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Remember the lecture of Prof. Swing, I at university hall, tonigbt. Mary L. Blood, class of '79, diad recently 1 at her home in Massaohusetts. J Regent Geo. Duffield, of Lansing, has I gone east to be absont souie time. A. R. Wheeler, homeopathie hospital! physician, now reeeives $300 per anuuin. I The Alpha Delta Phi fraternity 1 ed Wallace Bruoe upon bis recent visit to thi.s eity. It has been found necessary to add another boiler to the heating apparatua of the university. Prof. J. W. Langley has introduced hia electrio light into the chemioal laboratory of the university. As assistanta in the dental college, L. D. Wilson and G. W. Morgan are each to receive $125 per year. Dr. A. I. Sawyer, of Monroe, has been re-appoiuted medical ezamÍDer in the homeopathie medical college. A brother of Prof. Palmer, living in Illinois, died last week from injuries received in a railroad accident. One want supplied soou brings up another. A chair of elooution is now whispered about. It will aoon be spoken of aloud. The seniora have appointed Messrs. Fletoher, MackeDiie and Hutchinson a committee to attend to the clans pictures. Martin Clark is rapidly piling up his figuros on the university pioture whioh be ia taking orders for. He will soon reach 1 ,000. Rev. Dr. Tappan, ex president of the university, has purcliased a home in Thun, Switzerland, and has removed thereto from Basel. The Palladium editors wish the Freshmen to hand in their namos in full "omejiately," witu address, city residenoe, etc, to C. T. Braoe. Tbc university expended upwards of $2,000 for postage stampa alone, for the 15 montbs ending Sept. 30. There is certainly ono item which doesn't add to the riches of residents of Ann Arbor. The total reooipts of the university for the year ending Oct. lst, foot up $236,163.66. Disbursements, $277,096.43, leavinu a balance in the treasury of $ 1 9,067. 24. The estimated expenses for the coming year wiü amount to $162,567. The following aro the officors of the junior phariuacy class: President, H. A. Fairbank ; vioe-president, Miss May McNeil ; secretary, C. VV. Dodd; treasurer, Max Gessier ; toast-master, R. Josenhans ; foot ball captain, W. Heiin. Michael A. Mirendorf, known to Ann Arborities as the "Count" while in attendance at the university, is living at Helena Montana, in the employ of Unole Sam's assay office. The girls of his acquaintance will be pleasod to learn that ho yet remains single. The Beta Thcta Pi quartette wasgreeted with a large audienoe at Eaton Rápida last Saturday evening, and their concert pronouocod an excellent one. The boys feel bighly oomplimontcd for the admirable treatment they recoived at the hands of tho Eaton Uapidians. This last word is patcnted. The following is the prograninie of the student' lecture assooiation, yet to be oarried out : Friday evoning, Nov. 19th- tonight. II. Prof. David Swing, Mibject : " Position of the Novel in Literature. III. Maria Litta Concert company, vooal eonoert, December. IV. Prof. John Clark Ridpath, leoturo, subject : " Alezander Hamilton, December. V. Helen Potter's Pleiades, readings, vocal and instrumental ooncert, January. VI. Archibald Forbes, lecture, subject : " Royal People I have met, " January. Extra. Rev. Henry Ward Beechor, lecture, February. VII. Bcrnhard Listeman Concert company, February. VIII. Laura Dainty and University Musical Society, readings and con eert, February. Extra. Edouard Renienyi concert, March. Extra. Spanish students and Kate Thayer company, March. The board have adopted the "couplet" system, and iell eason tickets for $2.00.


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