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Go and h?ar Johu Clark Ilidpath tonight. ___ U e are to liavu a telephona exchange, so they 8ay. Uourt adjourued last Saturday, having closed up the calendar. An infant cliild of Aldernian Rss of' the 3d ward, died last Tuesday afternoon. The Cornwell Bros., of Ypsilanti, have just oompleted a ncw aud neat pulp niill at Geddes. Our thanks are duo the Hon. Cari Schurz, for a copy of his anuual report as searetary of the interior. The fruit and floral display at the court Tiouse during the state pomological meeting was a 6ne one. The temperanoe revival in thia city will ¦open up, at Hill's opera house, on Thursday evening, the lGlh inst. Capt. E. P. Allen is to address the peopie of Saline on the subject of temperance 'next Sunday eveninjr, üec. 12th. ? The icc erop, which is being harvested, is clear aud niee, and being about 10 inches thick moke8 it nice for handÜDg and packing. _ The mayor being absent last Mouday Digiit at the opening of the council meeting, Aid. Bosimer, of the 21 ward, was culled to the chair. m Dr. W. W. Niehols n not to remove his Jentist office to rooms over A. L. Noble's ¦to until April Ut Our item last weck was incorrect. Tte uMresa bcforc the roform club next Sunday afternoon will be dclivered by Col. Sylvest(:r Unad, of Detroit, in the Uuitarian uhumli. The various public schools of our city will close next week Friday fora two weekn vacation, aml will oinimenee again Tues day, J„. 4;h. The Huron-Oth ward-eine company have finally been allowed their claim „f 24.M for aaming op to the Cook's hotel ure lant sutniuer. The -'Kaquet" u the name of a ncw dance which is all the rage. The boys werealways fond of a " racket "-f that sthe Knglish ofit. Uenry Duele, aged 14 years, ohargcd with obtaining goods under false pretenses, was senteneed to the reform achoo! until 18, liy Judfio Morris. ? - A sealluM on which i'our men were at work, at the railroad bridge just west of the city, feil last Friday, quite seriou.sly njuring all tour of the woikmon. The trial of Patrick Cari, on the charge of asaault and battery alone, resulted in his conviction, and he has been sentenced to two months in the county jail. Many of tho show windows look bcautiful and tempting to the iocketbook. There is plenty lo select froui if the purso u sufIciently long to reach them. The township ofVun Arbor has recently buüt a new bridge acrosa the uiill raoe at Geddes. It cost one hundred dollars. llenry Stoup was the builder. The nunibcr of arrosts the past tuonth by the pólice of the city were 11, classilied as follows : Drunk and disorderly, 8 ; disordoily, 1 ; larceny, 1 ; crazy, 1. City treasurer Webster reported a balance in the treasury, for the montli ending Nov. 30th, of $2,164.78 ; and atnount paid out during the month, $419.43. Mita Chloe Clark, for many years a respected resident of our city, and well known to many of our citizens, died last Friday in St, Luke's hospital, Detroit. W. W. Blis8 haa ascertained just how cold the water is under the skating orust, and sinoerely believen that skating is far proierable on the top nde of the ice. At tho cuuncil meeting Monday evcuing, the saloon boud of Geo. Clarken, with II. Kitredgo and Kiuanuel Luiek as surety, was presented and roferred to city attorney. A special election is to be held at Yp.-ilanti on Monday, Dec. 2Üth, to fill the vacancy in the office ofjustice of the peoe, oaii-nl by th rcbignation of Prescott M. Skiuncr. The next meeting of the Ann Arbor scientific association will be held Saturday evening, Dec. 12. A paper will be read upon "The advancc of the phy.sical sciences during the year." Tho third quaiterly meeting of the Norihwesterubranchofthewoinan'sfbreign missionary society will be held in Park Avenue M. E. church, Chicago, Dec. 10, at 10 o'clock, a. in. The vacant lots in the rear of the opera house have been rented to the city for a wood and hay market, aud a warrant ordered drawn in favor of H. K. Hill far $75 to pay rent for the same. The board of health, through Dr. W. F. Breakey, asked leave of the council at the last meeting, to purchase a desk for the preservation of its papers aud records, and the rcqoest was granted. The papers throughout the state where Elroy M. Avery has lectured upon "The Electric Light," speak very highly of the effort. Mr. Avery was at one time " ye local " of tho Couriek. ¦ ¦ Give your boys tools to work with, and teach your girls how to be good cooks, and they will be much happier in the years to come than as though you let them grow up to weeds and crochet work. The weather for the past few days has made the tears run down the cheeks of even tho hardened, wooden-headed crimináis who hold out bunches of cigars to passers-by in front of stores. The Gregory house is to be thoroughly overbaulud, and put in tip-top shape. If Mesar?. Booth, as host, and DeFofest, as clerk, cau't succeed in kcepiog hotel, then just show us the men who can. The bilis of the various tire companics for tttending the lire at the residence of Hcv. Wjllys Hall, as allowed by the council, figure up $46 00, and for services in testing the new steamer $12 00. It is exiicgted that the new Episcoiial chapel will be ready for use by February lst. The parsonage will not be erected until spring, and will be built of stone instead of brick, as formerly intended. Some of the church societie this year are to have the Sabbath school children exemplify the biblical saying, "it is more blessed to give than to receive," by having each child make a present as well as to receive one. The little Daily News aopears regularly, looking bright, with plenty of news, in acceptable shape, and deserves the support of our citizens. As hundreds of other places, not as large as Ann Arbor, support a daily, why shouldn't she ? An exchangeannounces witli big I I ! that tho mortage on the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Grand Trunk 11. R., is ooly $2,200,000. That's nothing. Vanderbilt could buy that up and then have enougli left to purcha.e 40 or 50 more just like it. The M. E. Sabbath school realized something over $40 as their share froni the proceeds of the recent concert giveu by the Tennesseeans. A snug littlo sutu, and the audience who gave the amount feit amply repaid for the time and money expended. The city marshal has expended the fullowing amouots the past month for the poor of the city: Iü the lst ward, $33.76; 2d ward, $11.34; 3d ward, $8.13; 4th ward, $33.00; 5th ward, $15.03; 6th ward, $10.59; city, $6.00; making a total of' $117.85. _____ The Germán lodge, A. O. U. W., of this city, are to celébrate their third anniversary next Wednesday evening, Deo. 15th, at their rooms, on Mainstreet, by appropriate services. The lodge is very prosperous, and has a membership of over sixty at present. Company A had on their new uniforms at their general inspection and drill last Monday evening, and made a fine appearance. The captain's badge was won by private Martin for the gratest proficiency in the silent manual. Sergeant Dietz, however, was a close seoond. Cüptomania. Why isn't that a better word than "unblushing thievcry" which the Adrián Press uses to describe the peculiar charactcristics of soine of the fatigued cditors of 4 to 6 p. patent sheets? It is far more culchawed and expresstve and not so ttinging and brusque. What do you say ? Tho people in the 4th ward, living near Luick's factory, are again waking up the council respecting a pump in the city's wcll in that looality. We havoo't hoard thut property ownors in thu vicinity of Maynard and Liberty st8., havo made any move for h liuuip in the wcll in that lucality, but thoy ought to. Thu union school temperance association will celébrate its second annivi-r.sary by an entertainment to be given in the opera Iiouhc, on Friday evening, Deo. 10. The programmo will consist of readings and recitations, vocal and instrumental music, tableaux, etc. All are invited. Ad mission 10 cents. ------- Last Monduy iho Anu Arbor agrieultural eompany held an eleotion of officers with tho following result : President- J. Austln Soott. v loe-Prealdentand Managlng Director- John '¦'¦"¦-""¦r-J. W. KniKht. teeretary- Earle Knlght. . "ltois-J. Austlu Soott, Henry W. lloara, L KiilKlit, Juhn Kluuegau, M. T. Howanl, K. w. Mouro, and Moaei Mnw, A young lady was heard to aak her "dear (iawge" fa safe loele oould be openod if' tho combination should happen to be lost or forgotten? "Gawge" thoughtnot, and a.sked why ? " I was only thinkine," mid she, " how nicu it would be to bo safoly lookcd in your arms, and the combination for'notten." He tino bier -ed. W. E. Walker, lV Winegar, H. E. II. Uüwer and 14 other residents of the third ward have petitiuned tho coiumon oounoil to have the ooal sheds of the T., A. A. & 0. ï. R. K. , on Miller avenue, removed 30 feet from the street, asserting that as at present located they aro "an intolerable üuisaoce, and dangerous to pedestrians. '.' An exchange suggests that Euphrosyne, the sweetest of the three ürecian Graces, "is ever queen of the winter, and she reigns right merrily." Well, when coal is worth $7.00 a ton, with a fair prospeot of a rise, and wood proportiooately high, the old form of Hades stares Eome of the people in the face, and all the pretty goddessea shiver at the prospects. Boys, boye, wake up? Trot out your petitions, and fee ifyou can not capture at least one of the messengerships in the coming lcgUlaturc for Ann Arbor. There are 17 suota boys needed, and it has been a long time since Ann Arbor has been recognized in this oonnection. Tlioro havo been only about 10,000 applications for the positions yet reponed. The defiance hook and ladder company are to give their fourtb annual hop on New Yoars' eve., at the arniory hall. Don't forget that New Years' eve. comes on the evening of Deo. 31st, 1880. Prof. Lang's orehestra is to íurnish mueic, and a general invitation is extended to all who desire to trip the toe. These anniversaries of the boys are always enjoyable. The county jail statistica fot the mooth of November were: Drunk, 92; druok and disorderly, 1 1 ; larceny, 3 ; petit larceny, 12; vagrancy, 4; selliug liquor to minors, 2 ; assault and battery, 5 ; grand larceny, 3 ; petit larceny, 4 burglary, 2 ; entering rail road car, 2; insano, 2; and one each for llireats, bigamy, highway robbery, witness, enibezzlement and false pretensos. In pursuance of the cali published last week, a number of ladies have afsociated for a winter's study of the laws of Michigan pertaining to women. The first nieeting will be held at Mr?. Israel Hall's, on Waslitenaw avenue, Saturday, Dec. 11 tb, froin 3-30 to 5 o'clock. The subject for this meeting will be the laws relating to education. All ladies interested are cordially iuvited. The secret work of odd fellowship was very materlally changed at the late Bestión of the sovereign grind lodge, and special sowious of the grand lodge of Michigan are to be held in the different parts of the state during the present month, for the purpose of imparting the work to subordínate lodges. The ncw work will be in force froiu and after January 1, 1881, and no other will be recognized afier that date. Many of the audiencein attendanceupon the play at the opera house last Wednesday evening were uncomfortable from the cold, even with overcoats and furs on. Had tbis been the ürst occasion of the kind people would feel more disposed to overlook it, but such h&s been the case at several cutertainments this soason. We have heard the question quite frequontly asked if' there are any heating facilitios for this building 't ¦ See here, Mr. Kvenini; News, what do jou tuean by uüering such alanderous, insinuating words as these, frota your issue of Tuelay evening: , " Last evening, aiumt the time the theaters were out, a gang of Home 4U or 50 men came iiiarciiiiii; np Woodward avenne iu a column of fours. At the corner of Congieus street, bjr an evolutlon of fours rlght and fours front, they formed Ín llneacroxslhuavenueand proceeded on their wny, making nlglit hldeoug by nowllngout the''Full Moon chorus." The demonstratlon had all the earmark8 of a glgantlc drunlc. An Ann Arbor man who wftnessed the aft'ulr, Raid he " feit more at home " In Detroit tlian ever before." At a meeting of the Washtcnaw county pomológica! society, held at thecourt house last Saturday afternoon, the regular election of officers occurred with the following result : President- S. W. Dorr, Manchester. First vlce-presldent-- J. D. Baldwlu, Aun Arbor. Second vlce-presldent- A. Conklln, Manchester. Thlrd vice-presldent- Oeorge Sutton, Northfleld. Executlve commlttee- Emll Baur, J. J. Parshall, P. L. Page, and Chas. Woodruff, Aun Arbor. Botanist-Prof. V. H. Bpaldlng, Ann Arlor. Ürnlthologlst- Prof. J. B. Steere, Ann Arbor. Entomologlnt- D. J. Hlgley, Ann Arbor. Cllmatologlst- Prof. Alexander Wlnchell, Ann Arbor. At the last meeting of the common council tbe fioance couimittee reponed the allowanccof the following billa from different funda: 1 at ward fund, $H)0.72; 2d ward, Í43.04; 3d ward, 151.7.0; 4th ward, $7.61; Gth ward, $90.90; genera! street l'und, $151.29; contingent fund, $411.74; and the general fund couumittee, reported the allowance of bilis to the amount of $1.700; making a grand total of $2,557.05 expended during the month of November. The rcason fur the extra amount is accounted for by election expenses, supervisor's salaries, ete. The Battle Creek people say they are fond of good performances, and enjoy the theater, but kick in a lively manner over giving $1 for a ticket to the ame. In which they are sensible, and all troupes asking $1 admission ought to be "frozo out." There isn't a theatrical compuny or a ooncert company, or any other company in existence that can give a person the value of a dollar for one performance, and mighty few for which even fifty cents would not be a far greater sum than they are worth. Of course people will go, if an actor or actress has been wel! advertisod, but that docsn't alter the facts in the case any. People pay too much money and receive too little in return in the line of trav cling amusements. Thero ought to be a reaction in this respect. Here is a reoeipe for making tattlcrs: Tnke a handful of weed called Runabout, the same qu antity of root called Nimbletongue, a prig of the herb Baok-bite, (eithcr before or after dogdays) a spooofu! of Don't you-tell-it, six draclim of Malioo, a few drociH of Envy, which can be proouredattheshopsof'MiMMTubithaTeaTabloand Miss Nancy Night-walkcr. Stir them well together, and simmer them halfan hour over the flre of Uiscontent, kiudled with a little Jealousy ; thon train itthroughthe rag of Misconceplion, cork it up in the bottle of Malcvolence, and hang it upon a skein of street Yarn ; shake it oeeisionally for a few days and it will bc fit for use. Let a few drops bo taken before walking out, and the subject will be able to fipoak all manncr of evil, and that continually. - Exchange. Mrs. Louisa F. (Jrossman, wile of Michael Gropanian, died at her home n th 3d ward of tliia city, at ten o'clock p. m., on the cvening of Tuesday, December 7th. The deceascd was born in Wurteinburg, Gcrniany, Feb. 15th, 1826, and was conscquently 54 ycars of age. She waa married shortly after ootning to this country, and had resided in this city over 28 yoars. She leaves a family of four children, the youngest, George Grossman, having been an employé in the composing room of the Courier office for over three years. One bod, Williatn, resides at Saginaw, anothor, Christian, is in New Meiico, while Mkliael Jr„ lives in the city. In this, the greateat afHiction which can be given a family, they have tbe sympathy of inany fiiends. Funeral services were held yesterday afiernoon trom the liethlehem Lutheran churuh. A vory large audience assenibled in uuivcrsity hall last Friday night to listen to the Litta concert company. The culture, the fashion, tbc elite, and the mediocrity were well represcoted, and the criticisms upon the entertainment were as mixed as were the tastea of the audience. Upon one point, however, all agreed, that the rendition of ''The Last Rose of Suinmer," by Mille. Litta, was in itself a rich remuneration for the time and money espended in attendiug, and diseloaed a voice of remarkable beauty, clearness and sweetnefs. The writer is frank to confesa that it was superior to anything of the kind he bad ever before listened to. The operatic airs, üt which the vocal portion of the entertainment wasexclusively coiuposod, were highly appreciati'd by musici a na and othera whose taates lie in that direction. Min Hattie McLain has a reiuarkably rich contialto voice, while Cleveland and Grove possess good voioes and rendered their parts well. Mr. Hoffman exeeuted the piano pyroteclinics in a manner commendable. Mr. John Skelton had a cornet which dazzled the eyes of the audience with its pol ished surface, and the manner in which he made the notes chase each other out of the same euchanted the ears of the hearers. He h certaitily ao excellent rtist, and bcing repeatedly enoorcd, the audience evidently appreciated bis cfforts. Taking the concert as a whole, the auditors were evideDtly quite well pleascd, and did not regret attending. The tremendous and long continued applauie which followed the singing of the one American song, proved conclusively to us, however, where tho real taste and tippreciation of the audience la .