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OUR OFFER FOR 1881. Dr. Chase's Improved Recipe Book, Containing Over 2,000 Recipes and The Ai Arbor Courier BOTH FOR $2.00, THE PRICE OF THE BOOK ALONE. Any penoo dealroni of Meartng thls most xX't'llrnl book :in a gift, Can do 8O by Subscribtng for fin An'n' Akhok ('otkikr foroneyear mul payiim f-'in in advanoo, OU suhscrlbers, bypaylim uil rrenraue, and one year in adviiiu'c. m Moare i in' auna premium . If yon alrenily bave :i Book. yi.u may. perliaps, have a nmtlicr, brotuer, sister, ora frlend IiohouKI be üla.l l reoelvu lt as n bollilay Thls Offer uu Hoifl Goofl üiitil January l, 1881. - The Book will dellvered at thisoffloe. If sent by mail 15o addltlonal wlll bc requlred to iay potae. THE IMPROVED RECIPE BOOK It emliracos Bil tlie valuable Recipes of the OU Book, wlth the Iraprovements and dlscoveries In the arts, Belencos and im-dlclne of the last eight year cutdod. The new edltlon glves In plaln languagc full ilirections for the successful treatment of all the leadlng dlseases to wlüoh man, woman or rhlld are hetr, aa well as those of horsos or cattle, and are the resulta of long experienoi of koiuu of the most HCleutiilc hyülclaus of modern lim.-s. The publlsher Iias adopttd the Reformeü Practlce of Medicine, and maiiy ol the Recipes in thls departnientaro more preciuus than rubies. They are prlcelesa, No inother nhould be without ttiis book, as its "Advlce to Mothars'' and "Huios for theTrontiiRiit, and Management of Chlldreu" alone is wortli teu times the prico of the book, and should make lta Welcome Kriend In Evory Household ib thls broad land. " It is a gulde In Hoalth as wcll as in Slcknees." The publlsher haa also added HTanÜ new anti attr.ictive departments, viï: "Hules for the l'rescrvutlon of Health;" Accldents and Emergeucles ;" "Advlce to Mothers;" " Rules for tlie Dress. ('are and Bringlng up of Chlldrcn;" "Cold Water Cure;" "Hints on Housekeeplng;'' "Amusement and Indoor Oames for tho Youug," " Bee-Keeplug;" and One Thousand Boosehold Recipes. The New Book is complete In all lta departments; bat especlally so in lts " Medical,'. "Mother's.' " Farrier'a," and "Colorlug," and contaln over two thonsand Practical Recipes, íor everythlng añil everybody, upon almost every subject and branch of mecuanical lndustry, and Is adapted toall classes and eondltlons. Thls book alone cannot be bought for leas than S-.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News