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Cliancery Sale. STATK OF -The Circuit Coilrl for the Couutj of Waphleuaw. Id chncery. M u v K. Couiello, guardián ui Kobart Coet. Ilo ainl K. Cos'cllo, iiiiuors, coinplaiimLtö pf.Oweu Murkry", dcfendant. In pnrcuaoce aixl by vlrtue of a decree of sairi court, made and ntered in the abore entltled ontbethirteenth day or April, A 0. 1880: Notice Is hereby Riven Ihat 1 tliall Bell al public nüciion. to the hiyhest bidder, on Mondny, the twentleUi dav oï December, A. D. !SS0,at teu o'clock in the tbrenunn, ¦it the t-Ht front door of the coun houw Id Hm itv of Ann Arbor, couuty ui Washtenaw and 81 i rlian, the fo]kiwlii; desCrlbed real e bclng the same detcribed in sutd derree, to wit : M h.-ili ol the utirih eut quarter ol - nuniber scveu, and the Bonlh huil .il the pouth west quitar of the south west qaartrr of oectlon nnmbet six, in townahlp nnmber one, sonth rancre nni lour ent, cuutaining one hundred acris of luhd Ik the name more or lee. Ann Arbor. November W, 18f0. JAMtS McMAUON, Circuit Court ComirugiioDvr. SWÏElt Jt KhowI.TON, Bolldtors for Clomplainaiit!. 1Ü11-17 Estáte of Abigail F. Lat I nier. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Countj Ol ITlrtKlWBLiH At a etalon of the Probate Conrt for the Couuty of Wanhtenaw, bolden al the Probate oilWv, in ihe city ot Aun Arbor.on Wnliu-MLiy, BeveatMntta day ui November, in the yoar IhonMUd ttsht hundn-d andeiprhty. rretunt, Willtam D. Hanlman, Jiidye of Prolmto. In the matter of the estáte of Abipil B. Latlmer, defeancd. Charle E. Latlnur, adminhiinitor ol i-aid entate, comee into court and rapn-woti ihat hu ín now prepared to render hls final account as fuch admlulntrator. Thereapon It Ik ordered, ihnt Taetday, lfi furteenth day of Daeoibw nest, at n-n oVlock in lh foreuoou, lie apiued lor t'xiininiiit: ai d al snch account, and ihat the heln at law cf eufd AaeaaMd, and all other pernons IllUiimifl in said tute, are reqotred to apilar at ¦ Mulon al Buld court, then to ba holdin ut the Probata Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, In sald coujiiy, nd liou cause, if any there ba. why the Mld cconul nhould not bc allowid. And il is furtlu-r ordered, tlnit ¦aio admlnlütnitiir ;ive notlco to thi' pi'rnons Intanated in paid e-tuic, aftlM pendmev ol ¦cconntt and the hearing Ihcreof, liy ,au-iu ¦ a ropj ol Uks order to ba pulili-hcd ín the Anti Arbo ", a newapaper printed and drcnlatlng In uM connty, thraa ffDooeaalw waaka prftvioui lo said day or hearing. (A trna copy.) WI1.I.1AM 1). HAKÜIMAN. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Heelster,'' "' SSlO


Ann Arbor Courier
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