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( liaiiciry Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN- The Clrcnlt Court for theCounty of Waihtenaw. In chaucery. M:iry K. Coatello, guardián of Kobart C'twt' Ho and Mar} K. Coitello, minore, comulainuuU vt. Uwra Murkey, defendant. In pnrauance and by vlrtae of n decrec of eald court, made umi ntcred iu the abnve entitled canne. on the mlrteenth day of April, A. O. lHS't : Notice la hcreby elven tbat I xhatl veil at public action, to tbc hlu'beat uidder, ou Mondiiy, the twenttetb day of December, A. O. 1880, at ten o'clock In the IbraDOOD, at the t-ant front door of the court house in ibe city of Ann Arbor, county of Wahteimw and State of Michigan, the followine deeertbed real estáte, beinit tbc aame divcritwd in 8ail decroe, to wit : '1 he west half of the north eaat quartcr ol aectiou number even, and the south 1 ¦ 11 if the sonth wcat quarter of the touth weet quurter of acetion numher Hix, In townnhlp number one, south mug nimbar tour eitt, contaiuint; one bundrud uerte of land N the aame more or leas. Ann Arbor. November 31, 1(U. JAMl S McMAUON, Circuit Oourt Commissioiu-r. SUWTEB & KüOWLTON, 8olirltora for l'oiiulaiutuit". 1011 17 Kstntc or AblgailE. I.atiin.r. QTATK OK MICHIGAN, Couuty ol Waubtennw, u. At a aeaalon of the Probate Conrt for the County ol Wanhtenaw, holden at the Prolinte office, in the city ol ' Aun Arbor.on WwlnoKlaj.thn auvuuteenih dny oí November, in the ycar OM ibouniirt riiíht hundn d and clKhty. Pretcnt, Willlani D. ilarriimui, Jude of Prooate. In the matter of the intnte ol Ablpiil tt. Lntlraer, deceaed. Charles K. Latimer, ndumiintpitor of Kald estáte, comes into court and rrpr wntt tlint hu i.nuw ircparud to rcudtT bil l'uiul M0OQBI at auch admtnlsirator. Tliereupon lt la ordered, Uat Tneaday, ttie fourteenth day of December next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, he aulned lor examlDiDft ai.d allowïnu auch account, and that the helrn nt luw of aald deceaaed, mul all other pcrnonH interett-d in naitt eftatei are roiiuirnt to i(p6tf at ¦ I4MÍOD i aaid court, then to be huldrn it the l'robatf (Mlirr, In the city of Ann Arbor, In satd couuiy, and bon cauce, 11 any there be. why the h lid mii!)il Hliould not be allowed. And it I fnrlher ordered, that eald adininistrator uWe notice to perMBt interented in nald wtmla, ofthe amnitaa "t MU accouut, and the hearing ttawsoffDV otaiuigaGopj of ttaiê order to ba pnllihid m tlie Ann Ari' ier% a newapaper printed and ttn nlatini: in enid connty, three nucrepplve VMkl pmrkMH lo .-akl day of heHrlut;. (A true copy.) Wll.l.l.vM 1). UAKKIMAN. Judce of l'rolmte. VU. O. DOTY, Trobate UelBter. lUi:t-ltt


Ann Arbor Courier
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