorats are quarreling over their defeat, and soiuu of them budly a-sert tbat their otndidate was defeated tbrough such treachery aa would diffuse a blush several inches tiiick over tho cheek of evon B. Arnold, of primitivo American notoriety. Talk about hard timen. There is not a ¦hip oarpenter, house carpenter, painicr. plaslerer or stone mason in Charlevoix, who has not ni'ire work thtnhecan do, and work extra hours. The si umi of the hanimcr U heard on eery hand, and everybody is doing something. - Charlevoix Sentinel. One of those awful mothers-in law at Coldwater, recently gave hor daugHter, wbo had jusi taken unto herself a husbaad, "a beautiful new residenoe on Chicago street, l'urnished, and provided with a wiutor's supply of provisions. " But then, she hado't been a mother in-law any longtli I time, you know. A little four years old daughter of L B. Desvoignes, of Mmdon, was playing with a piatol, and accidentally disoharging the same sho was instantly killed. TiOaded revolvers for playthings, open cisterns and tubs of boiling water for traps, are alike grand tbings with which to reerail the niks of the angels. Roads are beginmng to occupy the atten tion of the Si. Clair counfy folks, and a highway of podar bloeks and gravel, to cost 93,500 per mile, u r he built betwecn Fort Hii-on and Marysvillo, and perhapg to St. Uair. This is a grand slep in the right direction. Othercuunties .shuuld prpfit by the good examplu. There is a base falsehood circuiatinL (o the effect that the politicians wbo lost nionev bets at ]Jori. Huron, are paying the same with boguw hilver doliars. Ifthe losers were greeubackers it would perhaps be in accord with their principies, for the intrinsic value, they assort. ariii.iiiit.s to nothinir as long as tue pieoes the government iUmp. The open eistero af'ier a rest of' a few weeks has agaiu scored a victim. The Urass Lake News te!h of the drowning of a hule two-years oíd son of Mr. ChM i-nlmrger, whülivesju8tnorthof that place, ree -ndy, by falling into an open extern. A little less.sbiftlessnesson the part of the people would njaterially reduce the mortality among children. They are now caíutnniating (he Mt. Clemens girls by MMrtittg that they smoke eigarettes and play leap frog on njoonlight evenings. Tliis Morji is prubably altin to the one set aflaat last sumujer, averring that these saiue girlw obased a horrid man bather around with a boat for an hour or two until he was Dearly exbausted, under the imprep.sio'i tbat Ui. y had dicovered au aiuphibious monster of' sooie new species.


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