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ILomjioatiS jíf Lp í'oiisumptloii- Broiu-liltl- Anthma. WKRB Fïixowt' OoapoimD Sviiir U1?M Ín olhor diKfUM, hi-n.-Ht whlcli II undmibtedly ylclds ín conaujnptiop and othe-i dlMUM of Ihe Kesplratory Organ vvuulil vindícate it clalni to Ihe iitti-nt liu of every mnd'cal practliioncr. From thc ¦tatlsttca of EnKland and America it a fiiir eanmt thiit n.' -tenth 'if Ib cnilre dníihn I causea oy consiinipUon alone. If the Syrup il ued pe ecver hiL'ly It HiihduiK ihi' tendency to i'oníiiniption, nd la "mam ¦ -onilrmed case. , ip thut of inventor, it li" effected ¦ ente. lndiii'Mioii ami lialiitual Cotene almost al fnini weakneM of the nerven and murcie of the iomach BDd bowoln. In Biich case nllows' Compousd Syrsp cf Evp:phcspiitei has piovcil lUell (.filie Rrtateat enrice. The cvaciiatloni" oon iecome copioua and heiiltby. Th'i Syrup wilt cure Pui.monakt Consü in ihr t]i!.t tU&ii ""' "'¦" "'V1' Í" Ht raUel ""1 1 jong ilfe ii, second nnd Iliird. It wlll cure Abth MA, HltONOniTII-, LARYNHITTi and ÜOIIBHS. lt Wil puH til dlwarw orlrliMtlag from want ol muscular nritoii and nel víuií. fir ¦ l'nl.lie Sjieal and NlngrrM. Will find thln Syrup of inestimable, valué. A doee ílmtilil bc taken belorc Hj)enkinj; .ir alOKing. Aphonla, or the Ixiks of Volee, i nuil illy rurefl O' afawdOfCS. We have kuown caies whtraaftiivk doie hai heen cHvctiul. S. Jii'db, M. 1)., St. .lohn, N. Bm Wit : I had occasion to Die your Hynip in a cac o ApbODla which would nol yfcld toreirularlreatinent it provecí (o ic all that you claimd lor it, havint KCteri illi PXpedltlon and vnllre Batlnfictlon." (WUo not bc decolvad by remedies hearing a similar name: no oil;er preparatinn la a xiibxtltute lor thiK, under any dreunutances. 1011-11 n. 8. sniTil A CO., corner o Woodmird mul MeWtrkon Ave. Detroit, Invite tlie niu-niioii o bnyerá'to ilieir lurse and line eol lectlon of Sterling Sllver Ware Freneh Cloek, raienoe Ware ICi-Miy.', I'ari-lan 'llle, lia iiioikU. JewelrjT, Waleliex an Bllver iiai-l Ware, embraelni arlU-lc BMMI arrlnlc for W'cdiliiitf V il il i er-ar j :¦¦ lloli lay ill. Order or inquirió ij mail will reeelve pur. itrouip and air lul nlleiilion. Jeweler ami liiiporiei, corner of Wood wardand .li-trerwoii A veiuic. !¦ iroii. 077-1020 FRANKLIN HOUSE DKTRÜIT, romer of Raten anal Larneat Mtra'a-tH In the very center o! the buuinc-se part of tlie city Oiir tables are the bext, and our rooms and bedt ar not excelled. Term $1.1)0 per day. H 1!KH A .IVHhMlanaerr. 34 TO AGRICULTJRÍSTS The iiDilers;gnel are mniuifucLuring a n salt for fertllizing purposeH that is jMx-uliai 1, adapted to the use for which lt, i deslgned. I In entlrely free frora dlrt, or hard luinps. and 1 made by a procesa which leaves lucorporated In the salt uil the valuable plant food, as wel as lngredlents calculated to free and rende ?oluble the Ammonla alreadycontalned In Ui soil. We propose to place the prlce so low tha none shall be deterred from givlng it a fal trial. The use of salt for fertlllzlng purpose Ik no longer mi experiment, bat has been fully proyen, not only sclentiflcally and theoreti lly. but pruetlcally, by scores of our mos sucoessful agrlcnlturlsts. We herewith present the experlence and opinions of some of the leadlng F'arraers and Sclentlste of this and other countrles, hopini that the perusal of the same may be mntually beueficial. We shall continue to gather such statlstics as we can on this subject, and hope eaeh an every one will ald us In this by glvlng us the benefit of hls experlence. Orders and Communications may be ad dressed toeitherof the undersigned, wlio wil furnish all necessary informatlon as to prices transportation, etc. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, Kast Siiciiiaw, Mlcli. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT CO., (Limited) Syracuse, N. Y. THE 0HI0 RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT CO. (Jiucinuati. Olilo. Mr. lames Tolbert, per K. (. Brown, ha this sa] for sale at the Fertlon Lnmber Yard in thin city. tfstvyr ¦ ¦ fl ¦ BU Y,,urKlTea t,J maklDg monpv bn a golden II chnocc h olhred, üierehj alwiri keeplng p- II ertjr frum your door. Tfaoae who lws uk II Ij I WW advantafffl of tbe good chanors for m.klng Uil il "'""'¦ "1 olTurml geDiralIj bcomr I milfty, whil thoK wlio ín nol Inprove .cl IJ Ijl ,-l.uoe. muil iu poitrlj. Wc .ntuiii ¦ ¦ u ¦ niMï. woDi.-D. boys n.l firU to work Tor UB lylu In ttirir on loeaüllM. Tbe l.uainos vul vy more thRo ten ,.i,linM i.Kr-. Wt fumish au epeniir onllit aud nl lht ou 1, i!,,. Vo „nc lio oiirf.K' faiK lo inskr tnone' v.ij rapldl. Yon ni. devota J,,ui hole time lo the work. or I -are moment ruit larorniatl.tu o.l II tbat II needd uut rro. AAlraa SrpiM Oo r,nllau,i, Jdaluc. IO0T3o 3 -OPHops & Malt BITTERS. "Rirh ïn the matcrials that Nourifth, Inrlgor t, l'urlfjr and Strcngthen. They supply rain, JluwiUr and fierre Forra, vigor to tlm Eaftohted, Tone and Ntrn(fth to th LhUKtcd, KourlHhment la the yuung and Seir Mfe to the aged. Tnit on trTlnuthrni. All DruggiiU cao ohtftlo botfc freo ud ícguUr tita bom. r. 10US-1OT.7 Sond ror (lirections for Self-Meaurment. 75 Woodward Ave., and 1 Opera House Block, IIKTKOIT, ]HI('H. 998 1018 RE-OPENED. We wish to announcc that the oíd reliare Alhüinbra Dollar store, has been reopeoed at the old number, 92 Woodward Vve., Detroit. A cordial invitation is xtended to all to look through and examD6 our new and elegant stock. New ïovehies received daily. 1004-20 u. Oltflt Mt fn-e tn thusc wlm wnh to CDgtge In tbe iqoi ' %J leiusDl Ktid proUuMf buatDem kiiowii. KTtrrthioc ncw. Capital Dot rufrad. We wlll furaUh jou mj- tbiag. tut ,i .iy Niid u.knli U cullj made without M jhn waj from homr over nlfht. No rlik wbatever. a 1AI -M!lllJ' '¦' '-rlieri wutd t ttiice. Uñar uro ninkio IV rirtuni'i kl tho tuxlno-i. Lkdie ruke a munti u imn, ' aíí'i y int; Imv hoiI girla nake (reit pjr. ho Ml h, WilliDg Ui work fftlla M i.mke nnireinou-j bren ïl:j tfaau cq be hJ )? m weck l nnj ordiuary enipluj inuuf. Thue hu cngtji l once wlll Iln.t short ruKd to fortuD. lililmi H. h.uiit ii 'UnA, Main. I00T-58 ¦ANTKD. ÖAME, POÜLTRY, E&GS, BUTTER, &c. BT allard, Branch & Co., 112 Broad St., N. Y., ('OMM ISRION I1B( HINTS, ¦Jo l'iiinimn for Moosc nul Iíílt Beur. BALLAU1), Ji RANCH & CO. 10J1--2:! LL KINDS OFBLANK8 rillMTlD OS SHORT MOTICI AT THE COÜRIER JOH ROÜMH.


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