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Magazine Notices. The pubU8hers of Scribner's Mouthly have placed us under obligatlon for tlie secoud bound volume of that excellent magazine for thls year, and also two bound volumes of St. Ntcholas, which lnclude the uumbers for the year. The generoslty of the house of Serlbner 4 Co., Is only ezoeeded by the excellence of lts publlcallons, and either cannot be excelled in thls country. Scribner's Monthly and St. Nicholos are two publicatlous which stand way at the head, not only In America, but even in England, where the demand is geltlng to bc slmply euormous. Here in our city the two are acknowledged as staudard publlcallons, cach in lts lino, and every house into which either Is lntroduced is the happier for lts presence. Thelr pure, but at the same time entertalnlng pages, have done a wonderful work In forming the tastesof the yonnt?, especlally, for the right kind of literatnre. Thls Isor greatet lmportauce than many aro wllling toadinit, and the future of many a young lad or glrl is lnfluenced by the kind of literatura thcy are permltted to reaii when forming their llfe habita. A celebrated wrlter gpeaklng of Scribner's, says : 1 .it i-r feellng lts way a little in lts earller numbers, the magazine struck out holdly to Ibrm lts own coterle of young wrlters. The hospltalble portáis of Scribner's Montlily were iuii-iiiI fri-iv to obscure irenius, and many of our best kuown writêrs orara go uk rf.o flrst in its pages. Nothlug glves to a peMOdU cal such fresluiess as the appearanre of new writers In the flrst blooni of thelr genius. Todny New York is recognt.ed even In Boston a the n'fil llterary metropolis of the continrnl. Ten years ugo it was not; much of the crodlt Tor the change Is due to Scribner's magazine, whlch wltl long hold its place as the put ml mier In letters and art. It has brounht Ameririui flctlon Into relatlon wlth our national Ufe In its broad sense, and now leads the way, In Soliuyler's Hlstory of Peter the Ureat, to mw ïh-ldsof magazine enterprlse. The time Uripe forlt: hlstorical writing B8S leanu'tl from flotion tlie art nf being interesUnii, and prose ltssteady Krowüi In rt-alistic verisímilItmii', has hegolten a love for fact. Bortbnefl tuut toucbed practical llfe In a thousand ways by its illustraled articles; lt has made local hlstory vivid by brilliaut single papers, and now it flrst piihllshcs serlally, with magnlflcent lilustmtious, a great hlstorical work." The volume commences with November, snhsrriptlun prlce 1 per yenr. Addrt-ss Scribnn .v (Jo., Broadway, N. Y. A Rev. Doctor, of Dlvinlty writes rcgardlug st. Nlshéfaa magazine, "l kuow cultivateu yoang ladies who iiavr read Hl. froni cliildnood, and who have not ontgrown lt, but watch tor lts monthly vlsitH wlth eagerness; and I k now a bright child of two ycars whose chicf joy in life is a hoiuni volume of tiiis magulue. She either knows the name and story connsetad wltli each picture, or she niakes one, out of lier own tertih' Linaylnation. 'Bugftboo liill,' 'lied Kldlugluxxl and tho Wolf,'- especlaily the wolf,- and thepoor Uttle glrl crying, whose tearM she wipes, are lier tavorltes; and nlght alti-r nlglit she is lullni toHleep l)y 'Hippity-hoppity-ho !' and 'l'iHiklu Willikln,' two of St, Nlcholas' songs. It srt'iiitN Comatnal Uw most maslerlul thlugabout the magazine is Ln perfect compreliensTveneNs - its KUilabilily to tlie Instes of the big child and tlio little, tlie active boy and tho glrl of tender syinpathies- lis rare comblnatlon of delighU soineuess wlth substantlal lustruction and culture. What perfect seríais re these: 'Jack and Jill,' anl ' The Falrport Nlne,' by Ioulsa M. Alcott and Noali two ot the InM wrlters for young lolka In the woiid ! Howdelightful are the short storles, the fairy f lee. the wonder stories, the liinny adventures, the anecdotes of fldelity and courage, the bits of romantic blography, the storles of dogs aml other animáis ! what endless Interest there is in Jack-lntlie-1'uliiit, the letter-box, tin: rul dies, and, more than all. In the plctures, where a chlld's Imaglnatlon is pleased In a thousand ways, and liis lancy tickled by art in lts playlul moods ! Dld you ever coDslderJwlmt an eduoator Imple Impplncss Is for a child- how lli isiiii! of tbte renned sort permeates the whole moral nature, and acts like suushlueon a fiower-bed, making good things grow and bloom ! Then, too, the lmagluation, so mucii ncglectd in school educatlon, is iulckened and traiued to do the highest service in alter llfe; and the taste- the love of Ijcantilul and noble things - Is charmlngly developed by the poetry, the tales, and the plctures. liut there is no faculty untouched by St. Nlcholas; lt Is llke Froebel's kindergarten- lt reaches and moves the whole lntvllectual nature."


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