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Board Of Supervisors

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Pursuant to the statute, the Boai Supervisors of Washtenaw County commenced tbeir animal session in the Super i non' room In t lourt House, In the city , Arbor, ' (ctober llth, A. D. !s'. nul was calleó to order al eleven o'clock i. ni. by ttie clërk. Koll cillcl. Quorum pres Mi-. Krapf moved tlmi Morton F. Case, il ï'itisiirlil. be made tempórary chairman. Wliich motion prcvalled. On morton "t Mr. Krapf. th' Board ad,urncd untll 1' j o'dock p. m. vu. i ik. ..n Seaaton Board met puraoanl to acQournraent. Called i" order by the tempórary liairman. Roll called, when the following super vlsora nnswered to tbelr narnes : Min Arbor Town ImanH.S. Fostei City, land 2 W Cunva.l Krapf ¦" Sand 4 w. Alonz.o A. Gregory JandO w...GearseH. Rliodes I Augusta Williiun lanslnglmrg Brldgewater Ima M . Kress vxter Jome H. Lyman l-'reedom lolni (i. Feldkauip I ima Wultcr H. Danrer 1 exil ' Michael Staebler I.yndon Benjamin C. Boyce Manchester Horatio Bnrch Northfield Patrick S. Purtell PittsHeld Morton F. Case Salem Thomas 1. Lane Saline Edwin W. Wallace Sclo John L.Smith siiaron David G. Rose ¦Superior Freeman P. Galpln vivan William E. Depew VS'cbster Alonzo Ülaaver York . ... John W'. Ulakeslee VpsllantiTown Albert K. Graves city 1 District Lee Yost ' " 2 ....Martlnus L. Shutts On inotion of -Mr. Korter, the Board proceeded to the election of a permanent chalrman. The Chnir appotnted Messrs. : 'nirjr and I'urteli tellers. The first ballot resulted as follows : Morton F. Case reëel ved U MartlnuB L. ShutU 8 Horatio Burch 1 I DavidG.Rose 1 Morton F. Case having received a maority ot' all the votes cast he was, on , 'inotion of Mr. Piirtell, declared elected chainnan. Mr. (íraves moved thnt the board adiourn until !t'2 o'clock a. m. to-raorrow. Carrted. MORTON F. CASE, Chalrman. lu..ln. O, tobcr 12, 1880. ISoaril met pursuant to adjoiunnient. Called to (wdcr by the Chair. "ltoll called. uorum present. Journal of yesterday . reail, eoirected and approved. The Chair announoM Ihe itandlng oommittees as follows: On KgualUollon- John W'. Blakeslro. Horatio Burch, Albert R. Graves, Patrlek S. Purtell, Isaac N. S. Fosler. O Crivünal Clainv-Wm. Danslngburg, John L. sraith, James M. Krets. 'in lïril Claimt- Freeman P Galpin, James H. I.yoian. George H. Rhodes. n Seltle Witli Cvunty Offlcers - Lee Yost. David G. Rose, Thomas D. Iane. On Salarie! of County Officers-Alonzo Olsaver, ' M. L. Shults, A. A. Gregory. On Apportionment qf Sluit and L'ounty 'J c'onrad Krajif, Edwin V. Wallace, William E. J)epew. On Public Buildings- William E. Depew, Geo. II. Rhodes, Benjamin C. Huyce On '..¦¦'" Taxe'- Waltar H. Dancer, Alonzo olsaver, John (ï. Feldkamp. Oñ Per Diem Allowanee-1. N. S. Koster, John ' .. Feldkamp. James 11 Lyman. To Kxamine Accounts of the Superintendent of ihe Poor-A. A. Oregory, Michael Hlaebler, M. I;. ShuttS. On Ftnancf -Tilomas D. Lañe, Lee Yost, David G. Rose. Mr. Graves moved that all itiperriiors. wlio have notulready doneso, be IDStTUCted tofoot up tlii'ir iissessnuMit rolls and ti Certify to said rolls and the footings thereof Ixïfore they sliall be placed in the banda of the poinniittcr on equallzatlon. Carr'ed On motion of Mr. Dcpew, t he Hoard adopted the same rules of order as last year. Mr. Burch moved that the Chair appoint a oommlttèe of two on priqtipg. Carrled. Itftjiiri Burch and Gregory reié api ii teel such comniittee. On motion ot Mr. Danaixigburg, the Board resolved to visit the county hoe-oii l'riday next at ten Dvlock a. in. Mr. Purtell intcodaoed the lollowini; preamble and resolntion, whloh wa adopMd :, the report of Ihe Superintendent 'f the Pool has been raiher indefiuiteiis to Lba items of expendlture ouUslde of the uounty house, he it Rtsuhrd, that oí ilimizinu liy tiiwnhlps and wanlM. that tiioy atftte by WQ0S6 order the if lu-l was given ; and that t he clrrk Im inKtructed to furn1nh the Supi-rintendents of the Poor wlth a -opy of thls resolutlon. Tlie clerk read a communlcation rVoin the Auditor General relative to the stilte tax apportionetl to tlila county as t'ollou b i AUDITOK UKNKKAI8 OFKICK. I Landngi Mlch., October Itb To tht Clerk of the Bontl m' SuptrvUori of iht County of Washtrnaw, Aim Arbor, JfleA . Slr,- You are herehy notllied tax has been apporlloned to the several oODDtlesol the state. ïOCordlng to last returns of tlie agrégale valuailun of laxabli-prnpi-rty therein made to this office, and as eqiuultñd and determinad by the state Board of Eiuuli7.atlnii at thelrsession lu August, lS7t. Thenmount of State tax appmtioni .1 1,. youi county, under the varlous Act nf the In-glslature, ís as follows, to wit : l'nivermty- Aid, Act No.3i Iü7:l Í 1 ÖUO UI) Museum, Act No. 30, InT'J. . . . DU (ieueml and other Kxpcnitei), Act No. r_i, 187, H07 U NoronlScbool- Curreut Exuennei, ActNo. 7, mi,. ns n Normal öchoul- luurance, Ait No. IS8, 1879 II -jo Military fuipotet- Act KI, 187 2,l 30 state Pnblic Act No. :)6, 1K79 m 86 New Sute Capítol- Improvliig Groiiod ActNu. t, 1R79 71 StAte Rctorro School- Curreut .-xpeneet. Act No. 75, 1871) 1 BOU 47 InMitation for U. O. and B.- Act No. 80, 179 l,0B 48 Agrlcnltural College- Act No. 107, 1879,.. . 5T8 'il Ki-li l ommlssldn- Act No. 1U, Ih79, 2:& n Heform School for Qlrl - Act No. 188, 187H 476 1 School for the Blind- Act No. HO, Is7.. . 47i; v.i Uencral Purpone."- Act No, ül", is-tíi S4.W8 67 Total state Tax i lie auportioned, ti,8x.i :) Conuty Indebtedne9i ti State t.) !¦ in iucliidedin Cciuoty Tai -Alt No. 1S), 1871, Aggregtte of Tm and IndebtedntH to le ap]Kirti.pi,.il fa Yon wlli cause t he aimve tobe laidbeforethe J'.oard it Sapervlion ot rui eouritv at thelr enloB m Oetober, lsso. piense aoknowledga hnm.'dlately the receipt of thUnotlce. Verv respeoffnlly, W, IÜVIN (. LATIMER, Auditor General. Mr. Dancer moved that tbe oommlttee un equatigation be Instrocted to equalize on the bal8 of $30,000,000. .Mi'. Rose moved i" iiinend i uiaking the basis 15,l .000. Mr. Smlth moved to amend the amendment by making thc basis 20,000, I, wblch was lnt by thc foDowinit cali of the nd naya : Boyoe, Feldkamp. Kreu, Rose, Btaebler.Smlih, Wallaee. Yostr-8, Saui -Blaketlee. Burch. fae, Danoer, Danslngburg Depew, Poster. Galpln , Oravea, Gres..iv. Krapf. I, une. I.ymau, olsaver, l'llltell, Mllitls- 17. Mr. Roce wlthdrcw bis atnendmenl nnd tlir original mot ion was carried. On uioiion of Mr. Orares, the clerk was appolnted reporter of the Board at ; solary ol twenty-flve dolían. Mr. Danslngburg moved thal the oommiitce on printing be Instructed to have printed "i00 copies of the proceedtngi of Board. Mr. Purtell moved to aaiend by making the number 1,500 copies. Mr. ShuUs moved to amend the amendnaent by making the number nol to exceed 1,000 copies. Lo-t Mr. 1 urtell's amcnduienl was lost and the origina) moüon oarrVed. Mr. ïosl moved that the publishet of j each paper in this oonnty be sllowed the sum of 25 for printing the proceedlnn of Hiis Board, provided the same becompieted wlthln tour weeks alter the linal adjomnnient. M. Lañe moved that the prqceedings be published in three papers In the county ; one h publican, onê democratie, one Independent. Mr. Barco moved as a substituto th:tt W6 be tendered to one ))aper in cacti i tatlVe district for pnbtlghltig the proceedIngs. On motion of Mr. Rose, the w lióle mntter was laid on tlie table Mr. Dancer moved that thc oomuiittee on printing be instructed to let all prtnting necessary to be done for tlie Board to the lowest bulder. Carried as follows : .4yeJ_Blftke6lee, Boyce, Burch, Case, Dancer, Danslngburg. Depew, Feldkamp, Fcwler, Galpin, Uraves, Oregory, Krapf, Kress, Lañe, Lyman, Olsavr, Purtell, Hhodes, Staebler.Sinlth and Wallace-22. .Vay- Rose, Shutts and Yost-3. Mr. Rose moved that when the proeeedings are publishod tlie clerk retain fifty copies until the next session of tliis ISoartl. Carried. On motion of Mr. Rhodes, adjounud to :W p. m. Alïernoou Un- In Board met. fallecí to orcjpr by chairmnii. Koll called. Quorum present; Mr. Krapf, froin the couimittee on public building-, preseiitcd tlie followlOfl re port, whieh, on motion niJlr. l'urlell, ras accepted and adopted : As Ahbok City, Ootober iilli, l-40. 7b the Hon. Iloanl of Supervisors of Washtenaw l'ounty : We, the undersigned coinmittee ou public buildings, would respectfully report llmt tbe wellsat thejail (tlie.slierin says) are cleaned. the cell locks are repaired, tbn oaUMe doors !n I he basement in the cuurt house havo Ijeeu mudo and are In thelr placen, thf portiooa have been made water-tlght, the strips in tlie probiitt- have been put up. Insieati ot' refloolora u üglit the doek dlals, we have bought a laige gaB-buvner and six laigeglaM chimneys, the coist ol wlneli is :i total 01 $1'J.!I3; it operates well. The alteration in the eourt room liis been made, a partltion hü.s been put up in tbe supervisor1! room. to rover the soiith-weit corner, whl'-h we thlnk is tin lnpr(jvemenl ; the planks for a path to whel ctal and llre-wooil lo the court Uouse have been bouifhl, imd other minor matters have been altendinl to. Your committee went to Detroit, as tliey thoimlit, toconeludeabargaiu wllh the Detroit Safe Co., but fouud that tlie company hud no recolleclion that any of their agents had made any offer to Washtenaw county about safes (hh ¦ we were informed by onr County Treaxurer), : but lliey recollected that an Ann Arbor gentleman had been in their office and they had some conversat'on about safes. Thecompany, after we had made our statement, dld make thisofter: "They would tukeour burglar-proof sale a nd $'í bonus for a safe sueh as we wanted. and lor a safe for the probate ornee, }2V to $'.T5." Yoiir eoiiid nol make a bargaln 011 lliese figure as we only bad Sló'i to do with. To give our safe and 8'.'7j for two sales only, I while our safe Ís worth DOW 1.2iK) would make 2,17 for the two safes. We corresponded wllh the Hall Safe lo, of Cinelnnatl. and Ihe Dlehold Sale Co.. ol Cantón, Ohlo, and,on theflrst propiMltlon, they were nenrly alike, being $7l)(l ana $7'", but on sueh safes as we have. The Dlebold Co. was the lowest. They offered us iwo lafes. No. 30, for t&o. Your eommltlee ! kuew that the safe In the Clerk's orfloe was a j pooroM thing, aud weasked Mr. Clark (County Clerk) it he would aceept a No. :) safe (we ¦bowed liiin tbe draft), lie was very nmch pleaseil with the offer, so we did make a bargaln with the last named oompany: Three sales. No.Mi. dellvered m Ann Arbor at the depot of Uie Toledo, Ann Arbor Northern 11. K. iforílOii; we pald tlb to move tliem to their n-spectlve offlees, as nareed on the lalee, and lOOk the Oíd sale down uitothe liasement . We have now lour safes, with an adilltlonal ooal of aboul ll; and, althoutrh we did not olease e . i, ne liop yon wlll be satisfied witn thls traOMaCtlop, for we dld the best we'knew how lor the people. e have retited totlle Washtenaw Insurance i Company tbe room ihey oocupy now for íóO peí year, and lor the use of some flrewood in mil and sprlDg, S:i; total, (53 dollars per year We liave insuivd the eouiily buildings for tX'Mi in ijood eompanies for three years at a premium ol ltüi.tu. lor three years, or 5 47 per i ycar. wiiieh win eesM Deeember 17th, 1882, on j 'the vurious buildings: On p(u! boDM proper ml keepurV residence, f 1 'M)n OnuTlum MJS Ou thc lar-e lianiK, No. 1 aud 2, cach i'W 'M Ou horse liarn W Un wa!ti fiou-e ü ; On linie building, . w '& Un couutj j-itl 1,WH) Otij.tiMaru 75 We toiuid It nee, ssai y to put railings In the opening in the court house halls for the protection f the chlldren. We also had to buy a large amount of glaaK, for the glas in the eourt house Is of a poor quallly and many Iigut8 have been broken. We have replaced Hu-m with nood plate glass and have sent to New York by Mr. Sorg and Mr. Hutzel, glana dealen, and. we think, got the glajss cheap. We also t'ound thal the . w. chimney In the Jail needed rebulldlng. We bave made in U an eight inch flue ; the oíd one was ouly four and easily llllel up. A good raany repair were necesary, and all the bilis wlll come before you lor exatninatlon, aecordlng to the resolulion i ...pi.-d by the last board. Home other things need looking into, and rc-form In some tilines is very necessary, all of which Is most respectfully submltted to vour honorable Board. Wlgned, THOMAS YOUNti, (ONRAD KRAPP. WM. DANSINOBUIUi, Committee on Public Buildings. On motion of Mr. Roce, tile clerU was instrueted to Rdverrtie fWr proposals for furnishing! medicines and mediaal attradance (snrglcal operatlons included) to prlaoners al tbe cwmty jail for thj msuing eiir. Mr. Purtel] moved (liat the commlttee on cliiinis lie Instrueted i" nllow rtatutory ratos onlj for services cuarged In billa preaented to lliem. Carried by the followinjf : Aijfx Blakealee, Boy oe, Case, Feldkarnp, timIer UaIdIü Qraves, Gregory, Krapf, Kress, l.yiniui. Olsaver, Purtell, Rose, Kliode, Staebler , and Yost 17. .Voy Bnrch, Daailngbare, Depew, i Bmltli, shntis and Wal la On motlon of Mr. Rose, all action taken morning In relation to printing, excepl tlie apiiolntmení t the commlttee on prlnl lm;', wii9 recoiisldered, Mr. Rose presentcd llie followlng reolutlon, whit'i was adoptWl : Rtiolvti. iliat the oommlttea on prlntlng be Inatrncted to reoelTe blda tor iniblishing the ptocoedingl of tliiH Bouril In Bomeweekly puper 10 Waahtenaw ooonty, and alio tor priatfna 500 copies of Uie name Ín pnmplilet form. similar to those of 1870; that sald blds be tiled wlth Un' ('ounly flerk. to be opencri on the seeond Tiuirsday oí Uie presen) ¦¦Ion oí tiiu Board, Mr. Roseoftered the foHowlng resolution: Ile$ol red. Dial wlicn the contract for tlie pnblloatioQ ol tile proceedlnga 01 tliis Board símil be awarded to sorne county newspaper. the Hame shall be coniraenced witbln one week of tneawarding of sald contract, and aballbeooncluded wlthin four weeks alter tliellnal adJournmont of tliis Board. Mr. Burch moved to dtnend by striking : out the wordt "willijn ono weck of the awardlng of sald contract." Amendment carried. The original nsohuion aa uuiended was adopted. On motlon oí Mr. Burch, tlie Board adjourned to fl!0 o'clock to-morrow oiornlng. Read, examliied and approVed, MORTON F. CASE, Chainnan. VtdiiOkda, f 13, 1880. Board met pursuant to adjourn inent Called to order by tlie uhairnian. Koll rulled. Quorum ptweat. The jounial of yesterdar remi and approved. Mr. Dansingburg, trom tlie conimittoc on criminal claims, reported tlie followlng bill nul rccommen'ded tlieir ullowance at suins stated : .o. Claimtd. Allowed. 1 T. D. Hortou. wltnew $ 1 85 $ 1 85 2 Lydiu A. UortoD, witneBS 185 1 Si :i Kt li ! ii Aluin', wime 185 1 H5 i Lew íí Koebbe, coDstable 3 30 I M 5H. A. hmitii, jusiice peiice 14 HO 14 20 6 U. R. Ked, wimese 50 60 7H. M. Woode, witnesB 50 S0 8 Oeorge Straun, witoees 50 50 V T. Dreenilene, witnese 50 50 W V. H. Robbin, witnese 60 50 11 Warren Ciiihman, witnee 50 .VI 12 O. J. Crowill, wituee 50 M 13 Wni. Bcon,wltnei 5') 50 1! Attrou Iiurkhardt, witueg 50 '0 l.'i c. 11. Kempr, witnes .10 50 Iti I). H. Kuiler, wilnesB 30 50 17 M. Campbell, witnese 50 50 IS Wm. Martiu, witness 50 50 iac. U. Uobblní, itnenê 0 50 i 20 II. S. tivlnuw, wltness 50 21 Warren Cushmau, wltness VI 30 Ti L'itham Milln, it.ic ¦- 50 M Í) 1. 1). Whitaker, wttnesB tO 50 ! 21 C. Webber, wtinesü B lis 25 B. Dny, witnens (8 88 i6C. Webber, wi tnees 1 8t 1 .Mi 7 Kdnnind Uay, wiruen .. 1 K 1 .iti ; 2 h-ilward Ward, winees J H 1 :i aCtiark-B Kelloti:. witnese BS ti8 80 J. Willard Babbiit 44 80 SS ik) 81 Benj C. bojee, jnatlce 2 5fi i 5(i 82 Wm. Sttnfleid, oonMtble 8)8 8 18 Li Oirili Tlianhcr, jutice 5 45 45 ;;i Kiriiard BeabaD. justlie 7 50 7 50 8SJ. M. Forívth, jualice t 00 3 00 86 W. 11. .MiiU'-r, cuustab e 1141 Hl 71 87 EUnm W. Eaton, constable 3 (10 8 00 3s N. 8. i ase. deputy sheriff 6.') W ' ."! KSM.J Ix'lnnan. jiiBtlce 12 14 lï 4H 40 EJward McNamara, juror 50 50 41 B. J. BiillngB.jaror VI SO 42 F. D. l'iiiiimlugi', juror 60 50 ii Geoie fltrauiê.Juror 60 w 44 C. 11. Kobbins. juror 50 "J ló Too. McKone, jor jr 50 'iil 46 Heliry Krause, juror 0 00 47 Ueorge K.C'utlei, juror 60 Rl 48 Michael teeb, wltness S6 4 Kujicne Oesterlln, wltne s5 s- 50 Heury Beaman, witneeti r S."i öl .1. Berolzheimer, witniss 18 18 5-J M. Wclumann, wituiss 18 18 53 Frederlck Stcin,witnees H 48 5Ï Louis Gerstncr. witueas Ih 18 55 John Armbntur, witnese J 48 66 U, K. Kapp, witnfSB iv 1H r7 Martin Jedelc, witneeo I48 58 N. . Case, witneB 2 95 186 5'J B. O. Lovcjoy, witness i Mó i!IS 00 J.S. Vreeland, wltues 2 2 5 til llarvcy L. Koee, wltness 2 95 IK Wrtluiauder Wiuchdl, witnees n5 86 tt Wm. U. Baxter, witness 4 75 4 7 W Joun Loney, witnegs 9B Bó Chriet na Kentschler, ultuess 80 S5 e Jacob lfcip, witm'8 108 108 (J7 John Raiach, witness IK 48 ii Itika WeitiuT, witness 78 78 tia Samuel Smith. juror 60 90 70 John Koen, juror 80 lio 71 Geo. F. Lut., juror '¦" W TL'.I. II. Koters, j.iror W 0 7ÜE.C. Boudinot, juror 80 80 74 Henry Olto, ju ur 80 'Hl 7 " .li.lm li. kii-irr.M-. itnc'- 17n 170 76 Wm. CaneltiMi j iror BO ¦ i "7 John llaarer, jui-or 60 'W 7v V. W. lillas, juror DO . Murray, juror 80 60 .SOGubtavu? Hennann. juror '" M James Murray, jnror 61 H 82 Fredarick Wam, witneas 1 70 1 70 3 Al. Hlnes, wltnes 170 1 70 84 Obrlmina Fkcher, wltneM W ¦" BSJaeobBerolzobeimw, witness.... S 48 86 Qeinxe Feloer, joror i i11 ' 1M .s" John Schumalher, juror 1 10 1 10 KMJoBeph Hauiniiartner, juror 1 1 1 10 i A. K. Schmldi, Juror 11" '10 mi KredSchl-jicher, juror 110 110 !H I.i-wiB (ieretnur, juror 1 10 1 10 n2 D.ivid Mandt, witnese "¦! 'ï - liiKdwin W. Wallace, witness 1 r W 'H Aaron 1. Veldkamp, witnesn 2 5 ' 2.i Uö Michael K ager, wlineis 'i -5 2 Z Simon Nlneie, witness 2 25 -i 25 '17 Adam Mandt, wituesB 2 2o II i8 Honry Maudt, wltncs i 25 i 2í Wm. Vogel, wiweea IS 100 J. G. Wideumaun, wltness 1 Ij '15 101 John Wldtnmann, witnese 115 115 102 Charles Kantle. juror 0 J 108 KuireDe Oestci lm, juror W w 104 John Goetz, juror W J 106 Frederiik Weitbrecht, Juror t0 M) 10b Fred Schlelcher, juror W w 1U7 Joseph Banmgartner, juror W 108 Krank Uabgsterfer, joror Up B0 10 William Frank, juror 80 110 Kdward C. Boudniot, juror 0 111 Louis Roland, juror 0 112 Wi. Wheuter, juror "" 113 (ieorjje Moore, juror W 114 A. Jd.Dotv, juror w 115 Mlcbel O'Uara, Juror 0 llt, Kdwln Bradner, juror 0 117 Adolph Kraueejuror w JU 118 Georiie Schwab, Juror 60 119 ('uorge Kuiler, juror " w 120.1ohn OHrien, wltness 1 Sa 121 Michael Douahue, witnese 8ö 122 Michael Kennedy, wltoees lWJohn Coleman, witness g 124 A. Wm. l'orter, witnesa 4 125 W. W. Bllu, Wltnees 12(i F. L. üurk, wltnces 127 Kniest Sillett, witness 128 Thoma Carrol, wltnee 129 Philip Bac-h.jr., wltueïs l.'iO Wm. G. Pean, wituesa 1S1 Perry An derson. witness 183 George Calvin, witnïss 183 George Foï, witni-s 18) Wm. (.Starr, witm-.-B : 13.-, FnakBetiey, witm-sï MA J. G. Johnson, witoau is is v. tAwrence, witten 4s 4h o Henion, witnsaa H is 1:1 f. . Vlveland, constable 1180 lf SU 140 1'. J. l-.irifll. cosctabta !8 96 12 ti l il John Shemald, conatabia Ju '.) 18 !K) 142 C. il. Harria, wltaaM is is 'm Mi Ges, wltnwa is is 144 Charlea Kiniball . jj 48 I i S 111. II. Mlllttl-, WitTK'BÜ 8 IS llii.Jae. McCaxthy, witiMM !¦ is 147 ttpencer Qoraline, wUneaa is is 14-J Edward Campbell, wltnaaa n ii 149 (yo. W. shirc. coronar'! jnror. . i to l 10 15') J. Nevvell, coroner'n jaror 1 ]ii 1 10 1 i Wm. B. Martin comner's juror ) 10 1 10 L52 B.T. Sweetlng, coronar'a jnror.. i ïu 110 m' Whiinum, coroner juror 1 10 1 10 1 I Byron HmchinBon, coronor' jiir. 1 10 I 10 I.V) .J. Fiillmore, witncus M !HJ l.r( (i. Filllmore, witnesB U 48 157 Myrou Babcock, wltneaa is 48 158 Dr. Kimp, wltneea 150' 150 lï.i c. II. Frenen, witncss 18 48 lhli Mm Mi. ¦ini'lil, ivitm- 4 86 4 !I3 181 Joan i liumpKiin, witneu is 48 lOSYamei í-ivmikhi, wltneêa -is is 163 O, anana. wltneBB 101 Jacob Weyboru, wimefe 1H5 John Shrater, witneaB ." 8ft 106 Joho Tenu, wltjMvt 48 is Itt7 Jacob H. Martio. wttoeaa 1 il I il :i;s r. li. Oberst, iuror M B0 Hi!i II. IJrury, juror il Ui 17(1 Wm. I!. Mariln, iror ;i Mi 1T1J. Muwell, joroi io 60 172 Juhu A. Fuwler. jaror tiü 'in 17-i Wm. Naat, juror (ai 0 174 lls Burt, witnea 1 18 175 Win. Martin, wltneBft M !." 17B Charleo Merritt, witnejs 1 :iö 1 &5 177 Pat Keilley, linean is )S 178 1'.. Kirk, witnese IS n 17U F. l'jtzuck, witness Is 48 KS0G. 11. McCunn, witnets 1 (J5 1 5 181 Kllen McCunn, witneae, 161 165 182 James Hooper, witnesa 1 (15 1 66 v; Muwari Downing, wltness sr SB Isl Mike Hughes, ntni-se 1:15 185 is. (.'liai. Buyerle, witnesn 1 I1S 1 5 18U Muda Ilnuhi'i. wiinem 1 ;15 I 'I 1S7 Stephen Uolida, wimens 1 45 146 188 I'. M. Skiuner, witness 86 Kr tx'.i 1). W. 'Ihompson, wlmefj 85 65 1W ueo. Wllüon, witnesi 48 48 1!U Mary Wilfon.wltneíí is 48 1UJ M. .chlef, wilnesn 48 48 1! Ueo. Olto. wltnes 48 U lSil Spencer UroroKline, witneae 96 Hti 1115 John Faller, wltneBK 4S 48 198 Alonzo Koyl, witnes IX 48 1117 F. W. Cook, wltne8 48 48 lllti Harvcy Lyous, wllnese 48 Is lliOAlonio Koyl. jaror 120 120 'JOU K. K. Forsyth, jnror 120 120 301 Philip Dully, jnror 0 HO Ají! Jacob Weyborn, jnror 60 0 LM:; stephen Hntchinnon, jnror. 90 60 204 A. A. Bedell, jaror o 80 2('. llenrjrO'Connor, Inror 48 4S ïüti Derrick Bose, juror 48 48 2u7 A. A. Bedoll, juror 0 0 208 John Fuller, jaror (10 (W ' 2011 Cims. W. McCeimick, aror 80 80 U0 C'. F. HUI, jnror BO i.o ïll A. A. Mallory, witneee 48 48 2U Arthnr Hewett.witneea 48 48 ir; Jame Sinith, wltness 5(15 5 tt all Win. Smitli, itnei-K 5 66 .' M 2l." John Smith, witne8 348 8 48 21H Mary Smllli, wltnese 8 48 3 48 217 Anna Sinith, wituea 3 48 :i 48 2.8 M. Donovin, witn6 48 :! Is 2111 1). DuiuiMiir. wltnCBB ;i 48 .IS 2-iU Wm. K. l'uur, wltness 48 4S 221 Siiiuuel Post, witnees 48 48 2i2 Adam Brooks. jaror 0 0 ¦rLl Thoiua Daviv.jnror tJ Ml aai K. F. Wilson.juror 60 U0 , 2Í5 Wm. T. Butler, Jnror 60 Bui David Slrodir. jiiror 60 0 l'l'7 llioniMB York. juror (W t(0 2iis Thumah Winlrey, wiiiieas 85 EQ ï-!i 11. .liihiiHiin. witness 85 86 i8U A. Webater, wltnaaa 4S 48 L'-il I'. fOfcy, itnesa 48 Is B& M. E. Mjfford, witnCH 48 is iWJamií M. Chídistcr, cor. juror... 1 10 1 10 L':!l Wm. Kobblni, coroiier'B jnror... 110 1 10 f ¦JHJC. M. Halfey. coroner'B juror.... 110 110 ISBJ. M Martin, coroner's juror.... 110 110 2:!7 P, v. Uarpe&ter, coroser9! juror J 10 1 10 M8 i. W. Kishler, coroner b juror.. . 1 10 1 10 LW l)r. F. K uwen, aur. and wltiieea 5 Oo 5 00 2XUohn McCartBy, llncsi 1 05 105 241 Arttur M. Youn:, wltne 105 105 JU Milo B. Gage, wltnesB, 105 1 05 24:)CiiTence A. Lcmmon, wituesB. .105 105 ¦.Ml Martlm HamiHon, witnecB 4 10 110 ¦r Darma Ilaimitou, wltnear 2(15 2 05 L'Ki K. llntwell, wilnesa... Rj 85 a47 Wm. F. Jordao, witnesa 48 48 248 D. Durand. witner 48 48 24 Wm. Hinneüar, wllnee 48 4S VI H. E. Lockc, witness Is 48 251 8. Hauiian. witnesB is 48 252 A. Mctolliim, wltneiw : 50 g 80 2.VÍS. -McConnell. witneBS 85 85 2!4 W. Keatiug, witneea 48 48 255 J. Fulton. Hitnees '. ïHJ 256 Wm. L.Tenmy, wttneva 48 48 ÍÓ7 C. G. (Jo)HiiB. illiets 48 48 258 Jm. C DcmoBt, witneaa 48 48 ï.-)!i u . W. l'hilip, witnesa 48 48 MJO John Horten, wltbeaa -is 48 2lil A. J. Fleininfr, wllnea 48 48 282 Kdward Prfnee, jaror,. 60 HO 288 L Dow.Jaror 60 Liil Wm. Butler, jnror 0 M 3tl6 Levl 8 maoB, j iror J w 26)i Jacob lirook. juror 0 :i ¦Ml Thomas York, jaror 80 0 ;n sylvanus Goudlng, witucBS 128 128 ¦AüM.eorKt' Wliaon, witneae 11 118 27(1 I'hos. Conway, itneíí 1 S8 1 :)8 'Ztï Goorge rimence, wllooM 138 1 'M T,ï V. W, Thumpaon, deputy Bheriff Si Tl M Ü7 On motten of Mr. Erapf the report wm accepted and adopted. Mr. Galptn, iVom t lic commlttee on oivil cialmg presented the followhtg bllls, whtch were, on motton, allowetl :ii rasia itated i 2T:í David Wilucy, Bupt. of pour 30 00 30 00 W4 Wiaa & Worden 4 65 4 65 275Jamea A. Tolbert 2 15 1 IS 876 Lttca# & TeBBiner 5 75 B T5 277 Jus. M. Forsyth,J. 1'. u coroner 10 BI) Hl B0 27t) K. A. Iteal 137 54 437 54 A BtatemenVoí the finanoea of thecounty was recelved trom the eounty treasurer, reod, and on motlon of Mr. Potter, w:is aocepted and placed n Ble, ' Ih.iKi.ahii ih'iiniian aml lieird n f Supert tht Cutnify of Watthtenaw : (iKMi.KMKN. I horewlth send you my annual report f il'" tinHuoes of the couuty uf W'HHliteuiiw, sliDWing the amount of cash on hanü Sent. SB, 187! per scltlement made wlth your comralltw OeC 3Bth, ulsu Btatement of montes tliat have come into my hands from uil aooroea, and aU dUburaementa made iy me iluriUK Hik year endlng September 30, Ihho. And you wlll flnd aooompanylng U name a statement ol Ihe dllferent lunds. Atoo araouut of lndebtedness due and to become due. Stephen Kalrchtld, treasurer, In account wlth Couuty of Washtenaw : To cash on hand Sept.ay, iS;y . 4,S Ij ' " received during Ihe year _ '75-379 Si Contra, By tiisbursements made during Hm li-cal year„ Í 17359 5' By cash on hand 5-945 43 Si7iAl7 94 ? '79,37 94 For blll of pmt iculars of above account see ScheduleA. SchrduU A. To bulnncc of c.isli on hand Sept. 30, '79,..$ -M58 13 cash from treasurer of Augusta 3,54O 99 cash from treasurer of Ann Arbor 5,319 14 cash froiu treasurer olAnn Arbor city i),M 30 cah from treasurer of Bridiiewatcr.... 4,141 96 cash lrom treasurer of Dextcr ;.iSo 98 cash from treasurer of Krcedom 39OJ 70 cash from treasurcr of I.ima 4,a 31 caah from traavurerof I.yndon í,fi3 m cah froin treasurer of Lodi .Si.WT 45 cash from treasur-r of Manchester " 34' 7-i cash from treasurer of Northficld 3 947 57 cash from treasurer of l'itutield o 074 97 (.tsli from treasurer of Salem 4 7"3 S cash irom triiiurer of Scio ;.4w 05 i-.ish from tKUOrer 01 Superior 5,073 05 cash from treasurer of Saline cash from treasurer of Svlvan J,0 - :isii iroTii terasurer of Sha ron, 4.1 1 ash 1 rom treaaurer of Webster i,11 uh f rom treusurer of York j ¦ ¦ cash from treasurer of Ypsüanti towo ;. : cash irom treasurer of VpsilsntJ city... i'i 91 cash from temporat loaos 11,00 00 cash from guardián of Insanc 39a 7 ¦ cash from inperintendents of poor i43JP 64 cash irom city of Ypsüanti poor tav,.. $1 Cash from contingent furul I,JD casli from lïnes 519 on 1 ash from teachers1 Instílate 161 00 cash from delinquent tas I-17+ 9' cash from redemption Ja cash from anoual tax ules 90! yj cash irom Stalt traasurar, primary monev...... 0,04: "u rejected tax collccted in North field 10 rtjected tax collcctcd in A. A. City 5 cash from Ann Arbor City llquor t;i . g cash from town of Preedotn liquor lax tl cash from town of Lima Iij nor lux... 6a 67 cash from town of Bridgewatcr, liquor Ux 393 01 cash from Vpsilanti City. liquor ta... j ;¦ cash from villaje of Manchester, liquor tax '2I5 "r cash from village of Saline, liquor tax 333 34 caifa l'roin vlllssv of Dexter. liquor tax 7 ii cash Irom village, of Chelsca, liquor tax pfj cash from town of Scio, liquor tax 129 ;i cash irom town of Vork, liquor lax.... 121, 95 9 ïJ9A Contra. Hy cash pnid State treasurer $ 59 59 7 cash paid on temporary loans -345 cash paid eastem insane asyium iü,k cash paid Michigan asyium 10 cash paid on county poor orders -O.5'3 06 cash paid on contingent orders .37O 58 cash paid on county orders 10,140 3S caifa paid on jurors and witness orders 4,6y7 75 cash paid on salaries of county olficers 4,1'. cash paid T. J. Daniels, stenographer, 251. 7 ¦ cash paid E.'lV Goodrich, " cash paid library fund, bein? fine money - 575 4' cash paid house of correclion 113 cash paid teachers' institute 165 35 cash paid on interest account 1 ,931 $v cash paid for insurance iS6 ao cash paid on bonds Sooo 00 cash paid on primary school iund 6,042 79 cash paid on Ann Arbor city liquor tax .' 4 712 - cash paid on town of Freedom liquor tax 3& Q7 cash paid town of Lodi liquor Ux 40 DO cash paid town of Lima liquor tax 49 00 cash paid town of Bridgewater liquor tax 6to cash paid city of YpsilantiJïquor tax, 2,54 ,t cash paid village of Manchester, liquor tax '.2I5 61 cash paid village of Saline liquor tax, 3 SA cash paid village of Dexter liquor tax, 791 cash paid village of Chelsea liquor tax 57 M cash paid town of Scio liquor tax 120 34 uncollected tax in Augusta ,. 196 87 uncollected tax in Ann Arbor town... 30 1 1 uncollected tax in Ann Arbor city 903 J uncollected tax in Bridgewater uncollected tax in Dexter 1 $5 uncollected tax in Freedom uncollected tax in Lima 46 " uncollected in Lyndon 116 60 uncollected poor tax in Lyndon 31 7 uncol ectcd tax in Lodi III lo uncollected tax in Manchester 2S0 67 uncollected tax in Northtitld 2S 1. uncollected tax in Pittsfiuld 33 5 uncollected tax in Salem 27 uncollected Ux in Scio 190 20 uncollected tax in Saline '4 4-1 uncollected poor tax in Satire 2S7 04 uncollected tax in Svlvan 16 1 z. uncollected poor tax in Sylvan H uncollected tax in Sharon. 40 6j uncollected tax in York 7S 4 uncollected tax in Ypsilanii town. & uncollected tax in Ypsilantl city S17 ai rejected or unpaid tax in Ypsilanti city uneollectM poor lax M " cash refunded treasurer of Lodi, he having overpaid the tux 115 51 casli refunded treasurer of Northticld lor same JI 4 cash on hand 5i945 4Ï $ 179.637 c- W&tbteo&w oounty IndebtedneH du' ana I beconitídue Feb. 1, 1881: On temporary loars í 7'200 rjC Due salary fund 2 066 63 Due stenographer fund - 99 ti Due libraryor fine money fund S7 31 Due house of correcüon fund 5a0 '5 Due teachers institute fund Due township of Lima, liquor tax 64 67 Due Ypsilanti city, liquor tax B34 ' ; Due township of York, liquor tax 1 Borrowed by superintendents of poor i4-3o 00 Bonds due Feb. i, 1S81 00 Interest on bonds 960 o Interest on temporary loans Sj 8a $ 33-74' I 7 Less cash on hand 5,945 4i % 27796 Bonds due Feb. ist. iSSj „... S,ooo 00 55795 - Fundw overdrawD and amounts due the several funds : Insane asyium fund, overdrawn $ Sol County poor fund, overdrawn '4 County order fund, overdrawn 543 78 Jurors and witness fund, overdrawn ifi In'erest fund, overdrawn 224 07 Insurance fund, overdrawn 100 40 Contingent iuiul, overdrawn 2 9 % 7.9" 5 Due on temporary loans 7,200 00 Due on salary fund ," Due on stenographer fund 100 O Due library or tine moncy fund Due house of correction iund 52Ö 15 Due teachtfs' institute fund 2 50 $ 995 Due township of Lima, liquor tax „.- 114 67 Due Ypsilai.ti city, liquor tax 234 65 Doe lownshlp 1 'ork, liquor fund 123 t5 10, I AU of whlch lsreKpeotfullysubrnilled, STKl'HEN FAIRCHILD, [County Treasurer The olerk nrM a cominuuication ftom Smltb Wilburln relation to the sale by liin to the county, of the Pettibone field noten and memoranda. Mr. I)ansii)jiburí moved to lay the commuutcatioD on the table. iost. Mr. $06 moved thattbeChair appolnt 11 commlttee of three to con ter with Jr. Wilbur In the matter, and that the elerk notify Mr. Wilbur and the county surveyor to meet said committee at some convenienttime and place to be disignated by the oommittee. Carried. Messrs. Rose, Yost and Lase were appointed such oommittee. On mot ion of Mr. Danflingburg, the election oí a superintendent of the pooi wu made the special order tor TilMday next at two o'clock, p. m. Mr. Krapf moved that r comroittee of three be appoluted to look Into the advisability oí connecUng Üm court house w ítn a propoaed telephonc exchange. Lost. A-OJourned to 1 :H0 o'clock p. ra. Hcrnooii IsMlMi Board met. Calied to OKksr. lii ed. Quorum present The profleculing uttorney iiddressed the Board In relation to Mie llabillty of the county tis to bumII i' cltiimê. Whereupon tbc Board Bdjou.rrved to 0:80 to-morrow aorning. I exivnilneil und apprm ed. ' MuKTi N K. CA8B, Chalrman. 'l'liiiixlii.i. Oct. I lili, issii. r, d met. Calloil tt order, lioll ailletl. Quonmi present. Vtr. Daiisinburg presente! the followMinm.M bilis and r-comineii(leii tiielr uur ill -hilril : . i .,¦ -.t iblc . .Í50 10 ¦Isl l;i,, Iniil-. .-..n-r ..hl.-. ... 3 '¦ ix Kit Muil y. coratahla '¦'- !'¦ ¦ ¦" 28i Wm. B. ittidnrt. Jii'tlra lr l" '5 17 " K. Gorman, luntici. B -"¦" " i Alb.-ii Gna -, ur ¦ " s ¦ , C C. omj , furor.... ¦' ;" .. S. C. Alley ror M M : .Ibiiu'h K.'i" i.-, iuior 5U -111 -- Oh .-. Muit . u-'r W ¦¦" H9 H l i-i T SU W HO Doforea L tchöoid, wltiie.., ' i'11 jllt L. 1. , i i ui? "I '" ¦.si e. 8. Bllby. wlrneM UU ' .¦'. I). B. Bliinchani, urllieu BB 60 Limes llarrl. witnt'si ... ¦ ' "" 1115 Deonl Warner, ultnesi B go L90 John Kviir:-, wtinua l1 '¦" Sf, QeorRC Hllll. wil e-. ¦ ''" _¦¦.- ttabert C'nlg, vtlheaa .. ' B I B tin.-- ... 1 ¦¦¦'¦ 1 88 300 Amot Y. Kl.ld.-r. wliane 'v ls 301 B. M. Rgartl wlmaM 8fi Ba Jtvpbeu iscon. wiinen ¦ B ' 03 i!i'o. Vanlluuti'n, witnes I '" ' ' 301 Qeo. W. Utll, tnn 'N ¦ ¦h'..C:vlii. wlineM.... ly M S(i Kolx'rt l'rm-,-. iioi-M ' tï ' '¦ 107 II. It ).!-. i . wltOPM ... I I' 'Ij UtorgQ !'i' wltbeti 133 ' y' )UO Jeffetun Llndfley, wttna-t'i. I :-"' ' :'; 31U Brice Comstnck, vrttntaa ¦¦ ' :'-' ' ;;' .111 Un i Brown. wnness I M I :'s ¦ ;i; M)itm W'.-tiii. wiiiu-K-... 18 is 313 Olbarine B inlon, witneet. . . 185 ¦ :-' 311 ïvuvi Hall. irltnM W g ithar ii ¦ HtI' r. witin-K-... 1 :! 1 SB i.l i:ni! Scbmlrt, wlliiMi 1 83 L 3o SU Bd rd H'kw, I iror ¦" ¦" Umn Wuod, Jiiroi SM j" teorye Qro. inror ¦"" ¦¦" MO O cr Brltqp, Jumr ¦' ¦¦" ;:; Win, Lar? , jnror "'' JJ J ChrixtophiT l.ii;i,jiirur ¦"" ¦'" On motioii ut Mr. Boyóe, tbe report wua i. , - pted mul iidoptecl. Mr. DantSnirburK lso reiwrted tlic 'lili of Kinerlok, prosecutlna atturney, tor tüuveliug ¦.i;i-cs etc., outolde of Auu Arbor city, In il' dléhargcol liUduty ns prosucutliigt iiitonii-y. without recontmendation. Mr. Blnkeslee movwl iluii tlio blll lc ftllowed clttinusl. Mr. Puitull inovctl to uiuend by allnwing tlic Wil at $:0.00. L -I :is fölfow s: Hoyos, Dauoer, bvuikuiiip. Fouter, Ol ¦aver, l'nrtVn Htetator, 8miU, HtiulU and ïoat -ld. ftnyt- HUkeslfi-, Buroh, Cue, DaMlngbarg, Depew. QravM, i.n-n.ny, Krafif, Kren, Lane, Roe, RliodHa, alttuM I. TIn' orlglnial iijption mu tlioii carrled. chiirnfil. AUowed. tá'í t-L-ank Smerlck.prot.itr, I s' "¦ yi "¦"¦ Mr. l{lioili- trom il"' comuiittj n civil claims repnrtetl tliloliowiug Ulllsiuid reo ommuiided llieir allnwiince ( statetl: Clo'tin'il. ÁtlOutd. P. W. O'Toote, 2 Mll } "" ' "' ;; L. J. Johiutou, Ctffuner ó Ml -l 4 825 C. Bllw OB, ar f dook.. 14 UQ 15 "O KM Jobo Moor - ¦ - '" '.;; K. .1. Brown, iüi ca oor'nei :i "" : 'W 528 Wm. (; -. coroDur'i jurur... 1 uu l "" ;_': BiMijiniiD IK-puw, '¦ ... 1 OU 1 U0 3l Charlo Kori-iic-, " "... I un i ' :.;i V. II. Dpew, ¦ "... 1 uu 1 i SU A.c. u.ii.i. '¦ ¦ ... i uu i mi m Wm, Wi.itc, " "... l lm i o 331 L. CHtodaa, " "... 1 OU 1 ml 883 o. M. Martin, '¦ '¦ ... l OU 1 i) ii'. Ambroxc Ivcain.'.r," '¦ ... 10 L 00 337 Jacob Sc.iih, ¦ "... 1 in 1 mi 33j F.A. Kaiidi.ll, " " l '"' ' '"' S O. M. .Martin, -Ir.. " " ... 1 ihp I il U0 John W. lluui T m 7 m II rield A limit i W ' "' 842 . A. (.:.- Liïhi Cu ' -i" M 30 i i (, ,-í ... n iu mi 10 mi in Hlram Kinn-d-. 8 OU 3 i ) Miirt ui n& k. coronac 8 öü ; sl :ii. Am Umin. cor'nn' j:iror. 1 i' l 'hi 817 D. M. Marrin. " .. I - 1 heopb. Poner, - " .. 1 i' l 00 IMS a. L. Roble, ¦ " 1 '' l '"' 550 tío. W. " .. 1 mi 1 mi iper Imui S .. l ' ' 'W v: Uso. 1. Duulmv, wltDSM ;s o. F. Craua, wi.nM W ;s :"il J. V. iVnniK-k. witni.-e :;s 833 Lyinaii N. Oriv, vlineaa :i."it Élnon Murpby, wilne -v S57 Wm. DanaiBcbaiv, 1'. lt. '¦' '" - '" Ou raotl il Mr. Foiter, the repon vas Acccpted und tulopted. Mr. Krapf pn-sented te foltowing pnjr iiiublc and reiUutloii : luis been ouslomary toryears vuit. iliat memben ol tlie Board oi SuMrvlaori 5i Washtenaw County, betug absent froiu ilie tu ol Hn' Board for nnc or more daya ud tteiulin; to tlieii' own personal bluiiMM, aad llmt the iuimUt on pet dtom alluwance havo allou-eil '-li memoer the full daya ol the .-ion, (at tt per day.) and they recelved it. wlilc-li is nol ni accordauoe wlth the prloclplet ofJOKticeand eaulty; therefore, ¦rui, by iliis Board, ihat the commlttee .ui perdiem ll.iwance are hereby insirucied not toallow the per diem for locb daya where imnibers ol tliis üoard have been absent for oneor more days and alteudlng to theu personal atlHlrn, whether wllh or without leave. Mr. Kreu moved ti strike out tbe worda 'vrliether wlth or." On motioii of Mr. Lauc. the whole ;ü- ter wan luiil ón tlie table. Mr. Poster preaented the followlng rolution, whlch was adopted; Rttolv4d, that Supervisors Olaaver and Dancer bL aiul they appointwl k oommlttee on peroeutaKe ol l'ractluual school (HsirlctK. Mr. Gravel presented the followlng rtaoIiition : RfOlvtd, that the report of the superinteudentaol lUa poor he Hie special order ol boalneM to-morrow, at 2 rclocí p. m., at their oflloe al the poor nous. LOSI M follOWl : i.-- Hlakeslee, i'iisr, Dancer, Danilngburgi Depew. Koster, Ualpin, Uraves, Laue, Olnaver, v,!.iv' ' Boyoe, Boroh, Peldkamp, Oregory, Ki.ii.i. Krtea, Purtell, Rose, Rhodes, Staebler, snr.iii, Wallaee i;. Mr. Rose moved that superlntemlenU ,,( the poor rcmesté(I lo bring thelr booksuml vouchers lirton-thr Board when they muke ilii-ir i i uus. (u motioii ut' Mr. Univct, it was luid on the tiiblu. Ou iiiulioii of Mi' Oiilplni l'i'1 notrnl ;uliUi lK'il Ui 1 :;" n'rl'H-k p. ni. Viteriiooii imfcii, Board iii'ot. Callcd i" order, ijunnnn present. Mi'.Dausinybtuj! reported tlic foUowing crituiiial lm -li i cre nlloweil :it siniu -Uilr.l: (ratrnnl. A :, Kil-r 'mr. u. ili.iutv -licrill, IH SK Í M "1 l! 11 WlM-, j I' 1 II" 1 "" ,(. I ib. Woru.-y, jmor 1 ui 100 MA (t,'o. l'allncr, jlliur 1 50 1 ¦'" h-.1 Loe MendrlCk. Jaroc " ¦¦" Stö llurtvy i.nll.l, Juror :' -'jU ;i.i Joaa HrriK. Juror 50 ¦" ÍU5 JmUb ¦¦ PoJ, jumr 1 mi I OU im Edwiid II,. juror.... IH lm) ::i7 Hyion Hmchfnaim, juror. ... i " -' ¦ W& Itanc Harria, Juror 5U 50 m'J ll'i.ry Uoilt'kiii!'. juror I '" 1 '_" Ü7U C'ornellua LaDK, Juror 6u ¦' 871 Ca-h llavri,-, jiiroi I"" l'W :iïst Mae Ltouard, Juror - mi JU.) ;7; Jiitoli Martin, juroi BU "iU S7J Joteph Mclmyre.aror. ... l mi l uu 873 A. I'. Bucklln, Juror i -n I W 87B Jame N. WaUacetjurof 50 58 Ï77 C'. L. Yoat, Juror S) Ml Í78 Dyld A. Wlae.Jurof ï 30 1 W (711 JotUb Necll, iuriir I '"' ' m igO Qor . Ju tli.Jnror 50 80 ;-i I . F. Scbaeh r, Juror Ml W & 1!. C, Hay too, jnrur 50 SO 'AS John I'. bilt, jurur 1 u 1 -i i ,-c ïust, uroi i OU 1 i' I hm. ü. ÜolUne, u(oi 50 -i" i.ur 1 ll I l"1 SH7 An-hte McNIcbolJmor 8 OU :i m WalUoe Pblllipa, furor. ... .. 60 ' SU ¦ mi w il k. üvl, furor Si Obarlai Bly, i iroi i0 ÜBl a. C. Uragory, uror 60 60 ÍN w in ;:. Guer, furor Du 50 U1 Nein VmiTuyle, Juror ï 00 2 00 btrlW I) I I. fiü ."ki Uenry Gage, Juror 50 "ki ¦ ¦', i-i.i-... luror öii ö m W. il ThomptöD, Juror 10 in1' c. McKlustry, jarur W 80 4(W sllas ('lurk. ' lm' I il nu Win. luutorly, Juror SU ¦'" HKI II i,.,ciUi' .(I, Jiiliir Í0 ¦ I; (,,¦(). W. Haimtt, juror ¦'" 30 KW il. falrchlld, Jiinx "o l'i i am'li-l ILu.i], jlirtJf - U" -00 i'. Edwin M. bpoixe inror 1 50 1 "iO,1 loT ti. II. BriDkorhoff, huur. ...... ¦' K) 8 W WS SulciiiHiu O.-iromlui, jnror 2 00 - ' I' ii Win. Shiiuian, iiirur 2 00 Í OU llu N. I,. Auvood, juror '2 50 2 50 411 A.M. Noble, Juror 0 230 41S Jobll .Miirdu, jüMir 50 50 113 llowdid EMeptlelltOD, jurur.. . 1 00 l IN) ui Peler CarpeñW, Juror 1 ¦'' I -1" I1S Q. Uiauiplin, Jaror 60 M lltt .Ijiiih'ö Foreyiu, Juror Ml " 117 J n ! in t'osl, juror 50 W i lis Kuubt-n Hoyo', nnor " :i" I1V N. . 'ihc.iniwoh. jurur M) 60 420 John ltoyct-, juror ' '0 bil CliurluB Kiuy, .Ir., juror 60 ¦" Ashly Miner, mor 6D M t2S Jütoe Vaiiderwerker,witarni '¦ " I-i Ann Vandcnvi-rkt-r, '" 48 s I-i ('lur.ullB Vaiiili-iAM-i-ki-!, ' 4N I i i .1. 11. Martin, " II M 11 ¦ - BÍ7 Uumy Mlller, -; i ; H tój Hen.) CUOl, " '¦"¦ W 2 Wm. Pomeroy, " W is UU 1). W. Tbompwo, " " :;ii :: l 41 u. a. Ainoworil!, i I-W Jacob tinorick, " W W IS Bei i min Uunbkln, " 11 i til t'miik Btowell, " iv W U , Ueotjre i'ulmer, Bu K6 l.'!'i llc.inl SttiuLclliMi, '' 4S ls 187 Uaur.0luw, " B M 188 Juhll -milh, " W 's Utkl Wil. llolmet, " ' s I (1S U", " U 2 '! Hl Albort AlexaucUr, " '- BÜ - ¦! . l2 Mlirray Hiiluii'-, 1 V! 1 7:; II : I.. W. Screpturi-. !" 4fl UI Mir. lliinau Holinei, " 1 ¦" 1 "S ; j 441 bclca JacKSon, M 's ; 4!i; Mnrlh Simpson, " 18 M 417 tmina McPnerpou, ¦ IH 4H ' 4W Ak'xandiT Mcl'htTion, '¦ IX m . 44 C. Ouriiwel), W . 4ü) I.CM CbHinberlin, " B W 161 s ejihen (Jox, s ¦ IM Lt'opoid schiwlr, 's 1 4.! Ien chadi', 's I" ' 151 Lovlu Svhacli . 4S 48 45) Luna Brookr. 48 H tVi hinina Avery, ' 1 '" 4.-.7 Moe Mirkt, 's U U8 luün VimtosatD, :l" g . UU MoryAnn Mark-, " g S 4W Jno. E. BllBWonli, " ' - l 41 Wm. Barr, " 1 1 -!- Charle Marliu, 4h 18 4&; L z.te Miinlu, '' '- -W n;i Brnry WUllanu, " g W i'i". Mrs. Baruey WUllanu, " I i14 Ani-al C'aiuubcli. " ls '" Hfl chai. Crinu. " 4 18 Itid Jamet Forytb. 4s ji'.i Vicor r'om;tli, H 4M I I7u l.oilie Couuilar , !¦ 4 .171 .). B. Wortli-y, '¦ W 4ii 172 Win. SinttU. f' s ¦ I I7. E. lloru. , " W 4S 471 Lottit i.'ouk, '' lx W 47'j sctn Bartlioioine, B 48 470 Knii.k B .gurdUf, " I" 477 (.'. L. Yom. " I" " 478 Jobu Ko.-. " 1 W I IIK 17 Homer Brliiga. W ¦IHU Jerry Ue.iíuioM'. W 4.S1 Edward Thoiupciin. ' V 12 t. K. Uiïra, W " i 4S-1 Wm. Bowl. -, ' 4.S 18 Mr. GtelpWi ni'niu il tire foüowlng civil bilis wliicli wriv rtllowcd :il uin.s stat i-il . ('lnim(l. AUoittd jsi yim-oii (i.).idyear,.I.P. ascor... $ 5 10 ? "i 10 Ki Kubert KiiiflUb.eoroner'i Juror, I H) 100 486 Wm. P.Ckmplwll. ' " li 1 o" IK7 Ormnud WelM, " '- 1 1 ' Ins Fraucii Enijllif, ' " 1 ' 1 ')" , l.sü i.l-o. A. IiiL'rahinn, " " 1 KI 1 OU j I'.H) .lobu Watfri-: "' " l 1 UU i 1U1 Ai.toii Eii-flc 8 21 8 2o 4D2 Cbrtitlan H"ftitetter Wi -'" 80 25 ISB Edward Doffy 8 83 :fi Sö l'.n O. tb.-rb.icii 10 85 10 V, , 1115 Jnhn N. Batley, S blll : mi l 00 l'ni W. D. Harrlniau - :' - ' ' I!I7 BauKlM Alluil "' '" 5 09 UM üoundKnpl M n M SJ l!i Jobu K.p "' "" " 5UU John Mooie, I bllll 10J 108 22 ! Mr.Otttpin preseuted iiill of J. II. Daviv, (or mowing the court house lawn, vvittkout recoininoniliitlon. Mr. Poster moved U( 'u be llowed hs ', claimctl. Mr. l'uiirll niovtMi tu allow the iiill at i en ilolhii. Lot fOllOWS : Ayti -Blakenlee, Feldkamp, Krapl, Laiic, Ly' man. f uiteli. Bmlth- 7. Xwj - Boyce, Hun-b. Case, Dancer, Dansinginii'K, Depcw. Poster, Gulpln, Grave, Uregory, Krans, olMiver, Kose, Kliujes, StHcblei.Wallnc-, V,.st-17. Mr. Rose uiovetl to mneud by nllowlng : the bit) at $20. Mr. Bovctí iiKivt'il to ;iim-ii'l ly iillowlng : t :ti $l.."o per ilii-. Carrletl. Tlm cM-iiiiiuil inotion aiul uraeadmenl as ameiuieil wwv then tiopted. '(;,„.-. Mlot'-d. .VI 1 .lno. U. Uaviï. mowinj; lawn.S JrZ Oi) t 16 S0 On nmtiiiii ut Mr. Burcht Uw Wil oi N". S. C;im: ;is leluirt-d back to the COmmJttee mi criminal olulnu for correction. Mr. Krapf ottered the followlng tion, wliidi w;i adopted: Whbrea, ït lia been catomary tor jrean past. lUat ineiiilii's of the Bonrii of ttupervlaon of NVaslitennw county, heilig abeent lur cme or ' nn)r day Dom aewloin of the Bojinl, and had at tendel lo thelr own personal bnslneu, and tiie oommlttee on pet diem allowanco have allowi-d Och intmber the fiill daysofl I the sesslon, (at threc itollars per day.Mind tli.-y I have recelVKil il.whicli is nut in aocorUance wlth the principien ol axUoc or equlty; , ! t'ore Itetolf, by the Board, tiiat tUecommltteeon per diem allowance are hereby inslructid Dol to allow the ('-r diera forsuoh days wbera merabera irere abnent ene or itayi and attended toihelrown boslnen wltboal leav trom the üoanl. A comniijniciitloB from thejudge "t probate in relution i" the liiRiine, was r;il and : om inotioi) of Mr. Dcpew. recetvwl and ' placed on tile. ín !!¦ Hun. Ho'h't j Swpeteitoré Wuthtenato i n'iiity : QhevntIiEmbh.- siiuv niyhisi animal report to you.duted (jolober il, fíTtf, I haye lenl ten perooua to ihe etern Mlchlgau asylum lor Lbo iiisRii', miiioii viil be chaived lo ' tbe eountv, aa foHowi: l. churus h . DlUrle, lenl on ;itii uajr ni Uctober, Ihïö, froin i to mihlpol Kreedotn. rne phyaielani examlulng Lhf uae were John kapp and ConraU Qeorge. S'm. Dleterle la 21 yeanofage, and lus parenta redde In i"i-.. Kü.abctli i 't, in-, si-nl on lili ihiy ol N'"v nih,i, IS7Í), tiom ttvuthip ol Lima, 1'. V. O'loole, the uounty phyilclan, belng exuniiiH d as to her suiiit.s . ttua is a pauper and , Home of her ealldren wf lapportml ui the oouuty lituist'. ht-r husbiiiul belugdead. :. Caleb ElurlUgO, st-m on the -"th day oi Novt mber, IH79, irom the alxth ward oi city (il Ann ArlMU. The physii-iai.s t-xaminiiifc' tint cawa wer H.J. lllltou and W. B.Smith. Mr. lLlUrldge, I learn Uas ilnoe (lied, 4. I.eonard 1). BoaleT, leut "ii the 20th lay of Jnuuary, lssn. fro Ue lownahlp ol Webster. Pbysiulanit, John Kapp and Klijah w. Cooper. All the expensen In ilns caao have bt-cn panl by Oeoi-ge tXosier and ue lias truaranteed the uounty agalDüt anv future Ilablllty whlle Leonard I' KiiMer it-iuaiiis arounty uhiircf. 5. Tbornaa n. Whltlark. wan lenl froin the Olty ol Anu Arlwr on the Al day of .Muroh, 1S.H0. l'hysii lans ,-iimiiiin- lus i-ut; J. W. Morton and W. B. Bmtth. Mr. Wültlark has property woiih ibout ï(iiiO in the liaiuls ol' a trustee lor the support of hl famlly- lok rifé and one ! chlld nnable la rappor! Itaelf. ' (. Walter B. Pltkln, iel on the llth day t Marón. IKSO. from the city "f YpsilanU. Phynielan, O. 8. Bonsteel and D. A Pont. Uc iíí ,i age. ll.-is pi ¦ -i'-! t. - su meren t to support blm "t the miylufB. 7 Orllt) Hi k. inl " the '-¦ l doy "I Mareh, 1880, ir the iownnblp "i xori sii-iiins, b'. M. Oakleyand JobnKnpp. I learn ihaj tlila palleni ha retarue l borne nured . Clnrk Flsher, geni on the 22d lay ol A pul. 1880 rrom ypsIlBDtl. Phyalclan, P. W o roole and John W. Morton. No proporty, . iiin i). i .-i. aenl on lath May, 1880, rrom Manchester. Physlclana, C. Oeorge and H. C. Allen. Klef I amlner and hs faih. r, wbo reside al Manchester, ha nol in-nti lo Miiorl Mis vi.n ;il the :is Itim. ín Kinü Wfllter ¦ni on the lth day ol June. I8t, from the city of Aun Arbor Pliyslcluns, ('¦inruil George nd Donald Maclean. No propertj . 11. Catharlne Rauchenberger. The order fbr ii ommilme i Mr. Ranebenberger to the asvlum was made n Ihe thlrd day t July, L8i)9 imt was nut aotually taken to il' aaylum untll after my lasl annaal report, wntch aoconnts for the mol thal Un , ., ihji reponed iut year. The phyílelana exam iniíiK her case rere .Min Kapp and Conrad (ieorgp Mr. RaucheD berger has I ven a bond i i pay the oountyone bundred dollars per year towards theeosl of nuil ni ni n ing bis vire al the asylmn wblle ihe reinal na a oounty charge. Etespeol fuily submltted, W. i). HARRIMAN, Probate Jiidge. Mr. Kom' moved tliiit tin' connty por díase al eort, ¦ !' the coiinty clork, the law n mower piirchased by bim fot ue on the conrl house square. CMTled. Mr. Duncèr moveil ilmi Mrr-. Krapf and Gregóry be made n ootnmtttee to proiii, e con vey anee to uftrry tbe Board to tbe oounty bouw to-moiroiv. Mr. Siniih moved lo ntend so thal Micli supervisor provlde owii oonveyance. I, i-i Mr. iiioiinii WH8 adopted. On lio ot' Mr. Graves each supervisor desirliijt conveyanc to tbe countj house, wiin reqtiested to report to the oominlMce ;it th eloc of to-day 8 gestión. Adjourned tt):3u n ni. to-inorrow. MORTON K. CASE, Cbalrman. l'ri.lHj, O.loh.r l.illi, 1KSO. Board met pursimnt to adjonrnnwnt. Cal le J to order by the cbnirmait Koli c;tllc(l Quorum pifscni JoiiitimI nt' yesterday read and appr'oyed. Si r. Danglnxbnrg from tlic coramltte i crimlpul cluinis, reported tbe following bilis whicli cíe allowed :it suma etated: 50-iC. G. Mliman, wllnesi' n :i"i IK SW .loueph Brauhlen, wlti eie ISO 1 ¦') Vil .Inseph Tlduwel!, wltnesu 1 ."ü 150 508 VTm. H. Turiifr, witnw 1 Vi 1 V) "KW John Birbour, wltnei8 L .V) I VI 'M W. M. Fogler, wlmess :i iiO :t W Wis R. II. McOraw, wltni-M S (X) 00 &W Oe V. Thorp, wimesí 3 IKi 3 IX) :in Untion .Jonei, wtinesí 1 A) 1 .10 511 (ifonje Brown, witnesi 1 -SO I SO ól'l.lnhu Fogler, wltueng 1 Xt 1 DO .'il:! Wtn. Hamin.nd, willens 100 2 !H) "ill John (i. rhnion. wiineíí :i vl '1 l BIS 1). J. Lo..inlü. witncss 6 21 21 .1IH Kik-ar Warren, wllnesa Wi 'M ÖI7 Wllli K. HKynep, witnes IH x : l'. O.Milra:in, witnes SIK -lt :,l'. A. W. l'urter, wltness 6 "-' K 72 ."i2U l'aul Schall, wltnem ¦'! XI '¦'¦ 521 Kll S. Manly, witoees :: M ; -i ,2 ('. G. O cuit, wltneeo 1" Mi .2:lTbomas 'larken. witncEi 1 II 1 II .Vl Jaopcr Imuí, wltnest? 4S 4S .Vri Jame Loney, witnesfi, ' Is 4K ¦ii'ii.lnhn Loncy, wleneua 9 i KX (B7 Willlim Looey, wltm-si IM .VJ (ieorge Sweet. wltneHs '¦ !Hi Vüi (ieoree Bllthborn, witneiü" ... 'Mi tw 5to eih Mirh, witness I T 1 13 .vil Klli'n Mareh, wlrne I II 121 Vlí KiHnk Keilly, witnera líl 125 ."! W. B. mith. wltnefs s IH 5 I Wm. MorrlKon, wltness 1 ÍS 1 18 i95Chester Johnson, wiiuosi? 1 1 1 ís .ïüi.Iohu Beahan, wnn"fs 48 1 537 Wn, Matihew, wttness W 4K r:is John K:enan, wltness U M "ral o. I.. Mathews, wlmeet I18 "iin Mrx. Lrlter, wltneM 18 18 Mi F. K. WiDnegar, iincs iim niíloai'ph Kullly, witneHS ÍS 18 öl-ï Lawrencc íweeiiey, wltness. . . ítn M )ll I.'iulí Stlerle, witnesn W '., ")l" Wm. Bird, wltnes 1 18 olí Arthur Mann, witncsa IS t "ilí.l. V'. Thomp-on. witncas 'i7 r7 "il -lohn WHIlHa, witness 18 I¦yi'l Mlchael Williams, witness IIH ¦Vii).;. Keilly, vritness I118 Vil S, S. l'.'rry, wltness 1 ís 553 C'. Goodrich, wliness 1 IH ! VS K. Mattbem, wliaeM i w ""il M. D. I.. Branch, wltnes 1 IH '."." Mm. F. llaar, wllness J IS 536 John Tice, wítaess 18 i . V)7 James Beaty, wltness i; ís "i ('ha. Knntle. itnesü 00 IH) Víi Mnriln Clark, wltness IiO (DI ."jOOGeo. Fetuer. wiineu tul 0 "iiiHi'o. Donovan, wimesa I-18 Stt Ed. Kent, wltnesu 4H ís 383 Mr. Uanmerfer, witnusa ... 48 48 .Vil Illritra Klttrldze. witnuM M '.i 5HS Wlllln Waimer , wlcnau i ín Viii hredi-rick Wurster, witness... IS 18 3K7Wm. C'lancy, wltneís 4S 4i "xif A. V. I'crler, wltness 8 Sl 'I :)ti üoni. G. Johmton, wttneM l 41 1U ."i7ll I). J. Liioini!.. witness 3 SI 3 fH j71 Gao. W. Brown, wltnee 9d % J74C.G. Mliman. wliness ', 9 TT'I Til 11 Msnlj. nlfsw I1IH 571 John Loney, wltness 2 K2 88 j7j Wm. ORellley. wltness M j7ti Mrs. L. Porter. witneas 2 m 2 40 677 Miss Netlie Bowen, wltnes.. i VI 2 4Ü "7H bvron Coop r, wltness !; '.m )7i' Wm. Turner, linees 1 44 144 Vi) A. Oolding, witneet M 18 si II. Enjflehart. witncst IX 48 5f2 A. Collins, wltness 18 48 jní Wm. Stanmn, wimess 4N 4 5H4 T. Coliman, witnets ís ih ido T. Hohan, witneM 4H ís X; C. l'oleman, wltness 4s 48 ÓH7 J. 8. Csse, wlluesi 4 IH .vs Frank Urtman, witness 4H 48 jh'jj.ihn Our-kenbush, witnese.... 48 48 .'!) Win. DauRlas, wltness .. ... s s rnn Murgaret Collins, witness 4H IH VU II. Jon'-s. witneas 4n 48 9M John Mita, witness 4H 18 ¦V.U James Krey, wltnes l 18 ¦V.i" Afiles Brown, witnesí 4H 48 ¦'& John S. Enrl, wltuess 48 IH im Oeo. W. Thorp, witnese 48 18 3U8 Wm. O. Fofler. rltneai 4 ís :,:i" B. H. MiUraw, witnese DI IH lujo K. Kullam, wiiness. 4H 48 iil S. Lut., wltness U 8 9MC.F. Lntx, vitness 18 iKi: w m. l.iiij, witiicss II ís ooi A. West, wlmess i g Wi5 Jubn Colllnr. witaes 4s ís HOtt A . Keeter, wltDeu 18 18 17 John Aniel!, vritnesl 4 4H flUBJame Robeton, witnees i1ís (M o Bull, iritnesi 4s -ík Din Michacl Leairr, witnes? ís 511 Lao Kamp, witness 18 18 U12 .1. l utr, witnees : 48 48 (13 Jame Malügan, wltaMi 4h 8 u c. s striiiL'h.uii, wttneta 48 ís ÖI5L VVikefleld, ritoeu 4118 ííoer Matthcw-. wilncss ls 8 r.17 Thom ib Matihcws, witness 8 ís Ut8 A. A. Mdntyre, troen W 18 ¦ .lí's Di-ii.-rli-. wi'n'-s 4H -IK i;2ii Wu. IIuviIüd, wltnws I IH Ü21 John Baker, wirnecs 4$ ih IWS JasDer lm, itQess M 18 fria II. Uodíl'y, iuror li i liü iüi .1. I). Irií'i. joror lai iiv ¦ ;;" Xnriin Clark, iurur M 80 U4U WUHi Thompson, inror 8U tiO 1127 D. UUcock, Jirror.. ¦. i mi i K. Waterman, i.iror . tiO iLM.Iuhu K'ise. jaror 1 mi HMIHarvey Kelley.Jnror ii ¦) ti il Jcüeph I'reston, juror ti' tío ii!2 l'rauk (.'. Loomis', juror 120 120 i;:: Cha. Place, uror o 0 ivil N.-leon Edwards. juror 88 uo dtfiGM. W. Smltta, j'.irnr ií'i 80 83t Olivar Murtin. iuror HO HO i;; N. M. Schoft', juror M 80 iw W. II. Pease, juror wi iiO ii.'tíi .lames Wells. Hiror tsi ttO lilU.lanifa Huddlc'r, coimtnble "181 : 24 lili D, V. Thompeon, dep'y sherilt 120 IB 11") 842 Chaucy O. Oicntt, dep'y sheriff s :11 7"i Bfi iil'1 Thomas clarken, di-p'y sherilV. BH i: HU 5-1 lili Jacob II. Martin, constable 19) 192 iil"i Hiram 1. Daley, J. 1" S ti :í SI t4t Wm .1. Kaincy 18 tti IH :a) 647 K. IS. Frazer.... 81 08 liOO ii ix T. D. Horton. iuror 1 On i 00 IRg 8. AndrawSt iuror l 00 loo BSO W, Needham, Jnror I (.' 1 no 51 J. Bray. umr 1 ml 1 OU . 'Pivlor. :iror 1 mi I in ,. llardy. luror ! mi '.¦il w. ii;i ¦,¦. mror I 0" 1 00 W6 H. A. lir. i.iniln ! HOT 1 1)11 I (I IBH v . DdDtilng.J .nu i 00 1 mi i w N Ullmore, uror. l 00 i mi ' C. K' lii-ïfj iror 1 mi tfjü c. tturcbi raror I Ou HttO a. Woodwurd, wltn - ir; 148 bttl .1. Pnyn, wicoso f)s tití i). Warner, wltDeri UB MM ft.J, Kniyn.un. wltutM HO '¦ I .1 . Uulalorrr, w tne." 5ri ¦'- üttS .JoP. I :iuntlett, WltOfltt Bfi Si UU6 Wm. Ajrerf, wltDta is is IW7 u. M. Blackmer, wltaeat I 18 BtW w.B. VanVa kenburg, ultfteM 7s 78 M A. Siiinli. uiinens I' li aV) jiiniii Forhe, J. P -'ij; 21 -t 071 .luhu McMulleu. mus. l UT I u; Ai Thomaa McM tua, rlineM... l ''7 i 1.7 '"icirrln Culver, wUuan W I '¦ i homaa ifitciea, Itoeaa 87 ¦',' otge llairiol, witnera 1 lu 1 Hl iiTü Andrew Warren, jiiror ,V) .vi ,.i" I-b-ll, juror VI '.s John b cKenuon, jui or "i öo '''¦'¦' .Martin Timtii iurur SU B8U John Burile, piror Sn B8I Levt linke, juioi . . ... 50 :) Levl Heyiioluf, coroiu'rV iuror 1 10 1 lu UKSJobB McKüunon. cor jumr.. l In l Hl i OM (Jhnx. Bnrkhurdl.c r. iurnr 1 1(1 1 10 üt j Jacob tfiarm. cor. Jaruc 1 lu 1 1" Hl Krank Jouw, oor. juror 1 10 110! ÖHj Brtlnard Ma-on, cor. jarof .... l 1" 1 10 08R Kowe Veaceltoj, wliue-s 1 W 1 IW UW Bdu Oldf, wltDÏMJ IW Mi-WO l). I'. Vli I.hi lilui', irlUMM a OU :; H ¦ Utfl Vttey Havenport, wimei ... 7 7s IW John Berk, wlumt 7H 7s (HU jubn McUBlitn, witum 7 7 lui Kdwtrd Milis, ntineu Rj 7 Mr. [thoües fioiu tbc uotninlttee on civil cluiuis, rciortcii the followlnji billa and recotninended thelr ollowance al sunis stal cd. Accepted aucl ndopted. 8BSC. Oeoncti .. 54 00 .il il) iii D. V. Mcfjichlan lu (KI IU 00 ; K. M. Oaklry : mi 1 mi Wis A. I. Kcldkamp. upi. ni pooi . 98 00 H DO ci'.Hl Kdward Dufty, slipt, of i or... WOU H 00 TOUO. B. Hn-enu. npt. .ifp.iM-... 'M uil 88 OS 7m Jams McM beu 11 iw 11 mi HU A. A. Hrlnilng and l'ub. Cu.. . 81,83 18 W 7ü:l A. B. Conklln " 7ti 5 70 On iiiotioii it Mr. Krapfi the Board ent intd commlttee of the whole to v'wit ilic counly hotue, Mr. Lanc ín the chalr. ACliTI Il S.iin. At ia'i. iln: cominlttee rose ihroiiKh t ¦ t i:i i im . 1 1 . aiiketi and obtained u 1 1 til Mou(Imv nc.xt tn its report Ou mótioii ofMr. Graves, tli? report o toperintendeuta oí the ihxh-, was made the special (irtler for Mouday net :it 'J o'clocK p. in. Mr. Purtell moved that the countv tréasurcr ïiy nquwted to report hla recéiptt of , tiiic inoiiey by items. C'arricd. On motion of Mr. Rose, the clcik w'ae initructed to notity toe Miperlntendenta of tlio puor, th:it the Boarü wouid hear their report nct MottUMy ;it 2 o'clock i. CD. Ou motion ot' Mr." Dauoer, the Board ;uljoiirned to Mondny nct ut !i::WI :i. m. ReBlI. cxainiiied and :iproved. MORTON K. case, Chairnwn. nontiH, oi. isiii, isso. Board met. Caltetl to order by the etaairinan. Boíl callad. (Quorum present. Journal of r'i -id:iy i"-: 1 and approved. Mr. Lyman, from the oommlttee on civil claims, reported the following billa and recounnended tlieir allowaiicc al suma stated : e 7U CJEbc rbach Uf 18 4s 7nChiïitiiin Schmid 11 li ï 7U7I1'. W. -Ou .00 7UHFiederlckS.rg il SB 212 60 70W.!ohn N. bailey 22 -.MI USO 710 Huize! A Vo -m ". : M SS 711 Slater A Ont 7 .w 7. 7rj AnnArbor Printinfrand Pub.C'd.. ¦- im _ ihi 7U W. Irrlnc Ye. kli-y, J. I', a cor.... .' 48 5 ia T14 Peter Dtwcenon, coi; jaror. . 'i 2) 194 7 :Smuel Fletcher, Ciironer's jnior. -.M ! :l 7lttBlKhlena Honeywell, cor. juror . 2 21 2 2) 717 Warren Aminermtin. cor. furor.., 2 u J '21 71H Wm. tiy. coroiu-r juror. 2 21 IM Tlíi David Campbell. coronerV olor. 2 I SM 721) Hiin-ion Kuthruff, cor. juror. ... 2 21 2 21 721 Sumner Damonc ironer s wiinï3H '¦' 722 Mxrtha Ilamiltiin, cor. witnus... ,jt". 'i 7.:l Hichard Kini;, corijner'i wimefi. "ui 06 721 David Manon, corouer's witnos 5ti 98 72" .lohn Wiitit. coront'r'n uitnt'r 3H 5 7JI Wm. Boyer, coronc-rV wltneis... 5ti )n motion of Mi. öregory, accepted and adopted. Mr. Galptn, from the sanie eoinuiHtee, reported the bill of Bnndy ft Wurstcr itliout roeommendatlon. Mr. Khodrs moved tliat tlic bill bc allowed as elaimed. On motion of Mr. Foster i' was laid on the tablc [. Sniith piesented the fblknrrng resoliition and innvcd Ita ailoplion : Rfiolved, tliat the ronstatl8 and ilupty slierifts liereniter presenting bilis for to the commlttee on crimiual clairnit, be requlred to state the tille of the snit In whieh ttie expense was Incurred, and the name of the Jnstice before whom tried. Carried. A statement of the coimty tieasiircr in relation to his receipts of flne moneys. iraa read, and on motion of Mr. l'urtell was recclved, placed ou tile and ordered priutud wlth the prooeexUngs, Amount of flnea rec'elved at tilia oftice and by whom pald : Oct. I, 1S7II. H. J. Davidter, jiieticc f 5 00 3, ' M. J. NoTt-a, iustioe IU CO " 4, " II. A. Smhh, Juatlce 10 OU ¦ li, " M. Goodyear, juslice 38 50 ]4, " li. C. Pajte, jutice 2ó iki " 14, " K. Beanao.juotice 3iO = " IS, ¦' B. F. Graoger, juslice 21 UI Nov. 1, " B. Clark, justice ', 'J 00 " aii, ' B. B. Clark, county clerk SM Dec. is, ' Edwant ('laik, juetice 5 01) " 2S, " J. Forbes.juslicc H 80 " 'H, " Wm. B. Oildart. juutjee 5 00 ¦' 2(. " B. F. Granger. justicii ü 12 2-, " E. K. Frueauft'. juitlce ¦'. mi Jan. 5, tuso. B. F. (irantrer, iustice Ir. 00 '¦ II, City of Ypsilami per F.Jotliu. clerk 18) 00 ' 20, " Jorlln Forbei, juitice "i 0(1 '¦ I, " B. F. GraUEer, juslice 1 OS Feb. 4. " B. B. Clark, county clerk 10 00 ' r. " Kdward Clark, 1 (KI 10. " K. K. Frueaiift', juitici' 1 00 Mar. -11. ' E. K. Frueaull'. jilptici) ,i OU Apr. ia. " E. K. FreiMiin', jutice 5 08 " 18, ' B. F. Graoger, justicit ¦" 00 " II, It. F. Granaer. iustice 5 00 May 2il, " B. F Uranser, iiiDlico 2 01 81, " B, F. Granger, inaUoi .lun. 8, " l(. F. Uraiiüi-r. iuatlce -Í5 (Ml July 15, " K. K. Frueaurt iuitlce 1000 11 W, ¦ E. K. Frui-auir. juslice 100 Anjf. "i, " James Doyle, jutice 10 00 6, " Jamea Uaiinllêi. iu.tior 10 00 ' , " B. F. Granger, iietice 10 ' 10, ' K. K. Friieaiiir.jii.ttM" 4 00 " 'Al, ¦¦ B. F. Granaer, iiistice 100 W, " B. F. (raniffr, iuatice 10 00 Sept. 4. " B. K. Frueautl', juslice 100 Oct. o, '¦ li. F GraiiKur, juwtlce IV) ii, " rhilip Winetrar, justice '-'00 11, " Wm. Kainey. juanee 5 00 " II, " MuDBon i,oodvoar,jutlcf li 00 li, " B. F.()raD(?er, justicu 1 0(i Total $131 5ti To fhe Honorable litunl of Supervisor oí the County o Wasftteitau.Gentlemen. Above I seud you llir amoimt of tlne money recelved ivt thls otttco from Ort. lst, 1870, to Oct. i:illi. 1880, anil by whom pald, Most rcspectfnllv yonrs. STEPHEN i'AlHiHILI). Treasurer. in motion of Mr. Danulngburg, ajoura(d to l .'¦VI p. m. Altenioon Neioii. Board met. Called to onler. Quorum present. Mr. Kbodcs, tnun coiiiiiiittec on civil claim, reported the following billa vvhlcli ere allowed al rama tntpd 7fTT. V. Hotze] ,., 72SM. Andrés v, - ic& s. (.„.ni '. f ;„' MOP. W.OToole... i ñu Lu1'1. ii'Mn ti mrrmillee of tu uIm.I,. t,, v-ii the countj i -,,, ,-,., , tlmt liad rlsired the ccmntj i - round pverytjilng n R v„,y "Hatiífa conditlnn. and werc well pleased witli thí inanner 11 whlch nflalreal thal place wcrc condueteii i.y the keeper nnd miitron recominemled thal Hit McDowcll i loweil thc inni of sino for extra lahor as Dintron a the county houte. On tnotion of Mr. Rose, thc report waj Bccepted and ndopted, excepi ut to thc rccommendatinn above mentioned Mr. Vhm moved Ihal $100 be sil ílrs. .MfDnucil for extra lnborat the countv liouse. Mr. Dancer moved thal the fnrmer motion be laid on the tnblu. Carrled by the follón In rote: i Ay Byo?; Danoer, Daniln Imrg.Feldkump, Koster, Olpln, Gravea reísnú .m,t"s,IiVíTÍ!'S-' pyma"'"K"V(''-""-'.HI"l'-. yayí -Burén, Ose, [ne, BhutU, Vot- 3. The bldí for medical att' ndanc e the jall ere received, opened and read'liv the clerk. a Collowf: P.Wm, OToole ¦.- M (Jhas. Termine ,' A.H. Wheeler lüZZirZ On motion of Mr. Blakeslee, Dr, w or's proponal wat accepted. "a motlon of Mr. Qregory the bilí of & VVuster was taken trom thetablc On iiKPii.)ii di Mr. líliodcs, thc bilí waá uHowed ;is chiimeil. T.iJ'i llumly ,t Wusl.-r $u v, Mr. D. B. Oreen uibinitted the report of tluj Superintendent! of the Poor: W'ASHTKSAW (OUN7Y Poon Hof SI, I September 90, 1880. To the Honorable Boanl t,i Svrniftüott County of Wathttnaw : The iinUorsIgned.superlriteDileutaorthcpw! o( Wuahtfiiuw vuuiity, wonld respect liilly sol)mit the Collowlng report tor the year endloii Hopt. Mt, 1S8(: We have rect-ivcd Ihe folluwinü imoontl i I moucy, and Irom Lhe sowrws nanii - Uh balance to our credit in the county tieneury Sent. ' IHt f 1J7 7„ Rec'd from tupt'rvisoro' approprlation ;;ikj g] Ufc'd from ioans mude needlul by lnsnfllclentppropriatlon II'JOOW Hec'.l from city of Ann Arbor, :"i H " " town oí BridsjewatiT, 11 M ' Lima .")7 ti " " " Lodi dj Ou Nonhlleld.... 17 U i ' " " Pitisdeid J7 u Salem lti 7 i " " " Saline ... l ; " " " Suiwrior t" .}ii " " Sjlvin 1 V 0l 'k Wtbeter r:t DR I 'r - " York LM UI ' ' Ypsilaoti .... M TH 11 Cii of .... 512 1)11 '¦ K. Durty, lor coal .... [611 " " t'. Kn:ip, gu.irdmii . IS 77 " A. T. Stewart A o.. error '2 :;i i " " R. atiibb, board and clothinj. 14 35 " M Ureaaü uüld í H7 " Irou. beef and p-!t old 115 08 " '¦ Hay told Ryer :iï mi " " " " S. Price S 17 J.W.Tnomii-ciii :, 00 " Hos uold Spencer J. tirowa mi.1, " Veal calveB to T. Matthews :i 50 11 " Kas.lahur and tnlk suld 6 41 11 D. S. Milieu on c OOM! of reasi:.. l'.i 1 Total receipts $JU,:K1 2S Arcount.s liuve been BUdited and orders ilniwn cm Lbeoounlj treasarer lor pnyment oi sime. :s loilows : Anit Arboi' Tvinistij'. Food, by order of E. Dull'y f w 1)1 , WOOU " '¦ III 5'; Clothint' " " .... .3 u $ 26 57 LM Aibnr Wij, lsi umi :d Wartls. i food. order of E. Dully ....% Wl 05 Wuod, ' ' ,i (Hl Cotbinc, " " '16 B-J Med. ttr," ' 'Jl : Bnritls. ' 10 UU S Mi -' Ann Autor C'ily, kt d '.';, Wardf. Kood (tramp) order E. Duft'y. ..$ 1VJ "7 W'ood, " " ... it ju Clotblnir, - ... II 'i Med. atteud'ce, " " ... M 00 ,, " " .... _¦_ 9U : Tranoient (tramp?) order Dutly. 7ö OU '1 ranaporutiou to c o u u t'y house I5Q0 $ US a Ann Arbor City, MA W"t lith )YarUs. Food, order E. Dutly t 'i 98 M'uoil, " ' I mi f V 53 Awjubta Tut' ml'ip. Food, by order of W. Dansingburi{ ü -¦". t Supervisor' service .'! mi f 9 -' Towi of Bridgt water. Food, order of D. LeBarou. . . t g nu ! 8upervifor service, " ... ¦' tJ $ It 00 Toan oj Loih. ! Ulotliing. order E. Duffy % 1 75 Supervisors emce, Sage 1 7," f :; j a uf Mtihclitster. , Food, order ol H. Burch 7 'MS Medical atteiidance uw SiipervlaorV .erviccf, Biircb .. Slim % lltj 'J Town u Xoililitld. ' Food, order of E. Duffy f 2 W : Clolhinj;, '¦ 3 OU 5 U Town o l'itt'iittd. Food, ordn ol E. Duffy II 87 Food, " I). K. Oieeii... 7 3ü Clotbing, ¦ ... 1 lu Med cal atiendance, " ... 7 lm f tbiuu ".i alrn, Food. order of T. D. I.ane f i: 8S ' Clotninf.', ' ¦ -i-i t'. Med. att'uce, " - '¦ 16 3U Buna, ' ' 23 W 1 Trai nportation to C. H.. " 1' W) $ 10ii 8. 'l nu . Food. ord.-i ol K. V. Wallace VI .11 Wood, .. I-,, ' - .. !i i , Med. attnec. ' Siip'r'aaerv'v ' " .. tt N t Ut 11 ¦"¦i oj 8me. Food, order of tipervieur ¦) 1 il" Med. atfnie, ¦ ¦ .... CT 00 I 'XA 00 TutCll OJ' itpr ,-int . Med. atice, order I). B. Green. I 30 IV) ''iint ut SflOtín. Fool, order of supervisor f I!' 'i ' Had. wrv', ¦¦ " 'M üu r raii-i'-ut . ' " n."' ïap'r'saarv'a," " nifiki no s; nrn ftf Yitsilai'li. Focd, order of D. B, Creen.. 5 i U norhuiK. ¦ t 7.1 Med. crv. " "... :¦ (K) I 10 6J ,"',, of Yorl. i OlothiD;;, order of auiervisor. i 7 l'i Tranïp't Co. 11., '¦ - J imi ü il To tvn of Webster. Burláis, order ol E. Duffy f .". iw f 5 00 City of YiHÏLtnli. Ui District. Food, order oí I). I! GreB,.. M 6- Wood, " " .. xr cm t'lothiuir, " " . . s lm Med. serv ," " .. M H Burláis, " .. 13 imi Transp'tCo. houae. " .. 7 00 ' Transieni, " .. (AIO 1 $ I.10J 7J Citu of YptUantl. :d Dutrict. Food, order 1). H. Ureeiie.. - (ü 'il " " M. 8. Shutts .... ¦; 'm Wood, " D. B. (ireene ... 4."i Dei : Med. tier.,"' ' ... Wl 7. I Iturialf, " ¦ ... 11 du Supervisor' Hervicee, M. I.. Shutta S.S 70 T .sii-i.-nt. M. I.. Shntti SM In t 5C7 CJ i'ion to Fri $ K. UtillV 1.8. Cii ir 7.1 Ban nol y '¦' .1. li. Oleoti Sili i . -r "I II Bowl) K. V. V:,1 CC M. L Shwt' I 13 Danetugbur ; i" jmei Saffe ï 00 s C Johi - ui, Mi -I" UI . , 170 84 - 170 61 E. Daft "; "" U B. Grce 22 10 D.Wlleey W I OWltt y ï 15 I I. B. Cre.i' Il f' F üufly ¦¦ 1 W j.s.mcDowpii i ao - ¦¦;¦ !i."i . a i! SU n'cts. E W. Wallacu í I '-'¦-¦" jsnieiSi{c 1UM _ Tot! m""t pol 4ed uiit.-ic! ciu!;ty lionse 9 4,0ïM i ..i s -,. report imoanti expended al eounty sis rollaw: fp . iOUnt. To John 8. McDowell tnd witv.f 300 ' " ut McCun 880 i"' Sni-le L. Ilinman 1S0 70 Smmn Pation BO 00 Alfred B:irreit 08 uu 'jnrt Tbompoou 151 !"¦ J. G Biockiiun 22 00 U. Kittredsjc 50 .lsmet SchofleM 51 00 Wlllta Thompïnii S0 00 Ellza Finegan 3 7U M..Iones -¦ ii du W. win 83 w i , Hlebicl Hjrs 10 iio $ 1,670 98 ;, I,rk Atcount. ToThoi. Mathew? 188 W E. 11. Sober 48 "I .TiriïtiMl Kr '" " .'. Tttomy U 0.1 M. P. I)uil. 88 lü )eo. Bohoei' 93 U 3 A. Pltkin. barrclï ('i S0 o. Hni.el IM -i ,i. C. Mend 'ames Welcb -;inf.-y A Seabo't, 8ll l'i 00 T. I'. Carney I". OU W. Shnnli-ff II 36 1 bomas Carucy UK P. McCourt ... 14 VI . . C Koue 1 88 Adum Bohnet 17 ÍJ 7 n fot (rttte f Old Vttt t 88 10 .';ƒ .ie. .vh'. ToTboi. .NUtbuws IH S8 Hoe. CSruey 3Í W ípencer A Fairchild -0 til Un. H. H. How 18 M y.4P.0uty 3170 homaa P. Ciruey 38 80 ,'obn Sbanaban lï 85 V. Carpeoter 91 In W. W.Swift 11 W '. Matthew lti 77 $ 818 Hl !..¦- bidu told 1 7') 503 18 i Qoods aml Brfding. To A. T. Slcwart A Co MB !H) :.S. McDowell 1 l'i ha. Rooi Co 1(10 Hobbins Swcci 881) ."7 4S L goods oíd belp 18 83 ? MS M Cloth'ni'l A'CMint. toBnhl, Se land & Co 1! 71 'a. McGuinnees Je Bro.... 2 UU -riffith. Roberts & Butler.. 129 SS ¦. S. Mcüowcll 7 SO A. T. gtewart Jt Co 27ii 83 , K. Raxford 153 9U Jrury Jt Talor 5 80 H. A . Newland & Co 8 ¦---' lobbies 4 Swet-t 1 Uu f U28 00 -oodsiolil h-lp 19 i 1,3(M 49 ¦ 1 wlr.c li $ 00, 30 wen.' sent to Pontlac. Boot ainl Sioes. To rutan S. McDowell t 1' " I.Banneld 7 mi A. C. Meuraw & Co 102 80 LB. Kobtnaim A Co 88 DU j-attick Br.Minat) - 50 nar 1 5(i $ 170 71) goods sohl 17.'. f 168 96 Groctrïet and Provisionf. ToHewett 4 (baroplon $ 1U .Hl ¦I.A. Weck II OU McDowell 89 7i. lm. Ueyo 11 17 -.lf. Beard. Son Alo 1.214 5-1 . ,W. Chllds M00 J.B. Ilinman tiü Ui H. D. Platt i 2 Jean&Co 100 $ 1,388 I Let! good told 1 : f UK4 13 F'our and Bread Stuffi. To t-witbel, Kyer & Petereon . $ :Stó 4 A.R.Hall 78 11,88413 Hun. Orain and ïeed. To bwathe!, Kyer Jt Peteraon ï ü W Letebajsold 58 5a t Uil F'inn Jmjil'tnentsand Seedt. To Swathcl. Allee A Kjer $ 2100 :. F. Schuh 21 m MoeRegere 2 8 3ch ATel 17 00 .eo. V. Khiot 42 4(1 :. (i. Haven 4; Bro 11 OU H.Benham 1 4n Kobt. Relnban 1 '¦ '-. Rhode 1 BO -"bof.Uorn 1 U". .". W. L. MtCallough.... 7U UU ¦I. D. Platt 23 :; 7. 8. McDowell 2T 4111 Hl L. .- sundrief old 86 97 t 57 8-ï ardwai. To O. Eberbacb I 111 ¦ ¦". S. McDowell 50 J.F. Schub 'i $ M4M Furnihii' . To J, S. McDowul! $ :; iiO Winw Si Worden 5 '! v. K. Reiford H. VanTujl '2 88 70 ir. -'indiieeold 9 57 t K 88 Crockery and ijlutnvare. , To.'.S. McDowell $ 7 i7 'osi-ph DonufHv 38 7u :.lttleñeld J: VL-i;kr lio t 83 Tl liooki and 8tUionry. dm. Miwre Í 100 A. A. Dim.wrat 2 .Ui li. (ireeut H I. B. McDowell 11 9ü A.A. I'rintln'C 1 4u 'X. O. &S. H.üreene II UI . (i. Clark UO W 28 BltckmUUting. ' 'lam Dohnet $ is M I I . K'ani M '¦ H J3 rFood Km Co"l. ToJ. Koilofg ( IV) W í 45B 00 Repair. Tori.;.: I Hum } SO U' ¦ S. McDowell :: l.lianfleld I r.T. Uallock HMH ".Ebcrbach 4 '-¦¦! I. J. Bniwn A Co 4 W flater JtOraf t4 1'. Brennan :U i Kots l'i ii ¦Vurater & Kim 15 0 ameoTolbert 17:! 1¦'. Halier A Sun Ï8C -..WuodJtCo MSI ohn Moorc 5 M '. V.illaud 7 Wi .0'. Burkbardt 7" -ang & Martin 11". r Boben 11 i '. Milk-rASon 8 50 t 188 88 ƒ; mjs umi Mrdiiinei. To fjnanuel Mann $ ) ' B. J. Brnwn Co 158 . -McDowell J" Autln Schaeberle 11 Do "oseph Donnelly 5 80 r. fort l uu ïberbach A Co 10 j m 7s -ld Wrxlord Co ." 00 % 17;! 7S Afe'itcuf AU "(i:' l'o Br. I'. Win. lIToole s .1. s. Mcünwell 1 ¦"." inoel Midb '. IW I 161 ! Po ï.i v Proemu . 38 oti I W li-fr 1,'uilds w. Dentmora ... U 00 l.ittnbcr Account, l'o Lnlck B o t ¦'¦' ' .1. T. Ilaliock -.'I 79 f ¦ 1 83 : Iiinh and OU. rol!. J. Brown & Oo $ .1. 8. McDowell ¦-' - -; Toboccn Account. PoJ. s. McQowell Í 1 3ii H M. Beird, Sou Co IV.) .V, C. hbcrbHch " í 181 95 [mproremfiit éxeounl, Vo Buhl, Ducharme Co Í 117 OP K-.clil Hum M 71 .1. Volland Ki John U Davii 20 33 Wb. S. Rota I .!. 1. Hallock Jame? Tolburt 218 4V S W. Cm !"¦!', 77 0-" Win. Clancy 16 K7 S. Wood Co ID iS C. Kharbach 19 :'¦ H..I. Brown ACo SR') II. 1). ïéward 4 Oo 59 '' Wur-ttr A Klrn 55 00 1 owry A limit ! T.ukk Bm mI" hntzelAOo Iiv'i i'.i 1,157 68 The item umbraced In Iinprovement Account include the iMtction ol a wind-mlll. tan). nnd tankhoute on the hlll.connectinR them by Iron plpw, ilihI ïhe retarn of waler Ironi tho tacU to all parta of tbc house, with il IDpprj of hoce lor use tn case of flre : and nWo the ercction of a mail ic' lu.n-r. The water supply lw long beeu nefd d, and is valaable as a protcctlon apainut flre, asa great eavln of labor aiut eipoose. and a very great convenience In the house and uon the premUes k ui rally. Frehjht Account. To.I.S. McDowell t 8Ü 1). B.-Urecne 1 ;( t SS 12 Am't ejpended at coonty house % BjM B llecdpitulation. Total expended outslde county house í I.0B6 V, Total exp'ded at coumy houue, 9 MS Ui Patd loaoa made ubïcguentto lat report and due Feb. Ut, 1KS0 4,ll i Patd old orders ai 10 Paid loan made bufore last report, and payable Feb. 1, 'SO, 3,U()3 i) Vil,1.:, 77 this amount overdrawn and dae treuorei 8it l!l 2U,;1H LS Ttiere are due the poor i'und the following amounts from towns, citier und counties : Am Arbor citylat and Jd wards 1 1S1 UU Sdand 4th " '-'¦-1" t" " öthanddth " 1(1 Ou $ :i2 4n Town uf Auxasta I-J Hu USO Brldí.'1-watcr 72 su 71 HO i,i ma B8 m hs 40 ¦ Lodi 72 hu 7-4 X0 Manchester 11H 00 11-s (XI " Northflt-ld (I IU 41 W Saline :f7 37 U0 Scio Mi So Superior 7S 80 72 80 " Sylvan 183 82 I.HI si Sharon 72 so Tï 80 York 14S80 14Ó BU Wersler 72 mi 72 SU City i'l Ypsilanti atW tW WO 00 Connty of Wexford 2tji tüi . aö (üi 1,97 4H Thu larm con?lnt. or V.O acref , valnedat '.'."0" I1 Estlmated value of buildings.. 000 00 130,000 00 The products of tüe farm for the year endinü Sept. JO, l!-íU, wcre aa follows : tiübushcluofwhtat, 1 00 ..$ HUW J75 " oats. . B... 96 ÏB 1.000 earsofcoru i"... 2.50 ui Ö3ö " potatoes... 3B... VU TO 35tonsofhay B 00 .. Í OU .V bushels applea. .. 5... 2 SU J "i0 '¦ ttlrnlp.. 13.. . Bi oO 10 ¦' aweet poti'i 150... 1 j 10 l'roduct 0 Garden. H ¦' rapes.. 1 50... 87 50 Prtducts ol 8 cows SSO 00 Poultry and product of same . . 7 OU Swine and Increase of same... 161) 00 $ 3,88 60 Estim'ted value of pauper labor 450 00 The farm stock constets o!' : 3 homes, valued at i i" 00 1 yoke oien,valued at Uo 00 scowí, ' aM) 1 buil, ' " ' lGhoits. " " lUOUii .SSS. - -:::::.: Si 90000 The estlmaied vulue of larm impiements on hund Is ? H00 00 Of household furmture 2,20(1 00 cloihinK 5O0 0U boots and nhoes 130 OU irroceriea l dry goods and becding U0 ou drugs and medicines 50 00 pork. 12 bbls., at $1( 00 m UO woud, SO coris at i 50 i00 OU coal, 8 tonsat 00 00 tobáceo, 0 lus 16 00 hams.oó 3100 14,489 00 Sumber of l'uupers. Whole number of male paupers maluutned durin the year . . 1,088 Whole number of lemale paupers uiaiutained durinj; the year ................¦.-- 53 whole number muiutained - _ 11 Average number ... i7 51. Vi Whole number under lti .... 20 Whole number of idiou Average number of idiota o Whole number of blind Average number of blind 1 Whole numbur of mutes Average nummer ol mutes 1 .atiM o Ibiiptn. Amirican 651 K1Bh::::::::::::::::::::::: iSï Scotch ]' ( !'[ M) 1 Ii '" Freuch 8wedes 4 Canadlauf " ' Neuroes s W ' The average number of I loi'i eiipported at county house during the year is BB, at an average cost per week of 1 W Wc estímate expenses for the year euding Sept. 30, isti, as follow, and ask you to appiopriate the tuiiuuiit : Ki per and matron $ 500 ( 0 t'ook and kiichen help 00 uu Farm labor ¦ "0 ! Medical attendance at county hooM iM w ' Boots and shoes lu uu Urugü aud medicines 12.1 ou Painis and oi s tó UO Tobacco WOW Heel oU0 U0 t,rk 500 OU Groceiies and provlaions l,2U0 i" Ury üods and bedding JO0 ou Hook and latlouery 50 UU Clothing -UU W itep.lrs 200 UU H„ur and breadetuBs 1U0 00 w,Kidand coal 400 00 llurial a-connt 50 OU Tiausii'nt, teciporary iellel l.DOU W Hardware. ¦ ... IW 00 Farm iraplements and seeds.. . 50 UO Frelgnts .;"" Traiif portatlon - "' Crockcrjr and c'answare 60 I Blacksmllblng SU uu Kxpeuse account 4U w L.umlerand shingle JU)?. Interest account uu uu $ 7,Wi5 01 Wr üesirealso to cali tlie attenllou of your Iluiiuruble lioiird to the faottliat the IbhI Board of Supervisors withlicld from u uearly threelourllm of the umount whioli, alter careful exainlnatlon, wo estlmated as needful lor tbc yearexpeue. Of the ?:i,%2.l approprlated by the them. 88,468 V wa needed to pay loaiia already made lo close the year euding Sept. I :t0, 187, and whleh louna were payable teb.,1,, leuving avallalilu for tlie yfar expens.s , whieh addml lo the balance in the i treasury 't I27 70, uni amounta recelved ironi towngyndc nol H.577 62, making a total ol 12,21395, conatltuted uur entlr resources foi the yrar now ol taed . The Inevitable resalí was that, I ñatead ol borrowlng a amall amonnl to oloae Iheyèar, we tial tci borrow a Bum equa4 o the whole yenr's expenses, lesa aboul i,000. II. lias seemed to aa i bal i be pollcy ol the lasi Itoanl oí Supervisors waa p mistaken one A the resallo) It, we are oompelled to aak Ihe present l'.oanl.a n.l do ask t hem. lo approprhite the siim neeiied i p iv exlsllng loans, made tor the past and prevloua years, and nol pro. viiled fbr. whlch amonnl t ji 1,800, all of whlcli wlll bc ihie nml puyitblc on the Hrst dav ol lVbruary, 1881. Thlsweask yon to approprlate In addltlon to estímales herewlib tabmttted tor the ensninn vent'. All whlch is renpectfnlly sobmltteO. I). B. Q Ft BEN E, EDWARD DUKFY. AAHiiN I,. FELDKAMP, Superintendent of tbe Poot of Washtenaw County. on motloii of Mr. Krapf, the report was aocepted. in uiiii'ii of Mr. Danccr, the ¦; ut was ndoptcd. Ad jou rn cd to 9:30a. tn. tomorrow, on niotion of fr. Poster. Rcad, exaniiued and approvod. UOBTON K. CASE, Chalrman. TiiooiIh), Oclobcl j), 1880a Board mei pureuant to adjournment. ('ulied to order by tho chalrman. Koll ; called. Quomra present Journal read, corrected and approred. Mr. Diiningturg, from tbe conmilttee on criminal claims, reported the Followlng billa and recommended tlielr allowance al stated: 7:ti K. B. Oldley, constable tlö." IS l:a 00 7 ;t A. W. Porter, wttnoss m case in R. Heiihitn's ooart M ii :;i m 785 Jas. M. Porsy th.justiec K ld iö 788 W. H. Mclntyre dep sheriff... L' w as M T87 Richard Qanntlett, oonstable hm -"" '.¦', : 788 Volney H. Potter, dep. sheriff ND8 :i 7s 789 James M. Porayth, justloe "l l VJ ":i 7111 K. K. Frueailff, Justioe 174 10 lTll 4" Til .loslahti. Case, sheritl', _ Inlls.. isii T'i 47s i:i 74i I'. M. Skinner, Jutitlce ótt '.i i'i ai 7i:t Volney H. PottiT. dep. sheiill :r.' s", U 00 Til I'. M. Sklnner, liutioe.... 2Su :a il, IS 74.') Jacob H. Martin, eonstable... 231 (5 1IB W 7W Philip Winegnr, jimticc IH4 01 1'2 1 I On motioii of Mr. lïhodcs the report accept dl anc] adoplcd. Mr. dreirory presentad tbe followltig, : whioh was On motioii adoptcd: Whkkbas, soine three yearsëiuee Mr. Chas. Kltson, of Ann Arbor city, leut to Waslitenaw coiinly, througli tho Janltor of thecourt house, alx arm chairs, siieli as lie uhc(1 in bis business. and havinti waited Ibree years tor said janitor ! i to return Ihese chairs without effi'ct, be now i claims of tbe county fs, i,,r these cbairs, and I 8ays tbey were worth more tbun to bltn. The commtttee on civil nlalmnallowxl blin t4, sayltiK to tbls board that a part of these cbairs were broken up and destroyed. and tlutt the ¦ county soid the balance at auetlou. Now I think that Mr. Kitson is nol la hlameforthe eounty's ilest roying bis prjpei'ty,aud hesbould in lulrneas be made whole for bis cbaln,wblch to accoinmodate be had leut lo Washlenaw county, therefore, litsolred, that tbe eonnty elei k be directeit to issue au order on the trt-asurer of Waslitenaw county for four dollars, the balance due Mr. ' Kit8tn for chairs lent to Wasbtenaw eonnty, tbree years since, and not returned. Mr. Cinives presentid the petition ol E. 1'. t.ciodrich askiiiL1; that liis alury as iteuoenpher hv Increaacxlto :ii teastfl,500. Mr. Burcli moved tliat i cnminittee of two be appoiiitcd to luventigatu the matter referretl to Ifa the petition and confer with Monroe county, il' tliey deem it neceiaary. ('anied. Mr. Vost moved tliat the COtnmittee lx appoinlcd liy the liaif, liicii iiiotion prevailed. The (..'liair appoiiilcd .Mes-is. Burcli and Daaslngburg as micIi couunlUee. On inotUui of Mr. Koster, the Board adjciiuiied to two o'clook p. ui. Allel'llooll BesMlon lioanl met. Called ti order bj the lialr. Koll called. Quorum present. The hour for the special order huvillg arrixed, tbe Board, on motioii of Mr. Koster, proceeded to elect, by ballot, a BuperInteudenl of the porir. The Chair appoiiiicd the Meigrs Depc and Dance r tellers The Bral ballot resulted as follows: Wbole iiumber of rotea cast. 35. liOreuzo Davis received 18 Mses Hogers ¦ 8 Qeo, A. Peters ' 2 H. D. Platt - 1 Total ïi On motioii ot Mr. Uureli. L. l)ai was declaiecl duly elecled. Mr. Daiisuigbitig trom tlie committee on criminal claims, reported the followlng bilis aml recomendcvl their allowance :it si i nis stated : 747 N. 8. Cae 2 M J 2 30 74)í Joseph Oauntlett, constable... ti- 14 tSI 88 74D Hudiuii Goodyear, justice 2ti 72 ÜB 72 750 James M. Forsytb, justice 12 46 12') tiit On motion of Mr. l)epew. the report was iccepted and adopted. Mr. Daiisiiigburg presented the follow1 ins: Retolced, tbal tbe Proseoutlni? Attorney be. and he Is hereby diret'ted to prepare and have prluted, for tbe future use of Koard, a bilí of legal (ees allowed to tbe sbei-itt. Deputy Slierltls, ('oustnliles and Justices, and tliat a copy of the same be sent to every ofneer above named in W'asbtenaw county. Adopted. Mr. Blakeslee presentad the lill i Richard (iaunllett tor IS?!, and moved that it be referred to a special committee of three. to bc appointed by the (iiair, for revisión. Carried. The ( hair appointed Hewrt. Blakeslee, Buren and (ialpin sucli committee. Mr. Simtts presented the bill of A. (ilmore lor 1M7!1, and moved ils reference lo the same committee. .V motion of Jf"-e to lay matter on the table was isi . . i The motion ot' Mr. Slintts :,- tin n car ! ' ried. Mr. (ialpin, from the coiiiinitlec on clvll j claims, reported the íollowlnjj bilis and recommended thelr allowance 7.)t Ann Arbor Demoorat 7 BO ?-¦: ' 7."2 A. V. l'arrow ¦' (P '! mi 7.%;J.A. Polbemiis .'! imé :i ihi 7Ö4 Uelaney & HUI IJ T.j 12 TB The report was acetpted .ind adopleil.on Illcitioll of Mr. Depeu . By Mr. Smilh : llcgolveil, tbftt we reconslder tliat part ol the report of the Huperlutcudents ol the Poor relative to tbe amount of raoney reoommended by them to be ralsed by this Board. Adiipted. on motion ot Mr. Olsuver, the ( lerk was instructeil to notity UieChurkof Sionroe eounty of the tction of this Board in rclation to the salary of the Btenographer, Mr. l'iutell otl'eied the lollowiii" Ruolreil. by thlx Itoard, that the rale of recompense for boardlng prisoners In the county jail for tbe year m-xt ensuing be and tbe same is hereby ilxed at tbe lam Of 'JOtty cents per day, foreacb prlKoncr durlng tbe linie of hls or ' her actual eonllneineiit In said Juil. and tliat ' payment be made imarterly for tbe amount of ¦ such board, by county orders In the usual forin, l on ftdJUKtment with the clerk of this Iloard, apon proper vouchers aud verlflcatlon, ou tbe ¦ tlrst ilays of Januury, Apiil and July, and ¦ witli tbls Board In tbe month of (ictober next Í ensulng, provlded that tbe adjustinent aibrei said witb tbe clerk of sald lioard sball be sub . iet U) review and readjustment by tbls Board , opon lts deraand at the October meeting thereof. On iiiotiiin of Mr Burch, the resolntion ' was laid on the table by the following vote oí ayes and nnye : Blakesleè, Boyoe, Bnroh, Cfute, Dannlngburg, Depew, Graves, Qregoi v. Krem, Rose, Rhocles, slums, Wallaee 18 Daocer, KeMknini, Kosttr, Galpln. Krap?, [.mi.', i.vmüii, Olsaver, Pnrtell, Staebler, sniiili. Yogi u. On motton of Mr. Purtell, the Board adjoiirinil lili íii , o'ciock, a. iu. I o iiun ruw . MORTON 1'. CA8E, Chalrman. w ('(iiii.dii), o IoIxt o, 1886. Board met Cnlled to onler by the cUulrniMii. Raftciilled, Quorum present. Jouruní remi and approved. Mr, Dansingburg, from ihe committee on criminal claim?, reporte 1 tbe followtnjt bilis Mini recomraendeo their nllowtutce ui s,:in-; gtnted : 785 Richard Beahan. iusi $lffl 02 tis) 02 t.i; K.iwiini clark. Jiuiice 5S m ",¦_ n A(iriicii and Hdopted. Mi. Khodes i.eported the following olvll bilis: si erlff f:;i 13 f;:i t:. 75S A. F. Klnue. M. D 7 mi 7 00 759 Wm. II. Molotyre 5S 1-' v u 7M J. 8. Case, heritf 1 in i ii im 7(i Edgar Warren. 2 billa h hi leo ixi m Wm. 11. Mclntyre 168 ." 188 SO On iDOtion of Mr. Purtelt, the report was accepted nnd adopted. Mr. Ofsaver, frorn Mie comiuittee on salaries of eounty offleers, made the following report : To thé Tfon, Bootii J Suptrvitor $ tf Waxhti mi i hui, h : Your ooiumittee to whom was referreJ the flxlug of tlie iaiarlesof theooonty offlorrespeotrally report as follows : Coanty ölerft I 900 rrosecuüng Atlorney i County Treaiurer , i k1 Jadgeof Probate # 1,800 County SoperlnteBdente i the roor, Ute Min of ihi-èt dollars peralar. rnlleaae looluded. ALONZO DLSaVKR, A. A. ORKUDUV, M. SIH'TTS. , Commlttee en Salarles ol County üftlecr. cnimnittee askfil for nsli'iiction is ld the matter ofsolary of Probate Register. On uioiiim "I Mr. Smilli. the report was aeeepted and, n motioii eif Mr. Bnrch, t i was ínld apon the table. Adjoiirned to 1:30 p. in. Atlerlioon K- kIiiii. l'.u.u-il met. Called to orderby tliechair. Koll called. Quorum present. Mr. üalpln trom th; commlttee on civil cUiins, reported tlie following bilis: 1 7KI .1. S. Caae, sheriff $47 1 II I71 11 7lU.Inhn A. Kubi-on K) Wl 60 00 Tir, V. H. MclDtyre 9 W M 1 7H8 H. ¦!. Bruwn Co l' 03 IB 'rt 77C.GÍorg 1 l0" 768 Wm. F. Braker, M. D IS uu 10 uu The cammittec atao approred tina siierirt" I bilU for boardtng prlaonera aa settM with the ¦¦ mut chrk n Januarv, April and .luly. 1NSÓ. t)n motioii t" Mr. SlintK aWMyted and 1 adopted. Mr. nilcrcd tlie following resolut ion and niuvcd iis adoption: Rttolotd, thiil Lorenzo Davis Ije requireil ti f 'We I hond in the suni of eight tuousand dolars as superlutenilent of the poor, and that Supervisor Kouter and Krapf, be a committec i,i recelve, approve and dciwslt sald bond wllh the county cleik. Adopted. Mr. Bnrch moved tliat Mr. Willinr be reqiiefted by (elegrapu, to meet the coininittce appointed tf confer witli liiin, mnmrrow. Car' led. On nioiinn of Mr. l'nrtcll. oonimrttee on public buildings was ordered to report! to tliis Board the dutiet and compeBtation of the jnnltof, at tbelrearliesl conveii'eiicc Mi'. Ko-e moved thal Mr. Krapf lie addcd to tlie committee on public buildings Carried. On niotion of Mr. Kran, Mr.Purtell's resointion relativc to ooiiipenaation of -ln-i tl" lor bourding prisoners was taken from the tuble. Mr. Knu moved that tbe lUerifl' be reiinoted to inake a statemenl in reference to the matter. Lost. Mr. Pnrtell moved the adoption oí the rc.-olntion. Mr. Slml l inovcil loaniend by living the conipensation at litty cents per üny. l.ii-l follows: y,, _ Kurcli. Case, DBlngburg, uraveat Qregory. Kreia, Lab, Lyioan, Bom, Ilhodes, 1!. ui. Blakeslee, Boyoe. Dancer, Keidkamp. Potter, (ialplii, Krapl. (iNaver, l'urlell, 8mltli and Yosi il. Mr. Burch moved lo aniend by inakinji 1 48 cents per day. Lost as t'ollow.-: Aijex - Uureh, C'Rse Danüingburg, Graves. areyory. Kress, Lanc, I.yman, Kose, Rhodes andShiitts-11. Va.v- Blakeslee, Boyce, Dancer, Feldkamp, FoKter, Qalpln, Krapf, Olsaver, Pmtell, Smlth and Vost- 11. Mr. Boyce moved to ainend by raaking it 4.1 per day. Carrled a follows: 1 ily- Blaekslee. Boyee. Burch, Case UaiiKingburi{. Foatei1, Graves, Uregory, Krapf, Lane, Lyman, Rose. Khodes. Siultli and Bhotto- 15. .San- Daneer, Feldkamp, (ialpm, Kress, 01gaver, Purtell and Yost- 7. The original motion as amcndcil was tlien ciirrieil. Mr. Qalpln moved thiit Mr. Yost lic appointed a committee to invite Mr. Jacob II. Martin, lo come before the commlttee on civil clams, nnd explain his bilt. Carried. Adjounied to 9áO a. ni. to-inorrow, on inotlon of Mr. Grave. Hcad. examlned and approved. IsORTOM K. CASE, Chalrtnan. ¦riiurxli. Oei. SIM, Vn. Board niet. lïoll called. (iloriini present. Mr. Blakeslee from the committee on cqnali.ation made the following report: Tk Uu ll"i' Baard Suptrvltort vj WatMenav County : (kn'l km k. - Your oommlttee on oquallzallon hereby report tbat they have had under oareful oonlderatlon the mbjecl coramitted ta tnelrehaitteand haveeqoalled theassesameut rollifortheieveral townahlpeofthl oounty aa [ follow; ___ ' TOWNS AND i; I - i DI8TRTCT8. -i Si? = _j_ I &_ ! i Aan Arbor Tl, 142,300' 1W.Ï3 I8S,78W 1.SB5.0W &?'.&'LL u w . -'."¦" ¦Mam 4th 2121W04Ü1.10Ü 1,:M2.W H60.000 MhanaVthw'df 980! 102 W6 7IH,'' 7f',0 0 1 BrKwáter WW l10 W0,l l.00,000 I Kr-edom i 4t CT.4W i0 H.IKKi Um, WI8S0 H!i,W l,llfi,f 1.0-JS.OOO ' r'n(ln' ' 16L5 83.800 ilM.40 SlOfita I St 692560 178523 WW0SÍ l,2S04XW ¦ MuKheVtêr 1,48 4TOI278.Í7O l.HJ. lMO.000 Northtffld (WlTOOlofpaoO 9W.900 BISOO ' ; PlIbS 't WVI l!W,47ü t.lM.oi l.HW.IXiÜ ¦ I sitan I 7K7 ,IU l'Jl.'iTIl H08,0 1,180)00 ¦ smii'rlöf 10941UM8,S40 1,2,5W 1 0,000 ¦ iil,. l,2IW(i7U U89ln ISH0.IWI 1182,00(1 Msoïron HTI.f. loti.77o 5W l.OuO.OOo 1 svHhd 9t180ia84,48U 1,24880 1.SI8 000 ' WehMeï 'l,07is(i ITO.tilOi l.0R,O9O 1,123,000 I ' York 1 UKOSO 19B.110 1 266J00 l.H.i.iKKi - YpeltanUTrï l!l89,7 lttiMO t3S UW ¦ : '"oietito?: l4WM0.W .001.77S l,fJ,000 i ' m SSuZ tin,7.v)m,ou jnijm 7JK000 " 27,7,!'1O :,0,0)O Allof wliH'h tl respectfnlly lubmltted. Ann Arhiri-, Ootober -'Kt, 1880, JOHN w. BLA.KE8LI i HORATIO lU'Ktll, ALBERT R 1.1; P. s PURTELL. 18AAC N. H KOSTER, 'oiiuuii iré on l' ' [aaliEAtton Oh motton ot_ Mr. Orejtory, the report v, a b uccepted. On motlonol Mr. Gnlpin, the report was laid on the table. On motton of Mr. Depew, the Board ;mIjourned to I ::!ü p, tu, A i tentoon Hewrton. Mr Galpln, from the commltti n civil claims, reported the blll of .J. II. Martin v ItUout recommeiulatlon. On motion of Mr. Yn-i Ihe iiill was ai cepted. Mr l'uricil moved that the iMi be re referred to the rivil claims committee with liistructioiis to take out all turnkey feei in excesi of two for each prisoner, and alio b reduce the board to the rate of 50 uenti pei ilay. Mr. ïosl moved iw (in amendment thal i be re-referred and trented as similar bilis ' of the sheriff u er. Mr. Purtell acceptel the ainendment ntul Diotiou w .k curried. Mr. Vost, frotii the committee to Bettle tii county offlcera, made Ihe follówing reporl The undenlgnad eommlttee Ut Mttlt with cuunty ofltaen respeottally n-portthat we have settled with Stephen Kalrchlld, l'ounty Traasu rei1, of the county of Waalitennw ; Ihat ire have exam'ned the books aml vouchers lii hi office and we flnd them correct and they correspond in every respect wtth hls itniiual report hoade to tu, to wit : Dr. To cash on h.iiul at last setUenient $ 4W5S 1; " " for State and County taxes 126,941 'S " " on temporary loans n,200On " " from Superintendent of Poor 24,230 64 " from City of Ypsilanti poor fund.. 51701 ' ' contingent fund .... tRO 81 11 " M noes 519 00 ¦' ¦ " Superintendent of Schools... lól 00 " " ' delinquent IMtM 1,174 QI M " ' redemption " " " annual tax sales y2$ 47 " " " State Treasurer, primary moncy 0,042 79 " " " rrjected taxes collected 157 05 " " " Liquor tax 11,092 64 11 " " guardians of insLine 3 71 '79'37 ¦ CV. lïv casli paid State Treasurer $ 59,59 J7 ' ' on temporary loans 23,45000 " " " insane asylums . „ n.iiS ,, " " " county poor orders 20563 c " ' " i;oimty orders 10,140 3S " " ' contingent orders 637 5S ' " ' juror and witness orders 4 607 75 ' H salaries of county officers 4,100 o' " " " stcnographer 683 8b 11 ¦ " library fund 575 41 11 " " house of correction '193 1; " " " teachers' institute „ 165 33 ' " " for interest 1,931 5S '' " " insurance 166 40 By bond paúl 3 ,000 a By amotïnt paid towns on primary school fund 6,043 79 By dinount paid on liquor lax n,355 37 Hy amount paid on uncollected luu 4.4' 1 05 By ca!i relunded rs of Lodi and Northfield 136 9 By cash on hand 5 945 41 Í'79Á '¦( fundé üvenlrawn an'l .iwountt Dn,', RftMIM aylum l'unil overdrawn.f Sol Si County poor fund overdrawn..., 064 40 County order fund overdrawn... 543 7 Íurors and witness fund " ... -V'.SS '9 ntcrest fund overdrawn 224 07 j Insurance fund overdrawn 16Ö 411 Contingent fund overdrawn 2,863 7S Í 7,VJ 5Due on uncollected poor tax % 423 p Due State on redeinp. andilulinl cpicnt tax collected sincejune 30, iSSj tM 04 Due on rrjected taxes and taxes : cliarged back to county hv i State .". 2,610 (S ! Due on temKrarv loans 7,200 00 ¦' salary fuïid -',066 63 I " " stenographer lund 100 oy ' ¦' " library fund S7 31 I " house of correction 520 15 " teachers' institute 2 50 '¦ towu of Lima, Uauor tax... 64 67 York. ' ' ... i-M o; 14 city of Ypsilanti, " '' ... 234 65 By cash to balance 5v4J 43 '3.847 95 U.847 95 We llave abo settled with the county cleik U followg : W";isliteijHW i'ounly in account with Everett B. Clark, t'ouuty Clerk, Br. Pe In criminal oces $ ïv i Hoüue and eiprcsn etc, paid 90 91 Blrthg, denttip aud marriaeH SI ;j Canvïsi'ing, nulklng return, etc. ol spring ¦ electitn 50 00 ; Compariog, correcting. approvin aod for' ward i ng school reporta -" '¦ Four lemi calendara 40 Ou tv. Byentry fee f 138 00 Uyjurjiiid reporter leer Ui M 2X0 Ui Blau e due connty clerk 2B2 70 All of whlch is respectfully submllted.. I.KE YO8T. T. D. I..ANE, 5 Commlttee. 1). O. BOHL ) On motion of Mr. üri'gory, the report waa tooapted aml adepted. Mr. Dancer, firom the committee on rejected taxo, raade the following report whlch was accepted aud ndopteJ : ' To tht HonombU Board 0 Suptl tixorë of Wathtei"tn- County : Your irommlltee, to whom was referred the subject 01 rfjet;tel taxes, respectfully report tliat they have exuiniiied the list furnished by the Auditor General and County Treasurer , and riii'l charted to the several townsblps aml wardn the t'ollowiny buius, whlch they inend 10 be ussesst-d upon the several township. wards and properly, in accordance with the daaorlption Hst lurulshed by the Counly Treasurer and Auditor General. Augusta townsblp $ tí -)y Aun Arbnr (.'ity lt nnd d ward II W " " M and 4th ward 61 4h " " .".ib and th ward 135 Ni Brldïuwter 1 W Krecdom 5 4S Lodi. 71 IK Manchester 90 91 Salem 23 Sharou t Tí i selo 154 ::¦ 1 Sylvan i88 1 York.... 17 J' Yprllantl W Citj, Ut Dlutrict WIS " M ¦ 1( 9:: tSSO 81 AU Of WhlCh is i'chpectlully subiuilted. WAl.TKIl 11. 1IANCER, ALONZü (H.SWER. JOHN (i. FELDKA.M1'. Mr, Rliodea, trom the coiuniittee on civil claim, made foüowlng report ! TtWDr. Edwatd Batwell $20 00 10 0 j 770 Dr. A. L. orden 10 1x1 t Ou I 771 Dr. Qorg 100 -¦: Dr. Kpp 8 ;ti 5 011 77i) Dr. Bodenian 4u U0 IS Do 774 Tbo. F. Leouard 25 UU 1 ."' TT". Dr. John Kapp 10 01) 10 oo A.OCepted aml ailiiptccl. On motion of Mr. Galpln, the rejiort of the coimnittee apon eqnilüvtlon was taken trom the uble. Mr. Dancer luoveU tu aooept and adopt. Mr. Stuitii imiveil tu take 1111,000 trom Sein and place i on the M district o Ypaihiuti city. l.ost. Report adopted by t J i following vote: Avtê- Blakeilae, Boyce, Buroh, Oaaa, Dtmoer, Dantlngburg, Depew, Feldluunp, Grnves, Knw, Lane. Ly man, Olnaver, Purtel! Etoae, Rhodea, Btaebler, Wallace, Vost.- 21. ffana- Gregory, Krapf, Bmlth, BohotU- 4. ( la ruotion of Mr Krapf, uil bllls of the sheriff contalnlng turnkey fees and paased u tliis scssidi) were re-referred t" the com mitin iivll claims. Mr. JtuK-li presentad the propoaala received by the committee on prlnting, tor publUhiog the proceedliuts of tais seesion R A Btal f80 00 AnnÁrborPrüilÍDgtndPubllBhlDgCo S Aun Arbur Argu M 40 On tnotion of Mr. Foster, the contract wasawarded to R A. Beal. On motion of Mr. Purtell, the reporl oí committee OH Was laken IVom tlie Taille. ; On motion of Mr. Dauccr, the jadge ol probáfa was authorized, by the followlng rote, to appoint a probate register : Aves- ïioyce, Case, ra neer, Dktulngburg, , FelOknmp, Fost'-r, Grave. Oregory, Krapf, KreM, Lime. Lymao, Olsaver, Partall, Kose, Rhodes, Staebler, Smith, Wallaoe, XO6t. -21. .Vu ii- 0. On motion of Mr. Daneer, the reporl was re-referred. On motion of Mr. Depew, the matter "I Mr. ïocum'a reqnest waa feferred to the committci' appointed to oonfey with Mr. Wilbur. Mr. Depew introduce! the following icamiilc and Ntoltftion and noved it uloption : Whkhkas, II lias come to the knowlcdge ot WalterH. Daneer, supervisor of the towimhlp of Lima, tlial a portion of land belonglng to A. Ilrltlon.sltuatcil ïu sahl townshlp of Uma, and counly ol WubtenaW, and descrlhed as (bllows: Lot in the nortliwcst quarter of the northwest quarter of sectlon seven, bounded on the south by a rallroad, east by Raymond, west by Wouden, was onillted from tlie assessment rollof 18T.I, and sald land ml Hable to laxatlon In sald year 1Í78, and luw been entered upon the assessment roll for tlie year 1XSO; Itesotttd, Tliat Ihis board levy laxes upon sald land at the amérate per cent. of taxeslmpoaed opon lands in Bald townshlp in sald year 179. Adoptad, On inotion of Mr. 1'urtell, the Board adjourned to to-morrow at 9:30 n. na. Rund, examlned and approved. MORTON F. CAsi:. Chairman. Irhtlit, O (. il, 1880. IJoiinl met (alled to order by the chair. Koll called. Quorum ])iesent. Journal reud approved. Mr. from the ooasmittee on civil claims, presentad the tollowing bilis and reeoinmendcd their llowance at sums stated: Cloimed. Allowtd. "76 C. G. Orcutt, dep'y sheriff, Í 27 50 f 27 50 777 Thomas Clarkeu, dep't sheriff, 170 00 161 00 Accepted and adopted. The committee appointed to confer witli Mr. S. Wilbur, reported verbally. On motion of llr. Burch, the matter was postponed ndefinitely. Mr. Lymkn preseiited the following resolution, which waa adopted: Rtiolved, that the several supervisors be allowed to correct any defectivo descrlptions in their respective nüaessmenl rolls. On motion of Jlr. Grcgory, Jlr. Khodes was appointed a special committee to confer witli Jude -Morris as to the necessity for the contimioiij attendance of four oilicers in eourt. Adjournetl to 1:30 p. m. AKrrnooii I- !¦ Board niet. Roll ealled. Quorum pre ent. Mr. Dantingburg from the oommitteeon criminal claims, reported the foUowiug bilis and reecommetuliil their allowanceat suma stated: Caimed. Allowtd. .;- Wm. Ayree, wltness SM 2 IW 77 In Vontwcu, witnes Sffi IW TSO JoL'pb (iauutiett, witnees 1W 2 98 TM Edwurd Uendürson, wltiiesn.., :i 2J .1 2) 7C2Oecar Vau Valkkubnrg.wituef 1 8B 188 78B6eorga BoMCk, witncBB 1 OS 10 1M Ucurge Milchell, wituefS 1 IK 108 7SS oscar Mitchull, witiieeB 1 U8 1 W 'ütí Charles Mitcbcll, wilnues 1 US 10S 7S7 JaltiCM Jai rier, wilnet-e 1 I's 1 Oh Tv Jobn N. Hailuy, wUucbs 1 0 120 TMi l'hiiip Wlnegv, wíiukds l '20 i -ij 7VU Manu Clark, witiieex 4 2U I 'JU VU Dudley J. Luomiü, wiuieSB ... i M 4 2U 7!I2 lh"B. F. Leunard, witDws 4 20 4 20 71' lioward Uranser, itnees 4 20 120 7W Frauk E. Bodemau, wltntsa... WP lio 7y." (Jar v% t-hnur, wuueBB U0 liO IIW Fruderick l'ioiortoos, witnes. 11 (K) 7S7 Gco. A. HendrickB, witnos.. . m Vq 79S JoLn Kapp, wilutütó UJ uu 71W Courall (jeorge , line HO K) suo Mattbew Kcxer 7 75 .sOt Wm. Audiews, witnese 75 7o i Juo. Scbweikert, witneös 7it 75 ¦-U3 Juo. J. FoBler, juror lül HO -H leaacC'. Haudy, jilror UU 0 HOóChas. i-oiu-iuck, juror (SU mi si 'tia. Fauile, juror ii Hl bU7 Iloward Ciiauger. juror 1)0 (iü sjk Damcl HUcoili, juror 00 )R suy üeo. UuBkeUBOu, vttueB 1 45 1 15 Ml) l"att lluBkcnsoii, itui'ss ... I 15 1 I") (Ut Wal. U. C'leiueulö, wnuet- 145 1 40 M2 Win. F. Bieakey, wilneeï 48 48 813 Vf. B. üiunli, wiiucai 18 48 Ml Ailrea .1 . Uuclluz, wilnesB b5 85 ¦S15 Neioon J . Kyer, wilneaa H 48 lü Marj Uurtii'ull, wllnet W 48 viT Sophia Uiurail, uitueís 85 .S5 1K Mary lluugllUy, Wltne H lis -IH Nicliolan vanmpir, wiiucüp 4 13 111 jjjuo. 11. SperrjTi witooM 5ti -j8 ¦l ( onmtocic !'. iiiii, wltfiuw H 58 .- Nuriuaii li. C'uvrt, wiiuess.... IX 48 vJJ aainuel Uoiy. wiuiuoy 5S . 58 t l.enimnl (iiuiHT, juror W) til J-i Sjlvester iVilliaaiB, juror iki iii) siB Chas. Fantle, juror i0 lio iHt AmbroM' Kt-uiiiy. jurur Ml IR) -2s . Suthurland, Juror 110 i) i llnwai'ü (iianr, juror (10 ui -U Abralllliu KuUHt-l. ivitll! 1 8 H.3 881 CaruliiK' l.auiengujur, witueus 1 U8 1 VA SU j.u. JobnaoB, wiiaea is tt ïl r"nul StüKll, .tucas... B 48 s; Frederick Stabler, witnese H W sir r rank i. i.cnimi:., jurur 00 W sai Ala UKon Mooru, juror i) M -vw A. U. Seyler, juior W 00 tJohu Kose.juror J 0 ¦il .N . Soilierlaud, juror I 60 840 Wm Camplon, juror HU W) ¦!l Walier Wrlghl, juror OU 60 Mailln L luik, in. ur 'J !) i 0 si8Ueo. l'almer, juror 'W K -44 Wni. Ktereat, juror HO H) MSJulin Itose, Juror 00 W Slti , los. l'reetoi.. Juror IK) B0 S17 Jolm Kyau, wiiucBS 48 H ÍÍ8JOUU Moore.juror 0 0 84 A. L. Noble, juror 00 UU S50 AmblOtfü üearuey, juror 00 bfl VjlJasper Imm, juror 60 nu 662 Ueo. W. Mourc, Juror 0 OU vviJuuuil Duib, Hitness 4S U 54 Jamen Louey, wituvaa 48 IK N'w Oilver bird, wimeee .38 -iS kt Wm. üvereoi, juror 0 0 857 Joa. Prealou, Juror 00 60 siSJaeper imus, juror 60 ÖU 5 Wm. uraluuii, Jurur 60 W) #XI N. : VI. Scholl, Juror e 60 b61 Qeo. W. CouK, Juror 0 6J 8ti2 Jeremiab Sulhv.u, wilutu li lISW l'atrick bullivan, wilueBB l 18 mm Mattnew Milliau. wilueaa 48 i H65Tunmas Mililvan, wliuwie 4 48 nj '1 uoni.'iN Ulcliardiun, wimebB... 1 10 1 lö 867 Wm. A. Uark, Juror ii 60 MjJSA. L. Noble, Juror 6U 00 t6Leonard Gruuer, Juror u) 6U fwUE. J. JobDüon, jurur 00 60 571 Goo. W. ('ook, Juror liO 60 VJ Frank ArmatrooK, witnee 18 4t 73 IUIB C. Goodricü, VlllKH H I"h7H'ha. L. Wufuer, wilnes 4S 4i S".") Edward Flyun, witiu-uB IS Is s7ü Mlcbael Williama, viine98 U 77 ruinad lieorif, witness 18 lt rfao illiaiu, witncBa B I ichacl llrowu, wtinefs IS 4S sso Kugciie Ocstcrlin. wltnens I XM Frnnk Kliek, wlinul 882 Philip .1. Vlsel, wltneii N 838 Krancli Kapi), wllnci1 1 sm MagdallnetUpp, witneM w 885 Jaini'K Vanduriord, wltnes s 886 Mirhacl O'llnra, wltneH ls 881 Krank I'itreons, wIHich B 888 B. WlllUm, wltoesi 's Milman. wIIbcm g v 890 Chai. GolDlck, witnesi ' ¦ s!M lIiTmiui Wi-nzer, witne-B M 883 Leonard Groner, itne se8J.Barkhardt.Joror 1 10 884 ThM. L Hewftt, iuror 1 1" 8D5K. C Bondlnot, Jaror 1 10 896 P. L.Pan.Jaror "' SÍI7 Iliiwunl (inniger. Juror 1 1" SÏS W. J. Clark, wltnwi ' ' ¦? tOM Bllztboth Clark, wltnen 1 IS !) Titzh t-fiilires, wltncss 1 '¦ ' '¦' 801 Wm. AllUon, irltMH 809 John QoetE, Jr., wíiucbh L 808 A. .1. DePugh, wltneu ' 904 Wm. W. Bltss, wltneM is s HOS M of 8 wartont, Jaror U mn.lmiieeSmlihJiiror K ' !7 ManlnClark, Juror IM '" mis A. I.. Noble. Juror ' '¦" 909 John Qulgleyjaror 80 y.n Allicrt l.indcMinii, inrur 60 HO BI] .Lm, Nillage "¦' '':; - Report accèpted and adoptad. Mr. Blakeslee from the special oommlttec in vhoin wm rcferred th bilis of A. Gilmore and I!. (iiiuntlott tbr Uif year 1879, reported In Favor of allowlna Jlr. öaunfr lettthcsimi of $5.80 addltlonal, but adverse id any further allowanee to Mr. QUmOre. Aceepted and adopted. 01-2 K. Gauntlctt IM0 Mr. Olaaver, cbalrman of the eomniittee on Balarle, made 1 1 fbllowlng peport: To Iht Honorable Board oj Superriêort of Wathtenair County: Your committee to whotn was re-referred the flxlng of salaries (,t . .inty offloet, respeetiully report as folloWK County clerk ? 80u ProaeoaUnt iiltorney 800 County treasurer l.l'io Judge of probate li"0 Tliat the snlary of probate register be and ík hereby tixed at the sum of slx hundred dollar per aunum. whlch hall be In full for all : vlees as suca probate register, exeept such fees i as are allo wed liy actof the leglslaturaof 187. Tliat the county superlntendeuta of the poor be pald the urn of three dollars per day, mlleage Inclnded. rnnATbr.Oct.a,MHzo M. L.8HUTTS, A. A. GREGORY. Coramlttee on Salarles of County Offlcers. Mr. Graves moved tb accept and adópt ihe report. Mr. Purtoll moved to auiend by Hxtng ¦atary of probate register at $800. Mr. Rose moved to nmend by inaking the probate rcjister's salary $900. Amendment aceepted by Mr. l'iirtell. Mr. Hurch moved to ainend by making it $400. Mr. Khodes moved to lay the whole matter on the table. Carried as follows: Ayts- Blakeslee, Boy ce, Buren, Case, Daneer, Dauslngburg, Depew, Feldkamp, Koster, Oalln, Gregory, Krens, Lyman, Olsaver, Rhodes, taebler Smlth, Wallace and Yost- 18. VajiJ-Graves, Krapf, Lane, Purtell.Rose and SbutU- 7. 15y Mr. Krapf: Resolved, that the superintendent of tue poor are hereby requlred to brlng before the board of supervisors, all thelr bllls for services rendered to the county for allowanee, and pay ment accordlng to law, and thut the county clerk be Inslructed tosend a copy of thls resolutlon to the superlntendents oi the poor of Washlenaw Conuty. Adopted. Mr. Depew moved ilmt when Board adjourn, it be to the second Monday in November. Mr. Burei. moved to auiend by making the lime nei Monday ai 11 o'rloi-ka. m. .Mi. Dancer moved toameacl by naakiog it to-inonow at 8 a. m. Los) by the followhig vote i Ayet- Blakeslee, Dancer, Foster, Krapf, Olsaver, Purtell, Rose and Shutts- 8. Boyce, liurch, Case, Dau.slngburg, Depew, Feldkamp, Galpln, Graves, Gregory, Kn ss, Lan, I.vinan, Rhodes, Staebler, Bmlth, Wallaoe and Yost- 17. Mr. Burch's amendment was carried. Mr. Lane Introduoed the foUowlnjc: Httolml that tne committee on salarle of eoiuity (iltlcers, Inqulre lnto the alleged taking of illi-gal fees by somv of sald offlcers. I.oM U follOW! : Ave -Boyce, Burch, Galpln, Graves, l,me. Purtell, Rhodes, Staebler. Smitli aud Yost- 10. Vaus- Blakeslee, Case, Daueer, Danslngburg, Feldkamp, Koster, Oregory, Krupp, Kress, Lyman, Olsaver, Rose, Shutts and W allace- u. Mr. Olsaver from the committee on fractlonal schoei disüicts' per i-enta.!ie, presented their report as iollowi To the, llon. Board of Supervisor : Your committee to whom was referred the matter of Fractlonal School District Percentage heg leave to snbmlt the followlng report: 30 Z. T flj flö O) __ w B.S, Qo Aun Artwr Town.. 1,282,730 1,256,000 .002 Ann ArborClty lst and '2d wards L.28!,ÍI7U $2,160,000 . U71 ld and 4lh wards 1,842,3901150.000 1 .0B9 and tith wnrd 74í,Wtó 7H0.00 MLV Augusta ti77,010 liÜKIHKII 078 r.i-idgewater 760,190 1 .000.000 ::n. Dexter KtH,:f; 710,000 081 FreedoiM Mi.oao '.ivi,( Mina 1.11Ö.85Ö 1,028,000 (I7'.i Lodl SUÜ.IN". l,-ö(),OU0 ..43K Lyndon 214,840 570,000 I t Manchester 1,819,840 IOJ.OOO 07:j Northneld VM.DOW !H.").OH0 .OU PitUsfleld 1.4K1.0S0 l,it;s,ioo 00 Salem (ux,-i;io ï.i.TO.WX .'.tiij Saline 1,366,880 1,582.000 .r.'l snn 1,151,1 1,819,000 .5S0 Mharou 583,908 1,000.000 .805 Superior 1,220,580 I,2t0,00ll 0004 Sylvan 1 246.i0 1.21K.O00I OM Webster I.ü08,0li0 1,125,000 .089 York l,w,i00 1,146,000 OW Ypsllantl City lst District 2,10O,T7." 1,880,000 000 2d District 741,050 7X.r,0UÜ .05! Y ] is i I intl Towu i l,:i22.70l) 1 ,15,01)0 0i0 All of whlch ls respectfully snbmitted. ALONZO OLSAVER, ). ,„„„„,„„. W ALTER H. DACER,}Col""llttceAecepled ;inil adopted. Mr. Burch moved tliat the committee on civil claims tic jriveo nut il the next lanuary seMlon, to luvestlgate the claim of .f. II" Martin and thal they be autliori.ed to go to Ypsilanti for that puipose. Mr. l'iutell oll'ei'ed the followlng as a sulistilutc for Mr. Bureh's motion : Whkkeas. the number of prlsoners eouiiued In the Ypsilanti lockup seems to lncrease from year to year. and as our statute law does nol kuow or recoguize more than one county Jail and one sheriil. and, WiiKKKAs, Jacob 11. Martin has presented to the Board a bilí for the keeping of seventy-slx prlsoners for l'.IU days.and turnkeys, and sdine of the prlsoners have been kept In the lock-up for a period of twenty-lhree dayfl and 8 turukey fees, be It 'rsolvrU, Ilmt the committee on civil claims, be lnstrucled togoto Ypsilanti and examine the dockets of the jimtices in Ypsllantl in relalion to eaoh and every person uamed in said inll.Hiid to lakc sucli acourae as they roay 'lom Just and proper as between Washtenaw County and all other pnrlles concerned In suid lilll. aiid report thelr aclion at the next sesslon of i lus Board. Lost. Mr. Burch'i motion was then carried. By Mr. Rose: Hftoloed, that the committee on civil claims and the committee on criminal claims be and Iliey are lierehy iuHtrueted, that if they ilud billa ¦¦cm Mere for aliowance that have heen piwionsiy pajd or (br sarrlaai ncver rendered. i,, proieeau noli persona to the mil extent of ibe law, , Allojitccl. . Mr Burcb. presented the followiug ' amble mul resol ution, whloh waa adopted : wiiKitKAs.ii bMoometotbe k ..i Q H Rbodea, supervisor of theSth and Btn varda of tbc elty ol Min Arbor ¦.mat i plece ol land sltuated and i-lng in the fith ward ol lald olty.and betnu 4 rodi on Unlverslty ¦treet south and 12rod on Stote treet, bloeh 6 soutli of Huron Btreet, and belonglngto tbe Ilamlltnii Utarary oolety.wa omltUM lm Ibe aweument roll for the year i 1879, and saiil land wal Hable to tazatlon In ald year i of ïsrii and ba been entered npon tbe I ment roll for tbe year 188 I ' Retolvtd, that the Board levy tax apon lald land, al tbe lame rate per cent, oí taxealmposc,l ii),iii lamls in tald ward In tbe year 1879. Mr. Fogter from the oommittee on per dlura allowance, made thelr report aa folio - : h, ii, o;. Board qf Suptrvltor ] Voor oommli on Per Dlem Ulowance , wonld respeotfully report the attendunie, travel, per dlem allowance, tnUeage and total oompensatton ol Ihe respective önpervlsors, tor . the present seialon of tliis board, to be ai lows : ' TT" NAME-. 80 3 'S , JU.U I W Hukpslee 't '1 I3 :ïö W l & :ï7 ' Beoj. Boyce --.'. :;'! f. 7 Horitio Burch li 87 g O 4 U U 1 Morton F. Case ¦ ., Wslter H. Dancer 2 2S 3H 2 64 8S M o. Smi:::::::::::::::::: ffl i k IaC N. S. F,ter 4 4 O) 4H H të FreemauP. GalplD 12 7 8 O M; 84 Albert R. Grave } 12 ? 1 gj John M j5Së 12 3 00 8 OU 89 (I Thomá-'D únu .! 12 18 SO 00 1 H 87 58 Alou.n Olnaver 12 1 3 0 1 4 37 44 PatrickS. Purtcll : 12 81 00 96 David G Rose . ... 18 37 M 00 4 41 40 44 Michïel" Uebler U 8 ; 00 80 88 M John L. Smlth 13 8 M 00 96 M. L. SbutU 12! W.S6 00 1 OS 87 os E. W. Walli.ce 12 1011 00 1 20 87 M Lee Yoat 121 3tf 00 1 08J37 08 All of whlch Is respeetfully submittcl. ISAAC N. S. FOSTBR. JOHN tí. FE1.DKAMP, .IAMK3 H. J.YMAN. t'oramlttee on Per Dien Allowances. Ann Arbor, Oct. 2, 1880. Mr. l'urtell moved to anieiul ly inakhig j the tull time allowed Ion düfS and to deduct absence without leave. Mr. Yost moved to amend by allctwlng the rliairinan one day extra time. Mr. Dancer moved to lny t on the table ubüI Tuesday next. Lost as follows : Aytt- Boyce, Dancer, Graves, Krnpf, Lane. , Olsaver, Partell, Staebler, Smlth and Yost- 10. Nays- Blackalee, Burch, CBe. Danslngburg, Depew, Feldkamp, Koster. Galpln, Gregory, Kress, Lyraan, Rose, Rhodes, Shutts and Wallace- 15. Mr. Purtell withdrew his ainendment. The report was adoptel as follows: Ayit- Boyce, Huroh, Case, Dancer, Danslng, burg, Depew, Feldkamp, Koster, Galpln, Graves, Kress, Lyinan, olsaver, Purtell, Kose, taebler, Smlth, Wallace and Yot- 1. Nays - Blakeslee, Gregory, Krapt Lane, Rhodes and Sliutts- 6. On motion of Mr. Graves, the Board adJourner). Uead, examiiH'd and approved. MOKTON F. CASE, Chulrman. ADJOURXED SF.SSION. ttrtnÜTiT 25th, 1880. Board mét ptmraant to adjoarament of I Oct. 22, ISSii. ('ulied to order by the chalrman. Holl called. There hm no quorum present. On motion t' Hr. QratèSj the Board adDiirncd tn 1 ::! p. m. Alt rnooii Scí-kIoií. Board met Called (oorder by chair1 man. Holl called. Quunini present. Journal ol Oot 2-2d, raad and approved. Mr. Galpin from the coinmittee on civil claims, repartid several small pox claimt anu reeommeuded that they be returned to the scvenil sitpervisorsdistriftsfroni whlch they carne, and also reportad the bilí of Josepn Donnelly and recommended that it be allowed as claimed. M Joseph Donnelly S.O5 $8.05 On motion the report WM MCepted and adopted. Mr. Yost oftered the following. whlch was adoptt d : Resolved, by the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County, that hereaftr all j uitlees of thi' peaceof Ibis county, when presenting claims aguinst the couuty. for fees and other serviré, hall keep a corre!t memorandom of tbe name of the persons arresu-d, tbe late t tbe mrest, and Mafte :ilso tlie Ibe crime lor which they were arrested. and whether coinmitted to the couuty Jatl at Ann Arbor. pr to the Ypsllimtl city lo-kup, and wlictlier tbe i the sentence of the person arrested lx) tine I and imprlsoiiment or imprlsonment only, aud lor how long a limo, and also IliaL a initlnnus be givcn to the constable or olher olBcers, as 8herir ordepuly sheriff, sigued by tlie justinof the peace before wbora such person was 1 1 1,-. 1 aud convlcted. and that said constable, Hhenll' or depots slu-riir sball present such mltlimuH to tlie keeper ol' tbe Jal) at Anu Arbor or the keeper of tbe lockup at the city of Ypeilantl, and it Is requlred Of the keeper of the coMiitv jall at Aun ArlKr and tliikeeper of the Jockup at the city of Ypsilantl. hen presenting their bllls for allowanci- to Ibis Board for turnkey fees and board of pnsouer, to aceompany such bilis wlth all Mu-h eonmltmenta, ana tbe oaamlttee on claims is herehy insiructeil DOt to alJow any hills wblon me DOt nccoin panied with snob oommltmenta as ronehen as to correctness of such bilis. On motion of Mr. l'nitell, the coniniittee on public buildings were requfisteu to i-eport to ilii Board to-morrow a. m., as to tbe doties ol the janltor. On motion ol Mr. Rose, the couuty treauirer was authpriied to pay the mem! bers ot this Iioatd their per dien allowj anee for the reftnlar Bewlon and for this adjourned gessloo out of the contingent : fund. liy Mr. Koster: Rtmloeil, that the bondsof tbe next treasurer of ikhteiiiiw Counly, be and tbey are hereby flxed at the sum of $150,000, with suretles to be approved by the Board. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Purtell, the eounty treasurer was instructed to have the assessment rolls for 1881, bound in a style simi' ar to those of 1880. Mr. Purtell ofl'ered the following: Reêolied, that each supervisor of Waahtenaw Couuty, shall enter upou hls assessmeiit roll tbe dog tax lor the yeur 1880, aud place the said roll in the townshlp or city treasurpr's hands I for collectlon in tlie same manner as all other laxes, and that Ihe proseculing uttorney be instructed to prosecute any and all supervisors neglectlng or refuslng to comply wlth ihis resolutlou and tbe law. Adopted by the following vote : Ayes -Blakeslee, Boyce, BurclL, Case, Dausingburg, Koster, Gulpiu. Gregory, Graves, Lyman. Olsuver, Purtell, Rose, lUiodes aud stacblet- 16. A'a;- Dancor, Keldkamp, Krupf, Kress, Ijine, Shutts aud Yost- 7. Adjourned to '.'::!() a, m. to-morrow, on motion of Mr. Lane. , Étead and approved. HORTON F. CASE; Chalrmaa. TiU'Mlii), .(. SÍOth, 1880. Board met. Hi. 11 cnlled. Quorum int Journal read and approved, Mr. ¦¦ (anglngburg, fromthecommittecon J ia! clrtlmp, reportcel In favor of the ' f nj; billa : E '1 I M. J. Noyec, J. 1' t ¦'¦ vt IT 7 'l-'i.I iv M. Woods, constable 21 7."i 17 N5 lili John Whemelcl, conauble 20 68 M i!V ( 'oriicliiig C Donahue. j'Jror.... J ti 1 00 ( ilHThcodoreSwarthontJiirm I mi 1 IK) t ilitJnyD. Clark, iuror 1 il 100 , lïOTho. Young, JrHJnror i ihi 1 00 i 01 Qeorge Sellen, Joror 100 100 1 132 Wm. K. V. 1-, i iror 1 00 I IMI SS Wm. K. Vwnb, iritoeu 80 50 124 Samuel I!. Wet. wltneu H 50 ; i;." Tlm-. 8bw, M. ., wltnen '00 5 00 : lecepted and adoptad. Mr. Rhodea reported the follow Ing civil Jalma wliicli were allowed ui iumi stated: 128 R. B. OttM, M. JD 5 00 5 00 H7Jobn K.xk 85 (i WCbomai Yoiihl' 16 84 18 84 08 F. M. OUJ, M. 1) 5 00 0 00 Mr. Gregory, from the oominlttee to extmlne tbe books of the superintendent . i i the poor reported as followi : Mk. Ch airman.- Your eommlttee ¦¦palntod I to examine the books und aoooonu ur tbe iupt-rinlendents of the poor of Wasliteiunv ¦omity, beg leave reapeotfully to repen tlmt i they have not had an opportunity to examine i ald accounts andbooksM fnlly as they di ind U'spectfully report prograM And ask lo lc [HTinlttcd to makt' tlieir llnul report at the ] ra se8ston of Ihls lïoard. iccepted andrequest granted on nnotton BfMr, Bmith. On motlon of Mr. Gravea the rport on miarles of county offleers was taken from the table. Mr. Burch moved to amend by tixing lalary of probate register at f400. Lost is follows : Aye- Blakeslee, Burch, Gregory, Kress, Staebler- 5. Kayt Case. Uancer, Danslngburg, Feldkamp, Koster, Graves, Ijane, Lyman, )lsaver, Purtell, Rhoiles, Hmlth, V(t.-1:;. Mr. Rose moved to lix at fcWO.-'-Lost. Mr. Purtell moved to lix it at S0O, and to strike iroin the report all in rclation to aaid probate register, emept the flxlng of tbe salary. Oarried. On motion the rfpotl m amended wns adopted. By ir. Koster: Itesolced, That the comraittee to seltlewltli county offleers be and are hereby aulhorlzed to settle wlth the county treasurer on thp Sist day of December, 1880. Ou motion adoptd. Claimid. Allowid. & E. P. Goodrich S 25 00 ? 2ö 1)0 By Mr. Lane: XesalrtJy that the commlttee on civil claims be, and Is hereby autborlzed. to examine the jiiHtice dockets In regard to the prlsoners commltted to the connty Jall, or o many of them as they thlnk necessary , and report at the January term. Adopted. By Mr. Blakeslee: Rcrohtd, that the blll of Jasper Imus be relerred back to the comraittee on criminal claims for correctlon. Adopted. By Mr. Purtell: Resolvtd, that each of the newspapers publlshed In the counly who may wisli to publlsh the proceedings of thls Board, In fiill, be allowed $2.1 for publlshlng the same, provlded that they complete the same In flve weeks after this adjourned session. Carried as follows: vly-B!ake8lee. iloyce. Burch, Case, Galpin. Graves, Gregory, Krapf, Kress, Lyman. Parlell, Staebler, Smlth, Shutts. Wallace and Yost- 16. JVayx- Dancer, Feldkarap, Koster, Lane, 01saver and Rhodes- 8. Mr. Dansingburg from the oommittee on criminal claims, reported the bilis of i'. J. LoomU, A. W. l'orter and Jasper Imus, ! without reeonnuendiition. By Mr. I.anc : Rtsoh-td, that the chalrman oi the eoniiiiittc' on criminal claims be instructed by this board t rnjake oomplalnt agalnst such persons as. In hls opinión, have presented fraudulent claims agalnst the county. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Gregory, adjouiwdto 8:30 a. ru. to-morrow. WrdiUMU) , Ol. 7lli, 1H4. Board met. Roü alled. Quorum present. Mr. I)ansinrburg from the committec on criminal claims, reported favorably on the bill of B. F. Granger. Claimid. Allozacd. 931 B. F. Granger fM9 33 $33J 00 Mr. Lane from the linanoe coinmittee, made the following report, which was adopted: Your commlttee on the flnances of the county, would respeotfully report, that we fiud the county lndebtedness to the several funds as follows : Contingent tuna 2 863 00 Interest fund 221 U7 lnaurauce tnnd 1(56 40 Connty order mud M 7s Ineane asylutn fund 8081 Jurors and wit neus fnnd 2,ttW lii Counly i oor house lund B4 10 Borrowed by superintendent ot poor M.:fOO (xi Temporary loans 7.200 00 Bondsdue Peb. lat, 1881 K) 00 [nteieii on bond KB 00 Interest on temporary loan U 96 Your coinmittee also flnd the followï ni amounts approprlatcd by lliis board Clvii and criminal clnime ,97Ï II Salaries of couut y offleere -tJtiO 00 ÍBM81 ñ Your commlttoe would estímate the following amounts lor the enrrent year . Insane a;ylum $11,000 0J House of corrt'Ction JOO 00 Sti'iiorapber KK) Olt Jurors and witness fees 4.."mi tul ContinKeni (i,000 00 Couuty expenses of the poor 6,715 00 --1l,015 00 Total amount necessary to cover all debts, assessments aud estímales, $S'2,2t)7 68. We would recommend that the above, amounts be ralsed on the several tax rolU of this county, and should any deflclency occur, the county tieasurer be authorlzed to borjrow such guras as may be necessary to pay the urrent expenses of the county. T. D. I.ANE, LEE YOST. Mr. Burch moved to make the county tax $72,000. Mr. Dancer moved to make it $05,000. Garried as follows : A yes - Blakeslee, lloyce, Dancer, Dansingburg, Depew, Feldkamp, Foster, Graves, Gregory, Kress, Ulsaver, Purtell, Kuodes, Staebler and Smlth- 16. Nays - Burch,, Krapf, Lane, Lyman, Shutts and Yost- 7. On motion of Mr. Purtell, that part of the report authoming the treasurer to Borrón money was stricken out. Report as amende I, adopted. On motion of Mr. Galpln, the bilis ot Dr. George :ind Wm. Acton, were referred to the superintendente of the poor. By Mr. Purtell: Rtiol-jtd, That we hereby tender a vote oí llianks to Mr. Case, out chairmau, for the able and impartlal manner In whlch he has discharged hls dutleg as presidlog offioer of iliis Boara. Adopted. By Mr. SUebier : ResoheJ, that llie committee on puUicbuilrt Dg are hereby anthorlzed to bave all nerau. ¦y repalra on public bnlldlnea proneriv 7ÏT uti-,1, to allow the lills for laboi and materi.ï li" cooDty elwk to draw orders lor th2 iinounts on tlie eoimtv illlashall besDblecl to review bv il... Hcnia. t Supervisors ol Adopted. By Mr. Feldkamp : Reulvfd, tbal eact nipervlww ol ibta Bc a bereby autborlzed nn.t dlrected to ii; hc certlfloate t. be attached to hla taznu vithnll the towniblp and other taxea inrUt taob the same ( )iN tnx roll, Adopted. On motion of Mr. Gregory, the J'. tgreed to hear Mr. Lawrence al two o'cl I, ni., in explauatiou oí Mr. Loomis' bill Atljourned to l)0 p. m. vu. ii ii geaalen. Board met Roll cnlled. Qnoimu , 'Hl. The bill of the Ann Arbor Printing Publishing Co. was refern d by nnanin consent. The bill was r ported aml illowed. M2 A. A. Printins; aiid Pub. Co... ¦ The iiill of Ir. John Kapp for att iin'c on C. Frank, tras referred (¦ town ui Scio. Mr. Krapf, from the committeeon portionment, made ilie following report To the Honorable Board of thtpa tixtrt of V'aih'f huw Cotinty : Vonr comralttee on apportlonment of - and County taxea Hubmlt the following repor! K TOWS. " - .ö Aon Arbor City, lst and LM wardHf!,142 Kï fö.sao u " " 3d and 4'h " I,.i96 90 . " " 5lh Dd cith " , 970 91 1,6W 87 Town l.i.U ui 2.7S4 k Augusta I TOT 16! 1.8 Bridfrewater 1,277 51 3 Dcxter Kreedom 1.21.161 2,S Lima I 1..1I Lodi 1, Lrndon "48 18 1,285 0) .Manchester ; 1.Ï1K ü a.. Norlhfleld 1,168 2l l,Wi j, Plttsflcld 1,876 .ixl 3,180 67 Salem ' 1,409 18 2,491 W Saline 1,957 ui 331 Sclo I 2,m 80! asHl 17 Sharon l,i"T 51 ï.löti tj. Superior 1.8K M 2.84S 'M Sylvan i 156 00 Ï.639 Ou Webster I 1,437 901 2, i York 1.464 03 i.483 M Ypeilanti, lt Diitrlct ! 2,401 73l 4flT8 31 2d " i 1.002 81 W8 Ypilnt1 Town ; 1,654 37 2,805 SI Totals [¦¦,3iö 30 65jl(. All of whlch 1 respectfully snbmitted. Ann Arbor, Oct. 27, 1881). CONBAD KRAPK, KDWIN W. WALLACE, Coimnlttee on Apportlonmont of State n(! County tax. - Accepteil and adopted. By Mr. Purtell : Whekeas, lt has been ueretofore the custom of the Bupeririteudents of poor and thecounty treaiurer, leperatcly, to borrow nny Uenclecry that may have occurred in the several fund. Therefore, be lt Resol; ed, that hereafter sUoulü any deflcltnty oceur, ihat the chalrman of Uiis Board anil the county trensurer be empowered and authorlzed to borrow such suuis as may be nacessary to pay the current ex penses of tlie county. Adopted. Mr. Ithodes, from spuokü committee Iv conlcr with Judge Moni-, made tlie folio win ir report : Ma -Yowr tominittee to confet witli .Indee Morris, wltn regard to the necesslty of havin! fonr shi-rills to attend eourt at time, report that the Jndge says, he ha uever made any urder in the case, and tliinks u. sherlfTs are all that Is neces-ary at the same tiraeasagoneral rulo. KespeeUtolly aabmltttd, Q. H. RH0DE8, Rale 18 of tl; of order was pended by au unanimouB vote, and thi passing depnty sherllft' bilis for attendaaea on the circuit couri were reconsidered On motion of Mr. Creas, all sucli billa were re-referral. On motion o!' Mr. Kreta the Board proceeded to the election of :i county ! commissioner : Fredorick Schible receivcel 10 voleJ. J. Parshall ' " JohnK.Yocnm " 2 " Orrln l'halchcr " 1 " Mr. Schalble wa dedared duly i-lecied. Mr. Foster reportiil the per ilioni allowance, as folkiws : ! 'Jo the Hun. Board of Supttrisor : Your committee on Per Ulem Allowan r wou ld respectfully report the auendancc travel, per dlem allowance, mlleagend total compenstttlon of the respective supervisors lo: the present adjourned sesslon of this Board lo be hs follows : j ! F BDPKKVISORS. i Q . ï _ I a _Z_ S_ l_ J. W. Blake.lee 313 1' 001 r:10SS Benjamin Bovcc 3 37 ¦ . Horatio Bu-et 3 37 9 0 ï 44 , Morton F. Case 5 7 15 1 - Walti-r II. Uancer 3 221 ! OU 2 i William Danringburu 3 15 9 W 1 9 Willlam E. Depew I 3 IS ! 0Ü 2 lb IJ 1 John O. Feldkimp ! 8 10 00 1 SB ; I,.aac X. Ö. Foeter 8 4 9 Kreeman P. Galpin 8 00 - Alben H. ravu-i 3 12 91 ! Alohzo A. Gregory S 1 9 00 üODnd Krapf. 8 1 fl. ,ü JohnM.KrUe 3 S 0; ;¦ Thomas D. Lane S 13 9 OU 5b James H.Lyman W Alonso Öliwer 8JÏ ''"''JS Patrtck S. PnrwTl g David G. Koge I I ailOl44 7 8orge H. Rhodes ü 1 p , Micbael Staehler P 00 . John L. Smith 8h W % M 1 Shntts 3 ' ¦' "" ' AU of whlch la respectfully ibmltted. ISAAC N. s. 1OSTKH. .1OHX O. FELbKAMP, JAMES H. I.YMAN. (."ommiltee on Per Dlem Allowaucc. Aocepted and adoptei. On motion. the treaaarer was mstnietefl ti pa; tlie per diein ont of the conttagw ! tund. , Mr. Borcb moved that wlicii the BoaM i adjuurn it bc to the 5th of January, lMk Carried. By Mr. Koster : Rsolv,J. that the different supervisors _mp hereby oriered to aasess the several amounu i w ¦ reponed by the committee on apportlonmeo, of state and counly taxes ; also the amoon i ol releoted taxes; also the araount doe ooubi honse for the nupport of poor ; also ll)f amounts appnipriated in everal auperMlor distrlcta, as provldetl by law. Adopted. Adjourned. At the annual session of the Michigjn Bee Keepers' assooiation which is to oe held at Lantáog, December 3d, the lolïowing questions wil) be discussed : 1, J6 dences of superiority io differeut races oi hees; Ü, Best method of wintering bees, ! 3, Best method of obtaining surplm uonI ey ; 4, Practical value and cost of íoudustion ; 5, l'oisonous honey, ancient ana modern; ü, I'roverition.'.danger, and care of foul blood.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News