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The frost daring the recent cold snap has done much daniage in Louisiana and other southern states. St. Julien has earned $28,000 for hia owner the past scason. Better own a fast horse than a silver mine. President Hayes thinks the Morey Chinese letter forgery cost the republican party 5,000 votes in California. The widow ot 'Abraham Lincoln draw a pension of $3,000 per year, voted her by congres under Grant's first administraron. The vote on the constitutional araendment in the state atuounted to 37,010, yes; and 58,023, no; inajority against the aiuendment 21,013. Uov. J. D. Williaui-1, of Indiana, died last Saturday of inflainination of the bladder. He has been prominent in the councils of his sratc for a quarter of ccotury or more. The advice given by Senator Bruce to the colored pcople of the south, is to "practica econoiuy, buy land, and edúcate their children." Who could give them better advice. Bishop Pinokney, of Baltimore, believcs in the law of compensation. His first wifc was twenty ycars older than he, but he is now to uiarry a lady twenty yenrs youngcr than hini.-rU'. Tht official canvass of Illinois gives Cullom, the republican candidato for governor, a plurality of 37,032. This, you are aware, was ooc of the doubtful states ! AstoniehitiK, isn't it ? Jay Gould, it issaid, proposes to build a railroad from San Antonio, Texas, to the City of Mexioo. The road has been bonded for $1,500 per mile, with $5,000,000 capital to commence work with. The question of race predjudice is raising considerable excitement at Pittsburg. One school comuiis-ioner hasgranted permission for negro cbildren to attend the public schools while another forcibly ejects them. At last the Michigan Central, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and the Illinois Central 11. U's, are to build a niagnificent union depot at Chicago. It will be the in the world, f the preeent plans are carried out. V'anderbilt, it is said, will push the orignal plan of the Canada Southern tt. It. to ompletion, and finish it through to Chicago iinmediately. This will make a route 0 miles shorter than any other, with fewer curves and grades. ¦ - -- - - - - -¦- ¦ - The Newaygo Tribuno saysin large headlines : " The rag baby ia not dead, but is growing linely, and has made arnazing gains ! ' ' and MMrti that the party polled ovor 1,000,0K) votes at llie late eleetion. Will the Tribune teil wherc they were polled 't Are they fiat votes? Ifour readers will rcmeuiber, tho C'oriuer Mated just alter the presidential nominations wcre made, that it wan the old story of S to 7 over again - eight letters in Garfield, and seven in Hancock - and the trutli of the assertion was proved on the '2d inst. Tho largest number genonilly wins. Thccattle tradewith England is progw ing Qnely, notwithstanding that all animáis must be slaughtcrcd where landcd. During the last threo months 16,701) head were landed, against 10,205 for tho same period last year. Losses on tho passage 1,115 hcad against 253 head last year. Koul'Ii weather caused it. The men whovolunteerod lodif Boycott's potatoes, and gather his crops, becauseof a religioussympathy fbrhini, and have workcd under the protection of'troops, begin lo feel their zeal ooze away, and are reported heartily tick of their job. They are from the city and not accustomcd to the work. They have undoubtedly.learned a lesson. The lato cold snap, though the vessel owners were fairly warned by tho signal service bureau, bas caught many of thein ill prcpared for the winter. Some 6fty vessels of differeot kinds are said to be in lake Erie, trying to niake their way to sorue port. Present indications are that many of tuem will have to winter oat in the lakc. The individual in New York who sent a half or three-fourths column of associated pros OtaiMk i mt-im the minute narticulars of a love struck young woman of Philadelphia, who run away from her home for the love of a young Spainard, trying to make her out insane, ought to be sent to a lunatic asylum himsclf. Such thinea are sickening. Sir Alexandcr James Kdward Cockburn, lord chief justice of the Quecn's benei1, London, England, departed this life last Saturday night, aged 78 years. His death was extreniely sudden, being in excellent hcalth and spirits up to the very moment of dissolution, and was caused by heart disease. In his death the English judiciHy taffen loss. IIo. was tho ma ti who conveycd Napoleon to St Helena. The cause of the rapid extensión of the fire in the St. Peter insano asylum is saic to have been the southern pitch pine floorp. We do not in the least doubt this, and the same danger niay be encountorcd in f-eve ral of our public inslitutions in this state. These floors are extremely dangerous in case of fire, for bcside their burning rapidly, a thick black siiioke is emittedi which smothors wbomevet may be in the building. It roally d.eMi't seem as though any member of the Ubio legislature could possibly hesitate in choosing between Gov. Foster and Secretary Sherman, for tbe office ot' United States Senator. Koster may bc the most genial, aflfablc and pleas ing, but Shcrnian has that in him which the country needs in her counsels, and the republican party need.s high up in her ranks. Foster should feive a longer apprenticeship a.s governor. Somc, at least of the democratie party, are not so blind but that they can sce the things which have cotnbined to place them in the minority. The Troy Press, a democratie paper of the most stalwart sort, has this to say : "ifGod in his goodness will take Wadt! Hampton, Robert Toombs, and a few other southern fools and traitors, and deposit theiu tenderly in Abraham's bosom before four years roll around again, so much the better for the democrotic party." Many of our readers will remember the excitement which ran over the country a year or so ago in regard to the heroic conduct of one Barron, cashier of the Dexter, Maine, savings baak, in defending the same against burglars, losing his life in the attempt. As the officers have never been sharp enough to find the thieves, the directors of that bank, it is stated, have oommenced proceedings against Barron's estáte to recover the amount stolen, on the theory, advanced probably by a detective too lazy to hunt up the thieves, that the said cashier gagged and bound himself and then afterwards locked himself up in the vault, and robbed the bank himself. If he had embezzled about $100,000 or such a matter, the bank directora would probably have compromised with him for fifty cents on the dollar, and he would have been living in (rood style now witb the balance. But he lost Uis life defending the property of the bank, so bis widow and children must be robbed of what they have to make good the amount carried off by the robbers. Such is American justice, is it? Is that the premium held out to men in similar positions ?


Ann Arbor Courier
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