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1 Olie Licricu-c Krom Many. "I liad Iteen .sick and miserable n Ioiil', and had eaused my luisliand to muoh tTOUlilo and expense, no om MlWIWll to know wliat ailcd me, that I wa ruiiipletoly dislieaitencd and diwouncvd. In ibis frame ofinind 1 gota bottle ui' Hup Bitten aad l ued them unknown tu 111 y l'atnily. I soon begai to iin prove Hiid Kinn M last that iny hushand and faiuily thottcht n sttangc 'id uniiatural, bul whou I tuld thciu what liad licl cl me, the.y said "Hurrah tbr Hup Bittere 1 loog may they prosper tbr they huvo made moi lier relt, and us happy."- The Mother- Home Journal. Vanuit Place In the dental rank will ncver ooow ' you ¦n particular wit li y uur tooth, and clcansc tliem everv day wil 1 1 that famous tuothwa.-h, SOZODONT. Fi-oni youth to old ato it will keep the enaniel Hpotloss and uiliuipaiiril. The toetll of' perttOOS who use bOZODONT have a pearl-like whiteness, and tbc gums " róscate hue, while the lneaih is purified, and rendcred swoet and pure. It is eoiuposed of rare antiseptii: herbs, and ia enlirely l'ree Iroui the obj .vtion ible nnd injurious ingrediënt of Tooth Pastos, itc. Fellows' Syrap will cure l'uhnonary Con.-umptioii in the tirst, and will givc great relief and prolonj; lite iu the second and third stages. In restoring porHOiis Huffering from the effects of' Diphtheria aud the cough following Typboid Fover, prcvalent iu this región, it acts with i-zpcditiuii and eotirc satif'action. If You Lire in a Malaria m-rtrut Wear llio l.iun .Malaria and LI ver Pad And Body and Foot Piasters. It is a certain preventntive againat Chills and Malaria Kever ol'uny kind, and it' therc is any trace of it iu tbo sy.siem it will thoroughly eradieatc it. The wholc troatnicnt for one dollar. For nalc by DruggiNis. I eelih' LadiCS. Those languid, tiresouie sensations, causi"K "u lv 'lcc nurucl abk Vo t n yor eet; that constant drain that is taken from your synteiu all its cla.-tioity .driviug all the bliiom from your cheeks ; that continual strain upon your vital forces, rendering you irritable and fretful, can easily be removed by the use of that marveloua remedy, Hop Bitters. Irregularities and obstructions of your system are relieved at once, while the special cause of' periodical pain is permancntly removed. Will you heeil tbis? - Cincinnti Saturday Night. A Wonderful Discorery. For the speody cure of Consumption and all diseaset that lead to it, such as stubbjrn ('omitís, negleeted Colds, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Asthma, pain in the side and ohest, dry hacking cough, tickling in the throat, HoHi-soness, Sore Throat, and all Chronic ur liniicring diseases of the throat nd liinj.", Iu. Kinü's New DmooVKBT has DO e(iial and ha MUbliabed tbr itclt' I worldwidc reputation. Many leading phy!-ieians riícDUinieod and nsv. it in llieir prac tie-, The formula from whiofa it is prepared is higlily reeouimended by all niedieal JDurnals. The clergy and tbc pKH liave eoiiipliiiienU'd t in the most glowing terms. iln to your druggist and get a trial liottle forten tients, or a regular nze for $1. For sale by Klierbaeh Sc Son, Ann Arbor, Mieb. 10U-J .I Hnckleu's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulsers, Salt Hheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, (Jhapied Hands, Chilblains, Coma and all kinds of Skin Kruptions. Tbis Salve is warrantcd to give perfect satisfaction in evory case or uioney refunded. Prioe 28 oanta per box. For sale by Bberbich Sou, Ann Arbor. KW3-10M A ( 'oiiiíIi, ('uld or Sore Thruat tthould be stoppod. Neglect j'rcquntly results in au Incurable .,' Disease or ConmmptioH. Brown's Buonciiiai. Troches un' aertain ta ice nlief in Asthma, Brundiitis. 'oulix, Calarrh, Consumptiveand VhrootDhemeè, Fortbirty years die Troches Imvc been reeouimended by physicians and always givc jicrfect satisfactiou. They are nut new or untried but baving been tcsted hy wide and constant use for iicarly an entire gcueratton, they have attaiued well merited rank auiong the few .siaplc remedies of the age. lbli Speahen and Singan use theui to clear and strenthen tbo Voioc Sold at twenty-five eents i Imis overywhere. 1007-58 Mothers! Motliers ! ! Mothersü! Are you disturbed at night and broker of your rest by a sick cliild suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLÜW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately - depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There it not a mother on earíh who has ever used it, who will not teil you at once that it wil regúlate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the cliild, operating like magie. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, aud pleasant to the taste, and is the prescriptioo of one of the oldest and best femtle physicians and nurdes in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. 1007-58


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News