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The Uochanan Record lias the following : " The editor of tbe Dowagiac Times is recovering very f'ast j'rotu the eflect of' bis railroad collision experience. although he was prctty badly hurt about the back and head. About two thirdsof the scalp was taken off and turned over on his shoulder. He has placed his case in the hand of Hon. J. J. Van Kiper for settleiucnt with the railroad oouipany. " Tlic AJriau Pres wades into " newspapcr thieves" with boxing gloves of' the biggest caliber, and asserts that the cause of the uobluthing thievcry, "is editorial lazinoss, and a gross violation of journalistic courtesy. If an editor can't writc up an item of state news in as delectable shape as he sees sotue other journalist has done, let him use the pencil cnough at least to write credit for the article he chooses to cut out." The Lansing Journal talks business to delinquent subscribera, in Üus fashion : "Totbelarge, intelligent, and enthusiastic corps of able bodied debtors to the Journal I desire to sy most impressively and pei'.suaivcly that I sorely need overy dollar due me upoo subscription or account. My lilis must be paid and- so tnustyours. I have streouously favored ' a frec ballot and a fair count' all throughthe long campaigu, and now I am curftus and anxious to see ' the returns ' froui the ' back precincts.' I don't mean to be ' counted out,' and don't wantto be compelled to ' go behind the returns.' So picase don't forget 'dotleedlebill.' " The Evening News doesn't uiince matters iuuch when it strikes into a nest of evil. It has has been of late showing up the tux-title sharper, and the way the cudgel has had effect can be judged somewhat by the following: "The News has stirred up the tax-title sharks, and those interesting creatures are posing about the establishment as though it were the home of some poor man they were about U seise. Weshall try to make it entertaining for theui. So loog as their malevolentand abusive letters areaddressed to the News instead of to poor widows and laboring men, we shall consider the diversion a public advantage. Luckily the land shark, like his namesake of the sea, has to turo on his back before seizing his prey, and so exposes his vulnerable point to the blow of his intended victim. Thesupreme court has put a very effective weapon in the hands of property owners, which they should not hesitate to use whenever the shark shows his ugly jaws." The Alpena Pioneer cites a couple of instances wherein the laws respecting homesteads have worked great injustice: " We learn that at the sale of forfeited homesteads at Lansing last week, two homesteads were sold in Alcona county near Hubbard hake thatworks great hardship on the settlers. These were the homes-teads of Mr. Shaw and a widow Odel!. Both these homesteads had good buildings on theui and the settlers were living on the lands in good faitli. Mrs. Odell had been on her place about seven years, and had 20 acres cleared ; Mr. Shaw has been on his about th ree years and has about 10 acres cleared. For some reason they had neglected to comply with all the requirements of the law, and now are driven out of house and home. We learn that R. A. Alger bought the property at $6 per acre. We have not all the imrüeulars at present and hope that soiuo means can be taken to restore to these hard wurking people their honest property. We hope no man can be found who would knowingly and wilfully take advantage of their lack of knowledge uf law to deprive them of their homes and upjustly enrich himsejfat the expense of widows and poor laboring farmers." The invention, recentlyreported.of cauing rain-fall by artificial means, is very man : "Ad aiubitious, butillstarredcilizenhas invcnted a process of causing rain by firing combustibles in the air. All sane men shouid donounce the scbeme, and in so doing hold Dot their peace. When the weather gets so that it is under human control, no one wil] be safe. What farmer will dare to mow his hay wben he knows that his neighbor across the way, who has just stacked his last load, can make the clear sky black with asuuinier shower, on two hour's nolice? What will become of the weather prophets? Vennor willcertainly go crazy. lt won't work. The natural consequence of the soheuie will be that only one man at a time will be suited with the weatlior. Think of the satisfaction the freckled girl will have in letting the flood gates of beaven open on her luckless lover who han passed her by to take her rival to the Sundayschool picnic, and spoiling the entire party. Gentlemen, it is fraught with danger. We don't go to prayer meeting enough to take charge of the weather and do it up right." Speakingof the retirementof Mr. M. D. Hamilton, of the Monroe Commercial, from the field of journalism, Mr. B. B. Bissell, of the Albion Ilepublican, gives the following bit of journalistic history : " M. D. Hamilton, the veteran editor of the Monroe Commercial, has rctired, after liaving had charge of tbat paper for twenty years. He isa brother of Mrs. J. A. Howell, of South Albion. Twenty-eight years ago, the editor of this paper, then an apprentice boy, Mr. Hamilton, and Hon. E. W. Barber, late third assiatant po.stmastergeneral, all worked together in a Swedenborgian printing office in Detroit, run by llev. Jabez Fox, and all boarded with a widow lady, in a wooden house on Shelby street, just off of Jcfferson avenue. The lady had recently removed from Battle Creek, and the writer remeuibers her describing that ' village,' one evening, as a proruising place, and one that she thought would be .1 good localion fora newspaper, as there was none there. She afterwards bccame (he wife of Mr. llaniilton, and we beliovc is still living. John N. Ingersoll, now editor of the Corunna American, and, if we are not mistaken, theoldest editor in the state, was then running the Hesperian, a literary magazine in the interest of Uddfellowihip, which was printed in the office. Ed. Barber was then, if not perfectly happy, :U least more serene tlian he has been lattorly, and his exuberatice of youthtul seiitinioiit Kuslicd lortb in poctry. His fir.--t effdaion was published in the Hesperian. Tho first line (and that is all we can remember of' it, ) it may perhaps be worth while to recall by way of eondolence for the sentence of death pused unon him at the late election for his politica! desertion. It read - 1 Be not, my soul, with sorrow onst ! ' " The Rurlington Hawkeye gives this adviee: A "young naturalist" writes us to learn "how he can oatoh u live w;isp, for seientifio purposes, witliout injuritig it?" llight by the tail, son ; right by the tip end of the tail. Squeeze hard, the wasp won't mind it a partiële, and f it scems to be injured any that voucan see, send us the blll, and we'll pay it, lor a new wasp.


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