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A irían bas had a big railroad sinash-up. Tlie Albion brass band have braad new unifbriiis. A state sanitary eonvention wil! be held at Flint bood. Saginaw City i lo have a tclephone fire and pólice sysleni. The M. E. Church at Nashville was burned last Fridy. Keed City is to have a big brick hotel erccted next hmoh. A tralesburg tarraer in luttemng 1,800 .shivp fbr niarket this winter. The eogine house at the depot in Hastings, was burned last Saturday. H. P. Morrill of Bay City, has sold his trutter for $8,000 to a Boston maD. At the CoMwater Thanksgiving services $60 was raised for the poor of the city. Adrián has raised the $6,000 bonus to retain the car shops, and they will stay. A Coldwater dealer has shipped 150 tons of dressed poultry to New York this f all. Bay City sak manufacturera have beon shipping salt south in sacks, and tiixl it a suecess. A drug store at Quincy was burned last Friday night, and the Times office nearly destroyed. Gladwin county expectg to have 2(10, - 000,000 feet of luiuber nut in lier woods tuis winter. A eider mili at Greenville has made 800 barrels of eider this fait. Where's Dr. lleynolds 't Port Huron brags about having more milej of paved streets than any of her sisters ol the .-aiuo t,ize. The upper península people are red hot for Hubbell for U. S. Senator. Wcll, why don't they eleot him ? Elkland, Tuseola county, voters have agreed to botid their township in the suni of $2,600 for a town hall. Nearly every place in the state observed Thanksgiving by closing business places and having religieus services. Every county in Michigan gave a majority for some or all of the nanies on the republican ticket at the late election. The new jail at Marshall was thrown open to the public last Saturday, and was visited by many never before in jail. At the Jackson water works artesian wells are beiog sunk, and are now 203 feet dep and reuiarkably free froui impurities. The M. E. Church at Negaunee has started a paper called the Negaunee Church Visitor, a neat three-column folio. The editor of the Ishpeming Agitator has been sued for libel, with damages put at $10,000. Oh, how rich editorsalways are. Henry P. Boylan, on a charge of embezzlement, was held for trial at the next term of the Recorder's court, in Detroit last week. Jas. Hoe, a promient Portlander, ot tired of lije, and while temporarily insane, went to his barn and hung hituself one day last week. Last Thanksgiving, there were four suicides reported in the state. Whioh shows how i-ome people improvc such occasions. Poor taste. The North Branch (LapeerCo. ) Gazette wants a reading room establisbed there for the benefit of the young uien of the place. Level headed. The recent storms and freeze up has knocked endways the plans of the state fish commissioners respecting the gathering of white fish spawn. John Ilardy, a farmer, living near Dowagiac, had his barn, wheat erop, etc., etc., burned Saturday night. Loss, $2,500, no insurance. Incendiarism. The Kalamazoo Knights of Pythias have Stted up a new lodge room at an expense of $2,000 and had a jolly time dedicating the same a few nights since. il. V. Uamp s saw mul and salt Dlock at Kast Saginaw, werc burnod last week, to(tether with 1.800 barrels of' salt. Loss, $30,000, insured for $8,000. The Flnshine Patrol complaiiw nf fnnt. pads infesting that coniniunity, and advises those who have money to put the patue in long stoekings and slay at hume nights. The flouring milis at Irving, near Hastings, were burned last week, together with .r),000 bushels of wheat, and 225 barrels of flour. Loss, $60,000 insured for $19,000. In the Hillsdaje county board of supervisor' s proceedings, we noticed this paragraph : " The jail is a disgrace to our civilization, aud a rebuke to our humanity." Some of Tekonsha's smart people huve just learned what the people of some other cities learned years ago, that dealing in ptions is a losing game for country dabjlers. Saginaw sidewalks are to be made of three inch plank herearter, in order to avoid dainaging the cows - for whose especial benefit said sidewalks are made and uaiiitaincd. The Jackson circuit court has just given a verdict of' $17,000 against the Michigan Jeutral railroad company for the killing of Vigineer Uilbert in the accident at Jackson, Oct. lo, 1879. Let all the cities beware ! Mrs. Jane ?ox, in the Wayne circuit court, was awarded $3,000, lat week, by a jury, for njuries sustaiued by reason of a detective sidewalk in Detroit. The nood, ('hristian people of I lomer iel leve that charity begins at home, and so are sending boxes of clothing, etc., to the needy poor in the northern portion of our OW state. Good for the Homerites. Peter Guenther, well known in Detroit, andan cxjusticeof the peace, died sudlenly Sunday befure last, at about 5 o'clock . m., trom heait distNise, it is isupposed. Ie leaves a wif'e and six grown-up chilIren. A little child named Bowditch, of JefTeron, Hillsdale county, lost its Iife recenty by putting a kernel of corn in its mouth which it picked off tho floor, and in atempting to swallow it was strangled to death. A factory has been established at Bay ,'ity, in which the lian Is are all sworn to secrecy. And now comes along the base landerer, and Maart that it is a nitrolycerioe factory, and waru the worlii to )eware of the place. Kev. Geo. D. K Mortimer, rector of Sl Mark's church, Grand EUpids, who is about to leave that city, has been made the ecipient of' a check for $500 by his congreation, and au elegant duiver service by )e Molai coiniuandcry of K. T's, of which ie was chaplain. Dcaths trom the careless use of fireartus. ire eonstantly occurring. The latest victim eing Jesse Burch, of Butler township, iranch county, who was instantly killed by be accidental discharge of a gun ia the lands of a compani n, Geo. McNeil, with vlioin lie was hunting. A f'rightful boiler explosión oceurred at Charlotte last 8aturday. The boiler of a arge self-propelling engine, being used in ,he rear of Moore's t'ouudry, exploded, tilling two persons outright, and severely wounding four others. Buildings in the vioinity were badly shaken up and damged. I


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