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Business Locáis. A large and elegant assortment of ailk handkercbiefs and mufliera for tbe holiday trado, at Wm. Wagner's. Our readers are requestedto see what D. F. Scliairer has to say in another column, respecting the holiday trade. He s making an immense effort to supply the wants of the peoplo in that respect, and they will bc wiSB to go and see what he has. We have the handsomest line of gents' neckwear in the city. Do not fail to Bee (hem before you buy. Wm. Wanner. Our merchant tailoring department is stocked with all tho novelties in our line. We niake fine dress suits a specialty. Wm. Waowkr. Adv Ice to I'urcliasprs of Holiilay (íooils. Wbén you buy fora frlend or rolatlvesomething whlch lt is your hope may be a constant remluder of yomself, or an endurlng remeinberauce, select tUat whtch In itself possesses a valué, umi so II t ly inuke u cholee lliat you will not aflcrwunl regret lliat you dld nqiaelécl ¦ome dthiT urtlrle (ban tlmt whlch, without h proier opportunlty for selecllon, you nimia have bought. Oems, Jewelry, bronzas, brlc-abrack, sllverwarc, and ornamental docks are always approprlate; bttt lt Is matter of no smitll lmportanee to buy of a reliable lumsr There are unscrupulous dealers everywhere, mul niauy iinitiitlons of good artlcleM, whicll, like a couulurteit bül, will pass through Ilic hands of all but experU. Thert'fore, when you buy anything, kuow of whofn you are buylngThere Is not a better known or more reputable house in the country tlian tliat of M. S. Sxi m A ('.. Jowelers and Dbunond Itnporters of Detroit. Thelr business has been built up on a foundation of honesty, and lt aflfords us plvasure to recommeud, In our columns, an eateblshment sucli as tliclr's, wliich does honor to the state and to the trnde. All goods are miirked in plivln Ügures, the bulter class warranted and the inferior represen ted as they are, not as they appear to the pyo. Deal with thein once and you will always do no. If you havo not thus far, try them this seasou aud you wiil not by any nieans regret tbe aciinalntance. '1 lielr sten-k Is of umiMial beamy and rarity, all designs are new, prlces decidedly reosonable.and the same courtesy will be showo to all allke, the rlch and the poor ono buylng as low as the ollui. A very good opportuuUy Is oll'ered by M. 8. Siiillh & Co. for iateudlng purchaners throughout the state to bny, on approval ; U responslble parties the house will send lor Helectloh any article deslred. lwk.


Ann Arbor Courier
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