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Interesting Information About A Familiar Article

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Watohé", by reafon of iheir frígilo con struetion mul fho variaiiotis tO wbieh ihev ¦re lialil.1, can ut'er all, only obttia N liinitcd perlcction in tbcir performance; i li' i ¦ fore wc must nut bc a-toni-hol t find them subject lo eeitain vnrialiuns. Th -e variali'ins, which are easy Ui O irri Ot, need not prfjudice the quality of' the watch, as will be proved by the followimr exiunple: Two watches.we willsuppose.have bet n put to the Hanie time by an excellent regulator. At the end of the month one of these watehes i.i a quarter of an hour too fa t ; the other is exactly right aa to time. 'l'o which of these two watches would we uive the preference? l'erhaps to the one which is exactly right. Kut in makinu iDoh a ehoice, we nevcrthelos-f incur the risk of abandoning a good watch for a bad one The lir.-t watch has, we asinino, gaine tliiriy peoonds a day ; and, accorJing to thi rati1, it guinc.d a quartör oran hnurin thiriy days. What must be done to uiake thi watcb po well ? Alter the regulator iniifl f 'rom fast to slow, or get a eareful watch maker to do it for you, thcreby altering il daily rate. Jjiit us dow adnvit that th other watch has been affected during iiiontb by irregular going, which has oc casioned itsoinetimcs to gain, at other time (o U) to a oerlain extent daily. It. ma eañly oocur that at the end of a inontl thi Kaioinc and l)inK BompCDMUe eac other, and by this iiieans llic watch indi cato tbc exact hour at the time wc lonk a it. 8uch a watch can never le relied np on. Tbc l'itct is that a watch whicli gain in i regular marnier or loses in a regula ïnaiiiier is .superior to any whose variation is uncertain, and where its variations com to bc familiar the littlu compunion ma vie with the mostdericatelyadjuBted ship' chronometer. A skillful watch-maker on ilaj t Ims reanonod with % buitomer wh ciiuiplaincil (il bis watcb : " ÏOU com plain," said lic, "lliai youi' watch cainc( a minute a ïiiontli. Well, tlien, you wi congratúlate yourself vneti mui have hean me. You are uwan: that in your watc'i the balance, which is tho regulator, makt tivc oseillahon.s evcry -ccoinl, wliicli in 1H12, ihiii :i l:iy HO tbat jour watcli, cxioscd t all tbc vicissitmlcN wbich heat and oold ik casion it.tbc varying weighl of tbc air, au( t lic sbaking to wlmb it is aubjeoted, ha not vancd more thau a minute a month, o two reoondi a day, it hu only icquirei with eaoh vibratlon of tbc balance a van ation ut the tWO lrimlrec] and sixtoont thoomndtfa part of a sccorid. Judgu th' what must be thcuxtrcme porlcclion ol'th inccIíaiiÍMii ofthu wa'ch!'' A watch caí iiot go Foran indeh'nite perind without 1 ing repaired or cleaned. At tbc expirado uta oertaia time, tbc oil drics ao, daiil ai cumul.ites, ainl wcar and tcar are the inev tabie resulta to the wholc mácnÍDcry, th functiooa becoming irregular, and (requwl Iji casing to act aliogether. A perao potset-sing a watch ol good quality, am Icsiring lo preserve it as .such, sbould hav it cleaued every two ycars ai least. I-C ti cre should be taken to confide this clean ingor repairiog to carclul hands ; an incap able workman niay do grcat injury to watch eyen of' the simplest oonstruetton.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News