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21 Hnibers of Scrita's for $5. Tlic riclily illostiatod November nmnber ofSoribner'a Monthly, the Decennia] [uue, ippean o a new oorer, and begin il"' ttc nvinty tiiHt volume. The increasing topularity oi'ibe uiagaaine 'tl strongly evileiioed by the recent ales. A yeur ;(;." lie uionthly circuktion was about 90,000 topics: ) urinir the pul nine tuoniln ii hu ircraged 115,000, while the firsl woue oi hc November i.-sae is 125,000. The tirt part ut' the now famous serial iv Kugeae Schuyler, " The ] jife i.f lVirr lie (Jreat," was fiaished in Octuber. Vvith Niivriiilicr bcginfl l'art II., " Peter the Jrcat Kuier and ltulonuor," which will be au ailviuiir, in poilit of populai interest and wc-iiili of' illustration, QPPO the part alrea)y publisho J. To cnalilu rcidors to se cure l'art I. ihe piíbliíhers owke the t'ollowing special offer to ncw subscriben aftei Dotober 20th, who benin with the Novemi r nuniber. (1.) Ncw Bubacriicrs iwry olitain, lor 15.00, Scribner's Monthly for the ooming year, ami the previous nino numlicrs, Kebruary to Ootober, ISSii, wbich ioolodea l'arl 1. of" IVterllu: ircat," Mrs. Burnett'a " Lgui.-iana," etc. In icoepting this offer twenty one nuuibers will bc had tor $5.00. (2. ) Thoy ray obtain the pretiou twolvo DOtubers ot' Scril)iK)t-'s dejzantly bound in olive-Rreen clodi, (twa volumes), containinfi; Tart I of' l'etcr the Great, all ofCable'a novel, " TheQrandisëimeB," with the nambers nanied abovo, and a year's subsorip(ion, for $7.50. (Regnlar piice, $10.00). All book-BtllenoMiews-dea]era will take -uiiTiptions and Mipply tlic numher.s and volumes lucntioncd in the abovu speowl offers, without extra ohtrge lor postale or exprcHs ; or the pablishen, Scrilnierit Co., 74:i Hroadway, New Yoik, may lio addr'sed direct. The regular pttoa ot Bcfibner is 14.00 a year, 35 cents s oumber. St. Midiólas for 1881. 5,000 For England, 100,000 For America. St. Nichulas. the riiariuing magazine for boys and girls, editcd y Mi. May Mapes Dodcfi, has inoroaxod f-o inuoli in v and nuuiber of pages during the pat year that the ])ublishers have been obliged to muí the yearly volume in two parts, instead of one as heretofore. As to its eireulation they report a gain of 10,000 in the average monlhly editions of 1880 over 1873. The announccuient.s for the commiog year include a capital serial story for boys. full of exciting adventure, " Ln Nature's Wonderland," or Adventures in the American Tropies; Stories of Art aud Artists, by Mrs. Clara Erskine Clement, a faithful outline of the bistory of European Art, with many illustrations ; " Phaeton Rokers," a a delightful and humorous serial by Ros; siter Johnson ; " Mystery in a Mansion," a six months' serial ; The Treasure-Box o: Literature, directing and encourafrini, yuung people in the best rcading; The AgaseiesAssociation.fully explaiued in the November nuuiber ; " 'I wo Eoslúfa Queens," by Mrs. Olibhant ; " The Land of Nol," a children's opereita, with uiusic, - full of chartuinK laWeanx ind effects ; A series of' heautifully iilustrated Ballads for Young Fo'.ki bèginrtihg with the Chriftmas numbur : A Special liudget of Fairy Stories by Frank li 8tockton- tbe first of whioh is in the November tiuni ber; an Indian Story by " Bright Eyes," the Ponca Indian ruaiden ; a splendid hnliday story, "A Chri-simas with tho Man in the Moon," by Washington Glad den. Open-air Papers, stories of purU, and games, will be eontinued wilh all the popular departments. Subscriptions beKÍ"nin with the .November issue will include "the won Jim t u! Christmas number. " of' wliich the ejition will be 5,001) in EnglaiUl and lOO.Ot in America. 'J'lie prrce of'tM immtH-r. to be issued about November "Oth, will bé 31) cents. Regular priee $' 0O a yenr ; 25 cents a nuuibcr. For Balè, aiiil subscriptions received, by all dealers, or the publishers, Scribner & Co., 743 Uroadway, New Vork. Xer Steubenville, Oliin. Novomlior lst, 23 freight cars on the Pan llandlo railroad werc thrown front the track by i braken rail, and the whole train precipiiated down an embankmcnt. The cara Wcre létoded with cattle, and tlie wreek was a sickening speclacle. The three train men werc hadly injured. A WMrld r ;mi. One of the most popular medicines now before the American public is Hop Bitters. You sec it everywhero. People take it with good effect. It builds them up. It is not so pleasant to the taste as some other Bitters, as it is not a whisky drink. It is more like the old iitsuinned boneset tea that has done a worH of good. If you don't feel just right try Hop Bitters.- Nunda News. . - i Neuralagria It has been ascerfained that the most invetérate caaes of NeuraUgia are cured by Pellows' Cotnpound Syrap of Hypo pbosphites. The genuine Fellows' Cümpound Syrap of Hypophosphites is put up in pint bottlus, the name of Fellows & Co. blown on. Should the patiënt have any difficulty in procuring the Compound Syrup in his vicinity, let bim not be pnt off with any other remedy ; beeauae tliis rtiele has not its equal in the diseases for which it is recommended. Humbugg'ed Again. I saw so uiuch said about the menta nf Hop Bitters, and my wife who is always doctoring, and never well, teased me so urgently to get her some, I concluded to be humbugged again ; and I atu glad I did, for in less than two months' ue of the Bitters my wife was curod, and the has re mained so for eighteen months fí nw. I like such liumbugging.-ll. T., St. l'aiil. - Pioneer Press. Stop that Cuugli. If you are sufferine with a Cough, Co'd, Asthnia, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Consuuiption, loss of voice, tickling in the throat, or any affection of the Throat or Lang, use Dr. Kinu's New Discovery for t'onsamption. This is the groiit reuiedy thut is cansint? so inuch excitement by its won dcrful cures, curing thoosauds of hopeless cases. Over one million bottlcs of' Dr. Kincj's New Discovery have been used within the last year, aud havegiveo prifrut satisfactioo íd every instante. We cao uu hesitatingly gay that thia is really the only sure care for throat and lungaffections, and can cheerfully recnmmend it to all. Cali and get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a regular size for $1.ÜU. For ,-ale by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. lis .lust a Vooiulng. Such is the expression from all druggists and dealers everywhere who are selling Dr. Kinq's New Discovery for Consuiuption. No like preparation can begin to have such an extensive and rapid sale. And why? Siuiply because of its truly wonderful mcrit.s. NO Cotigh or CuM, no matter of how Iodk stanJjn;? or Iidw ttubborn, can resist ts healÍDgqualiiiis A t lima, Bronchitis, IIoar.-iCti'.--s, ll;iy Fever, Pain in the Side er Chest, and difficulty ot' breathing or any luigenng diaease of tho Throat and Jjungs rapidly yield to ils marvelous powcrs. It will potUtody cure and that where SVMytbing cle has failed. iSatisfy yoursclf as thou.saii'ls havo aircady done by gctting of'yourdruggiüt, Kbevbach & Son, a trial bottle i'or ten cents, ur regular size bottle for ona dollar. For sale hy Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. Bucklon's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Hruises, Sores, Ulsers, Saltllheutu, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cbamcd Hands, Chilblains, (Jorns snd all kinds of Skin Eruptiónk Tbis Salve is warranted to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach fc Son, Ann Arbor. 1002-1O.; 1 Agents and Canvassers ' Make from $25 to $50 per week welling goods for E. C. Kideout & Co., 10 Barclay street, New York. Send for their catalogue and tertns. frOOO 1052. Western Medical Inxtltotc, Cleveland, O. Mr. James I. Fellows, Dear Sir-: We were induced to prescribe your Syrup of Hypophosphites by Dr. McMastcr; :ind ts use has been attented wiih suflh tjntisactory results a.s to warrant our employing t largely froui that time forward. A. SI.KK, M. U. I'liyfeiciana claim Hojis and Malt Bitter re tlie best.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News