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Commissloners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waebtcnaw, 18. The underHinrd haviiitf Iwen Hppoinii'd ly lhc Probate Court ftr Mid oonnty, Coimnisiiionen (0 r'(viv examina and adjust all claims and demando oi all purgan againtU the etate of Edward Litchtleld, late of naid eounty, deoeued, herehy ive notlcc that oix monthpfroin date aro allowt'd,by order of taid Irobate Court, for creditOfi fco p renen t thelr claimt aahint thi BttetB i naid drceased, and Ihat they w i 11 me t ut the late residence of iifd deeetMA, in the viltan of Dexter, In naid rountv, on Tnesday the l'oarlh diiy if January. and uu Tutday, the ftfth duv of April nezt, at ten o'clook a. m. ofcach of eaid daj P, to receive, oxamlne and trlju-i tnid claimn. Dated (K-tober Ith. 1M). lOiO U (SAO TKRRy! Cl' f Commiwione. Estáte of Etïward Keevc. Q TATK OF MICU1GAN, Couniy of Waehtenaw, ee. At a oeeslon of the Probate Court for the County of Waehtenaw holden at the Probate Office, ir the city of Anti Arborton Wudneeday, tbc lïlhday of November in ihr car une tluutaud clht hundred and elgktj. Presanti Villiam D. Ilarrimnn, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Edward Reeve, deccaned. On readiu and fllinx the petition, dulj verified.of Adolle J. Rwvi-, praylov thutadministration de boni non oí said tietattflnay be raitted to hcntll or iodm othn Hint.ihle peñón una that the final account and decree ot analfumeni heretofure filt'd in maid court uiay be correctfd. Thereuyon ït ia ordered, Ihat Mondtiy, the l.'tth tlfiy of Docttinber oezt, at ten o'clock in ihe toreooon, be aaaljrnod tor tot hearing ui tuild petit mu, and tbat tbu hein at law ui cuid deccaed, and all uthur pereoni Intonttid In iW Bttate ure requirt-d to appi-ar ut h bomIod ll1 MiW OOttfti then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the cliy oí Aun Arbor, and show cause, if auy there be, why ihe prawr l the petitinner hould not be pmnfd. And it ig further or(i-nd. tuut uaid petlthmer Kive uutice to the pciï-ons latfostod in iald estáte, of the pendency oi oaid petltiun, and the beárlM tlu-reof, 'y rauolng a cnpy ui tliir order to be published in the Ann Arbor (Jourier, a m-wapaper printed and Circolatlng iu said cuunty, three Huccepive week previout to said dav ot tu-arlnt;. (A true copy.) W1LLIAH O. HAHK1MAN, JiuL.e of Probate. WM. G. ÜOTV, J'r .bate SteCiltar. 1013 1016 AU kluilH or Book-Bindins don at The 4 ourl i ofilre on Hhort uotlr.


Ann Arbor Courier
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