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AMERICAN BALLBLÜE THIS IS THE BEST BLÜE1HG I2ST USE! ít ís nOT i'oisoNoi 8! HELP8 KI.KACIIINí, tai t;ii;s A IiKAl'TIFlL TINT! fc-For Sale by all Grocers.j American Ultramarine Works 55 ti niiW-ii liunc. Xew York MMjt CHERRY PECTORAL -Kor DtMftsesof f I" Tliroal and Iuiirs. mucIi as 'oujcliN. i ol(U, W hooping Cuh, Hronohitis. 1hii.u lid roiisiimjitinii. JW .Ja1B([? jpipP 'x'nioríihmry virtuee. ja fMttwHUÊBÉÊA known to the public aboui IWM fSm WÊÊhtl l"'1 Y tlv u I(iícu&. ¦JMM-ÍMH&r t ii utitl aeree of n.j.rvclous - - ' cures, that have wun for it a coDÜdence ín Hí Mrtur iiever equaled t)y anr other mediclm. I' Jiitl mAkes the moet effocttul curet ot CoiiL'iir, Coldí, ("penmntion. ihat can be made bv medical kl:l. Indeed, the C'herry Pectoril hdfl really robbcd tbtte daneruds d!seaes ul tbeir terrors tb a proal extent, and given a feelíug oí amunity f rom their patofut etlectg, that ís weTl fonnded, If the remedy be taken in peaaon. Every lamilr ahould bave It Ín ibeir clonet for the readv wd prompt r-i i -i of lia memben, Stdcnes, roflerfu an'i i'vod lile iñ faved by tüis timelj protection. tL nrudeot ehould uot neulect lt, and the wlae wiiinot. Keep it by you for the protectlun it aflurds by tearly ne in Midden attacku. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., lowellj Un.. l'rjK'lttal A Aiialylical IkiiiUn Sold by nll Di ui'í.'iíts ml Dealen iu Medicine. (t77-1010-cr,w Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, 4r f Fbrmerly Dr. Crftig'M Kidney Cure ) A vegetable preparation and the oiiIt Mirr remedy m toe worl'i fnr Itrlrht lir%, lialwt-. Mud ALL KWuej, Ll er, mná Urtaary DUraM'A¦LTestimoniaia of the blghest order in proof of tbese statenients. "For the cure of Dlab+tes, colt for Wr ner'sKafe DiAbrlr uro. For the cure of Itrietit' and thenther dlspasps, cal! for lau(n Safe Kiduvy and Lí ver Cure. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It Is the best Blood I'uriller. and stiin ulatei every íunction to more healthful actíuu, aud ia tlius a beneñt ín all discaaes. It cures H ero fU lo p and other fVkln Rrnptlona and Dlseaaes, includms Cuucen, .i cera, and other Sores. I7Spepsin, Uc:tbneii of the Stuninch, ('oiistipjfction. DlnincM, Ueneral lebllity, etc., are cured by the Mafe Blttenk 1 1 i unequaled asan appetixerand regular tonic. BotUes of two sima ; pnces, 50c. and 01.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly KivesRest and Sleep t o thesutfermg, cures Hesdache and Neuralgia, prevenís f-;pllcptlcFlt. anl rellevesNervuuB Pn trut Ion bronght on by excessive dnnlc, ovtiworlc, mental shocka, and other causes. Fowerful as it is to stop pain and suottie ditturbed Nerves, ít never iojures the Bjsiem, whether taken in small or larse doses. Üüttlea of two sizes ; prices, 50c. and $1.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Ar an lnamediate nnrt active stimulus for a TorplA LtTBr, and cure CoiUvcnM, Dypepila, Eli I HPMMPI1 I louinesi. Blllom DUrI VmbpPV V ¦ .L_ TbSft' Milfcrifc, Ftrtr I r?iTÍtTj IBb an ?tte' snd shoold aIIMB u3] m be used wheuever tbe ¦ KS bowels do not opérate ¦KB freely and regularly. ¦VJlM H VTF No utbprrill rtnlrr urh ¦ PWftiilTflTH M mU di Tor tkarMfh ¦ l"taAJlllIllEl H orL. l'rler A CU. a bou L9lJ1UÍÍUJ LhB old by brugshU Df alcff I =f"H H, H. Warner & Co., I IJJSMJi R00HE8TER. N. Y. ¦AAUSjV CTSrd for ruipfalet BsMB nl TrttnnnlaU. 965-1016 W. TREMA IÑ a-EnsrzEZR-á-i-, InniB ipil OFPICK AT A.A.TERRY'SHATSTOEE IVurlli ltriliIi IiiKUraiicc Coui') (of London aud Edinburgh,) Capiir.1 tl.V)U,OUU, Oo!d. Detroit l'irc untl Inc. CMH Csh Aüsets IfiOO.OW. Srliii.fll. I n. (omp'j.ofM., Cash Aset - - Hownrd Is:. Co„ oT Xe Vork, Cash Aséete tl.UOU.QOO. Ariciiliiiral I usuran ce .iiip' WATERTOWN. NEW YORK. Oanb Aíst-Vi $1.200,000. Lossus libcially adju.stoil and iruui(tly paid. Tr QOAL! COAL! O. W. S HIP MAN, Mhiur nd Wholesale dealer of the celebrtd BRIAE RIDGE COAL. - - AL8O- Dlor in Hrd Ool nd Pig lron. Ordcrf proaipt) niled. Office, %) Gr'swold strect, Detroit, room I Health ís Wealth. Dll K. Q. Wiu'j Nkhve ín Biiaik '1 kïatmint: ii upeclflc for lli -trti, DüzIneBS.ConmlstoiHiNsp iMiM.llt'iuli liu. Heutal Dopreeflon. Lopn ,ii Mrm7 Spermatdrrba, [mpoteney, Prematarc üld A-r, caused by over exeiticni, U-abbta, nr ovi'r-indn'ience, which leail" to uiiíery, iccav aad dcatb. Obc box will cur" recent canee, Encb t'ox coi Wini ""'¦ month'a mahni'M One dollartbo, orlxiioxW Ibr ttvu dulla's; SiiH by lunil prc-p.iid on r. , prlce. W.' i'iiininii" cix oseB to enre nj Wiih ach order teteiv il ly ns lor sis boxi-MC-compamt'd with flse dollurw, we 11 send purchMei our writtfti ÍUtrapteí to return the moury tl th" trentmi'nl nol eflecl a cure. (.11 iralitets -lied by llroiw, & Co.Sole Anthortzed Afrentfc WrAOT Arlior, Mich, JOHN C. WBBT OO. 8ol Prop" etors, Ctalcasoi I. Frlzelle .t Co.. wii.'leMiIi1 Agente. Uetroit, Mich. 0B , xk Outfit fumifhtó fr. with fu'l lonroffttuni fcreon N ¦ 1 duclliig tlie in.nt .r..lHb]ebulu thit i. II 1 eum 111. Tk' bu.lnru ! o ; to krn ¦ 1 '¦ I Inmlrunlluua rc .. .In.pile umi iUid. Ihai U I II oau ,rtol.! ! " .11 l cn [I lu. L. illint lonuik . (¦¦¦¦ J J ¦ II c...,.,! a. man. Kma and Irla o ern lr " dollar. In a alii(l'wrck. NtilklDK Uk it .! known b. fort'. A" who engv ar luiprUed at 1U aaa aad raplilltj' n ¦ theyur ablf to innke iïh.dct Vou cao njmg ln tht t11111110" -lur'uiï jour ipare time at ireal pri.flt You do ooi llave a le'1" oaplull.4. Wrtak.-.ll.heri.k. Tho who nrffi roadj jr ahoaM wriu usatoucc. All nunlidfi fre1 AiMret TapA t"AüüuI, Mali.i-, "" j


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