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yyANTED. i A Good Place to Work, ty a i.'i 1 glrl who understands general house I rork. Address, "HOUSEKEEPER," box C, L A. City, for one week. 2CH00L TEACHER WANTED. A young man of some experlenoe In teaching. ' rimo, ubout four iiioiilhh. Wnges fJ lo $'5 ht mouth and Ixxird round. Emiulre of WINKS & WORDEN, J. W. RKNWKJK. Siili-m, Mlcll. piiENCH TEACHING. PSOF. BACHIMONT, PH. D., )( the Unlverslty of France, wlth a vlew to 'orm classes Ín French wlll glve a free letwou, llUHtrattnE the Sauvear systera, on SATURDAY, NOV. 2UUi, at 2 o'clock, at the state i itkeet hall (In the rlnk.) This systern Is the uly one by whlch students can su cc eed in ipeaking tlils ldioraatlc language in a verv . iliort. time. All persons luterested are lnvlted ' .i attend. 1 w LOST. i A PBOHISOKY NOTE I Uiven by Qeo. K. YVUlianm, dated Aagost t,187K, ' bout $54 .50. The flmlcr III be eulubiy rewarded by leaving the rarae al the office i.i I. L. Urlnnell. Mriersons are forblddin to parchase or neitotlatc he same I. L. GR1N.NKLL 1 w I TOTICE. I hercby glvu notlco that 1 hall oot pay any dcbts made on my account by my wife, Mary. JACOB LAUBENQAYER, Jb. j Lodi, October 20, 1880. 1010 12 TyrONEY TO LOAN. At seven per cent, Seciirlty must be on Hrt-class farms Ín thtseonnty, or city prop;rty Ín Ann Arbor, Ín central and deairable localitiea. i J.Q. A. SB8SI0NS, Attorney. ' OBlce: 8. W. Cor. Main A Hurón Sts., up-suirs ' 1006-31 , pOR SALE. A Farm of twentyone acres, with a good dwelllng house on it, one mlle from city city llmlts. Enquire 965U At THE COÜRIER OFFICE. ÜOR SALE. I have a good FLOUKINU M1LL of four run of stone, thit I wlll ell or exchange ror property Ín Washtenaw Coanty. 964tí RICE A. BEAL. "UUR EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 acres in the western part of the State, valned at #,000, whlch I wlll exchange for Ann Arbor City property. RICB A. BSAL. RAILROAD8. ¦jyi" ICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROA D Time 30, 1M8O. OOINS WIBT. _. i U Èi II si "¦XAM.h.m.u. A.H. A.H. r.M. P.H. V. U. P.H. Detroit... Lt. 7.00 9.36 5.65 4.05 8.30 9.50 Q T. June... 7.15 9.55 6.1U 4.20 8.45 10.10 WayaeJunc 7.53 10.49 6.42 4.46 9.17 10.40 Yoeilanti.. .. 8.20 10.48 7.05 5.U6 9 42 11.02 Ann Arbor... 8.40 1100 7.3Ó 5. 10.0U 11.17 Dexter .o 1.3 o- 10-21 Chetaea. 9.33 8.11 5.52 10.38 (irasüLake.. 9.50 8.85 6.1S 10.54 P. H. ¦ H. Uackson..Ar. 10.10 9.00 Dack8On..Lv. 10.) 14.16 .55 11.20 1Ï.40 Alb" 11.04 12.50 7.42 11.5 1.16 Marsl.all 110 1.30 S 8..8 12.21 17 BattleCreek. 12.19 1.55 ?! 8.41 12.45 i.Ol A. H. Gaieeborg.... U.53 a. h. 9.15 ...;.. ...... Kalamftioo.. 1.13 1.86 4.60 .35 1.80 8.02 Lawton 1.62 5.25 2.05 Uecatnr 2.W 5.42 2.21 Dowaglac... Ï.29 6.07 .44 ...... jlesT. 2.55 4.04 6.60 Ï.10 4.15 iuchanan... 8.08 7.02 8.28 ThreeOaks. 8.38 7.27 New Batíalo. 8.68 4.52 7.40 4.06 Mich.City.... 4.S3 6.18 8.08 4.38 5.28 jike 5.08 6.02 8 54 5.17 6.21 Kenulneton. 6.00 6.60 9.45 6.05 7.15 Chicago -Ar 6.50 7.40 1 10.35 6.56 8.06 flOINU MAST. A.H. A.H. r.H P.H. P.H. Chicago.Xv. 7.U0 9.00 4.00 5.15 9.10 Kenslngton. 70 9.50 4.50 6.06 10.00 üke. 8.35 10.30 5.40 6.59 10.48 flch.City... 9.25 11.13 6.S3 7.38 11.30 lew Búllalo 9.50 11.33 6.58 11.62 ThreeOaks.. 10.08 T.1S ...... Bnchanan.... 10.30 p. h. 7.40 . ....... Mies 10.45 12.18 8.10 U J0 12.45 DowaKiac... 11.13 8.38 1.10 Decatur 11.39 9.05 1.82 Lawton 11.67 9.22 A.H 1.45 lalamazoo.12.33 18 10.00 6.50 10.25 2.25 3aleburg.._ 12.53 r 7.08 BattleCrïek 1.28 2.16 j 7.40 11.10 8.18 Marshall P.26 3 00 4 8.09 11.36 8.46 Alblon 2.62 8.21 il. 8.36 11.69 4.12 A.H. A.H. jïcküoïr.L'i.' 3Í45 4.06 7.15 9.30 12.45 5.00 Oras Lake.. 4.10 7.38 9.50 5.26 Chclü.-a. .... 4.40 8.02 10.07 5.50 Doxter 5.00 8.16 10.19 6.05 Ann Arbor... 5.22 5.07 8.40 10% 2.05 8.25 Ypsllanti 5.88 5.28 8.55 10.48 2. 8.41 WayneJ iint 6-02 5.46 9.16 11.08 2.44 7.06 O. T.Jnnc... 6.85 6.16 9.45 11.86 3.M 7.45 Detrolt...Ar 6.50 6.30 10.00 11.50 8.86 8.00 Sunday exceptcd. (Saturday & Sunday excepted. tDally. IIXNKY C. WlHTWORTH, H. B. I.ÏDYAHI), G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Gen'l Svp't., Dttroi'. rpOLEDO & ANN ARBOR R. R. rimo rard f June )I7, 1880. OOINO MOBTH. SOIK8 SOtJTH. 1 8 S, = STATIONS. a o. _5_ J a_ Jj A H P H A. H. P. H. t 7 55 Ht.lO I,v Toledo Ar. t9 80 t7.50 7 58 .18 North Toledo 9.27 7.47 8 10 6.25 Detroit Junction 9.16 7.35 8.18 6.38 Uawthorn 9. OS 7.27 8.Ï7 6.41 Samarla.. _. Ü.01 7.18 Seola 8.4D .65 Lulu '8.60 7.06 8.45 7.10 MonroeJonctlon.... 8.46 7.00 8.55 7.10 Dnndee 8.86 6 60 9 00 '7.15 Macon .81 6 46 9.06 7.ÏÜ Axalla 8.25 6.40 9.18 7.84 Mllan 8.12 6.Í7 h r, 7.40 Nora. 8.06 6.21 S2 7 47 Urania. '8.00 .16 D.4S 7.57 Pittefleld 7.50 6.05 t 9.56 t8.10Ar.....Ann Arbor Lv. n.S5 t 5.50 tDatly, except Sonduy. 'Flair sUtions. The Local Frelght, goluc nonh, leavos Toledo at 12.05 p. h„ arrivini! at Aim Arbor t .48 p. h. The ocal Fretght, golne Honth, leaves Ann Arbor at 11.40 p. ., arrlvlnï at Toledo at 3.06 P. m. Train wlll be ran bï ColumbuB time, as hown by the clock In lbo Snperiutrndent' office at Toledo. Wh. F. PAUKER, Supeiintendeut. TO Advertlsers. The ank Abbor Coükikk has donble the olroulation of any other paper publUhed In lm ounty.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News