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PERDÓN LUMBER YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufacturcr "' D1" ln SACINAW , lM IJI LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. We '.Lviíe al! le Kv' " " ond """lm o0' tork before puroliaslng elwwhere. AI.SO AUSNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND 8BLL8 FIRB BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T J. KEKCH. llt. fcb.lí.'W TiflT Many men have many minds and many forms and shapes too, and to suit the forms and tastes of all perfectly in CLOTHING Calis fot a stock af immense proportions and unlimited va= riety. The Largest and most Complete stock of RE AD MADE CLOTHING In the City of Ann Jrbor is at WTTIJ MAGK'S Elegant Clothing Emporium, g South Main Street. IN OXJR wiiniïï mi mu DEPARTMENT We never fail to suit, and make it a point to keep the prices o f all our goods invariably a percentage below all competitors (Remember Lili MI THE KING CLOTH1KR, NO. 9 SOÜTH MAIN STREET 10411 THE CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN Ï1IE WORLD ! TWO COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR, - OR FOUR COPIES FOR TWO DOLLARS. With an Extra Copy thrown in for each Club of Four. These are the new terms of THE ECHO, the best wcckly newspaper in the State. EVERYBODY WANTS IT ! Address, XKK ECBO, Ortroit. IHlch. THE EVEN1NÜ NEWs. Diily Clrculailon, 27,mi Coplea, Hrltjíit. Newsy and Independent, lly Mail, Í5.IMI a yer, AdilroHH, The Evenlnir News, HM8 1 KI rolt, Mlch. Estáte of John Hall. OTATE OK MICIIIUAN, County of Ata scssion of the Probate Uourt for the Connty oí Washtenaw, bolden at the Probate OIBce, in tbe city of Ann Arbor, ou Thurday, the lsih day of Novem hor, in the year onc'thou!and eitt hundred and o lity. I'ri'xeui, Willium 1). Harrhnan. ludt;v uf I'rohatc. In tbc matter of the estáte of John Hall, decentu-d. Un readlni; and flliug thu pctillon, duljr verifled.of PmltM Hall, widow of deceaed, praying tbat ber dowcr lu the real state, wbcrcof sald daoeaaad dtod telcd, may bc admeasurcd aud assincd to her and to that end that cntnmlH-iotieii may bc appofutod and reiuired to eet oft' sald dower. Thcruupon it is ordered, tbat Tuctday, tbc fourteenth day of Deccnilicr next, ut ten o'clock ln tbc forenoon, bc asslnod for tbc hearing of said pctillon. and that the hcire at law of said deceaned aud all other pertions intercttcd in luid estáte, are reauired to appcar at a Bestión of said coort, then to be holden at tbe Probate Office. In tbe city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be. wny the prayer of the petitioner should not be frranted. And It Is further ordered, that said petltloner give notlce to persons interested in Baid estáte, of the pendciey said petiilon, and the hearing thereot, by caiiHin a ctpy of thls order to be publlshed ln the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper prtnted and cirr ulatlug in said countv, threesuccossive weeksprevious to said day of hearínt?. (A truc copy.) Wll.I.IAM D. HAKltlMAN, Jndge of Probate, WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. 10KM6 riiancirr Notlce. STATK OF MICHIGAN- The Twentf second Judicial Circuit- In Chancery. Sult pendinu In the Circuit Conrt for the County of Washtenaw- ln Chancery, at Ann Arbor, Mlch., on November Uth A. I. W80. Virginia W, Burleigh, complalnant, agalnst David HenninK and Jobn L. BurleiKb, defendants. It ppearhig upon proof by aflldavit of J. C. Knowltou that the deivndant, John L Burleliih, Is a non-resident of this state, thercforc, on motion of Sawyer A Knowlton. solicltors for said complalnant, il is or(i-n-il tliatsHid dofendant, John L. Bnrleitfh, appear and anawer the bill of complaint in this cause wllhin tlire idoiiüih front tue date of this order and tbat thls order be publUhed once lu each week for six wii Uk ln Kuccinilon in the Ann Ahiwk Toorieb. a newspaper pnblisbed in said couuty, aud tbat the flrst publlcarton thcreof be wtlhüi twenty davs from the date of sald order, and that publication shall not be necexsacy in case a copy of thls order be served on said dcfendantH at least tweuty days before ihe time prescilbcd therein for the appeartnee of said delendtut. JAMB8 MoMAHON. Clrcnit Court Commlasloner in and for Washtenaw Couiity, Mlch. Sawviii A Knowj.ton, BolMton for Oomiilalnaiit. IUl'2-ls


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